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Jean Ceulemans

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Everything posted by Jean Ceulemans

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words... well... not always... but we can not deny that by the time she appeared before the WC she already was a different girl. I have to admire her for that, how she came out after what had happened to her, she must have been exceptionally strong. She decided it was over and out with the misery, and was taking matters into her own hands (she made a few mistakes in the process but kept on going). Some of the big and strong men that were involved, came out totally broken. But not Marina, she straightened her back and went for it, I have to give her that.
  2. I don't think so, Marina was the only one that said she had seen the picture without a hole in it. And in doing so she connectied the original undamaged photo to Lee, and within that frame connected Lee once more to the Walker shot... But... in the same time pointing to the fact that some agency had taken the license plate out... oops. Marina at times was like shooting a riot gun... she'd hit anything within reach... One really needed to be carefull in asking her the right questions, or you would have some serious backfire. Smart girl she was.
  3. Klihr at Walker's house was no problem, it was known he was an associate. BUT having Klihr at Walkers house while LHO was in the same time taking pictures outside could cause many problems, e.g. they would have to interview him if he had seen someone outside that day, but more important it could lead to the exact date when the picture was taken.
  4. Do you know when Alice (Renée Amandine) LAMY divorced JPR Filiol ? She remarried in 1965 in Paris with Mickaël M.E.V. Hardiviller (in WWII Mickaël was with the French resistance). The word was she wanted to change the course of her live (as it had been with Filiol) The French LAMY family has always been in the fashion industry, some of them extended the industry to Belgium. I have already mentioned the link between GDM and a member of the (very large !) Lamy family, also in the Fashion industry. But it is far from sure this Lamy even knew Alice. On Leon Degrelle... well... he was a loudmouth, his Wallloon forces send into Russia were a disaster (most of them fled and or were executed for desertion). Most of that stuff was pure propaganda by the Germans hoping to get more support from the French speaking part of Belgium. Leon Degrelle would never admit these facts. When Maurice De Wilde pushed the item in an interview with Leon, Leon pretty much went nuts. Since the "Maurice De Wilde interviews" were broadcasted in Belgium, all of Belgium considered Leon to be an idiot (well, that is... a dangerous idiot capable of doing anything to boost his ego). Here's Leon being interviewed by Maurice, it's in French but it's only a minute... the expression on Degrelle's face.... The total interview was much much longer, this is just an excerpt. Maurice worked for over 20 years on the subject of collaboration, he produced over 60 (!) documentaries. ck to the Belgian girls LAMY Marie and Sylvie. Marie was the girl GDM officially moved in with, his adress would be with her in Antwerp untill he left for the USA. But Sylvie was his girlfriend, here's pictures of the factory and the Lamy-girls George would be working with (pre-WW II). When George studied in Liege his adress would remain in Antwerp. The LAMY girls were born in Namur, but they had moved to Brussels and Antwerp where they had clothing factories and a stores. When George DM left Marie and Sylvie, especially Marie had a rough time, she got robbed a number of times (made the national newspapers). During the war she went back to Namur where she was robbed again (now people started to suspect some insurance fraude, but this was never proven). For the record : George did not found Sigurd, Sigurd was part of the LAMY structure and a commercial- and brandname (there were others as well). He started as a salesman, became the accountant, and ended as what we now would call the CEO reporting to Marie LAMY (she remained head of the company througout all of the time). The only thing I am still not 100 % sure of is the link between Marie and Sylvie, they were not sisters (I have all the family data on Marie). Sylvie was family to Marie but how exactly I don't know, it's possible they were like cousins. Marie was the older one, she was born June 8, 1901 in the city of Namur, Belgium. She was some 10 years older than GDM, Sylvie would be more of his age, born ca. 1912.
  5. Yes, but that is about jack martin (New Orl/bannister), not jim martin (TX/six fl/marina/manager). Perhaps he will do one later on jim martin.
  6. On the Citizen Archivist Mission, they created the frame so the rest is up to volunteers. It could be the JFK-case just isn't very popular among those volunteers. The JFK Assassination Records Collection is listed as an "Outside the Box" mission, together with e.g. Chinese Heritage.
  7. Greg, I believe you did the right thing. I have been reading a lot on Ruth lately and I feel she sometimes was simply put in an awkward position by the actions of DPD, FBI and/or SS. As to when she notified authorities on some issues, we can not begin to imagine what life for her must have been in those days. Would I be a a little upset when after 4 months they were still asking about curtain rods ? You bet I would... that should have been cleared on day 1 (that was about a freaking aliby for the accused !). Not in months 4 or 5.... Or even later, cfr. Hoover's memo. Not to mention 3 agencies running an investigation on their own and are competative about it, try keeping those satisfied in such conditions, impossible !
  8. His parents divorced when BW was 6 months old, he made contact with his father only in approx. 1986.
  9. I agree one could calculate a number of possible trajectories, but IMO I doubt any of them would be really conclusive when I see the thousands and thousands of posts on wound location, etc. Perhaps an interesting idea for a new topic : on what do we agree in full... ?
