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Ruth Paine

Paul Trejo

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So that is his source for all this, the Mallon book.


That book was directly inspired by the work of Hewett, Lamonica and Jones.

Just as the book Case Closed was inspired by Oliver Stone's film JFK.

Oh yes... but he has all of Ruthie's testimony, police, FBI and Secret Service reports in front of him. Right now. Not Mallon's book. We know that because it was his faulty memory of what was in the book that has caused him all of these problems.

Personally, I have the Dead Sea Scrolls in front of me. I am reading now a passage about what becomes of JFK dissemblers. It is most revealing, Apart from scholars of the Dead Sea scrolls, only the Igbo people of Southern Nigeria, and a select few Canberrans knew it was even anatomically possible to get yourself into that position.

Okay. So I didn't really get that from the Dead Sea scrolls. Scrub that from your memory. I got it out of Ruth Paine's Magic Evidence Cavern deep in the wild's of Irving.

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OK, so, let's raise the tone of this thread again -- because the high-school heckling from the great DiEugenio and his protégé Parker is getting boring.

Let's move on to Carol Hewett's most complicated and controversial post in her PROBE articles, namely, the 1997 title, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting (Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-February-April, 1998, p. 11)

This article is so filled with information (and errors) that I will need six posts just to review it at a high level. Carol Hewett notices that LHO was linked with both JFK and Walker shootings almost entirely because of evidence presented by Ruth and Michael Paine.

Carol Hewett further notices that when the Paines interacted with the Oswalds in March-April 1963, Walker was shot at. Then, when the Paines interacted with the Oswalds in October-November 1963, JFK was shot at. LHO was blamed for both shootings. At all other months of 1963, the Paines didn't interact with the Oswalds, and LHO was linked to no shootings.

This is Carol Hewett's intriguing introduction to her theory of the shooting at General Walker. Despite flaws that we should expect from an article nearly 20 years old, I find her arguments to be original and creative. Let's see how she fares on the crucial topic (says Jeff Caufield) of General Walker and LHO.

This post will be Part One. Since this is a long and involved article, here is a TABLE OF CONTENTS of my review:














So, let's get started with my general review of Carol Hewett's 1997 article on LHO, General Walker, and the Paines. Here's PART ONE:


1.1. Michael Paine’s pals in Dallas had included Everett Glover, Norman Fredericksen and Volkmar Schmidt. Fredericksen’s father had been a director for Radio Free Europe. Schmidt once studied under Wilhelm Keutemeyer, a German psychiatrist who was part of the 1944 Valkyrie plot to assassinate Hitler. Schmidt often boasted about this.

1.2. In early February 1963, the Oswalds were invited to a party at Everett Glover's. For 3-hours Volkmar Schmidt tried to convince LHO that General Walker was like Hitler, and that if Hitler had been assassinated early, millions might still be alive. Shortly after this, LHO bought weapons over the mail. (Volkmar Schmidt confessed to his knowledge about this in the PBS Frontline video on YouTube entitled, Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?)

1.3. It's common knowledge that on the day JFK rode through downtown Dallas, countless citizens were wondering when the shooting would start. Michael Paine and David Noel of Bell Helicopter were among them at lunchtime, and when they returned to their desks and learned that JFK had been shot, Michael was so nervous that he had to go home, and he agonized whether to rush to the FBI to tell them his suspicions about LHO.


2.1. Many JFK researchers say that the first time LHO was blamed for the April 10, 1963 shooting at General Walker was in the Fri29Nov1963 issue of German newspaper, Deutsche Nationalzeitung. That issue printed a telephoned interview with General Walker given at 7am CST, Sat23Nov1963, claiming that RFK protected LHO from prosecution in April.

2.2. Carol Hewett objects to this claim, and cites WC testimony where Walker denied ever believing that LHO tried to kill him. Carol Hewett prefers to believe General Walker on this crucial point.

2.2.1. Instead, Carol Hewett claims that Michael Paine told the HOUSTON POST in time for its Sat23Nov1963 issue that Oswald was probably the Walker shooter. Michael said this out of the blue, Carol claims; as nobody suggested it before. Carol offers no evidence for this claim, since the HOUSTON POST doesn't name Michael Paine as its source. It seems Carol is merely guessing.

