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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. Thanks Richard. My point was why use this if it was at Parkland Hospital. If this is the VP's car then there might be some sense in the way it was framed in the video. But, I don't know if this was mentioned in the video. I will go back and look.
  2. If so, then it would be inappropriate to show this as if it was at Parkland. The interior has flowers and that's just about all you can see. If this is the p. limo that was in the JFKA then they did a remarkable job of cleaning it.
  3. This is a frame from the Unger video. There were frames/scenes at Parkland before the p. limo frame/scene. Then there were more frames/scenes showing the ambulance entrance to Parkland. I wondered the same question. Does this represent the p. limo at Parkland? I posted it with another look at the p. limo in the garage in Washington I believe. The photo that shows the mess in the p. limo after the assassination.
  4. My take on the film is that it is the government's (executive branch agencies) explanation for the public to explain what happened in Dealey Plaza. Whose going to read the Warren Report? Not the general public. The reason for alteration is they, the planners, did not know exactly how the assassination would turn out. They had general parameters in their plan. They wanted the assassination to be done by a lone nut shooter and the film had to conform to it. They had used this assassination technique before and would use the patsy aspect again later. The true genius of the film was its horrific nature. Kennedy did not need to be killed in public in such a horrible manner. It is what they wanted. That's enough to convince one that it was authentic and did so for decades. Secondarily, this film was kept from the general public for over a decade. The true value of that is psychological. These horrific scenes would replace people's faded memories. Gee, that not was I saw, but it must be true. There it is in color. Or, If they read their altered testimony later well that must be what I said. There it is in black and white. I signed it.
  5. I don't get this. I don't believe it. This is a shot of the interior of the p. limo. Just before this there was scenes at Parkland where the ambulances enter. Then, after this scene were more frames of Parkland. Is this what we are supposed to believe rather than this: I don't believe this photo anyway. Simply, from the appearance of Jackie Kennedy, she could not have sat in that mess.
  6. I still don't know who Ralph Cinque is. Since this is about the third time I have been mentioned as some kind of Ralph Cinque or in the reference of Ralph Cinque, I should look him up. I'm proud to be put into the same context as Jack White and James Fetzer. Both men are important researchers and should not be slandered by anyone.
  7. Chuck, This frame is from the AMIPA film shot on Main Street. That dark circle spot on Kennedy's head looks like it is in the exact same place as the autopsy photo showing a triangular cut and wound there. Ron Bulman sometime back mentioned a De Lisle Carbine. This was a .45 caliber weapon that was sound suppressed. It was invented by the British during WWII to kill sentries and other enemy targets. Allegedly, a .45 caliber bullet was found in Dealey Plaza. Kennedy's confusion and disorientation may be the reason he continues to smile and wave at the crowd. If that is a wound in Kennedy's forehead then it could have been done by such a weapon. Kennedy was not killed by that round. He doesn't seem to have much effect from it other than confusion and pain. This perhaps suggests a short or weak round just penetrating the skull leading to disorientation and confusion. It might explain why he later continues to wave and smile even after being shot in the back several times.
  8. I always thought this was a really strange item pertaining to photographs. There were about 14 people on Houston Street and Elm Street with cameras who are unknown. We known nothing about their photographic material. There were spotters on the ground that day. A source told the ARRB there may have been as many as 50 military photographers there that day filming. I suppose they also could of acted as spotters. All of the major films were under government control at one time for alteration. Just look at them. 8 films have disruptions at the same location, in front of the Court Records building. There are claims that Elsie Dorman and Patsy Paschall (?) escaped the net. But, if you look at their films it is readily apparent they did not. Robert Croft serves as a good example of what the FBI and the Secret Service were capable of that day and later.
  9. This is further confirmation of the idea that all or nearly all of the media record in Dealey Plaza has been altered. https://merdist.com/wp/2017/02/07/doorman-aka-the-man-in-the-doorway/ The Doorway man figure is wearing a Billy Lovelady face mask. This crop and magnify from Altgens 6 clearly shows the lighting difference between the face mask and the Doorway Man character. I have trouble seeing this figure as Oswald. Oswald is said to have said that he was outside with Bill Shelley watching the parade. The problem I have is this. If Oswald is up on the 6th floor or somewhere else in the building then who is the Oswald figure seen in the John Martin film (and the Tina Towner film in the same area) under the trees on Elm Street filming the motorcade. Then if this represents two Oswalds then who is Doorway Man? Did the Elm Street Oswald lie to cover up his filming activity? Did he lie about camera vs. curtain rods? Clearly from other evidence two Oswalds were at the TSBD. I just noticed. There is an odd shaped excision of the photo that was not filled in by other material. This makes Doorway Man and the fat man bedhind him weirdly connected in the photo.
