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Gerry Down

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Everything posted by Gerry Down

  1. I didn't realize DPUK had a YouTube channel. A disappointing 7 subscribers. Hopefully they'll upload more of their old content: https://youtube.com/channel/UC8nOXhcV5yCT6AlSO8ZjilA
  2. In her book “Me And Lee” Judyth Vary Baker talks about a “Call Wheel” system she and Lee would use to communicate. The way it worked was as follows: Judyth would wait by a payphone at a set time on a set day. She uses an example of a payphone by a 7-11 store at 11pm. Lee would ring her and they would talk. At the end of the call he would end by saying something like “I’ll call back in a few days” which she says meant he’d call her back 3 hours later that same night on that same pay phone. If she missed such a call, which she described as breaking the wheel, then she would have to wait until the next pre-arranged time for them to talk. In the case of an emergency, Lee gave her an emergency number to call to get in touch with him. The number she says he left her was the number to the TSBD. The system they had set up was that she would ring the TSBD and ask for Lee Oswald the “new Janitor”. The phrase “new Janitor” was a code for Oswald to refuse the call, but then phone her that night at 11pm at their usual payphone which was at the 7-11 payphone. Judyth claims that an operator remembered such a call coming through to the TSBD on Wednesday Nov 20th 1963, and that this operator reported the call to investigators. She says this in the end notes of the book. Does anyone have the documents which prove that such a call was made to Lee Oswald the "new Janitor" and that such a call was investigated by authorities after the assassination? On a recent interview on "Out Of The Blank", at 13 minutes on the interview, Gerald Posner says that the FBI checked the phone records of 1026 North Beckley and the TSBD to see if anyone suspicious had been trying to contact LHO. Does anyone happen to have offhand the FBI docs that describe this part of the investigation?
  3. I believe that refers to the May 9th mail forwarding order Oswald sent from New Orleans to Dallas to forward his mail from PO box 2915 to 4907 magazine street. I think he posted it on May 9th and put on the card for it to be effective from May 12th. For some reason the post was slow and it did not arrive in Dallas until May 14th. This is the card that triggered the Dallas Post office to close PO box 2915 (though Tom Gram believes Marina closed the post office box on May 10th as he lays out in his essay "Rethinking Oswalds Mail"). Here is the Commission exhibit: https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0353b.htm
  4. I'm not sure what you mean by the "wooden screen" and "window sash". I would have thought both of these are the same things? Check out 5 minutes 50 seconds on this video. You can see the detectives flashlight reflecting in the bottom pane of glass indicating that the pane there is intact. I wonder if the assassin deliberately fired through the window frame as breaking the glass would have caused more noise:
  5. The glass there appears to be in one piece but cracked. Are we to conclude from that pic that the bullet clipped the glass pane, cracking it, but not actually breaking the glass pane into pieces?
  6. That's the issue I have. We always hear about the bullet hitting the wood frame but nothing about the glass.
  7. Was the Walker window open at the time of the shooting or did the assassin fire through a pane of glass shattering it?
  8. I didn't realize Life were giving the rights away to anyone. Maybe Life had some type of business relationship with that particular newspaper.
  9. That's the first time I've seen a frame from the zapruder film in a newspaper from that weekend - top right newspaper.
  10. We need high resolution images of a mole on Marguerite Oswald's face. JFK assassination research at its finest.
  11. I believe there was only one Marguerite. But John Armstrong in his book probably has unearthed some oddities that have yet to be explained.
  12. This is the first time i've heard of the N a z i claims. But Oswalds pro communist beliefs are not something we depend on Thornley to tell us about. LHOs own diary talks about his communist leanings. He even wrote to the CPUSA in March 1963 looking to join.
  13. Proving the providence of some of those would be nigh on impossible. I wouldn't believe Wade giving out the shell that killed Oswald. You'd think he'd keep something like that for his own family.
  14. That's true. You would think Hosty would have looked there. But he had something like 40 cases at any given time, and not all of them would have been unemployed, and there are only so many hours in the day. Due to resources, it was probably not standard procedure for the FBI to use this avenue (the employment commission records) to try and track someone down especially as there was nothing apparently urgent about tracking Lee and Marina down in this time frame.
  15. I presume Oswald had to give them a real address in order to claim unemployment benefits. They would have been unlikely to have accepted a PO box.
  16. Great PDF. It shows just how complicated Oswalds mail rerouting system was.
  17. Is the point here that Posner tried to suggest that McClellend was wrong about the large wound on the back of the head using Dr. Perry, even though in other testimony Dr. Perry concurred there was indeed a large hole there? I have not read this section of Case Closed in a while so I'm not sure of the full context of this part of the book.
  18. I bet it was packed that year with all the publicity from Oliver Stones movie.
  19. You were married by the same minister that conducted Oswald's funeral? What an interesting story. Did you know that at the time or only find out about it years later as you studied the JFK assassination?
  20. I tracked down the fake Marguerite: https://youtu.be/z7HfSAw0LRI
  21. They tested ce399 (or it might have been the two fragments found in the front seat) for DNA in 2000. They found the DNA to be too degraded to be of any use.
  22. I don't see any issue here. Whoever moved the sack from the corner to the top of boxes likely simply didn't want to admit after the fact that they did. We'll have to agree to disagree. You are entitled to your opinion
  23. Well I take the position that Frazier was mistaken about the length. I know others on here would disagree with that.
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