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Ruth Paine

Paul Trejo

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Let me get back to this since I have been working on a couple of projects.

There are two ways to write a JFK book I think. One is analytically, and the other is depicting a narrative.

In DB 2, I tried to write a narrative. In Reclaiming Parkland, I did an analysis of Vince B's horrendous book.

In the first instance, I felt that so much information had been released since my first edition that it lent itself to telling a detailed story. Much more detailed than my first book. And I felt that with all this new information out there, it dovetailed and complemented each other to such a degree, that one could knit it together. So that book has a circular structure to it.

Now, let us analyze instead of describing the whole Nixie letter episode.

First of all, to my knowledge, the version in DB 2, is the longest and most detailed version of the episode in the literature. It goes way beyond what the non-pariel Sylvia Meagher did, and even beyond what Armstrong did, many years later.

I began with the restaurant talk. Because I was trying to show that this whole envelope incident addressed to Ruth Paine was common knowledge among those who worked at the post office or frequented that waffle shop. And it was not dying down. Clearly, the FBI wanted it to just disappear, because they understood just how potent this package was. But it would not.

Therefore, the FBI finally took an affidavit from Mr. Reed--but it was nine days after he first heard about it, on the 23rd, ten days after the murder. But still, the FBI did not get the package in their custody.

Who did they send in to do the investigative work? Who else? Good ole Harry Holmes. With all we know about Harry today, this would be like sending in someone like Howard Hunt or Warren DeBrueys. You know something down and dirty is about to happen. In my view, one of the things Holmes did was to paste over the original address with a non existent one, and he then lied about no one noticing the package beforehand. Because he did not want to expose the actual address, the Paine home. He also enlisted the local postmaster, Twilley to lie about when the package was discovered. If you think no one noticed the package until December 4th, I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you. I mean, Reed heard about it on the 23rd for God's sake. When Holmes got it he said it was partly opened!

What makes it more interesting is this: it contained no latent fingerprints on any part of it. That is, the package, the wrap or the corrugation. Which suggests that it may have been wiped clean before it was mailed.

Now, the day the first notice arrived at Ruth's is the 20th. The day before Oswald would be there, on the 21st. The official story being that he has the rifle stored at the Paine garage, and he took home wrapping paper from the TSBD. And, according to Ruth, he was up late at night on the 21st in the garage. According to the lying PJM and WC, he was hard at work with the rifle and the paper in the garage. (Which is complete crap of course since Carol Hewett found out that he had fallen asleep early that night in Marina's room.)

And then, of course, Frazier and his sister say he came up that morning with a package and put it in the car. Although, how could Linnie see through those slats on the car port since the car was on the other side of the port? And then of course, the DPD did not photograph the alleged package in situ even though the officers were standing right on it. But they later manufactured the whole paper thing that afternoon.

Now, according to Gus Rose, the DPD went to the post office, but the policeman said the package had been picked up. Which is a lie of course. Ruth herself told another BS story: that the notice was for magazines. So in addition to the FBI wanting the wrap to go away, it appears that after the 22nd, both the DPD and Ruth wanted the wrap to go away. Because of the postage due notice on it, it was now radioactive.

Then it appears that the DPD tried to somehow attach the Oswald notice to one for Bouhe. Was this meant to confuse the recipient?

Unless you think that Oswald mailed the wrapping paper to himself--which I do not buy for one second--then I agree with Sylvia Meagher on this one. Especially since I also happen to think, Oswald never ordered that rifle and it was, of course, never at the Paine garage.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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...Oswald never ordered that rifle and it was, of course, never at the Paine garage.

Actually, Ruth Paine told the DPD that she had no rifle in her garage.

Actually, Ruth Paine told the WC that there was no rifle in the load that she brought from New Orleans when she unpacked her station wagon in Irving Texas on the 24th of September 1963.

Actually, Ruth Paine told the WC that she never saw -- and never suspected -- that there had ever been any rifle or weapon of any kind at her house -- Lee's or anybody's.

Actually -- the only person in the entire Warren Commission testimony who ever claimed that LHO kept a rifle in Mrs. Paine's garage was Marina Oswald.

So -- to attack Ruth Paine on this account is simply biased. (There's much more to this, but I'll leave this here for now).


--Paul Trejo

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Who translated for Marina when she pointed the police to the blanket?

Nice way to leave out Mike Paine.