  10. To further enflame Jeremy: I give you this as an example of the many content alterations found in Zapruder. You can clearly seen that in Zapruder the top the Johnson follow up vehicle has been altered. It is really stupid. The top portion of the vehicle faces backward. This is Z 158 and was used instead of Z 157 because you can see this detail better. I found 8 things wrong with Z 157. Some things were contested. I concede David Joseph's notion of frame splicing is superior to mine. These frames are where I got my idea that the only thing you need to change in the Zapruder film is the content of the cab of the p. limo. In part this is why I think John Costella declared the film technically perfect except for a few errors. He did not address content alteration found in the frames.
  11. This article is well worth reading all of it. I did some work on Z frame 157 sometime back. Folks didn't much care for some of my conclusions. I still stick with what I said. Z frame 157 and it's content were heavily altered. I use Z 157 to represent the other frames listed below. I also use John Costella's frames. They are the best on viewing the Zapruder film. More proof of Zapruder film alteration – Frames 153-158 AUGUST 11, 2018 LARRY RIVERA JFK The great Roy Schaeffer gets credit for this one. Some time ago, Roy pointed out evidence of Zapruder film alteration – not in the sequence on Elm Street, where so many researchers have found and pointed out obvious alterations, but much earlier – as early as Z frames 153-158. Today, I wish to focus on these crucial frames, because they seem to have everything to do with LBJ’s car and the Secret Service follow up car, a yellow 1964 Ford Mercury 4-door sedan model 54A, nicknamed “Varsity”, driven by one Joe Henry Rich. In a previous post, I reported that LBJ, knowing in advance what was to happen on Elm Street, was actually ducking during the assassination of JFK. The following is Todd Vaughan’s schematic representation of that car, identifying the make, year, and occupants, including their relative positions: http://merdist.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Varsity.png A detailed examination and isolation of frames Z153 through Z158 yields interesting results. The following frames are from John Costella’s Zapruder film compilation, which corrects aspect ratio issues, pin cushion distortion, and other anomalies found in the extant Zapruder film. Costella’s film is not subject to copyright infringement, which is the reason why we can show it at will, as John has placed his work in the public domain. Frame Z153 shows what appears to be a complete frame, as LBJ’s car initiates the turn onto Elm Street. His Secret Service car follows close behind, and does not seem to be the object of any alteration: Sorry about this image. It is something I thought about using in another post. This crazy editor will not allow me to delete this. There's an interesting price on the Mass Market Edition.
  12. Paul, Could you explain that a bit more. I missed this in reading through. One of my favorite topics of the events of Dealey Plaza is the Babushka Lady. The Babushka Lady was not there. She is an fake image that covers up a person who was there. This is the woman I call the Lady in Blue seen in the Zapruder film. In the Marie Muchmore film there are frames where you can see this transformation. My speculation is that the Lady in Blue/Babushka Lady was Tammi True, a stripper for Jack Ruby.
  13. Any answers? One did. It is the AMIPA /Bob Yeargan film. It surfaced in 2005 I believe. Way to late to have any effect on the matters occurring 40+ years earlier. This is a false argument. The people who manufactured the Zapruder film would not have destroyed it at all. The spent a lot of time seizing all of the photographic record they could get there hands on for alteration. The Elsie Dorman film was supposedly kept from them and stored in a lawyer's safe for years. It is one of the most blatantly altered films in the record. FBI or CIA black bag job? The well known spy fiction author David St. John/E. Howard Hunt wrote about how the CIA did a black bag job of the Bulgarian Embassy(?) in one of his early spy stories. This was a neat description of what would become the Watergate burglary. It was a neat operation and nearly fool proof. That of course argues that the Watergate burglary was a set up. My memory is not good on the date, but it was before 1966. This kind of black bag job was routine to the FBI or CIA of the time. I remember reading the book and being disappointed it was not a James Bond kind of book. To realistic for me. The Zapruder film had purpose in explaining the assassination. This was for the public who didn't read the Warren Report or dive into the details of the JFKA. It had a pyschological purpose in that it could be a source of people's memory of the events of that day by changing faded memories to acceptance of what the film showed . The horrid, shocking details of the film was enough to convince people of its authenticity for decades.
