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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Still unsure about who killed JFK after 60 years?

    Isn't that a totally sad and disheartening reality?That after 6 decades, hundreds if not thousands of long lifetime deep research efforts, books and hundreds of thousands of documents and two more seriously funded federal government investigations most of us are as unsure about who did JFK as we were the day after it's occurrence?

    To a degree it makes one seriously consider whether all this time and effort in the JFKA truth and justice mission has been a failure.
    And to add more weight to that failure...
    is the reality that whoever did JFK got away with it!
    That they were left to remain in their highest positions of power and influence.
    JFK's killers won. The American people lost.
    After 60 years ... is it time to admit and accept this reality?
  2. If you had shouted to your parents at the time..."IT'S A COVERUP" I would have believed it even at that young age!
  3. Well, what is your take on Ruby and his access story today? Do you believe he was assisted by others?
  4. I read that O'Reilly got a million dollar advance for his generic resource "Killing Kennedy" book. True? Talk about easy money.
  5. Thank you Denny for taking considerable time and effort to breakdown and list Roth's book and other's research sources. Gives one a real heads up on the documentation credibility meat of his book, without having to buy it on blind faith.
  6. These 4 fellows claim they are the top body language analysts in America if not the world. They do have serious credentials ( books published - long term military service in this field, etc ) worth considering their claims. However, I know nothing more than that...and I do request uh, someone to come forward to provide me some uh, legal assistance. Note that they are all in agreement regards a very incriminating take on Oswald and his guilt. And they also seem to be close long time friends. Wonder what 4 randomly picked body language experts who aren't so closely connected on a personal "buddy-buddy" basis would say about Oswald? They conclude that LHO is constantly lying his a$$ off and is holding back much more incriminating evidence and knowledge. I posted this link not because I agree ( or disagree ) with their assessments and even their motives in publicly promoting themselves and their mutual super indicting take on LHO. I just found their presentation context interesting. They are on You Tube doing body language assessments of other famous persons. Ghislaine Maxwell for one. Would like to see them do a Donald Trump body language assessment. And, I would love to ask them to do an assessment of LBJ in his interview with Walter Cronkite. The interview where LBJ admits " we can't be absolutely sure...others may have been involved" regards Oswald shooting JFK.
  7. Interesting, Lee Harvey Oswald: Rare Footage Body Language Analysis 196K views1 year ago
  8. I can imagine the dinner table conversations this young man and his family engaged in.
  9. You were just a sweet, innocent little babe in arms. Did your parents see the event? Did they ever talk about it...ever?
  10. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. When you got to the Oswald murder by Jack Ruby event, did you ever state "your personal opinion take" about whether Jack Ruby acted alone and on deep emotional grief impulse and just got lucky scampering down into and to the front of the DPD basement press line? Or did you express to your audience a more conspiracy leaning view point?
  11. I have pondered the same thoughts BC. I believe Oswald truly loved his baby Junie. And he seemed quite protective over her. He also became a father again with the birth of his second daughter just days before 11,22,1963. If LHO did the deeds - Tippit and JFK...it would suggest he crossed a mental line. A suicidal one. A mental state so desperate and delusional it blinded out his love for his children.
  12. 15...wow. An old timer compared to us young-uns. Like I have said many times...the full psyche and emotional effect of the Oswald killing in the minds of millions of Americans is a subject never adequately explored and expanded upon in the literary world in my (admittedly poor) studied opinion.
  13. Mark...it was a powerful emotion event, wasn't it? It created serious suspicion in the minds of millions of Americans and I'm sure millions of people in the rest of the world.
  14. Doug, I would love to read your thoughts about the Oswald killing when you first saw it. Did you ever have any conversations about it with your historically important friends like E. Howard Hunt. Or the high ranking police officers you knew in Washington DC or New York City?
  15. I think that thought mentioned by your parents was by far the most commonly felt and shared one.
  16. How about we move on from Tucker Carlson altogether? His credibility factor has been diminished to Trump defending propaganda hack level and he is one of the most divisive figures in American media. I say to those of the JFKA research community who are looking for a well known media figure to champion as their crusader and to promote their agenda... how about someone less controversial and more trusted in the objective truth news reporting department? Bill Maher? Chris Hayes? Chris Como? Liz Chaney is available.
