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Richard DellaRosa

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Call me sentimental, but only a few weeks ago I removed from my desktop the quick bookmark link to Rich's forum.

It just did not seem right unless it was there, even though the forum was long gone. For many years it

was my HOME PAGE, which opened up when I opened the internet.


Here it is, Jack. It's new: JFKresearch Assassination Archive

You see, I'm sentimental, too. It's still my homepage...I just can't post there anymore.

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Yeah and I remember you yelling at me over the phone while I was driving home from my teaching job in 2002 -- it did take a while to sort out the genuine from the bogus ... :) :)

Hey Don,

Those truly were "the good old days" indeed! I remember that Anthony Marsh was the first person ever banned from the forum! Paul Burke was the second...ahhh--the memories. We don't need to mention the

names of EF moderators on the list... (LOL, you know who you are...)

The culture was different then. The obstacles, while formidable, were both ill defined and illusive; the disingenuous were not easily discerned from the sincere; the genuine "revolutionary" was not easily distinguished

from the anarchist; but, the WARREN COMMISSION APOLOGIST was all too transparent, similar to the present day. Rich allowed the free expression of "Lone Nuts" [my terminology, not his] on the forum irrespective of

his own personal revulsion to their presence. Like JFK, Rich tolerated--indeed, he encouraged--diversity and freedom of speech.

I remember about 18 months before he died we exchanged some emails. He asked: "My main Monk, why do you think so many of the past regular participants no longer post here?"

Wow. That was interesting because I had stopped posting for quite a while myself due to changing personal circumstances, i.e., I got re-married, and my daughter was married to an Australian, and 2 years later had a baby, etc.

-- and so I was unsure how to answer.

Finally, I said:

"Unfortunately, perhaps people just NEED to argue this "JFK Subject" out. Sometimes they NEED to make it "bloody" (figuratively speaking, of course). After the forum became "civilized" the "need" for confrontation was perhaps

not met there anymore."

It's all supposition, at this point. But, I do miss those "good old days" -- I miss fighting the "good fight" back-to-back with my Compadre, Don Riccardo.

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....and dear Rich, I do miss him so much and still miss going there every day. I use to go several times a day, but when the format seemed to become more of a political discussion forum, I did slow down on going there...that is just not my cup of tea....JFK Discussions is my interest.But still, it was like home, I missed all those that use to be there and some I have been re-acquainted with, at various other forums. I also wonder what happened to some of them. However, there were also some hellacious, heated and quite passionate discussions at times, but Rich seemed to be able to deal with it. As we began hearing on our TV's about what was happening on the morning of 911. a majotity of us went straight to Rich's forum...that is where felt most safe and secure and drew comfort from each other. I never actually met Rich, but we had many emails and joked some and also talked on the phone several times. Stll, I felt as though I had met him.


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Rich is surely missed. I couldn't wait to log on each day and see what new posts Rich and others had put up on the forum dealing with everything from JFK,9/11,global warming,the New World Order or some new joke or funny anecdote. The lack of bitching, name calling and other crap you see on evidence on this forum especially, was what made me keep coming back. I got to meet and communicate with some very interesting folks there from Greg, Bernice, Jack, Jim and not the least, Rich, the father of JFK forum administrators. Thanks, for the heads up Greg.

Edited by Walt Rollins
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Rich is surely missed. I couldn't wait to log on each day and see what new posts Rich and others had put up on the forum dealing with everything from JFK,9/11,global warming,the New World Order or some new joke or funny anecdote. The lack of bitching, name calling and other crap you see on evidence on this forum especially, was what made me keep coming back. I got to meet and communicate with some very interesting folks there from Greg, Bernice, Jack, Jim and not the least, Rich, the father of JFK forum administrators. Thanks, for the heads up Greg.

hi walt, i sent you the info as well as others some weeks ago, on the forum beung archived, perhaps it went astray, and thankyou to the ef, for allowing this thread, for good memories, and all, now the gif i am posting, if it works, sometimes they do not here, is a joke, please take it that way administration and all, rich posted it quite a few times, he stated it was his favourite gif, but we never knew why.........LLH, LOL...B

PS if the gif does not enable, perhaps someone will do so, with thanks...take care all.best b.. it is working when clicked, thanks...

Edited by Bernice Moore
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This is just one of the things that was humorous with Rich. Several years ago, Terry Mauro, Bernice and I made a claim that we were old Jack's Girls. (Meaning Jack Ruby's Girls). We even made up little (email)stories about our experiences, working for him and claimed that a certain photo with Jack, was us three girls. Then, Rich wanted us to become Rich's Girls, instead of Jack's Girls....so we did change it. Then, at one point, Rich was interviewed on Len Osenic's Black Op Program and referred to his three Rich's Girls and even gave our names. We were surprised, but also felt special, even though just in fun. I think that later on, Adele Edisen also became one of us Rich's Girls. Some may feel this was all rather silly, but still, we all had plenty of laughs over all these claims as well as having good memories about Rich.

Another time,Rich decided that it was time to walk away from the forum and he got many comments about that.I asked him what he thought he would do with himself all day, if he didn't have the forum to run....since he was unable to work. Evidently, this did cause him to rethink his decision and he then announced his new decision to stay with the forum and even mentioned that I had caused him to change his mind...made me feel good about that. So, he was able to give us many more years!


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Thanks for sending me a link to this thread, Greg.

And thanks, Don, for the mention. It's good to hear from you and that you're still active in this. I'm still around and doing work little by little. Greg and I were doing a few things in November and I'm working a little with Mark Oakes now helping him with something.


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Hey Scott- it's great to have you here! Hope you start posting.

Mark Oakes- another great guy who's done some important work, especially on the Murray "bullet in the grass" photos. He's also one of the nicest guys around. I still watch the DVDs he put together of the witness interviews he conducted every so often.

I will always be in your debt, Scott, for the VHS tape you sent me several years ago, featuring live local TV coverage of the search for JFK, Jr. Maybe you could post your thoughts about that case here on the forum if you get a chance.

Edited by Don Jeffries
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It's all supposition, at this point. But, I do miss those "good old days" -- I miss fighting the "good fight" back-to-back with my Compadre, Don Riccardo.

There were a few knockdown drag-outs weren't there? :rolleyes: I remember one interesting tidbit, from the first JFKResearch forum, just before the letter incident...I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, there were over well 700,000 total posts at that particular time to Rich DellaRosa's JFKResearch forum.

Lot of familiar names showing up in the thread..... :ice

Edited by David G. Healy
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I was only on Rich's forum for about 2 - years before he passed away, but i found him to be a thorough gentleman, always willing to share his thoughts with those new to the forum.

as most on that forum would know, i am not an alterationist, but i did enjoy reading the various posts and Rich's comments, and tried to contribute with the images where ever possible.

His passing came as quite a shock to me, as i didn't realize at the time just how sick he really was.

I am glad to see his legacy lives on.

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