  14. Steven, My advice to you is to keep on writing and posting. I think you have the right outlook on the JFKA. In particular, the Zapruder film is well described. Thanks. At this time I am not too interested in Vietnam, Indonesia, Haiti, or Cuba. Don't get me wrong, important researchers have keyed in on these areas and they are of significance. My focus is on what really happened in Dealey Plaza. Without that, I believe one can't move on to higher level considerations. My big problem is I don't see the assassination happening the way other people do. I reject totally the lone nut/magic bullet scenario. There is a good possibility based on witness testimony that no one fired a round from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest. I also reject almost all "conspiracy" theories based on the Zapruder film. To me, the AMIPA/Bob Yeargan film is a more important record of the assassination on Main Street. Yes, Main Street. The film is confirmed by Jackie Kennedy's testimony. You can see individual frames where Kennedy grimaces in pain, his cheeks bulge out as air is forced from his lungs as he is pushed forward. He is shot more than one time in the back. This agrees with an autopsy photo. In this film he appears to have a wound near his forehead in the hairline. To see this you need good software that will allow you to watch the film frame by frame. And, magnify various frames for closer inspection. Here is a an example: Ron Bulman made a great comment on that. He said if he was shot then why was he still smiling and waving at the crowd later on. I really don't have an answer for that. I guess he could have swallowed a bug. But, there are 3 or 4 different frames showing bulging cheeks and grimaces. He holds his hands about in the same manner as shown in the Zapruder film. There are a small number of witnesses who said they heard shooting on Main Street, some ladies in the new courthouse and Alan Smith. There are a few more who said firing occurred in the intersection of Main and Houston. All told there are about a dozen or less than a dozen witnesses saying something happened there. I first started thinking about this when I observed Altgens 5 had been altered. Why alter Altgens 5 when the shooting occurred on Elm Street? I had no good answer for years until I surveyed all of the witnesses in Dealey Plaza. There are about 500 or more JFKA witnesses. 105 or about 20% say something that the others don't. 20% is a large number and should be considered. What they say is shooting occurred in the intersection of Elm and Houstion and in front of the TSBD. By itself that is a total challenge to the credibility of the Zapruder film. The entire frame shows John Connally smiling and waving to the crowd. This destroys the single bullet theory.
  15. After reading Mr. McBride's comment, I thought wow! Zapruder is just a front for the assassination film. This leads me to believe that an assassination film to explain the events of the assassination was planned for as part of the kill plan. This film was designed to affect the memories, over time, of those who viewed the assassination. Someone or others could have prepared a film or films of the intersection of Houston and Elm, in front of the TSBD, and down Elm Street to the Triple Underpass earlier that day. The crowds standing at the intersection, the Southwest Corner of the intersection, the area between the R L Thornton sign and the Stemmons sign could have been prepared before and the information from the other films could have been cut into the Zapruder film. Loopy reasoning? Well, long ago Jack White showed us that the crowd standing in the street of eastern part of the intersection of Houston and Elm does not match the crowd shown there in Altgens 5. I have made a comment on that recently. So, something is wrong there. One of the two crowds or perhaps both are not real. The Southwest corner of the Houston and Elm intersection has problems also. The conflict arises when one looks at the Elsie Dorman film and compares it to the Zapruder film. There is a significant difference in the number of people there that differ from one film to the other during he same time period. Manniken Row: This is what I call the people in the area between the R L Thornton sigh (Lamppost on Elm) to the Stemmons sign. There are 19 people there standing, basically shoulder to shoulder in that approximate 40 foot area. The Bronson film does not show this. Zapruder and Bronson show two different scenes. If one believes Altgens 5, Elsie Dorman, and Bronson then the Zapruder film is a manufactured process. And, that's what most people believe or are coming to believe. John Costella said the Zapruder film was technically perfect except for just a few errors. He didn't say anything about the content of the frames. I believe the content of some of the frames comes from different sources. I believe what we see in the Zapruder film happened elsewhere. There are a large number of witnesses who say that. Content from the Zapruder Gap and other films was place into the cab of the p. limo to have a shooter from behind, Oswald and 3 shots, as the explanation for the assassination. Many witnesses say different things that we don't see in the Zapruder film.
  16. Thanks Robert, I haven't looked at the others. The Towner article I am still reading or re-reading.
  17. Robert, I've just touched the surface of the Tina Towner film. Larry Rivera has done an excellent job of showing just exactly what the Towner film is. You can look up his work at the following. Just click on Larry Rivera below. The New JFK Show Blog New JFK Assassination Research Towner film also rife with alterations MARCH 25, 2020 LARRY RIVERA JFK Someone said the films and photos in Dealey Plaza are self-authenticating. So, the Zapruder film is linked to the Towner film. The Zapruder Gap of missing film is filled in by the Towner film. So, there! We know what's in the Zapruder Gap. Nonsense. The Towner film is a complete fraud. Been saying that for years. And, now Rivera shows that I have been right all along. Thank you Larry Rivera.
