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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I viewed Mary Dowling's interview on You Tube. Mary Dowling was a waitress at "Dobbs House" restaurant in Oak Cliff during 1962 thru 1963. She worked alongside another Dobbs House waitress Mrs. Johnnie Maxie Witherspoon who admitted having a 2 year long affair with Officer J.D. Tippit. In that interview it was mentioned that Mrs. Witherspoon lived on the same street that J.D. Tippit was murdered on.
  2. Thank you all for posting. All I can do is speculate and express my own opinion regards the Hunt confession story. My gut feeling is that there are still at least some reasons ( if only a few) to not totally dismiss Hunt's JFKA story. Yes, we all know about Hunt's disinformation specialty background as well as David Phillips. He was also a wannabe Ian Fleming and he had trained himself to write Bond type spy books with exaggerated stories and characters. Those facts certainly affirm his ability and possibly an inclination to have made the whole confessional up. And Hunt was very money orientated in his mid-career days. He obviously liked the good life for himself and his family. The Country Club lifestyle. Large estates in the country. Cadillacs, cigars, private schools for his kids. He probably had his Bond type sexual dalliances in his travels. Hunt was clearly extremely financially stressed and desperate in his last invalid days. So it would make perfect sense that he wanted to get that one big last payday for his family before he died and needed to present Kevin Costner a great story to get it. All logical reasons to easily believe he made this guilty party JFKA story up. We all also know Hunt would lie his head off in the name of patriotic duty. G. Gordon Liddy same thing. Yet, there are some accounts mentioned by some in Hunt's circle that I believe collaborate at least a few aspects to his confessional story. Both Marita Lorenz and Frank Sturgis mention running guns to Texas and staying in safe houses on a Southern route days before the JFKA. Marita claims she dropped out of the group, sensing something too dangerous about it. Hunt mentions this traveling safe house scenario at the same time. He mentions only being a "bench warmer" for the group. There was movement of covert agents through the South ( at that time ) according to all three accounts stating this. As imaginative as E. Howard Hunt was in making up stories I still think his LBJ, Cord Meyer connection was too specific. Why throw Cord Meyer into the mix? Very few people ever heard of Cord Meyer before Hunt's story. Doug Caddy told us that Hunt also didn't personally like Cord Meyer. He had something less than flattering to say about Meyer upon Meyer's entrance to a private club Caddy and Hunt were dining at. I've read St. John Hunt's account of his very frictional and angry interaction with Kevin Costner when Costner came to get E. Hunt's story. St. John Hunt and his father were completely insulted by the pittance amount Costner offered for the story. I mean it was so cheap...I agree with dad and son when they felt it was insulting. It all blew up. Who do you believe in this tale? I think LBJ was so corrupt and ruthless, ordering or okaying murders was definitely possible on his end. Getting his protege Malcolm Wallace off of a jury reached murder conviction is just one true story that reveals his corruption in spades. I also believe LBJ's long time mistress regards her claim that LBJ "growled" into her ear the late night of 11,21,1963 that "after tomorrow those blankity-blank Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That's no threat, that's a promise." Was Hunt throwing in Cord Meyer in his guilty men JFKA story to get back at him for some reason? And the murder of Mary Meyer just adds another connecting thread to the Cord Meyer mystery. IMO, the Mary Meyer killing was a classic professional hit. One carried out in broad daylight along a public walk way yet in an area where there were no eyewitnesses. Washington Post editor Ben Bradley races to break into Mary Meyer's art studio within hours of her death and finds spectral James Jesus Angleton already there!? Both of them looking for Mary Meyer's dairy? PLEASE...
  3. No takers regards my E. Howard Hunt "Big Event" confessional question eh? Typical. No one wants to commit to it's integrity...let alone it's existence.
  4. What person goes to a car dealership, asked to test drive a car and then proceeds to drive like a "MAD MAN' while doing so? Especially if he or she is sober? Oswald may have driven around a residential neighborhood with Ruth Paine a few times. However, I doubt if she told him to go onto a freeway and "LET ER RIP!" Sounds like Lee H. wasn't ready for freeway driving. Surprised no one asked Ruthie more details about her driving lessons with Lee. How far did you let him drive? How fast? How did he do? Was he nervous or calm and confident driving? Did you let him go onto the freeway? Was he ready to take a DMV test and pass in your opinion? Very important questions.