  17. IMO...there are NO hidden JFKA files that would ever seriously diminish the power of or threaten the very existence of the CIA. They have been destroyed. Why so many here keep thinking otherwise irritates my sense of trusting belief in others who should know this.
  18. Read this Tucker Carlson defenders: Tucker Carlson Says Jan. 6 Is ‘Second Only to the 2020 Election as the Biggest Scam in My Lifetime’ Story by Michael Luciano • 13h ago So much for trying to portray Carlson as some objective, non-Trump biased, news truth reporting commentator.
  19. I was just sharing my doing so with another member who told me they also watched Ruby whacking Oswald on live TV the morning of 11, 24, 1963. Although millions of Americans did watch that incident on live national TV ( with a far greater number seeing it replayed later ) I am sure at least half or more have passed on by now. I am also sure that those who watched the killing on live TV had a visceral feeling and reaction that was much more powerful and powerfully effecting than those that didn't. Oswald's murder was reshown a thousand times over in the days after. Yet, still, seeing this murder live as it happened sets apart the viewers in interesting ways. I suppose like those in Dealey Plaza who watched JFK's head explode right in front of them? Not quite as powerfully shocking and effecting but still similar in instantaneously altering world reality perceptions. And in dark suspicion thought feeding ways. Watching Ruby blow a hole into Oswald's gut was a great trauma to America, and especially those who viewed it live. And like any violent action trauma, it caused much psychic and emotional distress. To millions in one second at the same time. Our entire society at that time. I've described what I saw, felt and did watching Ruby shoot Oswald on live TV many times. I was 12 years old. My entire young body involuntarily leaped from a laying down position on my bed to a full standing one in one motion. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. I was by myself. And, again without conscious thought, I just started shouting ... "NO WAY - NO WAY - NO WAY " over and over ! The killing was so improbable right inside the DPD's own building I instantly felt great dark suspicion about it all. Still to this day, I consider my experience of watching Ruby kill Oswald live on national TV right in front of my own eyes that morning the most government power reality perception changing event in my life. Could those forum members here ( and visitors as well ) who also watched the live broadcast of Ruby whacking Oswald on national TV on 11/24/1963 please state so? One sentence would do. I'm just really curious what percentage of the forum had this unique experience. And your reaction when it happened? Those of us who watched the event live on TV that day are part of a special yet ever shrinking club imo. Maybe we should create an honorary medal or ribbon of some sort to wear to future JFKA events? I was there baby!
  20. Sure sounds like a worthy read imo. Every JFKA truth caring and seeking person pieces together research findings in their own way. It's the only rational process one has to satisfy their own sense of true reality and truth. I am curious about this author's multiple source drawn assemblage. Just here on this forum I have drawn much of my JFKA truth take from our own members and much from their general ( although much more too ) focus areas: Joseph McBride -Tippit and the media cover up. Jim Di - JFK's foreign policy and Jim Garrison. Vince Palamara - The SS. And so many others. Throw in past researchers Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and again, so many others. We know them all. Even Seth Kantor regards Jack Ruby. Testimony of hundreds in the WC hearings and the later JFKA hearings. Too many book titles "Killing Kennedy" ? That's for sure.
  21. Deep research findings and postulations directly focused on the JFKA are the main foundation essence of the forum imo. Debates over their contents and credibility get super heated at times. It's those critical examination skirmishes however that test their mettle especially when offered by equally intelligent and well researched JFKA academics. I find those debates not only stimulating but informative. Too bad the "56 years" thread got too over-heated and personal. Often times I also found it's postings stimulating and informative and it's posters very intelligent and thoughtful. I have had mixed feelings about it's JFKA relevance validity sometimes yet still felt that the state of the world and our current national political scene in general can't totally be dismissed as not having at least some connection to JFK times and the assassination itself. Still, I'm going back to the more JFKA focused threads for now. My main forum interest roots if you will.
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