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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. I think he probably comprehends just fine. He chooses to interpret the information illogically IMO. I've got all three of your books Jim, multiple page corners folded or pages flagged w/small post it notes, underlined/highlighted passages. All are important and informative. Nobody walks on water, we're all human and make mistakes somewhere from time to time. Destiny Betrayed in particular is one of the to 5 books on the assassination I have or have read.
  2. Hi Gene. In addition to all you mentioned I was somewhat stunned by his duplicity reading Dr. Newman's JFK and Vietnam last week (still not finished). While he was espousing reforms and continuing to cozy up to Diem, and JFK regarding the Ambassadorship he did the following way back in 1961. (pg. 49) "was the first document to recommend a U.S. troop commitment to Vietnam during the Kennedy administration, was written by Edward Lansdale".
  3. I'm no Paine or any other kind of expert. This was evidenced when the license plate number came up for discussion on Chris Newton's Where's Ruth's Couch Thread. I mentioned something I'd read once elsewhere, that Marina saw it out the bedroom window. Chris corrected me by pointing out that if it couldn't be seen from the living room if the car was sitting in front of the house because of the angle the same would be true from the bedroom. Another thing discussed there relates here. The front door to back door sight line. If Ruth was talking to Hosty at the front door Marina would have been seen by him if she tried to slip out the back door and go around the house where she could see it. There are multiple possibilities but it's obvious if it was in Oswalds handwriting in his address book he, Marina or Ruth one saw it at some time. Has it been established that Marinna or Ruth could not have seen it as Hosty was pulling away? In Chris thread it was mentioned by you Jim and or Chris that there is the possibility that the FBI made more than two visits to, or close to the Paine residence. We know Hoover stopped the FBI investigation as soon as he became "convinced" they had their man, and, that he reprimanded multiple agents for their actions / not folliowing his directions to the "T". Given his disposition towards the Warren Omission why would anyone possibly think Hoover revealed everything the FBI knew about Oswald? On one of the two recorded visits Hosty parked down the street. A tactic used for observation of the coming, going and activities of suspects. If the FBI was keeping perhaps closer tabs on Oswald than they admitted maybe they already knew where he worked. Might they have not followed him and Fraizer home one Friday evening to see where he went on the weekends. Could they have parked down the street to watch and see if he left again, with someone else, or if anyone visited him while he was there? If Lee did have any intelligence training it would have included awareness of your surroundings. If he went out in the front yard might he have not noticed a vehicle not normally seen in the neighborhood parked a house or two away, especially if it was a government sedan and/or someone was sitting in it? I think Marina testified as she was told and rehearsed to or at a minimum told them what she thought they wanted to hear, the truth or not. I think she was scared, confused and didn't want to go back to Russia. I've read that someone on the Warren Omission said word's to the effect that her testimony was "all over the place", much of it useless. Yes Ruth might have tried to ingratiate herself with Oswald by writing down and the license number and giving it to him. Marina may have followed his instructions to do so. As far as the article itself it seems Jenner stonewalled Ms. Meagher in her effort to resolve this issue. That didn't stop her from writing one of the most important books on the assassination ever.
  4. Not to get into Files here but I never knew Harvey and Lansdale worked on Mongoose together. Any evidence for this claim?
  5. Isn't it amazing. David Belin did such a good job on the Warren Omission they brought him back 12 years later for Rock Y Feller Commission. Thank yew, appointed president and former warren omissioner Jerry Ford.
  6. Me too David. https://www.bing.com/search?q=zz+top+cheap+sunglasses&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=1036cc2b73234d1089eed38a970010a9&sp=1&qs=AS&pq=zz+top+cheap&sc=8-12&cvid=1036cc2b73234d1089eed38a970010a9 Lansdale in Dealy Plaza is a conundrum for me. I think Fletcher Prouty is a credible source, especially in this case with Krulack's back up. But, like Morales, I have a hard time seeing him being there close enough to be identified much less photographed. He was a Brigadier General after all was he not?
  7. I can see one. I can't see the Joint Chiefs of Staff planning, organizing and executing the execution. Not even conclusive prior knowledge, except one. One with known animosity towards JFK, as well as having CIA connections. One who could be approached by those orchestrating the assassination through the CIA to ensure no world wide response from the Air Force, as well as having influence with the other JCS. One who would rush to Bethesda for the autopsy from points unknown on 11/22/63. To help control it? For who?
  8. Your welcome Paul, I'm in over my head but please elaborate further. Lodge and as Jim D mentioned LeMay's CIA ties seem particularly interesting for some reason.
  9. LeMay, Lansdale and the CIA. "but he had powerful allies in the CIA, and his professional patron was the Agency's director, Allen Dulles.6 Lansdale even owed his promotion to Brigadier General to Dulles, who had intervened with Air Force Chief of Staff Curtis LeMay to bring it about". Pg. 4, JFK and Vietnam, John Newman. Further, "the general was invited to attend a meeting in the president's office. Present were Johnson, Rusk, McNamara, Lemnitzer, and Dulles. ... Kennedy, motioning to Rusk, then asked Lansdale, "Has the secretary here mentioned that I wanted you to be ambassador to Vietnam?" Lansdale replied that it would be an honor. Pg. 5. (wanted not want?) Yet Rusk offered his resignation if Lansdale was made Operations Officer of the Presidential Task Force on Vietnam???