  5. Do all here dismiss E. Howard Hunt's taped, near end-of-life confessional about his team's involvement in "The Big Event" including his "bench warmer" role and his placement of LBJ and Cord Meyer in the hierarchy of it's planning? If so, please explain why you do...and your thoughts as to why Hunt would propose and create such an earth-shaking confessional? If it was all a hoax...why would Hunt perpetrate it and state it on tape no less? And even include a diagram of hierarchy drawn by his own hand? That tape and it's accompanying diagram is universally treated as if it doesn't exist. Sorry, the tape and the diagram does exist. And the ignoring of that Hunt confessional reality impugns the integrity of those that do imo. Before the Hunt "Big Event" tape and diagram...how many JFKA researchers and writers ever included the name "Cord Meyer" in their possible "guilty men" scenario speculations? Hunt not only mentions Meyer but even offers his opinion as to Meyer's specific motive for wanting JFK killed. That of a jealous husband who lost his wife's affection to JFK. Was Hunt the first to offer this Cord Meyer involvement and motive story? Or, had someone before him presented this and in a published way?
  6. Why is the above application document completely filled out but not signed by Oswald? Looks like Lee printed his name at the top and filled in the boxes answering every question. Where was this document found? At Ruth Paine's residence? Or at Oswald's North Beckley room? He listed his residency address as "Irving, Texas." Was Ruth Paine ever asked how Oswald did in his 4 driving practice runs with her and her car? Was Ruth Paine's car a stick shift? Or an automatic? Question for Michael Crane: Do you think Lee Oswald could have been the customer that car salesman Al Bogard described as test driving one of his cars and driving like a wild man on the highway while doing so?
  7. Why would Lee put off getting a license and a car for such a long time and instead go through the humiliation of depending on others to drive him and his family around so much? 4 times hundreds of miles from Dallas to New Orleans and back again?
  8. Young Lee Oswald moved around so much as a child through adolescence ( you don't keep a car easily at hand in that type of unstable situation ) and his barely making ends meet mother didn't sound as if she had a car much of the time. And even when she did, I could imagine LHO's mean, bossy and impatient mother being the worst person you'd want to have show you the ropes. Give it some gas...no, let it off, hit the brakes! Watch out! Turn left, turn right, HARDER, OH NO...you just ran over a curb Lee ...YOU IDIOT! Lee didn't have a father to give him beginners lessons. His much older brothers Robert and John Pic weren't around to do so either. Ruth Paine did however, testify that she gave Lee Oswald driving lessons several times using her car in 1963. I remember friends of mine who got cars at an early age and would let me drive a block or two myself at times. Amazing how easy and relaxed it was to have friends your own age show you how to do things like drive a car. Or brothers close to you doing the same thing. Oswald had nothing like that going for him. We also had mandatory "Drivers Education" classes in our high school. I doubt they had those in Lee's time. And there was never enough money in Lee's world to even think about buying a car...even an old junker. You really didn't need a car in the 1950's enlisted man Marines. Stationed overseas they had their own transportation to and from wherever they needed to go. And where would you park a car if you bought one? Right outside your barracks housing? The longer one waits to get a license and do drivers training the anxiety level is higher imo. When you are a teenager ( especially boys ) I think most have less fear of trying new things like driving a car. An extension of riding and racing bicycles maybe? Lee missed the boat in that regards. I believe he had more fear of driving than what has been speculated. And Lee didn't drive in Minsk at all did he? It's sad that Lee was saddled with that handicap which burdened him and his family to be so dependent on others to help them in that way. Taking city buses and Greyhound buses get's old, inconveniencing and even embarrassing, especially when you have a wife and infant children in tow. This handicap of Oswald's was a huge burdening problem for him and his young family. It put enormous strain on his marriage. Just think how much better his family life would have been if they were free to come and go anywhere they wanted and didn't have to be dependent on the White Russians and Ruth Paine like they were? And the car shopper customer of Dallas car salesman Al Bogard who took Bogard for a wild 80 MPH Daytona 500 race track test drive just two weeks before 11,22,1963 could not have been Oswald. If Bogard's story was true...that episode proves Oswald was being impersonated.
