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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Quite a striking contrast with the police response to Kyle Rittenhouse's murders of George Floyd protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In related news, the Tennessee legislature has a new Oklahoma-style bill de-criminalizing vehicular homicide in cases where motorists hit protesters with their pick up trucks. 🤥
  2. Outstanding essay about Nixon and Vietnam. Thanks for posting. So, it sounds like one possible Nixon motive for the Watergate burglary may have been a quest for documents about Nixon's sabotage of LBJ's 1968 peace negotiations with Thieu.
  3. Published in today's New Yorker by Ben Bradlee, Jr. The Deceit and Conflict Behind the Leak of the Pentagon Papers | The New Yorker\ April 8, 2021
  4. The 1973 dystopian movie, Soylent Green, always seemed prescient to me-- not because of the industrialized cannibalism, per se, but because of its depiction of environmental devastation, impoverished urban populations, and high-security compounds where corporate elites lived in sequestered luxury.
  5. Here's a fairly recent M$M article on Yeadon.* He is, apparently, the guy who launched the unsubstantiated, widespread rumor that COVID vaccination causes infertility in women. Terrific. 🙄 Yeadon also postulated last year that up to a third of humans had pre-existing immunity to COVID-19 as a result of prior exposure to SARS/COVID variants. That has been proven untrue, (JAMA/November 2020) but it was the basis for Yeadon's claim that the COVID pandemic would, essentially, disappear last year-- and that people did not need to get vaccinated. On the contrary, the scientific consensus is that achieving gradual COVID-19 "herd immunity" without vaccinations would result in significant, protracted mortality and morbidity. Meanwhile, COVID death rates in vaccinated populations (e.g., nursing home residents) have already plunged dramatically. * The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero. (reuters.com)
  6. IMO, Yeadon is not a credible source. His 2020 predictions about the course of the COVID pandemic turned out to be dead wrong. And he was never an infectious disease epidemiologist. Not that Snopes is an unimpeachable source, but here are some details. Did Pfizer's Former 'Chief Scientist' Say There Was 'No Need for Vaccines'? | Snopes.com
  7. Ditto. I'll be two weeks out from my second Pfizer shot on Friday, but I'm still wary about interacting with the public without a mask, especially given the risk of COVID variants and a "fourth wave." I do need a haircut, though. Haven't gone to the hair salon for over a year now. David Brooks published a thoughtful piece on this subject in last week's NYT. Opinion | How Covid Can Change Your Personality - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  8. It's disconcerting to consider that the top three CPAC straw poll winners for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination-- Trump, DeSantis, and Noem-- are all science-denying COVIDIOTS. Richard Hofstadter hit the nail on the head in his Pulitzer Prize-winning 1964 opus, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.
  9. At least Trump is finally "Backing the Blue," for a change. Better three months late than never. Meanwhile, according to WaPo today, the young man who killed the Capitol Police officer yesterday was, apparently, hearing voices and experiencing paranoid delusions-- i.e., paranoid schizophrenia. This did not preclude some from blaming the tragic attack on Louis Farrakhan-- which is somewhat analogous to blaming Jodie Foster for John Hinckley, Jr.'s attack on Ronald Reagan. 🤥 Noah Green killed after ramming police outside Capitol - The Washington Post
  10. This is why we need a movie called, They Weren't All the President's Men, based on Jim Hougan's book, Secret Agenda. 🤥
  11. I read Lolita for a college course on the modern novel back in the 70s. At the time, I knew almost nothing about the shocking prevalence of pedophilia-- and I was not alone in that regard. Public consciousness of child abuse and pedophilia in the U.S. was limited prior to the 1980s-- even in the psychoanalytic community, where Freud's classic misinterpretations of child sexual abuse as mere "fantasy" were still widely accepted.
  12. In related news, Lara Trump was recently hired as a commentator for Faux News, and Eric Trump bashed Joe Biden on Fox for spending some weekends at his modest home in...uh...Delaware. (In a Fox segment on the current GOP Psy-Op, Operation Border Scare.) This from the guy whose father funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to Trump Organization coffers for his weekly golf vacations at Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster from 2017-2021.