  10. Nothing compared to your situation but I write this slightly sedated after hernia surgery. After the lunchroom encounter I look forward to another interesting and informative read. Tempting to scroll down to Wade and Alexander in particular. This provides balance as I've finally made good progress in JFK and Vietnam by John Newman the last couple of days. Get well soon, Ron.
  11. While they digress, here's another relevant Forum discussion on Lansdale providing deeper background. If you read enough of it you find in prior operations he had operatives who organized assassination teams. He did not participate in the hits himself though he planned them. Having the "promised" ambassadorship by JFK taken away by him could have motivated Lansdale to cooperate with others in the Military or CIA who disagreed with JFK's performance and perceived weakness on Communism among other issues. His handling of the Japanese gold in the Philippines endeared him with the Dulles/Georgetown/Wallstreet set.
  12. The same somebody that killed her? Even if her story would not have "solved" the case, e.g. implicated any persons or organizations further up the chain, she was by all appearances murdered. By who? Why? Her note's did disappear even if they didn't name a say Dulles or Angleton. To shut her up before what she had found out led any further? I take no issue on any point in your article, it is excellent, but these questions still exist for me.
  13. Here's a classic take on Ricky White. Worth watching for Harold Weisberg , the cheesiness of White and Bill Oreilly's Mockingbird performance. Didn't he finally get fired recently? (I couldn't resist) https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Ricky+White+JFK&view=detail&mid=99EF6ED700F1559E13C999EF6ED700F1559E13C9&FORM=VIRE
  14. There was a link a few months back, I thought on this site to an article about Stone. I can't find it now but it mentioned the Nixon tattoo on his back and, I believe a paining of him hanging over his bed. That's just creepy. Kind of like the Committee to RE Elect the President. https://www.bing.com/search?q=roger+stone+nixon+tattoo&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=7cf75dce430c4e708714508514e28e1e&sp=3&ghc=1&qs=AS&pq=roger+stone+nixon&sk=AS1&sc=8-17&cvid=7cf75dce430c4e708714508514e28e1e
  15. https://www.bing.com/search?q=dust+in+the+wind+kansas&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=b49e12938f4f4a8b978d27faa871b5e3&sp=5&qs=LS&pq=dust+in+the+&sk=LS2AS2&sc=8-12&cvid=b49e12938f4f4a8b978d27faa871b5e3
  16. In the last 20 years we've seen multiple occasions of past Presidents appearing together, up to four at a time. Such was not common in 1963. What are the odd's? JFK and LBJ ere not supposed to travel together per Secret Service protocol. But they did. They arrived in Dallas the morning of 11/22/63. Former VP and future POTUS Nixon left that morning after the Pepsi Convention the night before. Bush 1 left that morning (?) after a Congressional campaign speech the night before. JFK and Nixon had no real connections to Dallas. LBJ and Bush a few. Odd all of them were there that morning.
  17. A GHWB and DeM connection is intriguing but nothing other than both being in the Dallas Petroleum Club I've read. Anyone please educate me on more. Ehh. Him in the Dealy Plaza picture is a likely rabbit hole. Preface, he did stay the night before 11/21/63 in Dallas and speak to a Oil field tool companies convention as part of his unsuccessful Congressional campaign. It's not impossible he went from DP to Redbird airport and flew to Tyler to have the opening remarks of his campaign speech there interrupted by news of JFK's death. Then again there is Hoovers brief of "Bush". And he did go on to become head of the CIA, as well as POTUS.
  18. As an attorney you should be advised that all three witnesses regarding the dust/shells may have been coached before their testimony regarding it. This has been discussed in depth either here or on other websites.
  19. Please be specific about claims I have made / things I've posted. Didn't know I was the other Michaels target, naïve of me again. Regarding getting hurt easily and bleeding forever maybe this will draw more attention to Lansdale in Dealy Plaza. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=rolling+stones+let+it+bleed&view=detail&mid=4145AD20F86F3C004CE54145AD20F86F3C004CE5&FORM=VIRE
  20. This is the "original" post I was referring to Michael (Clark).
  21. Regarding the original quote they also had no Closed Circuit TV in 1963 to watch LANSDALE on in the basement two floors below the Carousel. Ruby reputedly threw unruly/unacceptable patrons down second floor stairs acting as his own bouncer. Documented somewhere. Read it in an actual Book many years ago I believe.
  22. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=tFGGs7rQ&id=2A0DB67F9B4B10095D42707BF35A281DF9322090&thid=OIP.tFGGs7rQwC2sT82oUDwaqgEEEW&q=time+magazine+bobby+baker+cover&simid=608023875965553451&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0
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