2.2.2. In fact, Carol Hewett herself admits that on the night of Fri22Nov1963, DPD cops and the FBI had at least one BYP snapshot and one backyard photo of Walker’s house. How can we be surprised, then, that a news reporter on Saturday night asked DPD Chief Jesse Curry if LHO was Walker's shooter? Curry simply responded that he didn’t know.

2.2.3. Yet another Dallas newspaper raised the question of a common shooter on Sat23Nov63 - only because both victims were politically prominent and both in Dallas; though one was right-wing the other liberal. (Carol mentions this fact, but neglects to name this paper.)

2.3. Some, like Gerry Patrick Hemming, noted Walker’s cavalier attitude following the shooting, and wondered whether it was one of Walker's publicity stunts. Carol Hewett accepts Walker's WC testimony that, "Walker took this attempt on his life very seriously."

2.4. Carol briefly cites the story of Walker's house boy, William Ewan Duff (McDuff) who was arrested for the crime on April 18th but quickly released after passing a lie detector test. One Duff/Oswald sighting was probably mistaken identity upon a Duff/Surrey sighting, says Carol Hewett -- with sound reasoning.

2.5. Even if LHO was the Walker shooter, Carol's question remains -- who told authorities first? If it was Michael Paine, then we have some reason to suspect his complicity says Carol Hewett. Fair enough -- so let's have some material evidence of Paine being first; Carol provides none.


3.1. The DPD had several eye-witnesses about two men leaving the Walker shooting in two cars. One car was old, light gray or green Ford. The other car was a black and white Chevy, either 1958 or 1959. No descriptions of the men matched Oswald. If Oswald was involved, then he must have had accomplices, says Carol Hewett -- with sound reasoning.

3.2. The DPD searched the Paine house on Fri22Nov63 and came upon many photographs, one of which showed the rear of Walker’s home, with a black and white 1957 Chevy in Walker’s driveway -- it's license plate blotched out. According to Robert Surrey, the black and white 1957 Chevy parked in Walker’s driveway probably belonged to Charles Klihr, a volunteer aide to Walker.

3.3. Carol then tries to match Klihr’s 1957 Chevy with the black-and-white 1958 or 1959 Chevy, by arguing that "there is sufficient similarity of 1957, 1958 and 1959 Chevy sedans" to suspect identity. She's evidently unaware that a 1957 Chevy has distinctive, wide, vertical rear fins that are impossible to mistake for any other model.

3.4. While the license plate of Klihr's car was indeed blotched out after the FBI turned over the photo, everybody knows that the FBI regularly REDACTS (blotches out) names of the innocent in documents released to the public. Still, Carol Hewett demands that the ARRB subpoena Charles Klihr to testify on the grounds that a 1957 Chevy is "similar enough" to a 1958-1959 Chevy. .

3.5. Then -- a 1958-1959 black and white Chevy was also observed in October 1963 in a field owned by Lovell Penn. Penn’s wife told the FBI that the occupants of the car were target practicing in her field. When she told them to leave, one shooter -- whom she said looked like LHO -- became rude. So, so she told the FBI after the JFK assassination. This should have also been followed up, says Carol Hewett -- with sound reasoning.


4.1. Carol Hewett credits Ruth Pain for finding the famous "Walker Letter" for the Warren Commission. Actually, the Secret Service was the first to find it.

4.2. Ruth Paine, on Sat30Nov63, delivered to the Irving police one of Marina’s Russian books entitled, "Helpful Household Hints." When the Secret Service examined the book, out came fluttering the famous “Walker note,” written in Russian, telling Marina what to do in the event LHO was arrested or killed. The Secret Service gave the letter to the FBI’s James Hosty on Mon02Dec63.

4.3. Hosty got it translated, then the Secret Service banged on Ruth Paine's door that night, accusing her of passing secret messages to Marina, and of perhaps forging the letter. Ruth was shocked to be accused; all she could do was repeat the truth -- she never saw that letter before in her life.

