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Bill Brown

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Everything posted by Bill Brown

  1. Scoggins said he was crouched behind the cab. Gil Jesus (mistakenly) said Scoggins was lying face down in the street. As for the killer looking back over his shoulder, Benavides said the killer did this, not Scoggins. The relevance is that you stated that Gil Jesus seems to have "a damn good grasp on the Tippit witness situation". I'm here to tell you that this is not so.
  2. I'm curious... Do you believe that William Scoggins was lying face down in the street as the fleeing gunman approached the cab moments after shooting Tippit?
  3. J.L. Angell https://www.legacy.com/funeral-homes/obituaries/name/jl-angell-obituary?pid=184395600&v=batesville&view=guestbook https://www.parker-ashworthfuneralhome.com/obituaries/6087733 His patrol car (#20) is captured on film in Dealey Plaza after the assassination.
  4. Some of you need to read this and learn something... https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/welcome-to-texas-unusual-pronunciation/ "And we recently visited Lancaster to find out why it's pronounced "Lang-k's-ter" instead of "LAN-caster," as many people assume."
  5. "It is all confusing, and impossible to know much of anything for sure. I went back and re read a bit in Nightmare. I'd forgotten about the Top Ten records stop. Drenas article is very good, it's referenced in Nightmare. But I have to take it with a grain of salt when in the second paragraph he gives special thanks to Dave Perry for his advice." You critique Dave Perry (a very fine researcher, no doubt) while "forgetting" about the Top Ten scenario. Hilarious. Point being, if you're so ignorant on the goings on in Oak Cliff, then who are you to critique anyone, especially someone like Perry?
  6. Herb Sawyer from Howard Brennan. I never rely on Brennan and I don't see how it is possible to accurately give a height/weight description of a man in the window from Brennan's position, though this is what happened.
  7. You know what? All ya gotta do is listen to the tapes for yourself. The "ster" is most definitely there.
  8. This whole thing is plain silly. First, Tippit says he's at Lancaster and 8th. He simply pronounced Lancaster and 8th like "Lankster & 8th". All Tippit did was shorten Lancaster from three syllables to two. Second, Lancaster and 8th is only two measly blocks from Lansing and 8th. Am I to understand that whatever conspiratorial nonsense a moving patrol car could be involved in at Lansing & 8th could not happen just two simple blocks away at Lancaster and 8th? Did you really think this through?
  9. Gil is not "making things up out of thin air" Regarding the Tippit shooting, Gil Jesus once stated right here on this forum (not too long ago) that William Scoggins' identification of the fleeing gunman as being Oswald is faulty because Scoggins couldn't have possibly seen the gunman's face since he (Scoggins) was lying face down in the street on the other side of the cab from the gunman. Scoggins was indeed ducking behind the cab but never said he was lying face down in the street. In fact, Scoggins said he peeked up over the cab at the gunman. I have never seen anyone (sans Gil Jesus) claim that Scoggins was lying face down in the street. In fact, Scoggins testified that the fleeing gunman was not wearing glasses and appeared to be about 25 years old. Scoggins couldn't have said either of these things if he had not seen the gunman's face. So @Steve Thomas, I ask you, when Gil Jesus said Scoggins was lying face down in the street, was he flat out wrong or was he making things up? It's one or the other.
  10. Callaway said the man (Lovelady) bore a resemblance to Oswald. Callaway was correct, there was a resemblance (obviously). Callaway did not identify Lovelady as Oswald and therefore couldn't have "misidentified" one for the other. Spence showed Callaway the Lovelady (Altgens) photo and asked Callaway who the man was. Callaway didn't bite. Nice try by Spence but no cigar. Why do you keep doing things like this? I'm curious.
  11. But... and this is the important part... LNers here aren't making things up out of thin air, as you are.
  12. Nonsense. Where, in any of the above, does it say that Oswald stated that he worked at the Depository?
  13. "In addition, all three fillers testified that they were asked questions during the lineup, including their names and places of employment. All three testified that they gave fictitious answers, while Lee Harvey Oswald gave his place of employment as the Texas School Book Depository." There is nothing in the testimonial record to suggest that Oswald, during the lineups, ever stated that he worked at the Depository. Stop making things up out of thin air.
  14. On film.... Oswald: "I work in that building." Reporter: "Were you in that building at the time?" Oswald: "Naturally if I work in that building, yes sir." Therefore, Oswald was not out on the front steps or on the landing. If Oswald was not out on the front steps or the landing, then he is not Prayer Man/Prayer Woman.
  15. Nonsense. Jack Myers' article is filled with errors. I've told you this before. I can list them if you like.
  16. From the latest Dale Myers blog: http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2023/07/jfk-oswald-and-ruby.html I especially liked this part from the Preface of Judge Burt Griffin's book... "JFK, Oswald and Ruby: Politics, Prejudice and Truth sends this message: Oswald and Ruby were lone killers. There is no evidence of a conspirator. Historians and students of history should cease being criminal investigators. They should focus on the super-abundance of evidence as to why Oswald and Ruby committed political murders, the political and social environment as they saw it, and how the public’s knowledge of the lives of Oswald and Ruby may prevent history from repeating itself. They should ignore the political world that fascinates conspiracy theorists."
  17. Some of the witnesses said the shooting occurred around 1:30. Now what?
  18. But the police tapes tell you when Callaway made his report on the patrol car radio. Callaway tells you his actions upon hearing the shots and before getting on the radio. Work it backwards. Are you seriously trying to say that 1:14 can't be considered "around 1 o'clock"?
  19. To recap, Callaway hears the shots. Runs to the sidewalk. Sees the gunman run south on Patton the entire block from Tenth to Jefferson. Runs the two-thirds of a block up to the shooting scene. Goes over to the police car and the first thing he does is grab the radio and report the shooting to the police dispatcher. How much time do you believe passed from the time Callaway heard the shots to the time he reported the shooting on the police radio? Let's say two minutes pass from the time Oswald shoots Tippit to the time Oswald turns the corner from Patton onto Jefferson. This is a little over one block and Oswald was running. Let's say it takes Callaway one minute when he made the "good hard run" the two-thirds of a block from his location to the patrol car. If these two time estimates are anywhere close to being correct, then Callaway is at the patrol car roughly three minutes after the shots rang out. Let's add another full minute for error. So we have Callaway at the patrol car using the police radio about four minutes after the shots rang out. Here's the thing... Callaway's report to the dispatcher while using the patrol car radio took place at 1:19/1:20. Do the math and work it backwards. At 1:19/1:20, Callaway makes the call. If four minutes have passed (and that's being generous, in my opinion) since the shots rang out, then the shots rang out around 1:15.
  20. Nonsense. Holan did not live on Tenth Street on 11/22/63, nor did she give any information to any of the officers at the scene.
  21. Westbrook is referring to Helen Markham, though he made an incorrect assumption about where she lived.
  22. And by that time, he (Westbrook) had yet to arrive at the scene on Tenth Street.
  23. Makes way more sense than the looney theory that Harvey and Lee were two different people.
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