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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. These BYP pictures which Pat Speer surmises may have been taken to show Oswald as some type of Marxist revolutionary mercenary to impress who knows who...reminds me of one or two well known pictures of Frank Sturgis where he is brandishing about a pistol while dressed in Cuban jungle military attire, complete with a stylishly one-side-turned up safari hat. Same with David Ferry and Gerry Patrick Hemming. Tough guy just cause mercenary fighter trophy photos?
  2. My gosh MC...you are right! I never noticed the discrepancies you mention. Yet, they are there. Oswald's fingers on his left hand do definitely look longer than the ones of his right hand. The fingers on his right hand have shortened, square block ends. The fingers on his left hand seem longer and tapered down to less blockish ends. And is it true that rings showing in one photo do not appear in others? Why remove rings like that in between photos with the entire photo shoot only taking a few minutes? And was Oswald's Marine Corp ring ever worn and displayed? If so, wouldn't that be an incongruous ideological message to be sending to Marxist others?
  3. First impressions? Lee Oswald's head seems hugely overly large relative to his very small shoulder frame body. Weirdly so. Almost alien ET big. And Oswald also had a noticeably wider neck than most people. Was that possibly a thyroid deficiency thing? Why does Oswald always look older than his listed age? In this photo he is what...24, maybe even 23? If I saw Oswald on the street ( face mostly ) I would guess his age at 30. Oswald's rings and where he wore them have always been curious to me. In this photo I can see a ring on his right hand 4th finger. Not a common hand and finger wearing one. I assume he has at least one other ring on his left hand ( wedding band?) Why take such a provocative photo? How many people would ever think of taking a photo like this of themselves? Rifle in one hand. Communist Russia newspaper in the other. Pistol holstered and showing on his outside hip? Dressed all in black? Kind of a modern day "Have Gun Will Travel" Palladin, with a Marxist Russian twist? Only thing missing is a Russian military Ushanka hat. Was Oswald a fan of that iconic 1800's American West gunslinger television show? You have to wonder what Marina was thinking about this overly theatrical posing show. Most young fathers would probably want a picture of themselves holding their cute little girl...versus this rifle/pistol "gun for hire" get up. Marina was probably upset about the whole weird affair. Honey, we need food and clothes for Junie more than rifles and pistols and subscription fees for Russian newspapers. Don't you think? And was Oswald so dumb, that he would have pictures of him taken that are more incriminating than anything anyone could imagine, knowing that he was planning future violent actions like the Walker shooting and then JFK? You'd think he would have destroyed these photos, especially right after the Walker shoot out. These photos are graphic examples of the extremely illogical and nonsensical puzzle that Oswald's personal history was. The question is...was this whole crazy persona thing intentionally contrived?
  4. Having RFK Jr. enter the primaries and draw enough backing and votes to stay in the debates for at least a few months would definitely breathe new Main Stream Media life into the JFKA and RFKA stories. Yes, for me it is hard to listen to RFK Jr. speak. Not sure how this impaired vocal condition of his would play out in a primary debate realm.
  5. I wonder if Paul Gregory has ever seen the Walter Cronkite September, 1969 interview of LBJ? The one where LBJ himself says "I can't honestly say I've ever been completely relieved of the fact there might have been international connections." At the end of this interview hear LBJ also state "others who could have been involved." If LBJ himself is casting doubt on the final WC finding of a LN without conspirators...how in the world can Paul Gregory be certain of that conclusion? Lyndon Johnson interview with Walter Cronkite, … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5psrZmT0tY Lyndon Johnson interview with Walter Cronkite, September 1969
  6. There was more background information withheld on Jack Ruby by the FBI and other agencies than any other major player in the entire JFKA affair. Even when Seth Kantor's intrepid research revealed much of this hidden Ruby history information, the MSM purposely left it alone. What Seth Kantor discovered and published about Ruby was and always will be one of the most important foundational Keystone truth revealing aspects to the quick action removal of Lee Harvey Oswald by Ruby. The removal of the most important criminal suspect in American history. A living Lee Harvey Oswald was by far "the" best chance key America had in knowing the full truth about the JFKA. Jack Ruby single handedly destroyed that key. Thanks a lot ... "Sparky." Knowing the full background of Oswald's assassin is absolutely paramount in the entire scope of the JFKA truth. Thank you Seth Kantor for your valiant efforts to provide us with the full background truth regards Jack Ruby. Something our own government ( and MSM ) failed to do - purposely.
  7. So, Tom. Your thoughts on the photo of the stiff bearing man walking by the three tramps in Dealey Plaza? You're certain that is not General Edward Lansdale? Have you seen the Dealy Plaza "Rip Robertson" doppleganger photo?
