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Michael Clark

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Everything posted by Michael Clark

  1. What Part of her story is ""Boloney"? ---------------- Jom Di Eugenio wrote; ----------- Michael: The whole John Liggett story is a pile of baloney. There was a lawsuit over this. My sources say that Billy Sol Estes had a role in beginning it. That should tell you something. Nigel Turner was never a good guy for our side. Remember the whole Christian David story? Which did not pan out to say the least. Boy, when you go to work on this site, you alter about six threads and bring things up from eons ago. -------------- lois Liggett speaks near the end of this video
  2. And, to be sure, this thread was incomplete without Lois Speaking her story. And I might as well link to where this fits in-to my spidery-legged CT.
  3. Lois ligget's words speak for themselves. Lawsuits are meaningless, especially when it is not explained why a suit was raised, with no mention of who it was against, who brought it, or what it's disposition was. It's a nothing burger without more info. The words of Lois Liggett are, and will always be, the words of Lois Liggett. I am unaware of the Christian David story. I haven't altered anything Jim. I've been told that my bumping has annoyed.... If I raise an old thread it is to keep other threads on-topic, or otherwise worthwhile. Edit**** my above response to Jim was inadequate, so I created a proper response here....
  4. Thanks Jim, yet, I was fishing, from EF member Daniel Mayer, a NOLA resident, for some info on Frenchy. He was the same age as Oswald and a gangster from NOLA. I am baffled as to how he receives no mention in the JFKA. Daniel is a musician. French's murderer was a musician. Daniel may have some information. It may be a new Lead.
  5. Lois Ligget is very credible in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" part 7 (towards the end). Her children are interviewed in this video and may very well still be alive.
  6. Quoting in case Daniel receives forum notifications.
  7. Hey Daniel, did, or does, the subject of Kent "Frenchy" Brouillette come-up in discussions about the JFKA?
  8. That is great information Jim, thanks.
  9. At the end of the Danielle's film, am I seeing the Wounded Running Guy being tended-to by a woman and a man?
  10. I don't believe that they were there, merely because her father was imprisoned in Cuba, basically out of the blue, to ask for money.
  11. Bump, because another thread is going off-topic
  12. Unfortunately, it's not old-school stuff. Corruption leads to more serious criminality. I'd like to think I wouldn't do such things to save my skin, but I know that stating that I would not do it is meaningless until I've been tested. There is no way to avoid the slippery-slope to sadism and evil unless one disavows corruption personally and speaks-out and acts when one sees it.
  13. "Sen. John McCain returned to the Senate and a standing ovation from his colleagues Tuesday, urging Republicans to return to "regular order," work with Democrats, be independent from the executive branch, and get something done." (bold is mine) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/mccain-gives-first-remarks-since-returning-to-the-senate/
  14. I shared that link here when Doug Caddy had posted it in another forum. The Nosenko story is mostly, as Jim pointed-out, just sickening. In isolation the Nosenko story, I agree, is enigmatic. In my pet CT, however, where Angleton was unaware of and not a participant in the Dallas hit, it makes more sense.
  15. I am not giving him any credit, to be sure; he has some savvy players around him.... Bannon?
  16. If he needs leverage, he could have someone sorting through the docs for dirt. He may be concerned that he might not be able to make it to October. I think any President would want to have someone looking at what is scheduled for release. Any President would, I think, be obligated to have it all gone-over because they would be held responsible.
  17. If there is no exact time stamp, that would point away from a legit tap by an Irving Police assigned telco cop working legally with the phone company. I wonder if an Irving to Ft. Worth call was a toll call at the time.
  18. I asked myself that question. Perhaps Trump it twisting arms, tweaking nipples, threatening this or that entity or person?
  19. Hello Trygve, It has been a while since you have posted here but I figured I would try to reach you. Your YouTube channel does not appear to be accessible anymore, at least through links on this site. And fotopics is now gone so that link does not work. Do you have any new links that one can follow to access your material?



    1. Trygve V. Jensen

      Trygve V. Jensen

      Hi......Michael , ---- time certaintly flies!

      Can't believe it is more than 10 years ago I made my Youtube-channel. 

      It has been neglected to say the least. The videos are more than 10! years old,- and it was a different time then. As far as I can remember,- I only made public footage, - which at that time I had yet to see on Youtube or anywhere online.

      Some of the videos have sadly been removed, as far as I can tell,- but many are still there. I still get comments all the time ( I now discovered). 

      I am so rusty myself now at this subject, compared to then -- - and Youtube is a different world now. I logged in the other day,- and for all I know --  it is low numbers,.- but for me it was quite astounding that such a neglected channel (do not think I have done anything on it since 2010 or somewhere around there) - has 3.5 million views and 1224 subscribers (who haven't gotten anything in all these years). 

      Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/10Garmonbozia01

      Yes the collection of photos are gone as that link is deactivated. I have everything on an old harddisk. As far as I can remember, - it was quite a lot. It is so old - I have to obtain an (think it is called an IDE-cable) to transfer the data. 

      I studied the assassination to a manic degree,- communicated with people all over the world, including Gary Mack, - and it now feels like time has made 99% of what I remember unacessible. In retrospect it is quite intriguing to reflect on it now,- all the theories, the fantastic people I "met" - - both here and across the globe ,- - through the internet. 

      The one thing that made me start thinking again, - was I remember I had a quite determined , but of course only speculatingly in a not so serious way (I am Norwegian,- I have no idea when I mistype English :-) ) --- impression - that a crucial evidence of the origin of the headshot is visible in plain sight in the Moorman photo. (Only in high resolution) Was it Richard Trask his name was? ( who published book with some fantastic images). As far as I can remember - I never told anyone,- but my memory is not to be trusted 100%,- and in this unique historical event,- I guess perhaps by now, -- all possible theories that can emerge,- have emerged by now. It is of course not the well known theory that one can see someone behind the fence. The difficulties were angles,- so I did not study it in depth. The idea was that the "evidence" was quite visible looking at the President's head, especially when brightened a tad - and the angle of the deformation that had started as Moorman pushed the camerabutton/trigger. The "crater" (inverted bulge?) clearly indicated that the fatal shot came from the rear,- but the apparent angle made it impossible that it came from the 6th floor window. 

      But as said,- it was just fun "creative thinking", - and not substantiated with anything else than my own opinion and interpretation. Just fun now to think back on :-D ---- there are probably uncountable people who have studied the angles in a very high degree,- that would be able to comment on that , - more than I am , - atleast now after all these years. 

      Sorry for such a delayed answer. 



  20. In the first page of the "The latest from Ruth Paine" thread I awkwardly suggested that the whole thing just served to suggest that they are not agents, which would be the point of the charade.
  21. I really don't see any need to question it, at all. If I invited LHO and Marina into my life, in 1963, I would fully expect that I would be monitored, by any and every agency and entity that had that capability, legal or not.
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