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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. Steve, That's some great research! There are some researchers who speculate that Jerry Buchanan was the Umbrella Man FWIW.
  2. I wouldn't trust a word that came of Buchanan's mouth. He was, of course, associated with John Martino, Frank Sturgis, Felipe Vidal, Gerry Hemming and trained at No Name Key with Colonel William Bishop.
  3. JS, Great research. Now wouldn't it be interesting if Filippo Sacco (John Roselli) was related to Guiseppe Sacco?
  4. Some context on Tony Sforza and Emilio Rodriguez: Tony Sforza worked for David Morales. Emilio Rodriguez worked for Sforza in Cuba. Emilio’s brother was Arnesto who knew Oswald. Sforza became somewhat of a Langley legend after handling the defection of Juanita Castro, Fidel's sister. Emilio Rodriguez was recruited by Henry Hecksher. Hechsher would later become the principal Case Officer for AMWORLD and Manuel Artime. Hecksher would give Artime two 1/2 dollar bills as Jim noted here - Emilio A. Rodriguez (AMIRE-1) and Tony Sforza (AMRYE-1) were part of the CIA’s stay behind operation (AMRYE) after the US presence left Cuba. Other stay behind people were Frank Belsito and Ralph Seehafer (Dave McLane in his Western Hemisphere report failed to mention Rodriguez and Sforza. An oversite?? http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10301-10001.pdf ) From Mary Ferrell’s site contributed by Bill Simpich and John Newman concerning Tony Sforza (AMRYE-1): “This is another of the CIA’s most closely guarded cryptonyms. To break it requires knowing the life story of Tony Sforza and his aliases—Henry Sloman, Frank Stevens, and Alfred Sarno–a subject covered at some length in Where Angels Tread Lightly, especially Appendix Three. Sforza’s work with AMPARCH-1 (Warren Frank, AKA Edward Knapman) and AMIRE-1 (Emilio Rodriguez, AKA Peter Digerveno) together first in Havana, and afterward at JMWAVE, as well as his tempestuous relationship with AMCONCERT-1 (Francisco “Pancho” Varona) makes possible the concrete identifications of these three men with their CIA cryptonyms. CIA documents establish that AMRYE-1 ran the AMRYE net, the principal stay-behind net in Cuba after the break in relations in January 1961, and that he received a huge amount of assistance from AMIRE-1 (Emilio Rodriguez). In CIA cable traffic associated with exfiltrations at that time, Sforza appears simply as “Henry,” who is later the “Henry Sloman” in JMWAVE documents. Tony Sforza’s cover pseudonym for public consumption was Frank Stevens.” John Newman and Alan Kent https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/08/03/2017-jfk-document-release-shows-former-intelligence-analyst-got-right/ Some good discussion of Sforza http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/6896-tony-sforza/ Sforza and Rodriguez spent time in jail in Cuba before exfiltrating to Miami in June 1961. David Morales tried to find office space for them but couldn't. The powers that be decided to keep Rodriguez out of the office and under deep cover. He had worked in Havana at an electronics store. JMWave investigation the assassination. “I recall that Mr. Anthony Sforza, AMOT case officer, told me later that he had received specific instructions from Shackley about how the AMOT service was to go about aiding in the investigation.” http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov9-2017/104-10103-10024.pdf On the AMOTS “B. The AMOTS and the JURE - I satisfied myself in talking to Tony Sforza that the AMOTS in general are politically opposed to the JURE and that the reporting of this group, to which AMTAUP/2 belongs must be considered in light of its prejudices and lack of objectivity insofar as the JURE is concerned.” http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov9-2017/104-10179-10153.pdf Sforza and Emilio Rodriguez receiving a medal for their work in Cuba. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32365143.pdf
  5. It might have been as simple as Emilio Rodriguez (JMWAVE FI) working with his brother Arnesto (acquaintance of LHO) close friend of Carlos Bringuier. Emilio may have just been doing his day job of recruiting Cuban diplomats and sent LHO to Mexico City. It also may have a bit more complicated than that.