4.4. Carol Hewett warns, "We have only Ruth’s word on it." Since the DPD searched Ruth's home "thoroughly" on the Saturday after the JFK murder, Carol doubts Ruth's word. Actually the DPD had bungled the protection of JFK and LHO on their home turf -- so I myself have little confidence in how "thorough" the 1963 DPD could truly be.

4.5. The FBI questioned Marina about the "Walker letter" on Tue03Dec63 (ten days after the JFK murder) and Marina admitted that the note was written by LHO, who had admitted to her on that same April night that he shot at Walker.

4.6. Marina claimed that she hid this note to blackmail LHO in case he ever attempted such a foolish thing again. Carol Hewett scoffs at Marina’s testimony, because Marina also said that LHO threatened to also shoot Richard Nixon, so she locked LHO in a bathroom (from the outside) until he calmed down. Yet if LHO was only teasing Marina during the Nixon story, Marina remains believable.

4.7. Ruth told the WC in 1964 that she never saw the Walker Note in her life, until the Secret Service put it under her nose on Mon02Dec63, and accused her of forging it.

4.8. Carol Hewett omits the fact that the Secret Service later accepted Ruth Paine's word, and apologized for their own behavior towards her. Carol has no further material evidence to offer.

(to be continued)

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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You know, you are sounding like a broken record.

Everyone knows what you are going to write before you write it.

First, you went out and bought my book, Destiny Betrayed. You did that for one reason. You wanted to riff through the book for the purpose of excerpting the stuff I wrote on the Paines in order to extract it and criticize it.

You then went out and bought the Probe CD, and you did exactly the same thing.

So you spent about fifty dollars to buy a book and a CD. Those two works are about 1000 pages of material.

And what did you do? You rushed right for the material on the Paines and ignored everything else. This is a man not with an agenda, but a jihad.

And BTW, your opinion on the work above is not accurate. But I will get to that later.

But you will not like it at all.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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You know, you are sounding like a broken record.

Everyone knows what you are going to write before you write it.

First, you went out and bought my book, Destiny Betrayed. You did that for one reason. You wanted to riff through the book for the purpose of excerpting the stuff I wrote on the Paines in order to extract it and criticize it.

You then went out and bought the Probe CD, and you did exactly the same thing.

So you spent about fifty dollars to buy a book and a CD. Those two works are about 1000 pages of material.

And what did you do? You rushed right for the material on the Paines and ignored everything else. This is a man not with an agenda, but a jihad.

And BTW, your opinion on the work above is not accurate. But I will get to that later.

But you will not like it at all.

James, you keep putting off a confrontation. You (and your protégé) keep saying that you're going to answer all these charges soon.

But the arguments don't come.

This suggests a theatrical intention.

I've presented actual criticisms of Carol Hewett's attacks on Ruth Paine in red.

The reason I spent US dollars to obtain your material attacking Ruth Paine, is because your work, James DiEugenio, appears to be at the very CORE of the CT community accusations of Ruth Paine.

Everybody else -- yes, everybody -- is merely repeating your attacks on Ruth Paine, which as you admit, merely repeat Carol Hewett's attacks on Ruth Paine.

So, my strategy is clearly correct. You've been attacking me personally here for several days -- without dealing with the ISSUES that I raise.

You get Greg Parker and David Healey to be your cheerleaders, but you don't actually answer the ISSUES that I raise.

I'm still waiting for you to deal with the ISSUES, and in the meantime I get only high-school heckling.

I think all your fans are waiting, James. As a former fan, I'm also waiting.

Let's make this easy by pinpointing one ISSUE in particular. Carol Hewett says that Michael Paine was the source of the Houston Post article dated Sat23Nov1963, suggesting that LHO was probably Walker's Wed10Apr1963 shooter,

That's a very serious charge, James, and Carol Hewett doesn't document that serious charge. What do you say about that?


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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You get Greg Parker and David Healey to be your cheerleaders, but you don't actually answer the ISSUES that I raise.

Talk about flimsy. No cheerleading ergo, no one "got" me to cheerlead.

But since I've been accused of it...

