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Bernardo De Torres

John Simkin

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Bernardo De Torres's daughter has just been in contact with me. Apparently he is not too happy about my web page on him and wants to correct some of the mistakes. For example, he does not live in Chile. He has answered some of the questions I sent him. In many ways, the questions he refused to answer were more revealing.

Can you share what he did answer and what he didn't?!

What is really needed on this thread is the listing of all NARA Documents concerning "Documents which are still [as of 08/06/2006] classified." I used to have a link to the NARA page but hjavent been able to find it, I was on the phone with someone from NARA who was trying to help me and they gave me a phone number to someone who ostensibly was associated with the JFK Collection for further info, when I dialed the number it was 'no longer in service' lol.

Even though it has been at least 6 months since I viewed the page I can give a very small segment of the list from memory

Eugene Hale Brading

Father Madrigal

Bernardo de Torres

E Howard Hunt

Frank Fiorini aka Sturgis

Mitch Werbell

Gerry Patrick Hemming

Loran Hall

Lawrence Howard

Claude Capehart

Nester Castellanos

Jack Ruby

Lee Harvey Oswald

David Ferrie

Even a layman can adduce that if there are still remaining documents which remain classified, they would come in handy as a reference for researchers.

Qui Bono

Edited by Robert Howard
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Bernardo De Torres's daughter has just been in contact with me. Apparently he is not too happy about my web page on him and wants to correct some of the mistakes. For example, he does not live in Chile. He has answered some of the questions I sent him. In many ways, the questions he refused to answer were more revealing.

Can you share what he did answer and what he didn't?!

What is really needed on this thread is the listing of all NARA Documents concerning "Documents which are still [as of 08/06/2006] classified." I used to have a link to the NARA page but hjavent been able to find it, I was on the phone with someone from NARA who was trying to help me and they gave me a phone number to someone who ostensibly was associated with the JFK Collection for further info, when I dialed the number it was 'no longer in service' lol.

Even though it has been at least 6 months since I viewed the page I can give a very small segment of the list from memory

Eugene Hale Brading

Father Madrigal

Bernardo de Torres

E Howard Hunt

Frank Fiorini aka Sturgis

Mitch Werbell

Gerry Patrick Hemming

Loran Hall

Lawrence Howard

Claude Capehart

Nester Castellanos

Jack Ruby

Lee Harvey Oswald

David Ferrie

Even a layman can adduce that if there are still remaining documents which remain classified, they would come in handy as a reference for researchers.

Qui Bono

Interesting list!......handy is a polite understatement!....they are obviously [to me] withheld because they contain damning information of the fraudulent official version and/or other operations we are not to know about associated with what really happened. That the number you were given is no longer in service is parr for the course.....

I was reading OPERATION TILT and ALPHA 66 on the Spartacus files.

Antonio Veciano and Eddie Bayo, Eugenio Martinez and Frank Sturgis.

There was some heavy blackmail when Howard Hunt, James McCord, Martinex, Gonzalex, Barkex, Sturgis and Gordon Liddy ended up in the news....

Ford and the Bush family, with Ford's team of Rumsfeld and Cheney in power, you understand.

Al Haig would be proud ...............

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  • 3 years later...

Gaeton Fonzi wrote in The Last Investigation (1993):

It all began when Rolando Otero said he was going to tell me how President Kennedy was assassinated. This was shortly after I began working for the Assassinations Committee and Otero was in the Okaloosa County Jail in the Florida Panhandle. Otero wanted to talk, but he wanted me to know that his knowledge was based on only two factors: secondhand information, and what he had learned about the CIA's tactics and procedures when he worked for the Agency.

Otero said his source had told him that Lee Harvey Oswald was sent to Russia as a CIA agent. The decision to kill Kennedy was made before Oswald's return to the United States. Otero said he had no specific knowledge of the number involved, but his training led him to guess there were between thirty and thirty-five CIA operatives in Dallas on the day Kennedy was killed, including the actual hit team. He figures there was a minimum of three on the hit team, at least one stationed in front of, and another behind, Kennedy. Otero said he understood that most of the final planning and coordination took place at meetings held in the Dallas YMCA Building, and he gave me the names of five Miami men who, according to his source, were involved in the plot. He said he didn't know the roles that four of them played, but the fifth, the one called Carlos, was in contact with Oswald and was posing as a photographer in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd.

I met with Rolando Otero because his attorney, Bob Rosenblatt from the Miami Public Defenders Office, had called and told me Otero wanted to talk with me. I knew of Otero because he had gotten major headlines when he was accused of placing bombs in Federal buildings in the Miami area. I also knew of his association with the most violent anti-Castro terrorists, so I thought it might be worth the trip. A wiry, intense young man, with a wild crop of black curls, Otero burned with an almost visible fervor when he spoke of his hatred for Castro. But he believed that any attempt to blame Castro for the assassination was part of the CIA's ploy to throw the investigation off track. The Agency did the same thing, he said, when it injected the Mafia scenario at the time of the Garrison investigation.

Some years after the book was published Fonzi admitted that "Carlos" was Bernardo De Torres.

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  • 7 years later...

Still alive?


So if Garrison was right he was working for or with Harvey/Phillips/Morales/Joannides.

Carlos Otero tells a incriminating story in Mr. Simkin's  last post.  If true the CIA Owned Dealy Plaza on 11/22/63.

Then there's this.   I know A J Weberman is a questionable source but there is a lot of documentation here.  At one point it says  Torres worked Morales.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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  • 1 month later...

Its disgusting that anything on DeTorres is still redacted.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

No I do not.  I do know he worked with Werbell after though.

He then rose up the ranks really fast.  

He was also involved in the Dominican operation.

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De Torres came out with other Brigade prisoners at the end of 1962 and joined his brother's detective agency in Miami.  He was very active with the newly reformed Brigade in Miami but I found no documents showing that he was directly involved with the CIA at that point in time. The people he was personally involved with during the summer of 1963, as shown in pictures, were Roy Hargraves and William Seymour as well as a very important Commandos L independent boat mission against Cuba.  It was later that he went to work for Werbell. 

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If you look in Fonzi's book, according to their source, he said that DeTorres was associated with Werbell in 1963. (p. 238)

And that he and Werbell did wet jobs.


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Jim, I don't  have a copy of Fonzi's book available - deeply stored.  I spent a lot of time on Werbell's history myself I didn't see him with De Torres during that time nor doing "wet affairs" although Werbell was one of the biggest talkers in the world, wildly exaggerating his contacts and activities for self promotion.  My sources on De Torres are all direct from photos as in the Baku incident, from photo collections as with Hargraves and Seymour or on the sorts of documents David has been posting here.  Gayton and I discussed a lot of things but I wouldn't pretend to recall specifics on talking about De Torres.  If someone can find some primary sources on De Torres beyond Werbell or if you could give me Fonzi's source  I would love to see it. 

I need to add that personally I consider Fonzi's Otero source key,  De Torres as a primary suspect in the Dallas attack and heavily involved in frustrating later investigations.  Its just very important to trace exactly what individuals he was associating with during the summer of 63 (after just being released from prison in Cuba the previous winter), who actually involved him in new anti-Castro missions and then in the JFK conspiracy.

Edited by Larry Hancock
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