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Paul Bacon

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Everything posted by Paul Bacon

  1. Thanks for this article Sandy. I, too, believe there is much going on behind the scenes than we are privy to. Unlike Trump, Biden is completely capable of playing 3D chess. And, for what it's worth, I'm with you in your defense of Biden, though I'm absolutely horrified at the suffering in Gaza.
  2. Casler said that Trump has been wearing 'diapers since probably the 90s'. Adding that they often had to stop the show in order for Trump to change his diaper, Casler said that Keith Schiller's job was to take Trump offset and wipe him down. "Our nickname for Keith was wet wipes." Casler added that Trump does it and he almost sits there unaware of it, and one time he saw Ivanka have to kind of go whisper in his ear and then Keith came and took him offstage. Trump not cleaning himself when changing out Depends, it is because he wears a hard plastic girdle and he doesn't have the freedom of movement. It's why you see him turn his body from the waist so strangely when standing. He would soil himself often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept because he couldn’t read a word. One time there was the word 'arbitrage' on a cue card and he freaked out and started screaming that the script department was setting him up then very loudly evacuated his bowels and you could smell it. I should also mention that Casler originally came out about this in 2019 (around the start of the pandemic), but the story was mostly buried. This discourse was reignited by a recent tweet from former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger: I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can. **** Whoa! Again, obviously all hearsay. This guy is really funny. It's 1:17 long , I started it at 15:00 when he started talking about people on the Apprentice staff changing Trump's diapers which involves taking off his plastic girdle. But I couldn't put it down. It's validation of every ugly thing you wanted to believe about Trump. This guys a comedian and is very entertaining. He says Hilary's people in 2016, approached him about Trump and he told them everything! And on the set of the Apprentice, as has been reported, he used the "n' word many times, but the tapes are guarded by producer Mark Burnette. This video is great Kirk. Like you, I couldn't stop watching. The show seemed to have been taped before Biden was elected, so I'm suprised I haven't heard this stuff before.
  3. Thanks for this video Ron. Yea, I didn't have a strong recollection of where I'd read about 3 head shots, so I tentatively wrote "at least two headshots". So, yes, it was from these guys. And, I don't think Dan Rather was lying or trying to mis-lead when he claimed Kennedy's head moved "violently forward" after having seen the original film that weekend. I agree with your conclusions.
  4. I was being more or less tongue in cheek Alan. But I agree--anytime...
  5. Wonder if he brought the cleaned 'uniform' to work with him, at some point, in a brown paper bag...🤪
  6. Well, I can't comment on your experience with Horne, but I wish I'd been a fly on the wall at that breakout session. There's much to learn from all of those guys. I hope you give Horne another chance. There is much to learn from him, too.
  7. Indeed Chris!! Thanks for the article. I've saved it.
  8. Pat, I'm suprised that such a thorough researcher, like you are, is unaware of the complete story surrounding how Brugioni came to be spotlighted by Horne and what he's revealed. I do think your dislike of Horne is clouding your judgement. By the way, none of what we know about this came from Lifton. It was by the work of Peter Janney and Doug Horne.
  9. I can't believe there is still any debate about Dino Brugioni's memories or credibility. His memories are clear, as would be anyone's recollections of a horrifying and impressive event shown in a film. He was amazed, at the time, of the cloud of brain matter that shot into the air. Did he also mis-remember having, in the middle of the night, to wake up a film equipment supplier to provide an 8 mm film projector? Has anyone here even seen the video interview Doug Horne did with Brugioni where, in real time, Brugioni discovers that there were two NPIC events? In my view, the two NPIC events make complete sense, when one understands that the first one was done to provide an expert opinion on what was actually seen in the film, and that the second one was done to see if the altered version would pass muster. The existing copy at NARA clearly shows alteration when scrutinized. Yes, there were at least two shots to Kennedy's head--one from behind (Z312), and another, instantaneously, from the front (Z313) which throws Kennedy back and left.