  13. Thanks for the reference, Jim. I need to read Dreyfuss's book. A related book about the Saudis, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, and longstanding MI6 and CIA ops in the Middle East is French journalist Thierry Meyssan's 2019 book, Before Our Very Eyes. It's amazing how little discussion exists anywhere in the U.S. M$M about Saudi involvement in everything from the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo to 9/11, Iraq, the Arab Spring, Libya, and the Syrian proxy war. Amazon.com: Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies: From 9/11 to Donald Trump eBook: Meyssan, Thierry: Books
  14. Calvin, It's an interesting question, especially when we consider that the main victims of JFK's murder were the millions of people in Southeast Asia who were killed in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Indonesia after 11/22/63-- not to mention the environmental devastation and refugee crises resulting from U.S. bombing campaigns and defoliants!
  15. I've heard that "official" argument-- i.e., that NSAM 263, allegedly, had to be revised in Honolulu because of Diem's death. Prouty also mentioned that the NSAM 273 draft from Honolulu was dated 11/21/63.
  16. Given the tragic events this month in Atlanta, Boulder, Virginia Beach, and elsewhere, here's a prescient punk/New Wave classic, written by David Byrne, with assistance on the French lyrics from fellow RISD alum Tina Weymouth. (I was living in Providence in '77 when the Talking Heads released their first album.)
  17. FWIW, this CIA document about Diem's assassination was de-classified in April of 2018. It doesn't reveal anything about how much JFK knew, but I recall reading somewhere that JFK was visibly upset when he learned that Diem had been killed, and promptly walked out of a meeting. Report reveals deeper CIA role in 1963 Vietnam coup and Diem’s assassination Report reveals deeper CIA role in 1963 Vietnam coup and Diem’s assassination | intelNews.org April 30, 2018
  18. I finally watched the 2013 documentary about Sam Giancana on Amazon Prime last night, and they talked at length about Judith Exner shuttling manila envelopes from Giancana to JFK back in the day. I need to read up on that history. Does anyone know if these alleged (Exner) communiques between Giancana and JFK were ever published? Secondly, why was Giancana reporting directly to JFK about the anti-Castro ops, when his alleged CIA contracts to assassinate Castro had been arranged by Robert Maheu? Thirdly, the documentary describes Marilyn Monroe's murder (by a Nembutal suppository) as a mafia hit to embarrass Robert Kennedy-- in which RFK's letters to Monroe were left lying around her death bed, etc. Is that what happened? Most disappointing were the film's brief, superficial references to Lee Harvey Oswald as a man with ties to Castro and to Carlos Marcello, allegedly through Oswald's uncle in New Orleans. No mention at all of Oswald's history with the CIA and FBI.
  19. Isn't it rather odd that no one in our M$M ever publishes anything about why the Saudis murdered Khashoggi? What did Khashoggi know that the Saudis didn't want the public to know about? Nukes? 9/11? The proxy war in Syria?
  20. Addendum: As a footnote, the flying saucer on the Washington mall in the 1951 sci-fi classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Interesting Americana from the post-Roswell Red Scare era.
  21. Probably Dylan's greatest album, among several greats. In Princeton historian Sean Wilentz's biography of Dylan, he tells the story of Bob Dylan taking painting lessons in NYC around the time that he was working on the Blood on the Tracks album. One day, Dylan's art instructor was critiquing a Dylan painting and he blurted out, "This thing is all tangled up in blue!" Bob Dylan in America: Wilentz, Sean: 9780767931793: Amazon.com: Books
  22. I probably know less about the UFO literature than anyone on this forum, but I confess that it gives me pause to read these comments from a current member of our Senate Intelligence Committee. I recently watched the highly-regarded 1951 sci-fi movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, for the first time ever, which dealt with this very theme of extra-terrestrial surveillance of our nascent nuclear weapons facilities.
  23. Joe, Can you say more about the implications of Blunt's findings for Prouty's identification of his colleague Ed Lansdale in the Dealey Plaza photos? You lost me on that one.
  24. The Boulder City Council's ordinance banning assault rifles was blocked by a district court judge earlier this month. Boulder assault weapons ban blocked in court 10 days before shooting at supermarket - The Washington Post
  25. It's encouraging to know that Joe Biden so admires John F. Kennedy. Does anyone know of any Biden statements about the Warren Commission Report or the JFK Records Act?
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