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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. The name Harvey Lee Oswald had to come from somewhere. As far as finding out from the DPD, that's a no go. It had to come from a higher source. I wasn't sure about that being a mole hunt name. Thanks for that.
  2. That can be said of other "Lner". I tried reading Dale Myer, but was turned off by reading things I didn't believe in about the JFKA.
  3. Jim, Thanks for your note. The older I get the fuzzier are the details of things I haven't looked at in a while. Was there ever an address of 602 Bently associated with Oswald?
  4. David, I have always thought that they may have moved the body to the cargo hold for whatever nefarious purpose. But, the cargo hold doesn't seem big enough. Is the forward baggage area the same size as the rest of the cargo hold? This looks to be about 4 feet in height in this 707 cargo hold. I would guess you could work seated or bent over and do the dirty work.
  5. Jeremy. Just out of curiosity, where would you place this slow down or stop at? Front of the TSBD or down by the GK? You keep saying a small minority as versus a larger majority saw the slow down or stop. Can you put a number to the small minority and the larger majority. When I talk about where the shooting takes place I can put a number to the witnesses. (It is not an exact number since I am to lazy to go back and count. But, it is a very close number such as 90+) Here is some info on Marie Muchmore I wrote some years back. The FBI was aware of her film and perjury. Marie Muchmore: A second look at truthfulness Part I From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “Muchmore was an employee of Justin McCarty Dress Manufacturer in Dallas located at 707 Young Street, four blocks south of the Texas School Book Depository. On November 22, 1963, Muchmore was in Dealey Plaza with five co-workers, including Wilma Bond, who had a still camera, to watch the presidential motorcade. Muchmore stood near the northwest corner of Main Street and Houston Street with her 8 mm Keystone movie camera and awaited the president’s arrival…. Muchmore sold the undeveloped film to the Dallas office of United Press International on November 25, 1963, for $1,000. It was processed by Kodak in Dallas, and flown to New York City. It appeared the following day on local television station WNEW-TV.[6] The film now belongs to the Associated Press Television News, (Altgens outfit) which restored it in 2002.” Wikipedia is saying in this article that Marie Muchmore is a xxxx and committed perjury to the FBI in her statement dated December 4, 1963. She basically said two things of importance there. First, she said she was standing on Main and Houston Streets when the parade passed by and she heard a shot. This statement had to be clarified so that one wouldn’t think that she heard a shot on Main Street as the President passed by. Secondly, her perjury statement saying she did not take photographs as the presidential motorcade passed by. These statements are underlined in red. Understanding these statements make it easy to interpret what happened in her next statement to the FBI on February 14, 1964. Because of a possible perjury charge the FBI could have induced her to say anything they wanted. The date of this 302 is 12/4/63. Marie sold her film on 11/25/63. Do you think that the FBI didn't know about the sale?
  6. Isn't that the 602 or 605 Bentley address. Harvey Lee Oswald is associated with the Bentley address.
  7. Steve, I am a believer in more than two people besides Harvey and Lee in the Oswald Project. I believe there was more than two operatives. But, there is not enough proof to say there are more than two. Isn't the Harvey Lee Oswald identification wrapped up in the mole hunt by James Angleton. It would be nice to figure that out. The more you dig into Oswald you find mysterious things like his records being kept by the US Army in Korea with the 2nd Inf Div intelligence. But, that too is wrapped up in the mystery of Harvey and Lee. Wasn't this information given to the DPD by an Army colonel or am I mis-remembering how the DPD got that name an address.
  8. No, Jeremy. It wasn't lizard people or aliens from Zog. I can see that you have a hard time controlling your imagination. Come back down to planet Earth rather than Zog. It was representatives of our government who did it. These were henchmen of the government officials who planned and executed the assassination. Personnel, rogue or otherwise, from the CIA and the FBI are responsible for all or most of the film alteration in Dealey Plaza. Lately, I have begun to think that the folks at Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall are responsible for some alterations. I also think that Altgens home base, The Daily Morning News, is also responsible for some alterations. These two outfits had the equipment for such tasks and Altgens was a master of it.
  9. Steven, Sticking with your story sounds good to me. A high-powered rifle bullet creates hydrostatic shock in a liquid or semi-liquid material such as brain tissue. This hydrostatic shock will create a cone of force from pressure thousands of pounds per square inch. This in turn will move in the direction the bullet came from exiting the skull in line with that bullet. Your idea of not seeing Kennedy look toward the Grassy Knoll is sound. One might argue a shot from the Triple Underpass, but one would have to fight about the notion of a train being there at the time of the assassination. This is what the testimony of the witnesses' state regardless of what is shown on the Z film. The Z film is a fraud as demonstrated by Andrej Stancak. His photo/film frame showing the black patch indicates that Kennedy was shot prior to Z frame 313. You can see the black patch as early as coming from behind the Stemmons sign which is around Z 225 or so. You can see earlier in the Betzner photo the black patch.