Oh Jimmy
You're so fine
You're so fine
You blow my mind
Hey Jimmy!
Hey Jimmy!
Oh Jimmy
You're so fine
You're so fine
You blow my mind
Hey Jimmy!
Hey Jimmy!
Oh Jimmy
You're so fine
You're so fine
You blow my mind
Hey Jimmy!
Hey Jimmy!
Hey, Jimmy!
Trejo's been around all night
And that's a little long
I think you've got it right
And Trejo thinks you got it wrong
But if you can hit it right
You can make that run for home, Jimmy
Cuz when Babe Ruth says she's a good Samaritan
It always means you'll be there embarrassin'
And you're giving Trejo a chill
Trejo, please go
Else every night you'll still leave without a bone, Trejo
*Oh Trejo, what a pity
You don't understand
How to take it like a man
When you're stranded in the stand
Oh Jimmy, you're so gritty
Can't you understand
It's guys like you Jimmy
Oh what you do Jimmy, do Jimmy
Break Trejo's heart Jimmy!
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You know, you are sounding like a broken record.

Everyone knows what you are going to write before you write it.

First, you went out and bought my book, Destiny Betrayed. You did that for one reason. You wanted to riff through the book for the purpose of excerpting the stuff I wrote on the Paines in order to extract it and criticize it.

You then went out and bought the Probe CD, and you did exactly the same thing.

So you spent about fifty dollars to buy a book and a CD. Those two works are about 1000 pages of material.

And what did you do? You rushed right for the material on the Paines and ignored everything else. This is a man not with an agenda, but a jihad.

And BTW, your opinion on the work above is not accurate. But I will get to that later.

But you will not like it at all.


So, my strategy is clearly correct. You've been attacking me personally here for several days -- without dealing with the ISSUES that I raise.

You get Greg Parker and David Healey to be your cheerleaders, but you don't actually answer the ISSUES that I raise.

I'm still waiting for you to deal with the ISSUES, and in the meantime I get only high-school heckling.



--Paul Trejo

Paul, you've hitched your wagon to a few projects that did not work out well in the recent past. Now it's Ruth Paine. That's fine.

Her ex-old man worked for Bell Helicopter during the Vietnam era (which I spent a considerable amount of time Bell helicopter models UH-1B and 1D models [11th Air Assault Div/1stAir Cavalry Div)]. Which is another more than casual interest of mine.

Less than a year ago I stumbled across a thread at old Dunc's forum with that notable researcher of the arcane, Bill Brown. Brown who interviewed Ruth Paine recently (appears to me idol worship). To my amazement, the Paine lady was still alive. And living in northern California.

Here's a link to Brown's "interview" if you chose to call it that, the very first post in the thread, which Brown started: (talk about pandering)


You'll notice no doubt, the requirement for Brown's discussion (for that matter) anyone's discussion with "Ruth".

Surprise, surprise, LHO and Gen Walker, here we go again...

Frankly Paul, I think you do a disservice to Ruth Paine while pandering to her interests, you should sit down with Ms. Ruth Paine and get to the bottom of her WCR testimony and 'other' issues. Not to mention her relationship and interest with/in Gen Walker, all on videotape...

As far as your sophomoric comment re Jim DiEugenio, his CTKA site is an absolute must for those interested in serious research concerning the events of 11/22/1963 (and other very important US historical events -- the guy's a historian for Pete's sake). His book and publication review are the absolute best and most informative on the net, period! Of course I'm a fan. Even ex-television guys like me can understand the issues associated with events on Elm Street pre and post (pardon the pun)...

Ya got a follow-spot shining on the lady, does she know that? And I'm sure Talbot's new book isn't helping her peace and serenity of late.

Edited by David G. Healy
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I like Jim Di and Greg Parker's posts a lot.

I don't bow down to authority.

Therefore, I ask Jim and Greg to address Paul.

Paul may be out to lunch. But if Jim and Greg think he is, lay out why he's out to lunch.

perhaps, in this case, bad publicity is better than no publicity

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Paul, you've hitched your wagon to a few projects that did not work out well in the recent past. Now it's Ruth Paine. That's fine.

Her ex-old man worked for Bell Helicopter during the Vietnam era (which I spent a considerable amount of time Bell helicopter models UH-1B and 1D models [11th Air Assault Div/1stAir Cavalry Div)]. Which is another more than casual interest of mine.