  9. Thought provoking read GD. Lots of curiously interesting information I was never aware of. Is there an official entry into the DPD records stating a car was discovered running with it's keys in the ignition ( but no driver ) in the alley way behind the Texas Theater as the police were swarming that area? If so ...now THAT's suspicious. Curtis Craford ... what can one say about that odd character? Vagabond circus carny extraordinaire. Right there with Ruby for weeks before and right through the JFKA and then his ridiculously explained getting the hell out of Dodge run to the nearest freeway on-ramp with only $7.50 from the Carousel till, one bag and a light coat to begin his 1,250 mile hitchhiking journey to his sister's house in Michigan in the freezing cold upper Midwest late fall weather? Burt Griffin and everyone else on the Warren Commission had no choice but to consider Craford and his preposterous hitchhiking story with extreme suspicion. If you read Craford's Warren Commission account of his spur of the moment impulsive no notice run away from his job at the Carousel and Jack Ruby and his amazingly colorful hitchhiking tale with obviously made up characters who supposedly picked him up and befriended him along the way you can't help but laugh at the ballsy brazenness of it all. With no bathing or changing of clothes for 3 days and sweatingly walking miles at times in the day and night along country roads in the middle of nowhere between ride pick-ups...Craford must have looked and smelled like h*** when he finally arrived at his sister's house near the Canadian border and greeted her with his toothless grin. She must have thought...oh boy...look what the cat dragged in. My wandering, toothless brother. Road dust dirty, stinky ... and broke as usual. Come on in Curtis. I'll make you some coffee and a piece of pie while you get yourself a bath so we can talk without gaggin'. Craford may not have been a "Rosetta Stone" in the case...but he was surely more than just a dumb as a rock simpleton in it ... imo anyways.
  10. I just went onto the political discussion board to post some of my own current political views. I know this is the right thing to do versus pulling the main topic away from the JFKA debate discussion one here on this esteemed forum. But MAN...it's sure hard to control the urge to vent about the incredibly volatile chaos political scene all around us now-a-days wherever we might think we could have an audience of more than one or two.
  11. Fox News co-host of the "Five", "Dana Perino" came right out yesterday and publicly stated on this show what everyone knows is the hope for and support of RFK Jr.'s presidential run candidacy by the Republicans next year. Perino: "He ( RFK Jr. ) should run as a 3rd party candidate." Her fawning over RFK's Jr.s viability in this role revealed what the Republican's truly hope will happen. Thinking RFK Jr. could do to the Democrats next year what Ross Perot did to George H.W. Bush in the 1992 presidential election. Perot garnered 19.2 % of the votes in that election. Pulling away many more Republican voters than Democratic party ones. Perot's candidacy created a plurality only win for Bill Clinton. RFK Jr. must know that a 3rd party candidacy run by him next November will guarantee a Republican victory in 2024 with the same vote pulling mathematical model that framed the 1992 Presidential election voting results. Everyone knows this will be the results. RFK Jr. already looks like he could easily pull 10 million votes if he runs as a third party. And he is also clearly framing himself as an alternative to a two party candidate choice election. And RFK Jr.s stating he won't support the Democratic candidate next year if it isn't him is just as ominous as his possible third party candidacy run regards likely dooming the Democratic party to losing this election. What is RFK Jr. really trying to do with his candidacy that can only hurt the Democratic party next November? Trump praising RFK Jr. makes RFK Jr. proud? As Dallas/Oak Cliff used car salesman Ted Callaway shouted to a supposed Lee Harvey Oswald running from the J.D.Tippet shooting scene a block away from him around 1:PM on 11,22,1963, ... " Hey man, what the hell is going on?"
  12. Today's right constantly calls those who criticize them and their leader " traitors, thugs, commies, whackos, unpatriotic police and military haters, criminals..." Demonizing them to their followers to the same point JFK haters felt. So if they die ( like JFK ) they may even celebrate. Hang Mike Pence. Kill Nancy Pelosi. Lock em up.
  13. Please view the Chet Huntley video above. His commentary ( brief as it was ) is one of the most profoundly insightful ones I've ever heard regards the state of our society in 1963 and how the killing of JFK was a product of this climate of hate that was so starkly pervasive throughout our society at that time. I disagree with one point in his summation. The national hate he described was not equally shared by the political ideology "left" as it was the right in those days. And ominously, his "hate" warning commentary sounds exactly like the political state of our society today! And again, it is not the "left" that is guilty of the most aggressive hate rhetoric versus the right. "Hang Mike Pence!" " Kill Nancy Pelosi!" "Violently attack the Capital Building while our entire Congress is inside!" "If you don't fight like hell you won't have a country anymore!" Elected officials warning of retribution ( even violence ) if their guy is prosecuted? Death threats against Democrats and anyone criticizing Trump. Death threats against witnesses testifying against Trump. Even if they are Republicans.
  14. Sounds like your government needs a wake up call to bring your national health care system back to where it was decades ago. Efficient, adequate, well funded. Letting your system get to the neglected point you describe is on them. I don't know anything about Canadian affairs but I must ask....is there a concerted effort by nefarious groups to undermine your national health care system? Obviously for reasons of financial gain? To which monetary influence over government officials could be suspected?