  6. From Tipping Point: William Kent CIA psychological operations specialist William Kent served at JMWAVE through several of the Cuba projects of the early 1960s; he signed off on George Joannides' reports and reviewed his DRE case officer work in 1963. Kent was quite familiar with the activities of the DRE. He offered no official remarks on the Kennedy assassination. But later, in private remarks to family members, Kent provided two key insights. When asked about Lee Oswald he simply responded: "Lee Oswald was a useful idiot." In professional intelligence usage, that term describes a person acting under the influence of others, without fully comprehending the goals and agenda of those manipulating them. When asked about the Kennedy assassination by a family member, he also gave a simple response: "It's better you don't know". [ 215 ]
  7. Steve, I suspect that Joannides got the word from Helms to tamp it down and Joannides passed it on to Fernandez-Rocha et al. Here's Helms meeting with Fernandez-Rocha and Lasa. Nestor Sanchez translating. Sanchez would go on to be the case officer for Rolando Cubela (AMLASH-1). https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=183727#relPageId=1 More on the meeting - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=183728#relPageId=1 AMHINT-53 (Fernandez-Rocha) pissing off Ted Shackley (Reuteman). Report by Ross Crozier before he was replaced by Joannides. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=23764#relPageId=3 Joannides (Walter Newby) replaced Crozier on 12/5/62. Item 4 - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=23765#relPageId=4 DRE report to "Howard" aka George Joannides. Forwarded by Shackley to Desmond Fitzgerald. $10 million to kill Castro?? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=18928#relPageId=3
  8. I thought I'd start a new thread on Oswald's connections to JMWAVE and anti-Castro Cubans. First off, I've posted a portion of a great essay by Jeff Morley. Morley interviewed quite a few members of DRE and their knowledge of Oswald during the summer of 1963. Here's the complete essay. Well worth your time - https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/revelation-1963-6353139 Revelation 1963 JEFFERSON MORLEY APRIL 12, 2001 Page 3 of 10 Kennedy was incensed at Fernandez-Rocha's brashness so soon after the near-nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union had been defused. "The refugees," the president told his advisors, "are naturally trying to build up the story in an effort to get us to invade [Cuba]." He ordered the CIA to rein in the young exiles, and within 24 hours Richard Helms summoned Fernandez-Rocha to Washington. The 49-year-old deputy director spent the better part of a day grilling Fernandez-Rocha and, according to the CIA's minutes of that meeting, concluded that the new missile allegations were not altogether reliable. Helms rebuked the Directorate for going public -- on national television no less -- but softened the reprimand by adding that he wanted to forge a "reasonable collaboration" with the DRE. He understood their disappointment with U.S. policy, he said. He confided that he was promoting a new agent in Miami who would be "personally responsible to me" for the success of the relationship. For this sensitive task Helms selected an up-and-coming political-action officer, George Efythron Joannides, who had been transferred to Miami earlier that year and was working as deputy chief of psychological warfare operations against the Castro government. With a staff of 24 and a budget of $2.4 million, he ran his clandestine activities out of a ramshackle office building in then-rural South Dade that was known to CIA hands by its aquatic code name: JM/WAVE station. Joannides reported to station chief Theodore G. Shackley, who was overseeing one of the CIA's largest operations in the world, with an annual budget of more than $50 million, more than 100 leased vehicles, several thousand Cuban agents, and 300-plus American employees. Joannides was 40 years old then, a native New Yorker who had attended City College and St. John's University School of Law in Queens. Recruited for the CIA in 1951, he'd spent eleven years in Greece and Libya, confounding communists and influencing local politicians. He was a cosmopolitan man, fluent in French and Greek, competent in Spanish. He wore tailored suits, spun bilingual puns, and enjoyed Greek pastries. He and his wife, Violet, and their three children lived in suburban anonymity on SW 65th Avenue in what is now the Village of Pinecrest. Luis Fernandez-Rocha, now a doctor at Mercy Hospital, recalls his initial meeting with "Howard," as the CIA man called himself. Howard spoke confidently, with a New York accent, and wore an ornate pinky ring. In Fernandez-Rocha's view he compared favorably with the DRE's previous handler, Ross Crozier. "[He] was a great human being, but he was a sergeant," Fernandez-Rocha says. "When I was dealing with this guy Howard, I was talking to a colonel." Howard was always available, Fernandez-Rocha adds. The agent would meet him anywhere from "three times a week to once every two weeks. We used to have a cup of coffee at a Howard Johnson's on U.S. 1." The relationship was complicated. While the DRE was financially dependent on the CIA, its leaders publicly vilified Kennedy for his actions regarding Cuba: the Bay of Pigs defeat followed by a missed opportunity to topple Castro during the missile crisis. When the president came to Miami on December 29, 1962, to welcome returning Bay of Pigs prisoners at the Orange Bowl, DRE leaders stayed away in disgust. In the spring of 1963, the Directorate's military section continued to plan raids on island targets, drawing up an elaborate scheme to destroy the Nazabal sugar mill in central Cuba. They sent word of the operation through Joannides to Richard Helms, according to a declassified CIA cable, but Joannides emphasized the CIA's opposition, and the raid never took place. The Kennedy White House, wanting no return to the tensions of the missile crisis, then cracked down hard on Cuban Miami. In April 1963 the Immigration and Naturalization Service issued an administrative order forbidding 25 of the most militant exile leaders from leaving Dade County without permission. On the list were DRE secretary-general Fernandez-Rocha, military-section leader Chilo Borja, and propaganda chief Juan Manuel Salvat, the group's corpulent, hot-tempered mastermind. The exiles didn't obey the order. "We worked with the CIA," recalls Salvat. "We never subordinated ourselves to them." Nor did the Directorate's members try to hide their anger. Joannides walked a fine line -- trying to discourage the group's military ambitions while encouraging their propaganda campaigns and intelligence-collection efforts. But by the summer of 1963, the DRE harbored an "extremely bitter animosity" toward Kennedy, according to Ross Crozier, Joannides's predecessor. In fact they were scarcely less hostile to the president than to Castro.