  8. And don't forget Ruby's jail house meeting with the famous Dorothy Kilgallen. Whatever Ruby shared with Kilgallen, she came away from that meeting more charged up and determined than ever to "solve" the case. Ruby must have given her some really intriguing info. Made up...or not.
  10. The Ides Of March for Trump. TRUMP INDICTED! 15 days later than the traditional date...but still.... WOWEE WOW WOW!
  11. I am a tremendous admirer of Oliver Stone but not to the blindly loyal degree that I could never have any disagreeing takes on even one of his points of view. Obviously, I am not as informed as Stone...to a laughable degree. Yet, I still wonder if there are others in the JFKA research zietgeist who may have enough other knowledge of Lansdale to not dismiss him entirely in the affair. And regards the photo of the stiff bearing posture, blockish back of head shape and odd hand and arm swinging motion and ring bearing man walking past the tramps in Dealey Plaza...without more scientific proof I don't feel anyone can inarguably say it is or is not Lansdale. Digital and computer enhanced technology in human figure and motion identification has advanced to the point that I believe the best experts in that field "could identify" the Dealey Plaza man as Lansdale ( or not ) to a scientifically proven degree of certainty, greatly by comparing the Dealey Plaza photo to many other full body photos and perhaps videos of Lansdale. And same with the well known full facial photo of a man in Dealey Plaza while JFK is being driven by that bears a resemblance to "Rip Robertson" that is so look-a-like it is remarkable. Another prime photo piece worthy of the latest facial recognition technology study imo. There is also a picture of an E. Howard Hunt similarly built and dressed man walking up to the grassy knoll area from the open grass area across the street. We all do know that E. Howard Hunt wasn't having a Chinese restaurant lunch with his wife in the DC area right at the time of JFK's assassination.
  12. Thanks GD...but anyone can see I am not a good writer at all. Especially compared to the 50 great writers on this forum. Some with best selling books to their credit! McBride, Di Eugenio, etc. By the way, much of my Ruby/Oswald/Kantor postings are grounded in Jim Di Eugenio's excellent essay at his "Kennedys And King" site titled "The Ruby Connection." Highly recommend reading this as it is chock full of much, much more in-depth information regards Ruby and his connections to the Dallas Police Department, the Dallas District Attorney office ( especially assistant D.A. Bill Alexander) and organized crime, Lewis McWillie and related Cuban activities. Because Jack Ruby whacked Oswald and under the most suspiciously improbable circumstances one "has" to give him a lot of thought and scrutiny. If he hadn't performed that world shaking deed, he would just be a quirky, eccentric side show story as Seth Kantor described him. Ruby's ridiculously improbable access into that huge security presence DPD building basement right at that time of Oswald's almost wide-open presentation to the press crowd just feet away forces rational common sense thoughts of Ruby with major conspiracy consideration focus. Jack Ruby was involved with more than stripper pay complaints and beating the tar out of drunk Carousel customers who got out of hand with their loud crude yelling, pounding on the runway and grabbing at stripper's ankles. And we all now know for a fact that Ruby occasionally engaged with semi-big time Vegas and Havana Mafioso Lewis McWillie. Once even asked by McWillie to come down to Cuba where it's been reported that Ruby himself was tasked to visit Mafia Godfather Santos Trafficante in his Cuban jail with a message...or perhaps to pay off some official to secure Trafficante's release?
  13. I believe Ruby's illogical long stay at the DMN offices that entire morning until after JFK was shot was probably a planned effort on Ruby's part to provide him with an air-tight eye-witness proven, away from the scene of the crime location and actions alibi during the entire JFK motorcade and murder time frame. Juror Rose similarly expressed his feeling that Ruby's long stay at the DMN offices that big event day was just too illogical for it not to be highly suspicious in his mind. Juror Rose stated his common sense thought that if Ruby loved JFK ( and especially Jackie Kennedy ) as much as Ruby and a few of his close acquaintances said he did, that he would have wanted to see them in the flesh and not hole up in some business offices instead. Ruby could have done his ad business in one half hour's time. He could even have done it over the phone! The DMN employees must have thought, why is this overly talkative eccentric strip joint owner guy hanging around here jabbering for hours! We've got work to do.
  14. Living History interviewer asked Jack Ruby trial juror J. Waymon Rose..."what was Ruby's demeanor, his facial expressions during the trial?" Rose " He was stoic, almost a statue...almost a robot" the entire time. Hot headed Jack Ruby, like " a statue ", "a robot" emotionally for 10 days from March 4th thru the 14th? You have to wonder if they didn't inject highly emotional Ruby with sedative shots every day?