And to ignore the PJM detail about the light being on in the garage.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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In December of 1963, in one of the first things he did while on the WC, Allen Dulles got one of his pals in the Eastern Establishment, Frederick Osborne, to sign a declaration professing to the Paines' "religiosity, good character, and innocence in having anything to do with the assassination of President Kennedy." (Destiny Betrayed, Second Edition, p. 195)

Now, any objective detective worth his salt would have to ask the obvious question: No one was accusing them of begin involved in the assassination at that time. So why would Dulles have to do that?

As Vincent Bugliosi would say--on any other case rather than this one--this betrays "consciousness of guilt".

Do you know who the only Commissioner who had any suspicions at all about this relationship was? Yep, you guessed it. The one guy who conducted his own inquiry, Richard Russell.

How about that whopper of a lie Ruth told Jim Garrison, namely that she did not recall who her sister worked for.



Finally. My copy of Destiny Betrayed 2nd edition (2012) finally arrived from Amazon.com and now I can do some fact-checking on all these accusations heaped upon Ruth Paine by the well-known James DiEugenio.

It took nine days, so I choose to go back nine days to address James' accusations in the order in which he presented them.

In the accusations above, James charges that Allen Dulles asked one of his friends from the so-called "Eastern Establishment" for a character reference about the Paines. The buzzword, "Eastern Establishment" is supposed to make us suspicious. Rich people! Oh, no!

Well, I guess we can stop right here -- being wealthy must be some sort of PROOF that they killed JFK, right? No, there's even MORE:

By the way, what made Allen Dulles and his friend, Frederick Osborne such good friends? Well, they went to Princeton together. Ugh! Princeton! An Ivy-League college! PROOF that these guys were wealthy! Isn't that enough? Case closed? No, wait, there's even MORE.

Allen Dulles and Frederick Osborne served in World War 2 together -- and not only that, but they formed an organization together, named the "Crusade for Freedom." CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM? That even sounds evil, doesn't it? But wait, there's even MORE. By the time WW2 ended, this group was absorbed into "Radio Free Europe!" Oh NO!! Well, that does it. Clearly the Paine's must have been guilty if Allen Dulles' friend helped to start Radio Free Europe! Case closed? But wait, there's even MORE.

Look at the words that rich, evil Frederick Osborne wrote for rich, evil Allen Dulles;" he vouched for the Paines' "religiosity, good character, and innocence in having anything to do with the assassination of President Kennedy." (Destiny Betrayed, Second Edition, p. 195)

James is outraged by this! What a scandal! A testimony of good character!? James objects: "No one was accusing them of begin involved in the assassination at that time. So why would Dulles have to do that?"

Actually, however, this was in December 1963, and EVERYBODY was accusing EVERYBODY of the JFK murder. The Left was accusing the Right. The Right was accusing the Left. People blamed the Communists, the John Birch Society, Fidel Castro, General Walker, even LBJ. H.L. Hunt just fled out of Dallas. Accusations were flying like a scattered flock of birds.

It just so happened that Michael and Ruth Paine had the Marina Oswald living in their home for two solid months before the JFK murder, and Lee Harvey Oswald visiting almost every weekend of those two months. It is only common sense that they would take some heat from the US lynch-mob mentality that was December 1963.

This is far from any "consciousness of guilt" -- it is simply common sense.

As for Ruth Paine claiming that she didn't know that her sister worked for the CIA -- James scoffs in disbelief -- but offers no EVIDENCE. (Does the CIA really tell its employees they can tell their sisters who they work for?)

James so far has offered only EMOTIONAL arguments -- and no real substance yet. So, let's go on to his next argument. We'll take this nice and slow.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Who translated for Marina when she pointed the police to the blanket?

Nice way to leave out Mike Paine.

And to ignore the PJM detail about the light being on in the garage.

James, you're ignoring the scenario. Let me refresh you:

(1) The DPD asked Ruth Paine -- do have any guns in this house?

(2) Ruth Paine said, "No - absolutely not!"

(3) Marina asked Ruth Paine, "What did he ask?"

(4) Ruth Paine said, "Do we have any guns in this house?"

(5) Marina answered, "Yes we do! Right inside that blanket on the floor!" And she pointed.

(6) The DPD picked up the blanket and it folded like a wet noodle.