  9. Ben, This was from the end of our Red Bird Lead 1 presentation. Interview by Shane O'Sullivan. David Morales - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nGyIthGwDY Ruben Carbajal relaying a conversation he had David Morales - “Why’d he [JFK] go back on his word? The president gave the okay that you’ll have air support and it was up there and the last five minutes prior to the attack he pulls them out and everybody gets caught down there. Now you know why he had no respect for the Kennedys.” “I was in Dallas when we got that motherf*cker.”
  10. Greg, I believe that Mowatt-Larssen threw out a name as a possibility - Jake Esterline, as an Ops officer. He did say it would be a small group out of JMWAVE and possibly the DCD (Domestic Contacts Division.)
  11. John Hart as head of Cuban Operations - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=197188#relPageId=2 Looks like 1965 or so.
  12. Greg, Interesting thesis. Hart either worked for or with David Phillips at one time. Hart is listed in this address book. Notice that Phillips is penciled in just under Hart's name. The left page is a who's who of McLean. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=154765 This address book belonged to Emilio Rodriguez. Emilio's brother, Arnesto/Ernesto was a very close friend of Carlos Bringuier. Arnesto was also an acquaintance of Oswald. Oswald had approached Arnesto about learning Spanish at his Berlitz Language school in New Orleans.
  13. Martin/Anthony, There was a lot more to the Northwoods plan. There were more than a few Oplans that were folded into that. Here is what the JCS wanted to discuss with LBJ day one. - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1235#relPageId=2 Notice item 4. Item 3 here. This would be the "contrived incident." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149830#relPageId=3 Item 7 and 8 here - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=145550#relPageId=55
  14. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=109126#relPageId=4
  15. Hi Gary, I'm not sure if this was The Joanne. The Joanne was in Baltimore Harbor towards the end of November. We know it left 12/2/63 with the "Black Nine." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40912#relPageId=2 Black Nine on board 11/29 with silenced weapons - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40900#relPageId=2 Getting the two LCMs 12/13/63. Doc from Henry Hecksher - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=22816#relPageId=2
  16. Thanks Rick. This was released previously but this is a better copy with HYIF-1 unredacted. Zamka is David Morales. COS PACY (Chief of Station Panama City) is Jake Esterline. Notice the date and time - 11/22/63 20:30. You'd think that Morales would have something better to do 6 hours after JFK was assassinated. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2021/docid-32350910.pdf
  17. Robin, Interesting info from Broshears. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=193177#relPageId=2&tab=page As posted before Diaz-Garcia was of interest to the FBI because of the report by Francisco Varona. (FBI Informant MM 761-S). Varona was also known as AMCONCERT-1. Varona was a CIA asset but had a falling out with the major suspects.
  18. Here's a physical description of Diaz-Garcia. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=74101#relPageId=13 Odio could not remember the shorter guy's name. She believed it was something like "Angel" or "Angelo." JFK lore later has it firmly established as Angel or Angelo. It could have been Sandalio. The only issue is that Diaz-Garcia was associated with 30th of November Movement although when he first arrived in July 1963, he thought that Artime and Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo had the best chances of getting "results." Menoyo was the head of the military section of the SNFE/A-66 group. Veciana was the fundraiser. Odio stated they were looking for her sister Sarita but said that Sylvia was the one they really wanted. Leopoldo said they were from JURE so we are looking for someone that knew of Sarita (DRE) and Sylvia (JURE).
  19. Richard, If I remember right, Doug Campbell did a presentation of this at last year's Lancer.
  20. It scrolled when I looked at it also. I found if I clicked and opened it in a new window the TOC loaded just fine.
  21. CIA no longer had an interest in Ricardo Morales in 1966. He was still in touch with Rene Garcia though. Garcia can be seen holding an umbrella in the photo with Rip Robertson taking in the Congo Nov 1964. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=80314#relPageId=2
  22. Thank you Larry. I hope we get somewhere this time.
  23. Matt, This report was written by Rip Robertson. He was impressed that Morales stayed behind to look after Alberto Perez. I believe Perez was wounded in action was unable to get on the C-54 with the others. List of commandos - http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10122-10147.pdf Morales and Perez on a later flight - http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10122-10183.pdf
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