Less than a year ago I stumbled across a thread at old Dunc's forum with that notable researcher of the arcane, Bill Brown. Brown who interviewed Ruth Paine recently (appears to me idol worship). To my amazement, the Paine lady was still alive. And living in northern California.

Here's a link to Brown's "interview" if you chose to call it that, the very first post in the thread, which Brown started: (talk about pandering)


You'll notice no doubt, the requirement for Brown's discussion (for that matter) anyone's discussion with "Ruth".

Surprise, surprise, LHO and Gen Walker, here we go again...

Frankly Paul, I think you do a disservice to Ruth Paine while pandering to her interests, you should sit down with Ms. Ruth Paine and get to the bottom of her WCR testimony and 'other' issues. Not to mention her relationship and interest with/in Gen Walker, all on videotape...

As far as your sophomoric comment re Jim DiEugenio, his CTKA site is an absolute must for those interested in serious research concerning the events of 11/22/1963 (and other very important US historical events -- the guy's a historian for Pete's sake). His book and publication review are the absolute best and most informative on the net, period! Of course I'm a fan. Even ex-television guys like me can understand the issues associated with events on Elm Street pre and post (pardon the pun)...

Ya got a follow-spot shining on the lady, does she know that? And I'm sure Talbot's new book isn't helping her peace and serenity of late.

Actually, David, what you're missing is that all my projects are really variations on one single project -- that General Walker was the mastermind of the JFK murder.

I've been on this project since 2010, when I arrived, and I haven't changed my tune since.

In 2014 I hitched onto Bill Simpich's new eBook, State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City (2014) because in my reading it means that the Walker-did-it theory is correct, simply because Bill Simpich conclusively absolves the CIA high-command from a JFK plot. (This is because the CIA high-command started a Mole Hunt in 1963, proving that they were ignorant about which CIA rogue impersonated LHO in Mexico City). Bill Simpich is a genius, IMHO.

In 2015 I hitched onto the Ruth Paine issue simply because Carol Hewett and her quislings have claimed that Ruth Paine is the author of the WALKER LETTER. (BTW, I read the Brown letter about Ruth Paine many months ago. Ruth Paine is eminently believable, IMHO. She gets a raw deal from Carol Hewett and James DiEugenio and their quislings. Her rational truth is worth defending with energy).

The WALKER LETTER is clearly written by LHO, and LHO was clearly the shooter at LHO, and the evidence is strong that leads to that conclusion. But Carol Hewett and James DiEugenio refuse to accept that logic. Instead, they prefer to believe General Walker's testimony. That's their key error.

General Walker lied and lied to the Warren Commission. Carol and James fail to recognize that.

Also, James DiEugenio and his followers continue to believe that the CIA high-command plotted to kill JFK. That's a 20th century theory -- it's a half-century old and it has failed to obtain a consistent consensus -- despite a half-century of effort.

The TRUTH is that General Walker led a Civilian plot of the Radical Right in the South to kill JFK -- and J. Edgar Hoover, fearing Civil Unrest during the Cold War, insisted on a "Lone Nut" theory of LHO, to avoid riots in the streets. That is the whole source of the Lone Nut fiction which is the Warren Report. LBJ gave it his blessing. That is why it has lasted a half-century.

But President GHW Bush signed the JFK Records Act in 1992, moving up the deadline for the release of Top Secret US Government documents for the JFK murder, and in less than two years, now, the world will finally learn the Full Truth about the JFK murder -- and I predict that on Thursday 26 October 2017 we will obtain Primary Documents amounting to a confession by General Walker that he led the plot to kill JFK.

So, you see, David, I haven't changed my theory at all. I'm defending Ruth Paine because it is the best way to get down to brass tacks, to details, and to end the distraction of nonsense that leads away from the General Walker theory.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul - it is absolutely shameful of you to put words in Simpich's mouth. He most certainly does not absolve upper level CIA. And you know it.