(7) Ruth Paine was devastated -- it was utterly astounding to her that both Lee and Marina had lied to her for two solid months -- knowing very well that she, a Pacifist, would have wanted to know of any weapon in her house.

ALSO, James, in that scenario , Michael Paine had not yet arrived at Irving from work.

ALSO, the question of the Light in the Garage the night before never even came up at this point.

After Michael Paine arrived from work (and after Ruth quickly got a babysitter) the DPD took them all downtown, but got a translator for Marina, and took MARINA's statement.


-Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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We don't know what was said do we?

Secondly, how you can refuse to acknowledge how perfectly this would work if the mail wrapper would have gone through--that is astonishing.

"Oh, I never saw anything like that. But there is this package that came for him on the 20th. Let's go into Marina's room.

Well, look at this wrapping paper."

Keep it up Paul.

Maybe Walker sent it to him?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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We don't know what was said do we?

Secondly, how you can refuse to acknowledge how perfectly this would work if the mail wrapper would have gone through--that is astonishing.

"Oh, I never saw anything like that. But there is this package that came for him on the 20th. Let's go into Marina's room.

Well, look at this wrapping paper."

Keep it up Paul.

Maybe Walker sent it to him?

Actually, since the DPD didn't speak Russian, then only Ruth and Marina know the Russian words that were said -- but neither of them ever claimed that the other was LYING -- and they both gave sworn testimony confirming the other -- so, yes, James, we really do know what was said, even in Russian.

As for the English words, the DPD recorded those in their report.

As for your astonishment, "how you can refuse to acknowledge how perfectly this would work if the mail wrapper would have gone through--that is astonishing. -- one can only guess about your over-active imagination.

First, nobody has linked the Undelivered, Undeliverable Package to Ruth Paine or Ruth Paine's house.

Secondly, why would anybody ever send Lee Oswald (if it even was Lee Harvey Oswald) a piece of wrapping paper in a package posted to a non-existent address? If we're just free-guessing here, then it could have been General Walker. It could have been Loran Hall. It could have been Richard Case Nagell. It could have been Gerry Patrick Hemming. It could have been Joseph Milteer. It could have been David Ferrie. It could have been Thomas Beckham...the list goes on..

The FBI have *experts* in handwriting analysis. We can know very quickly if the handwriting was Ruth Paine's, right? RIGHT.

Also -- what middle class home in 1963 DIDN'T have wrapping paper? Nobody made ANY connection between the wrapping paper inside the Undelivered, Undeliverable package and the paper allegedly used with LHO's rifle. EVER.



--Paul Trejo

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In 1916, when Dulles graduated from Princeton, a college education at an Ivy League institution was out of reach of most Americans. Dulles' family may not have been "rich" but they were certainly upper middle class, his grandfather having been Secretary of State under Harrison.

His relationship with Osborne, by all accounts, was fairly close. Crusade for Freedom and Radio Free Europe were certainly used by COI and CIA for intelligence gathering and white propaganda. The relationship between Dulles and Osborne, and Osborne's statement about the Paines certainly warrants closer scrutiny.

In the accusations above, James charges that Allen Dulles asked one of his friends from the so-called "Eastern Establishment" for a

character reference about the Paines. The buzzword, "Eastern Establishment" is supposed to make us suspicious. Rich people! Oh, no!

What do you know about this "establishment"?

P.S. from personal experience:

As for Ruth Paine claiming that she didn't know that her sister worked for the CIA...

If her sister was a CIA Agent I would also find it hard to believe the sweet little church lady didn't know. If she were an asset, hard to say either way..

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...Now, how aware was Allen Dulles of how dangerous his connections to the Paines (and the Baron) were? While he was on the WC, he had a personal assistant on his staff to warn him when any investigators were getting close to digging up stuff about that subject! (ibid, p. 197) Again, DA's call this consciousness of guilt. And Dulles was fully aware of this, "Dulles joked in private that the [JFK] conspiracy buffs would have had a field day if they had known...he had actually been in Dallas three weeks before the murder, that one of Mary Bancroft's childhood friends had turned out to be a landlady for Marina Oswald...and that he landlady was a well known leftist with distant ties to Alger Hiss." (ibid, p. 198)...

OK, let's keep taking this slowly. James DiEugenio claims in his DB2 (2012) that George DeMohrenschildt (DM) "introduced" Ruth Paine to Marina Oswald.

