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Cory Santos

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Everything posted by Cory Santos

  1. Based on your reply it is evident that you have not read this book and you hold DVP on a pedestal. What if Mr. Hamers book is relevant to your groups research? You could be missing a gold mine. Certainly, you do not want to discredit any information without reading it do you? I wanted to give my acquaintance a book on the JFK subject by a non-American author to show how other cultures views this event. This book appeared to be the highest achievement by UK researchers, unless you can point me to a different book in English. I do recall in the 1980s there was a UK researcher arguing that someone replaced LHO’s body resulting in an evaluation which did not confirm this. So if you can provide a relevant reply please do so as I need to order something soon.
  2. Well, several reviews did enjoy it. Has anyone read it? While not my cup of tea, it seems to be the perfect educational gift for my acquaintance.
  3. Has anyone read this book? It seems at first to be malarkey but I wanted to check with the forum. Jim? Cliff? I was going to order for an acquaintance and send it. Thoughts on its theory? I note that he appears to have good credentials in Britain and is a well thought of researcher from across the pond. The book has good reviews. https://www.amazon.com/JFK-British-Definitive-Truth-Assassination/dp/1094818747
  4. You need to reread what you write Mervyn. It is tedious to try to respond to words which you write but then, in your view only, become invisible and “vanish”. Like you think the Florida operation did.
  5. Just leave out Cubans in Florida in your posts because you have no clue regarding that subject. The operation “vanished” lol.
  6. Well, based on your attitude it is clear you do not play well with others so you might do better playing solo as you cannot handle being corrected.
  7. Well when you personally know and interview many individuals who were at the BOP and later involved in Florida then you can correct me lol. Your statement clearly indicates the Florida operation stopped. It did not. That was my point. It is regrettable if you meant something else but you were not eloquent enough to prevent multiple interpretations of your statement.
  8. You are incorrect on a few points there. For example, the Cuban/CIA operation did not “vanish”.
  9. It would have been more valuable as coming directly from Sen. Cooper and not another party. I understand what you are getting at but it will not quiet a wc person because they will say it is repeated by someone else.
  10. Oh but wait! For you see the JFK records release was seen as a victory for transparency by leader Schumer. So much so that it is a model for future disclosures. Yes, disclosure is a theatre enjoyed by the truly naive when the watchmen decide for you. And people here are worried about misinterpreted anti-RFK political propaganda. Bravo morlocks, bravo. https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/schumer-rounds-introduce-new-legislation-to-declassify-government-records-related-to-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-and-ufos_modeled-after-jfk-assassination-records-collection-act--as-an-amendment-to-ndaal
  11. Perhaps. . . It does seem like an odd coincidence you would say this when this is in the news today. Please share your insider info Matt. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/manchin-potential-third-party-2024-presidential-run-if-i-get-race-im-going-win
  12. Apparently it won’t be unfortunately. The equal effect of the law is more a fallacy when actually it is more often the result of an unequal effect of viewpoint favoritism.
  13. Wow. A bill signed by President George Bush (R) with an intent to bring transparency to the American people which was not fulfilled, but actually, destroyed by Joe Biden (D). Interesting and well played Joe. 👏👏👏 Thank you President Bush for trying.
  14. I cannot speak for him. However, asking him if he knows something is a fact because the Warren Commission says so is no more relevant than asking him his thoughts on the autopsy or shirt evidence. The key is he cannot confirm a rifle was brought into the building. He cannot provide any insight into Oswald’s mindset which establishes he planned to kill a president that day. So asking him about the ownership of the rifle, for example, is pointless.
  15. Your welcome. I’m surprised you thought those points were relevant. Next.
  16. Except asking questions like those which you asked above are pointless.
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