Jon - James has answered all of Trejo's garbage. Healy is right. Trejo should go and interview Ruth Paine. He is no historian. DiEugenio is, and a very fine one at that. Trejo, just because you find a mistake in someone's work doesn't negate their work. How many mistakes have posters here found in your posts? Dozens. You know it, but you rely on repeating things over and over because your real aim is to prove to the world at large, especially casual passersby that you and you alone have solved the puzzle of who killed JFK. And I think it's bears repeating that your reasons for caring about JFK are more than unclear. Anyone who thinks Hoover and Dulles and LeMay were heroes and great Americans, as you do and have stated, could not possibly understand what the real flesh and blood JFK was up against and what he stood for.

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Paul - it is absolutely shameful of you to put words in Simpich's mouth. He most certainly does not absolve upper level CIA. And you know it.

Jon - James has answered all of Trejo's garbage. Healy is right. Trejo should go and interview Ruth Paine. He is no historian. DiEugenio is, and a very fine one at that. Trejo, just because you find a mistake in someone's work doesn't negate their work. How many mistakes have posters here found in your posts? Dozens. You know it, but you rely on repeating things over and over because your real aim is to prove to the world at large, especially casual passersby that you and you alone have solved the puzzle of who killed JFK. And I think it's bears repeating that your reasons for caring about JFK are more than unclear. Anyone who thinks Hoover and Dulles and LeMay were heroes and great Americans, as you do and have stated, could not possibly understand what the real flesh and blood JFK was up against and what he stood for.

Well, Paul B., as usual you overstate your case. Your own theory is as weak as a wet noodle, and you have a lot of gall shaming anybody else.

I always said that it's MY INTERPRETATION of Bill Simpich that he absolves the CIA high-command of plotting to kill JFK, and this LOGICALLY follows from the fact that Bill Simpich proved a MOLE HUNT started in Mexico City on the day that LHO was impersonated by some insider.

That's a fact, and you know it.

As for James DiEugenio being a "very fine historian," puleeze. Gimme a break. James DiEugenio is one of the most one-sided, biased writers in JFK CT literature. James doesn't show any respect for historical method.

H.W. Brands -- there's a "fine historian". James DiEugenio goes on the JFK CT circuit for cold cash, pandering to CIA-did-it flunkies. Oh, right, you're one of them.

No way do I believe that I alone have solved the JFK murder mystery after a half-century -- I'm very pleased to give that honor to Dr. Jeffrey Caufield -- whose work has not yet had a proper hearing.

Naturally, because Caufield's work is a Gotterdammerung for James DiEugenio and the CIA-did-it CT majority. But a new day is dawning. Bill Simpich changed everything -- for those who are willing to clean out their ears and truly listen.

I don't know about LeMay, but I still insist that John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles were among the greatest Americans of the 20th century. James DiEugenio won't make that grade.

As for J. Edgar Hoover, the jury is still out, but I will give him credit for saving the USA from riots in the streets if the Truth about the JFK murder ever came out. Knowing that Radical Right killed JFK, Hoover and LBJ spared the USA from harsh violent riots during the Cold War -- and they possibly spared us from WW3. So, Hoover is, IMHO, a truly misunderstood character in the 20th century.

JFK was a great liberal President who had far more vision than the people who killed him. If JFK had lived, he would have conducted and closed the Vietnam War far, far more gracefully than the miserable job that LBJ and Nixon gave to history. That's the true legacy of JFK, who was part of the 1% of the richest Americans, and whose vision of American Exceptionalism was second to none in 1963.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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OK, so, let's raise the tone of this thread again -- because the high-school heckling from the great DiEugenio and his protégé Parker is getting boring.

Let's move on to Carol Hewett's most complicated and controversial post in her PROBE articles, namely, the 1997 title, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting (Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-February-April, 1998, p. 11)

This article is so filled with information (and errors) that I will need six posts just to review it at a high level. Carol Hewett notices that LHO was linked with both JFK and Walker shootings almost entirely because of evidence presented by Ruth and Michael Paine.

Carol Hewett further notices that when the Paines interacted with the Oswalds in March-April 1963, Walker was shot at. Then, when the Paines interacted with the Oswalds in October-November 1963, JFK was shot at. LHO was blamed for both shootings. At all other months of 1963, the Paines didn't interact with the Oswalds, and LHO was linked to no shootings.