  15. Ruby didn't like crowds? Like major boxing event, ice skating rink, state fair and Dallas PD Oswald parading around ones? Let alone his own packed Carousel Club ones with ocassional MC duties there?
  16. Kantor never got the full respect and appreciation recognition he deserved imo.
  17. I highly recommend reading this entire fascinating thread ( originally posted by John Simkin ) regards Seth Kantor.
  18. Thank you K.K. Lane. It is SO OBVIOUS that Kantor was telling the WC the truth about Ruby's presence at Parkland hospital around 1:30 PM the day of 11,22,1963. Kantor's professional and personal credibility was provenly very high and strong. Compared to Jack Ruby's ... stellar. The question is...why? Why would the WC in their final report claim highly credible, respected and experienced and mentally stable journalist Seth Kantor was mistaken ( through some over-worked up mental state? ) about meeting Ruby at Parkland that afternoon...and emotionally and mentally damaged ( and Mafia connected if even occasional - Lewis McWillie ) Jack Ruby wasn't? In my opinion, because Ruby's presence at Parkland would open up enormously suspicious contradictions in Ruby's account of his full actions that afternoon and in the least expose his blatantly ly*** about them.
  19. Thank you Bob Ness. Kantor was stating his meet up with Ruby at Parkland around 1:30 pm on 11,22,1963 in official affidavits starting just 10 days after Ruby shot Oswald. How could the Warren Commission think they could get away with their illogical discrediting attempt of highly respected Scripps Howard journalist Kantor and his Ruby meet up at Parkland statements like they did? There must have been great panic on their part regards Ruby being at Parkland when Kantor stated he ( Ruby) was there. And as far as pictures of Ruby at Parkland...I don't recall hardly any pics of people once they entered the ER area and other parts of the hospital...do you? Don't recall seeing any of Kantor there. I am sure security clamped down extremely hard on any reporters who may have breached the inner corridors and were trying to take pictures.
  20. I strongly recommend reading Seth Kantor's Warren Commission testimony to anyone here who may want to know more about the Parkland hospital meet up of Kantor and Jack Ruby the afternoon of 11,22,1963. Kantor himself was a very interesting person and a respected Scripps/Howard reporter who was "right there on scene" in all the most dramatic and important events of that weekend involving JFK and Jack Ruby. Kantor was in the Dallas presidential motorcade while the assassination of JFK occurred. Kantor was in the DPD room when Dallas D.A. Henry Wade gave his first press conference there. The same room that Jack Ruby was in and where he ( Ruby ) gave an impromptu correction shout-out to Wade. Kantor was in the Dallas Police Department parking garage when Ruby shot Oswald - just feet away! Kantor even interviewed Ruth Paine in her home just 10 days or so after 11,22,1963! Kantor was interviewed by the controversial background FBI agent Vincent Drain whom Kantor personally knew. Kantor was one of the most well versed and well spoken WC testimonial interviewees. His entire testimony was extremely coherent and his manner extremely professional, calm, thorough and respectful to his questioners Burt W. Griffin and Leon D. Hubert Jr. In my opinion Kantor's interviewers were trying very hard to find something ( anything ) they could to try to weaken the credibility of Kantor's claim that he ( Kantor ) actually met Jack Ruby at Parkland and engaged him in conversation while JFK was being treated there. Yet, they failed. Kantor even reported his meeting Ruby at Parkland that day in a widely distributed Scripps/Howard news article he wrote just a few days after 11,22,1963. Another fascinating side story Kantor mentioned in his WC testimony was witnessing the later famous national news reporter Ike Pappas witnessing Jack Ruby approach Wade personally ( and whom Ruby engaged in conversation with ) right after Wade's late night news conference and Pappas remarking to Wade how it looked to him (Pappas) that he (Wade) knew Jack Ruby. Kantor's WC questioners seemed fixated on trying to find something to trip up Kantor regards his report of meeting Ruby at Parkland the afternoon of 11,22,1963. An effort which produced not one bit of credibility questioning validity at all. Kantor, like the professional journalist he was, kept thorough notes. Kantor also kept his calm, professional manner cool the entire WC interview time. I sensed both of Kantor's WC questioners were frustrated in their failed effort to find something to shake Kantor's Parkland hospital Jack Ruby meet up account. The Kantor WC testimony account is one of my favorites. The man was "right there" in all the most dramatic Dallas event happenings that entire weekend. And his recounting of them are a fascinating, well spoken read.
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