  15. Just viewed a video of a shirtless RFK Jr. doing pushups and flexing his pecs. RFK Jr Shirtless Push-ups Makes Some Internet Users Hot - The … Web21 hours ago · Posted on Jun 26, 2023 A shirtless, be-denimed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is all over Twitter, trying to prove he is fit to be the next president. The 2024 Democratic … 2:00
  16. B.W. Frazier was just 19 years old when he was thrust right into the middle of this earth shaking hurricane event. He himself was picked up just hours after the shooting of JFK and taken to police headquarters and treated aggressively as a possible co-conspiring suspect! Imagine the mind set of this young man during that shocking and even scary whirlwind ordeal day? After being aggressively picked up and brought to DPD headquarters, Will Fritz himself tried to get Buell F. to sign some type of confession document that Frazier instinctively sensed was not a good idea. He refused to sign it. A raging, red faced Fritz then pulled his arm and hand back as if to slap Frazier's face which brought out a surprising courage in Frazier to tell Fritz ... " I know there's some policemens outside that door, but before they comes in if you hit me we's gonna have one hell of a fight and I'm going to get some good licks on you!" Wow ... tell em Buell! Fritz backed off. Just hours earlier before Fritz's red faced rage and fist raised threat this 19 year old self-described country boy witnessed the president of the United States being shot and killed just a couple hundred feet from him! Just hours after that Frazier was visiting a sick relative ( his stepfather ) in a local hospital. And right in the hospital as Frazier was visiting his step-father he then gets roughly confronted, frisked and arrested by DPD detectives Rose and Stoval and driven first to his sister's home in Irvine and then to the Dallas Police department where he detained and interrogated into the late hours of the night. I could imagine young Buell Frazier thinking ..." Golly, what in tarnation is going on here?" He was held for hours and exhaustively questioned until late in the evening by hostile, worked up police ( he almost got his face slapped ) who tried to get him to confess to some sinister involvement in the JFKA! Was Frazier ever offered any legal assistance during that aggressive marathon interrogation? Frazier always came across to me as something more than a poor country raised boy, sleeping on a couch at his sister's house, driving an inexpensive used car whose battery would often fail, and who was simply trying to get his life going through a minimum wage job in the big city which he gave his all to. He exuded a simple unsophisticated honesty imo. Frasier also seemed to be a sincerely kind and generous young man and treated Oswald with a thoughtful respect in their time together. Didn't ask him too many questions or pressure him to speak at all. "When Oswald needed to ride with BWF to Ruth Paine's home on Fridays and back to work on Monday mornings, young, kind, innocent Buell didn't hesitate to accommodate him. Saying "you can ride with me anytime Lee." And never once did this young man ever ask Lee for even a nickel to help with gas as it was a 15 mile trip each way from the Paine home to the Texas School Book Depository building. I hope Frazier has made some income for his sharing of his place in history as innocent and happenstance as it was. If this young country boy hadn't been so kind, generous and easy going friendly with Lee Oswald...he wouldn't have been a part of the Oswald story. Surprised a major folk song writer never came out with one about Frazier and his serendipitous place in such a hugely important yet tragic part of our history. Some Bob Dylan type ditty. Sung to the tune of John Wesley Harding: Buell Wesley Frazier was a friend to all. He worked with a clipboard in his hand All through his work place he opened a-many a door And he was never known to let down a needing man 'Twas down in Dallas County, a time they talk about With his sister by his side he took a stand And soon the situation there was all but straightened out For he was always known to lend a helping hand All across the news wires his name, it did resound But no charge held against him could they prove And there was no man around, who could break or slap him down Not even Captain Fritz ... for this honest country boy could not be moved. 2:59NOW PLAYING Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding (Official Audio)
  17. Robert Kennedy was much easier to get as far as his core ideological beliefs and goals than RFK Jr. imo. We knew in spades that he considered Organized Crime in the United States a much more powerful, influential and dangerous threat to our society than the average American could even imagine. His book "The Enemy Within" detailing this threat was a wake up call he felt the American people needed to hear and heed. He took on Organized Crime like no top American leader had ever done. He went after Sam Giancana. He went after Carlos Marcello. He went after Jimmy Hoffa. And RFK took on J. Edgar Hoover who until RFK became AG really didn't go after OG ... for who knows what reasons. RFK was a pit bull in that fight arena. Fearless. JFK himself wasn't near as committed. JFK even enjoyed some perks from some mob people, at least in regards to Judith Campell Exner. I also think RFK was clearer about his stance on race relations and the disparity of wealth versus poverty that was just as real