This is Carol Hewett's intriguing introduction to her theory of the shooting at General Walker. Despite flaws that we should expect from an article nearly 20 years old, I find her arguments to be original and creative. Let's see how she fares on the crucial topic (says Jeff Caufield) of General Walker and LHO.

This post will be Part One. Since this is a long and involved article, here is a TABLE OF CONTENTS of my review:


























So, let's get started with my general review of Carol Hewett's 1997 article on LHO, General Walker, and the Paines. Here's PART ONE:


1.1. Michael Paine’s pals in Dallas had included Everett Glover, Norman Fredericksen and Volkmar Schmidt. Fredericksen’s father had been a director for Radio Free Europe. Schmidt once studied under Wilhelm Keutemeyer, a German psychiatrist who was part of the 1944 Valkyrie plot to assassinate Hitler. Schmidt often boasted about this.

1.2. In early February 1963, the Oswalds were invited to a party at Everett Glover's. For 3-hours Volkmar Schmidt tried to convince LHO that General Walker was like Hitler, and that if Hitler had been assassinated early, millions might still be alive. Shortly after this, LHO bought weapons over the mail. (Volkmar Schmidt confessed to his knowledge about this in the PBS Frontline video on YouTube entitled, Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?)

1.3. It's common knowledge that on the day JFK rode through downtown Dallas, countless citizens were wondering when the shooting would start. Michael Paine and David Noel of Bell Helicopter were among them at lunchtime, and when they returned to their desks and learned that JFK had been shot, Michael was so nervous that he had to go home, and he agonized whether to rush to the FBI to tell them his suspicions about LHO.


2.1. Many JFK researchers say that the first time LHO was blamed for the April 10, 1963 shooting at General Walker was in the Fri29Nov1963 issue of German newspaper, Deutsche Nationalzeitung. That issue printed a telephoned interview with General Walker given at 7am CST, Sat23Nov1963, claiming that RFK protected LHO from prosecution in April.

2.2. Carol Hewett objects to this claim, and cites WC testimony where Walker denied ever believing that LHO tried to kill him. Carol Hewett prefers to believe General Walker on this crucial point.

2.2.1. Instead, Carol Hewett claims that Michael Paine told the HOUSTON POST in time for its Sat23Nov1963 issue that Oswald was probably the Walker shooter. Michael said this out of the blue, Carol claims; as nobody suggested it before. Carol offers no evidence for this claim, since the HOUSTON POST doesn't name Michael Paine as its source. It seems Carol is merely guessing.

2.2.2. In fact, Carol Hewett herself admits that on the night of Fri22Nov1963, DPD cops and the FBI had at least one BYP snapshot and one backyard photo of Walker’s house. How can we be surprised, then, that a news reporter on Saturday night asked DPD Chief Jesse Curry if LHO was Walker's shooter? Curry simply responded that he didn’t know.

2.2.3. Yet another Dallas newspaper raised the question of a common shooter on Sat23Nov63 - only because both victims were politically prominent and both in Dallas; though one was right-wing the other liberal. (Carol mentions this fact, but neglects to name this paper.)

2.3. Some, like Gerry Patrick Hemming, noted Walker’s cavalier attitude following the shooting, and wondered whether it was one of Walker's publicity stunts. Carol Hewett accepts Walker's WC testimony that, "Walker took this attempt on his life very seriously."

2.4. Carol briefly cites the story of Walker's house boy, William Ewan Duff (McDuff) who was arrested for the crime on April 18th but quickly released after passing a lie detector test. One Duff/Oswald sighting was probably mistaken identity upon a Duff/Surrey sighting, says Carol Hewett -- with sound reasoning.

2.5. Even if LHO was the Walker shooter, Carol's question remains -- who told authorities first? If it was Michael Paine, then we have some reason to suspect his complicity says Carol Hewett. Fair enough -- so let's have some material evidence of Paine being first; Carol provides none.


3.1. The DPD had several eye-witnesses about two men leaving the Walker shooting in two cars. One car was old, light gray or green Ford. The other car was a black and white Chevy, either 1958 or 1959. No descriptions of the men matched Oswald. If Oswald was involved, then he must have had accomplices, says Carol Hewett -- with sound reasoning.