  10. You guys aren't referring to Toni Glover in the Hughs film, are you? She's standing on top of the pedestal across the street from the doorway.
  11. Yes Chris, I do agree. Now that I believe the photo was altered, it puts to rest my thoughts that I must be misunderstanding something. In my reletively short tenure here, I hadn't realized that many found issues with the photo.
  12. I'm sorry Chris, I shouldn't have been so obtuse. It hardly works for me in real life, let alone on the internet! ....the reason I invoked your name in this sentance is because I so appreciated your spelling the name "Lovelady" with a question mark at the end. So I adopted it. Sorry for confusing an already complicated thread! But, now, I don't quite understand what you're getting at with the "Remove the impossible shadow and we might obtain a more balanced look from Lovelady?"
  13. I have a feeling, Sandy, that a lot of people are appreciating your and Alan's efforts, but aren't chiming in. These hypotheses are eminently plausible, backed up by some interesting evidence--it's going to take a while for it to sink in. I do wonder, though, if others' are reading, mostly Alan's posts, carefully. It's tempting to speed read through if you've already planted your flag on Prayer Man=LHO. I, myself, was convinced that Prayer man was LHO, until I saw what Alan was putting out. For at least a decade I've been wondering what's up with Tie man's white shirt on top of Lovelady's? (thanks Chris D.) face and shoulder. I always just took it for granted that there was something I didn't understand to explain it--user error--I even asked my wife if she could help me reason through it. She couldn't either. Now I realize that Altgen's 6 was manipulated--it wasn't just me after all. And there's still work that needs doing, ie. was Lovelady? actually LHO, how many times was the photo manipulated, when, where, how, etc. I think we are at the beginning stages of a paradigm shift.
  14. Alan, your lastest hypothisis is very plausible and expertly laid out. I particularly liked your observation of the segmented car antenna. What a way to back up your assertion! I do see the masking and the logic behind it--definitly not an appropriate shadow. Well done! You've got me rearranging how I understand what happened that day. Lovelady and Shelly by the elevators....? And, of course, how did the shooters get out of the building....? and on and on.
  15. Could the white hatted, black sport coated man with the "concrete blanket" slung over his left shoulder be the same white hatted, black sport coated man, seen in the photo posted by Chris Davidson in the last post on page 9? It looks like a coat ...raincoat? Alan, your work is phenomenal. Aborted political stunt, indeed! Mind blown....
  16. She's standing on the wall directly across the street from the doorway. I think it's Tina Towner...
  17. Thanks Chris D., Sandy, and Andrej... Sandy, thanks for the interpretation of Chris' gifs. I see it now, especially in light of your and Andrej's postulation of a face behind Lovelady. Andrej, please don't bail out. Your thoughts and work are very much appreciated. Your Sketchup model is invaluable.
  18. Chris, why is it that we don't see Lovelady's full jaw line and that tie-man's shirt appears to overlap his jaw? Do you think the photo was manipulated?
  19. Of course we do William. And from what I've heard and seen that's exactly what our administration has been trying to accomplish. Netanyahu is his own man and bombing and invading is, politcally, what he thinks needs doing. Biden even said Israel should not make the same mistake we did after 9/11. In my view, the administration has been masterful in the last two weeks. This is a trainwreck!
  20. Sandy, now that I've seen your outline of Carl Jones' arm and hand, I understand why you say Lovelady is not leaning over much, for what it's worth. Now, if I could just get past the optical illusion that makes it look like the guy in the tie is overlapping Lovelady's left shoulder...
  21. Boy Sandy, you pulled that right out of your hat!! Very interesting....
  22. I agree Matt. That is precisely what Biden is doing. I can't, for the life of me, understand why his poll numbers have been so poor.
  23. I find your logic quite persuasive. It's the perfect strategy for the doctors to avoid getting caught between their own observations and the overwhelming power of the government's position. Simply roll over and not dispute them.
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