  18. Thanks Robert, I'll add this to my list of Zapruder follies. I suppose if a fella was so inclined he could claim that was leaked paint or a film processing error. Me? I would think is is something the people or person who altered this frames' way of saying it is altered. It like hiding Easter eggs in Microsoft programs. I once saw a cat's head in I believe Elsie Dorman. I have run into this bizarre kind of thing many times in different films in looking at Dealey Plaza media. A good example is the "hit X" frame in Tina Towner. Tina Towner is one strange film. Doesn't Jackie look like the "wicked witch"? I would think that is another piece of art work. There is no one in the TSBD doorway that you can identify as being in Altgens 6. Another "X" frame. Notice the round black ball figure at the back of Kennedy's head. Kennedy is looking down with his head slumped forward. IMO, the black ball is another Hollywood black patch. The Towner film might be a better guide to when and where Kennedy was shot. The "X's" tell the story.
  19. Steven, This is what folks have been doing for years. They can't give up years of work they think is correct so, they are not receptive to different ideas. Different ideas don't make sense to them. Mark Tyler says that the photos and films match the witness record. He doesn't see much if any alterations. He rejects what other witnesses say as imprecise. So, to him any other ideas are just non-sensical. I differ from Mark in the sense that I listen to a different choir. In which most if not all of the photographic media in Dealey Plaza is tainted. The witness record is also tainted by government agents coercing or changing testimony after the first few hours after the assassination. I am not holding my breath either for someone to accept some of the things I believe happened that day. It is a different story for me that totally rejects the official story and its source. The films, the photos, the witnesses and their problems tell a different story then the official version. About 20% or slightly more of the witnesses tell a different story then the Zapruder film and the Grassy Knoll. The point you made is truly excellent. It suggests that what we see in Zapruder and others may not be the correct story. To me, the Zapruder film is the most insidious piece of propaganda devised by government in that era. First, hidden for years until witness memories had time to cool and fade to some extent. Starting in the 1970's images in the film begin to replace the memories that people had of that day. I cite Jean Hill as the best example of that (Jean Hill, Arlen Specter, and Hill Exhibit No. 5) The horrific images of the film dominated people's thinking for decades until more modern times when folks had acquired the technology and knowledge to look at things in a different light and discover things seem just not right. When you say something different or show something different about the Z film that upsets decades of work that people have done based on what they see and think about the Z film. I agree that a different explanation is needed for the events in the Z film and its credibility as a whole.
  20. "the limo had just turned the corner and the shooting started" Taken out of context this seems to be a vague statement with what corner was this? In these statements the witnesses clearly state where they were, often name who they were with. So, if your in front of the TSBD by the steps on North Elm then there can only be the corner of the Houston and Elm intersection as the corner in question. As an example, take Victoria Adams. She said she was in her office on the 4th floor of the TSBD and names others who were with her. She said she heard shooting when the p. limo was out of sight under trees. I guess that would be vague if you didn't know that the only trees available were directly under her windows on the her 4th floor office. "I think we can safely deduce the time the witness is referring to thanks to the Z-film and the photos." The Z film has no evidentiary value. You would not be able to show it in court due to its many problems. Photos? Many with the same problem. In court what would be the effect of the Betzner/Bronson montage concerning the area between the R. L. Thornton sign and the Stemmons sign? Would it negate any of the testimony of the witnesses there?
  21. Mark Tyler said, " Finally, we have a whole group of witnesses who were standing at the lamppost by the Thornton freeway sign (or just west of it) who all said that the limo had just passed them or was directly in front of them when the first shot was fired: AJ Millican, Karen Westbrook, Gloria Calvery, Karan Hicks, Jane Berry, and Betty Thornton. Here is the Betzner photo for reference:" and showed this photo from Betzner: Wait! What's that? It contradicts! This Betzner photo is another alternate reality photo comparable to Zapruder frames, but doesn't compare very well to Bronson at about the same moment. Bronson shows that the area I often call Mannikin Row is a construct or Bronson is wrong and Betzner is right. Once again alternate realities in Dealey Plaza. There are 19 people in Zapruder/Betzner standing shoulder to shoulder from the R. L. Thornton sign to the Stemmons sign. A distance of about 40 feet. You don't see this shoulder to shoulder group in Bronson. Which is real? And, another question is why don't we see that group shown in Bronson in Muchmore? They cross right in front of her camera.
  22. It appears to be a man behind a bush maybe close to Zapruder. Not 3 men or two men on steps which do not have bushes in front of them.
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