3.2. The DPD searched the Paine house on Fri22Nov63 and came upon many photographs, one of which showed the rear of Walker’s home, with a black and white 1957 Chevy in Walker’s driveway -- it's license plate blotched out. According to Robert Surrey, the black and white 1957 Chevy parked in Walker’s driveway probably belonged to Charles Klihr, a volunteer aide to Walker.

3.3. Carol then tries to match Klihr’s 1957 Chevy with the black-and-white 1958 or 1959 Chevy, by arguing that "there is sufficient similarity of 1957, 1958 and 1959 Chevy sedans" to suspect identity. She's evidently unaware that a 1957 Chevy has distinctive, wide, vertical rear fins that are impossible to mistake for any other model.

3.4. While the license plate of Klihr's car was indeed blotched out after the FBI turned over the photo, everybody knows that the FBI regularly REDACTS (blotches out) names of the innocent in documents released to the public. Still, Carol Hewett demands that the ARRB subpoena Charles Klihr to testify on the grounds that a 1957 Chevy is "similar enough" to a 1958-1959 Chevy. .

3.5. Then -- a 1958-1959 black and white Chevy was also observed in October 1963 in a field owned by Lovell Penn. Penn’s wife told the FBI that the occupants of the car were target practicing in her field. When she told them to leave, one shooter -- whom she said looked like LHO -- became rude. So, so she told the FBI after the JFK assassination. This should have also been followed up, says Carol Hewett -- with sound reasoning.


4.1. Carol Hewett credits Ruth Pain for finding the famous "Walker Letter" for the Warren Commission. Actually, the Secret Service was the first to find it.

4.2. Ruth Paine, on Sat30Nov63, delivered to the Irving police one of Marina’s Russian books entitled, "Helpful Household Hints." When the Secret Service examined the book, out came fluttering the famous “Walker note,” written in Russian, telling Marina what to do in the event LHO was arrested or killed. The Secret Service gave the letter to the FBI’s James Hosty on Mon02Dec63.

4.3. Hosty got it translated, then the Secret Service banged on Ruth Paine's door that night, accusing her of passing secret messages to Marina, and of perhaps forging the letter. Ruth was shocked to be accused; all she could do was repeat the truth -- she never saw that letter before in her life.

4.4. Carol Hewett warns, "We have only Ruth’s word on it." Since the DPD searched Ruth's home "thoroughly" on the Saturday after the JFK murder, Carol doubts Ruth's word. Actually the DPD had bungled the protection of JFK and LHO on their home turf -- so I myself have little confidence in how "thorough" the 1963 DPD could truly be.

4.5. The FBI questioned Marina about the "Walker letter" on Tue03Dec63 (ten days after the JFK murder) and Marina admitted that the note was written by LHO, who had admitted to her on that same April night that he shot at Walker.

4.6. Marina claimed that she hid this note to blackmail LHO in case he ever attempted such a foolish thing again. Carol Hewett scoffs at Marina’s testimony, because Marina also said that LHO threatened to also shoot Richard Nixon, so she locked LHO in a bathroom (from the outside) until he calmed down. Yet if LHO was only teasing Marina during the Nixon story, Marina remains believable.

4.7. Ruth told the WC in 1964 that she never saw the Walker Note in her life, until the Secret Service put it under her nose on Mon02Dec63, and accused her of forging it.

4.8. Carol Hewett omits the fact that the Secret Service later accepted Ruth Paine's word, and apologized for their own behavior towards her. Carol has no further material evidence to offer.

(to be continued)


--Paul Trejo

There is a Charles Klihr still alive. Is this him? https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-klihr-1393ab65

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There is a Charles Klihr still alive. Is this him? https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-klihr-1393ab65

I doubt it, Andric, because in 1963, Charles Klihr was a volunteer for General Walker's Dallas organization, "Friends of Walker." He was about 30 at the time. That means that today he would be 81, if he's still alive.

Now, the Charles Klihr that you cited is a Design Engineer at Nova Magnetics, Inc. in Dallas, that is. he's a working man, in his 50's, evidently, because of his grey hair. So, it's more likely that the Charles Klihr that you cited might be the son of the Charles Klihr who was a volunteer for the "Friends of Walker" in 1963. That's my estimate.


--Paul Trejo

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