  10. The two Oswalds act or interact in such a manner that it is difficult to pin down which one does what. I have often thought that maybe Lee Oswald went to the Beckley address, but the evidence says Harvey. Maybe they both used that address when the other would be absent. As far as Capt. Fritz is concerned, he does a song and dance whenever he chooses. How reliable is his information or the things he said about Harvey Oswald? As an example of the two Oswalds interacting, we have the evidence for two Oswalds at the TSBD. These men were intelligence operatives. They would have to have know in their mission what the other was doing so they didn't step on each others toes and expose themselves. I have in my thoughts Lee Oswald as Doorway Man which generated the need to alter Altgens 6. And, Harvey Oswald on Elm Street taking photos of the p. limo (Martin film and two others) and later as Prayer Man (Couch film). Harvey saying to Fritz that he was outside with Bill Shelley watching the parade is a good example of the alibi that could be created when needed. Alibis were a main part of the double man/spy concept.
  11. This part of Shushkevich's testimony rings true. The inability to say Ya doo ma yu and saying Ya doo MAH yu indicates a southern accent from Louisiana or Texas. Shushkevich wouldn't know anything about Oswald's southern accent. Harvey lived in Tx and La long enough to acquire the accent. Lee acquired his naturally.
  12. Jim, I think David Healy has gotten to the heart of the matter. And, what James Norwood said about Titovets rings true.
  13. As I understand it melons were used along with other objects filled with water. Did any of the objects have a wooden container filled with say some cereal such as oatmeal or some tissue like animal brain matter? I would think you would get a better recreation with something like that. So much thickness of wood would equal so much thickness of bone. The more solid material such as oatmeal or animal brains would represent the actual human brain tissue. I think one would get closer that way to a human head and brain. That is the problem with shooting objects like those shown in the film. They are not the real thing and the comparison is not the real thing.
  14. Z 312 in Gil Jesus' film has a fine example of the black patch. It is not as good as the one produced by Andrej Stancak. If you go back to other Zapruder frames prior to this one you will also see the black patch. What does that mean? It means that the long-term, continual argument about whether Kennedy's head moved this way or that way is based upon fraudulent information. It means that Kennedy was shot in the head prior to the events of Z 313 and frames following that frame. This is something that most folks will discount because it invalidates much of their work based upon frames Z 313 and after. The statement above that says the Z film is contains fraudulent information and is backed up by witness statements. How many? Somewhere over 90. I will have to go back for an exact count in an earlier work. The problem with these witness statements is that they are in the minority. And, being in the minority they are discounted as not relevant. How can that be done? As and example, Toni Glover said she saw the President's head explode as the p. limo turned the corner of Houston onto Elm. Who would believe a 11 year old girl? Or, 90+ people saying something different that the almighty, pristine and unaltered Z film? The Z film is an altered piece of trash that in part was designed to change people's memories of what actually happened in Dealey Plaza. It is a psychological attack on the witnesses who saw something different from what is seen in the Z film. It is disinformation of the worse sort.
  15. One has to assume that a policeman who reaches the rank of detective must have a fair or good degree of intelligence. Anyone can see that a light meter is a light meter as shown in this photo and is not a camera. The policemen handled the camera and saw there was film in it. As I said earlier, it is impossible to put film in a light meter.
  16. JIm, You are exactly right. The "evidence" I spoke of is that which would confirm the loss of 2 inches in height from a young man during a four-year period. I don't think anyone will find it.
  17. The evidence supporting the idea that there were two Oswalds at the TSBD is a nightmare for the lone-gunman narrative.
  18. Au contraire... the witness statements are the primary reason to believe frames were removed. And BTW, of course the slowdown was significant just as I said (and you refute). If it weren't significant, the witnesses wouldn't have noticed it. Senator Yarborough said after the shooting SS agents left their vehicle. That is not in any film or photo. They wouldn't have left their vehicle if it was in a high-speed mode going to Parkland. Others mention the same thing. Therefore, frames showing that were removed. The Muchmore film has had frames removed when the p. limo was in the intersection of Maine and Houston Street. There are several gaps there. The Nix film and the Bronson film have been altered. The Bell film has been altered on Houston Street. There are 8 or so films, including the ones mention that either go haywire with unwatchable film or they simply skip showing the p. limo approach and go past the Court Records Building. Therefore, I conclude that something happened on Houston Street that was worthy of altering in those 8 films.
  19. And, I think that what Yarborough said about Secret Service men leaving their vehicle is most important to consider. No film or photo shows that at all. I don't think Yarborough made that up. So, another point for universal film and photo alteration. (The exception is before reaching Dealey Plaza, Clint Hill was on and off the p. limo. Other SS men were off their vehicle when Kennedy stopped and worked the crowd.) Why universal? It's because I see something wrong with just about every film. I'm sure my anti-fans will jump on that statement. So, here is my answer before hand. Read what I have said over the years. That's pretty much what I have saying. I think all the films were confiscated, or black backed such as Elsie Dorman and Patsy Paschall. The only film that escaped their net was the AMIPA film. And, I'm not to sure of that.
  20. We all know about the Russian Princess, honey pot, spy, Marina's statements. Let's see. Was that Alfred Diaz? Or, Alfred Gomez? Or Alfred Gonzales? Or, maybe Elvis Infante?
  21. I looked at the LA Times article and immediately saw that it was simply BS of the worst sort. Where was the "alleged" word in describing Oswald as the killer of Kennedy and Tippit? This was a biased article from the very start with little or no evidence to back up what was being said. I would say this is the technique of some on the Forum, buI I would probably get in trouble again.
  22. This is boilerplate thinking by Jeremy's when it comes to things he believes counters his position on the assassination. Evidence doesn't matter if it contradicts him.
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