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George Govus

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    Piedmont, NC, USA
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    Saving the planet from the humans on it. Scrapbooking.

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  1. Saddest thing, Benjamin, polls say the governor’s race here is really tight.
  2. Cool! Plenty good reason to archive topics on the site using Wayback Machine, all the same.
  3. Robert Morrow's predilections, or the lack of them, not being the point of this thread, per se, may I just say, from my reading of not only the author Abraham Bolden, but especially author @Vince Palamara, that a view toward Kennedy's perceived indiscretions could have also operated at a national security level, to the extent that, for example, due to action, or inaction, by certain Secret Service agents, coordinated rifle file from elevated positions could be successful in Dallas that day, where ordinarily, according to Secret Service protocol, it should not have been. Deliberately put themselves in the line of fire? They are supposed to do that every day!
  4. English is so much fun. A "Cuban sympathizer" could also be anti-Castro. Glad for a Jeff Carter article and for more on Walters. Craig held in testimony that the station wagon he saw Oswald run to was one with a built-in luggage rack. Ruth Paine's 1955 Chevrolet Belair station wagon had no luggage rack. Didn't someone here posit Oswald knew another Mrs. with a station wagon? A Mrs. Payne??!!
  5. Calvinball. The JFK assassination has become a variation of Calvinball. From Sam Watterson's brilliant comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes. You pick the ball up where you find it. Never mind how the ball got there. You can run in any direction. This is my general observation, off topic and not referencing the controversy of this thread per se. I haven't done my homework enough to weigh in.
  6. Robbie Robertson is a great interviewer. Always has an intelligent question to ask. And Vince, you are a wonder, to have such command of your material. You really charge ahead!
  7. @Ron BulmanSorry! It was here on this forum, I don't recall which thread, who posted the picture, what is the source. Black and white photo. Maybe there were two similar shots? It was not all that long ago. Maybe someone else will pipe up. So far I haven't found it among the four thousand images on view at https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/index.php
  8. Even later he is walking in the grassy median between Main and Elm, almost but not quite walking in train with two men in suits.
  9. I dunno, Mike. But, the person with the sunglasses looks like, not only Lillian, but the cat who swallowed the canary. I do have trouble imagining Lillian's hair going quietly into that headscarf.
  10. Day-um. Dare I say, case closed?
  11. I'm interested, Denise, who is the researcher of which you speak. Are you familiar with the book by the late James Reston, Jr., The Accidental Victim: JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the Real Target in Dallas (2013) ISBN 978-1624908705? He develops the notion Oswald was shooting at Connally. I haven't read it. I don't think Oswald was so daft, nor so twisted, as to murder a man and gain nothing from it but revenge. I am pretty sure Oswald didn't fire a rifle that day.
  12. @Christian ToussaySo sorry, the most recent links don't work. A shame. Speaking as an artist, I can say the images you have managed to share are very interesting! I notice there's yet another image hosting service you could try. I see this one allows for hosting a picture indefinitely. https://postimages.org/
  13. Mm. Well, I'm an amateur, when it comes to computer graphics. If the question comes down to networked computers, like on the Internet, I'm even less help. But, if you have a Google email account, you have access to Google Drive, as well. A file hosting service, which some people recommend. If you are using another image hosting service, then, you might try Google Drive, and see if that works better. The other thought I had relates to the size of the file you are trying to display. If it is very large, it may be larger than the file hosting service supports. That's just me taking a guess. If that were the problem, then, perhaps I could receive the file from you, and use Photoshop to reduce the size of the file without much affecting the resolution. I could send the altered file back to you. Here's a web application that's recommended for transferring a file over the Internet: https://www.transferbigfiles.com/ That's also a file hosting site. You could try using that, instead of what you are doing. It could be that you already have software that can do what I'm suggesting doing. Also, a version of Adobe Photoshop is available as an Internet application. https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/photoshop-web-faq.html
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