  10. The Walker note, when I look at the travels of that note I doubt Ruth was instrumental in it, IMO it would have travelled in a more direct way (and months later on 3/23/64 Jenner was still taking to letters to Washington from some of Ruths possessions). The Walker note and how it travelled, I copy this from my notes, I think it is the most recent version I had, I have just installed back-ups to a new PC so don't shoot me if there's an error. I would be happy to receive some corrective remarks and/or additions on the names of the agents, dates, etc) Files JPC / My documents / JFK / WALKER / The Walker Note : 11/30/1963 (date uncertain) Ruth Paine gives the book to Paul Barger (assumed) Irving, Police Captain, Ruth Paine later assumed it was 1 week after the assassination, and 11/30/1963 is plausible yet uncertain, she also assumed she handed it to a Police Captain. 11/30/1963 (date uncertain) Paul Barger, Irving, Police Captain gives the book to Leon Power, Irving Assistant Chief of Police. 12/2/1963 Leon Power, Irving, Assistant Chief of Police gives the book to John Looper, Irving, Police Detective 12/2/1963 John Looper, Irving, Police Detective gives the book to an unknown Special Agent, Secret Service (who is to give the book to Marina), it isn’t until now that the note is allegedly found in the book (involvement Secret Service Russian language expert) 12/2/1963 Ruth Paine is visited by 2 unknown Secret Service agents, they claimed SS having found the note in the book, Ruth says she never has seen the note before 12/3/1963 FBI sent the note to FBI HQ for examination by Sebastian Latona (fingerprints / 7 persons / none of Oswald or Marina) 12/3/1963 Marina is questioned by Secret Service Agents 12/4/1963 Dallas FBI, notes on the above by Special Agents James P. Hosty and James J.Ward 12/4/1963 Special Agent, FBI, Bardwell D. Odum report (*) : states that Ruth Paine was asked about the book and the note by 2 Special Agents, Ruth says she has not seen the note before, she gave the book to a Captain (she assumed) of the Irving Police (*) the Odum report is dictated on 12/5/1963, and in the upper right corner is written 12/6/1963, while the report is dated 12/4/1963 12/6/1963 Katzenbach / press release / Pierre Salinger / press release / FBI Chief James L. Hanley / Head of FBI Office Dallas Office Gordon Shanklin / DPD Captain Edward Backner 12/10/1963 Marina questioned again by Secret Service Agents 12/26/1963 Memo on the above by Sorrels, SAIC, Secret Service, to Jessy Curry, Chief of Police Dallas
  11. I don't see how any of these reenactments can conclude something with some certainty. 1 ) someone could have shot from the window within a rather large number of positions, some inches to the left, right, up, down,.... so the beginning of the traject is variable 2) when we see there is even discussion on where exactly he was hit, that's also variable (to the extend that I have stopped reading the discussions on that topic) 3) his exact position when hit seems also open for debate. So, there are a bunch of variables from the beginning to the end and in between, any conclusions on the angle and bullet trajectory, given those variables will be questionable. IMO at best one can conclude it was possible to hit the President... like we didn't know that, just like we know some things are impossible. Now, I don't have a problem with amateurs or scientists trying it, but they will never reach a conclusion that will be shared by a majority. It will be used to promote a certain POV, but that's it, it will not solve anything. It would be different if a number of things were certain, but they simply are not (judging by the many differents opinions on them)
  12. I knew from her hearing that her diploma was in a bad condition (because of the fingerprint tests), but was it really this bad ??? This is pretty much the same as redacting it in full I have been trying to find a better copy of it, but no luck so far. Anyone ? I do have the data* that supposed to be on it, but a good picture.. nope... From the NA : In Leningrad, Marina attended the Three Hundred and Seventy-Fourth Women's School. After she had completed the seventh grade at the school in 1955, she entered the Pharmacy Teknikum for special training, which she had requested on the ground that her mother was ill and Marina might need to have a specialty in order to support herself. While she was st the Teknikum, she joined the Trade Union for Medical Workers and, in her last year there, worked part time in the Central Pharmacy in Leningrad. She graduated from the Teknikum with a diploma in pharmacy in June 1959.
  13. And let's not jump to any conclusions about some of the corrections 😃😃😃
  14. You posted a link to a g-mail inbox IMO ? I think you copied the location iso content
  15. I remember seeing a small map (made with Paint or something like that) that showed the Paine and Randle house and some of the neighbours' houses, I do not recall if the names of those neighbours were listed. I don't think I saved it on my old PC (I'm uploading the back-ups to my new PC now). It's not the well know map with Oswalds walking route, it showed more Anyone ?
  16. No problem, absolutely no need to apologize. Thanks for the link,
  17. When Jenner was walking through the house (measuring just about everything) they noticed this storage room just before entering the garage https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=233432#relPageId=28 Reminder, they were there to check essentially 2 things : - where was the wrapped blanket package located on different days (the blanket that allegedly contained the rifle) - curtain rods (wrapped, their "bag" could have been used etc..................
  18. IMO she did not state the "wrapped blanket package" was not in the garage at that time (11/16/63). She stated it was not in that small storage room (located in the N/W corner of the garage), that became a topic in the 3/23/64 hearing in Irving. Jenner asked if the "wrapped blanket package" could have been stored in that room. She said yes it could have (it was big enough), but she had never noticed it in there. She normally would not use that room, but she recalled storing gifts in there for the 11/16 birthday party, if the package was in there that day she would have noticed. The hearing cont'd and she points out the 2 places in the garage were she had noticed that "wrapped blanket package". Now, they were also looking for a "paper bag" or "paper wrapped package" containing curtain rods (the wrapping of that was missing, she had assumed in the previous hearing they would be wrapped, but they were not (or no longer... that's the question).
  19. No no no, 14 of these just have an itch, and 2 didn't hear the question.
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