in the early 60's as it is today. RFK certainly also shared his brother's mistrust over the beyond mandate power accumulation of the intelligence agencies by 1962 that had reached constitutional balance of power threat levels. RFK also hated LBJ and knew what a ruthless and corrupt person he really was. Include in that LBJ and Hoover's "like brothers" nefarious bond. Speaking of our "free market" system, imo it is one that needs constant and serious vigilance in oversite that the corporate elite are constantly trying to undermine and weaken. Too often we fail in that responsibility. The term "free market" is one that is constantly manipulated to grossly perverted degrees whenever it is needed to justify the gains of the wealthiest minority class at the losing expense of the rest of society. In that context, this corporate wealthy class benefitting free market system has brought us to the following state of societal stresses: Basic need costs in this country have exploded to levels that are so insanely high they are financially stressing half our citizenry to unprecedented degrees. Full time jobs don't even pay the rent now. 50 years ago the government advised Americans that 1/3rd of their incomes should go for housing. Now, for over 50% of Americans, rent takes 100% of their one full time job take home pay! Here are the incomes needed to rent a 2 bedroom "apartment" in the highest rent areas of California: KRON San Francisco Follow This California county is most expensive in U.S. for renters, and it’s not SF Story by Amy Larson • Yesterday 5:10 PM IN THIS ARTICLE Hourly wage necessary to afford a two-bedroom apartment Santa Cruz – $63.33 San Francisco – $61.31 San Jose and Sunnyvale and Santa Clara – $56.56 Oakland and Fremont – $46.25 Napa – $45.92 Santa Rosa – $43.31 Vallejo – $37.75 Annual income necessary to afford a two-bedroom apartment Santa Cruz – $131,720 San Francisco – $127,520 San Jose and Sunnyvale and Santa Clara – $117,640 Oakland and Fremont – $96,200 Napa – $95,520 Santa Rosa – $90,080 Vallejo and Fairfield – $78,520 And throw in highest ever gas prices, food prices, health care, car care, you name it...it's out of control ( and it's been this way for over 20 years ) and the fact is this minority wealthy class benefitting "Free Market" price gouging is so crushing...millions ( tens of millions) of young Americans are holding off on marriage, having children, you name it. This is fact. We've never seen such a society changing dynamic like this in my 70 year long lifetime. Young people with 4 year college degrees can't make it on their own anymore. Throw in growing homeless populations. And yet, when the hyper-inflated nationwide mortgage pyramid scam collapsed during George Bush's second term...the corporate elite ran to Obama and demanded "too big to fail" bailouts to cover their losses. A massive corporate welfare bail out...and they got it! That unprecedented massive corporate welfare give away was "the opposite" of the "Free Market" economic model precepts the wealthy class always cry out we must have to keep our nation economically safe and vibrant. RFK Jr. is a good America caring person imo. Yet, I hope someone else becomes the Democratic party candidate. And I pray RFK Jr. doesn't turn to a third party candidacy. Doing so will guarantee the Republicans a victory in 2024.
  18. I've read that this non-recording, non-transcribing MO of Fritz's was well known as his personal interrogation "style." Doing so opens the door to incredible abuses by a suspect's interrogators. Sounds so constitutional rights violating it's sickening. If there was one criminal suspect in the history of not just the Dallas police department but every police agency in the nation whose interrogation should have been totally recorded and transcribed, it would have been Lee Harvey Oswald. The most important criminal suspect ( by a long mile ) in American history. If the FBI were interrogating Oswald by themselves, you could be sure they would have had every word Oswald spoke on tape. When Oswald was speaking to his wife Marina and later his brother Robert in the jail speaking booth...wasn't every word recorded by a tape recorder then? If not, just another DPD action so illogically negligent and unprofessional that it screamed suspicion. I wonder what poor suspects got the backhand threat treatment by Fritz before Frazier. I'm sure this wasn't the first time Fritz lost his temper in interrogations.
  19. When Fritz raised his arm and hand to strike Frazier, Frazier bravely warned Fritz...If you hit me "We's gonna have one hell of a fight!" Red faced Fritz backed down and stormed out of the room. Frazier showed he had the courage to fight if he needed too. Even if it was with a Captain! Frazier was only 19 years old!
  20. 20:24NOW PLAYING Buell Wesley Frazier demonstrates Lee Oswald's brown paper bag to Tom. Tom Meros 24K views8 years
  21. Just days before 11,22,1963 didn't Roy Truly himself bring in a high powered rifle or two to show off to his employee buddies? Hey Bill Shelley...check this baby out! Texas Rifle Club Depository Building.
  22. Kind of says it all doesn't it? A 34 inch long package laid sideways on the back seat of Frazier's car would have covered over half the length of the seat...no?
  23. Sounds like the whole corrupt mess is about to explode! Scary scenario indeed.
  24. Was Kilduff ever asked to verify or deny his JFK Viet Nam conversation quotes stated above?
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