This is significant, he reckons, because we can clearly tie George DM with the CIA. Well, James neglects to mention that we can also tie Geoge DM with the Nazi party in Europe,and with the Communist party in Europe as well. George, a Russian Emigre and playboy, played on everybody's side. He was admittedly a "player".

The problem is that James DiEugenio tries to imagine a sinister CIA link between George DM and Ruth Paine -- however, his facts are a bit askew.

First, let's consider Ruth Paine's side of the story, as she told to the WC, and never changed her story in 50 years. Ruth Paine says:

(1) Ruth and Michael were invited to that 22 February 1963 party by Everett Glover, at whose apartment it was.

(2) Ruth and Michael knew Everett Glover through their Unitarian Madrigal Singing group (ca. 1959)

(3) Michael had a cold that night and could't come.

(4) Ruth went alone, arrived at about 8pm, and was greeted by her friend, Everett Glover. She knew a couple of Everett's roomates and neighbors from previous visits, but most people there she didn't know.

(5) George and Jeanne DM arrived with the Oswalds, and briefly introduced them to the entire group.

(6) Not only had Ruth never seen the Oswald's before, she had never seen George and Jeanne DM before, either.

(7) If anybody has real evidence that she did know the DM's before -- I challenge you to present it.

(8) Futhermore, Ruth says she never saw the DM's any more, at any time afterwards, either.

(9) If anybody has real evidence that she did see the DM's afterwards -- I challenge you to present it.

(10) Almost everybody at the party -- perhaps a dozen or so -- spoke English only. They all gathered around LHO and asked him twenty questions about his choice to go and come from the USSR. Lee loved the limelight.

(11) Marina, who spoke no English, went to a bedroom with baby June, who had reached her bedtime, but did not want to go to bed.

(12) Ruth decided to join Marina in the bedroom with Marina and June, and tried, in her broken Russian, to start up a conversation about children.

(13) Then Jeanne DM came in. Jeanne DM spoke fluent Russian, so Jeanne and Marina talked and talked, talking rings around Ruth Paine.

(14) When Junie fell asleep, Marina and Jeanne DM went to the kitchen for some wine, and were joined by George DM. They all spoke Russian together, and Ruth tried to join their conversation, but as usual, she couldn't keep up with them.

(15) Near the end of the evening, Ruth decided to befriend Marina. She liked her a lot. Marina was educated, and fluent in the Russian langauge, and very friendly and patient -- and a mother.

(16) So, Ruth asked Marina for her phone number. Marina said, "We don't have a phone," and gave Ruth her mailing address.

That's how it all began, James. So, try to get it right, please. This CIA nonsense is just that.


--Paul Trejo


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Ruth and Michael knew Everett Glover through their Madrigal Singing group.

How long was this going on? Is there a citation?

The reason I ask is Glover has been playing tennis, as part of a regular foursome with both De M's since 1961, according to a statement he gave the FBI.

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Then Jeanne DM came in. Jeanne DM spoke fluent Russian, so Jeanne and Marina talked and talked, talking rings around Ruth Paine.

Ruth married and settled in Irving, Texas. Her husband, Michael Paine, found employment as a research engineer with the Bell Helicopter Company, whereas Ruth was employed as a part-time teacher of the Russian language at St. Marks School in Dallas.

source spartacus educational

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citation |sīˈtāSHən| (abbr.: cit.)

noun1 a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work: there were dozens of citations from the works of Byron | recognition through citation is one of the principal rewards in science.a mention of a praiseworthy act or achievement in an official report, especially that of a member of the armed forces in wartime.a note accompanying an award, describing the reasons for it: the Nobel citation noted that his discovery would be useful for energy conversion technology.Law a reference to a former tried case, used as guidance in the trying of comparable cases or in support of an argument.

2 N. Amer. a summons: a traffic citation.

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citation |sīˈtāSHən| (abbr.: cit.)

noun1 a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work: there were dozens of citations from the works of Byron | recognition through citation is one of the principal rewards in science.• a mention of a praiseworthy act or achievement in an official report, especially that of a member of the armed forces in wartime.• a note accompanying an award, describing the reasons for it: the Nobel citation noted that his discovery would be useful for energy conversion technology.• Law a reference to a former tried case, used as guidance in the trying of comparable cases or in support of an argument.

2 N. Amer. a summons: a traffic citation.

i know what it is; some here don't. i was being facetious and basically saying don't hold your breath

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