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WHEN does Oswald crystallize into the patsy?

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20 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

Paul Trejo expresses:  ".Why blame Ruth Paine?  In my reading, it’s mainly because she’s an educated woman, and CIA-did-it CTers tend to be old-fashioned MCP’s.  Also, she’s from the wealthy class, and class envy is a part of that."

I am guessing that Paul means Middle Class People with the MCP anacronym..

Paul would, I believe, opine that "all researchers that blame the MICC and Corrupt officials and industrialists are just doing so because they are jealous that they don't share the wealth."

Paul, where were you when guys were being drafted for Vietnam?

Edited by Michael Clark
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From "ourhiddenhistory.org/entry/antonio-vecianna-maurice-bishop-my-cia-contact-agent-was-david-atlee-phillips"

Here is what Antonio Vecianna said about the patsification of Oswald. In a response to Anthony Summers's question, and I paraphrase, why would Phillips allow you to see Phillips with Oswald. That is a huge mistake on Phillips's part.

Vecianna, speaking through an interpreter, says the following ... "To answer your question Mr Summers, Mr. Vecianna believes that at that moment, the end game had not been decided, and it was't until November when that happened. He was an asset. He was someone that had a relationship with Phillips, but Mr Vecianna doesn't believe at the time that Oswald had been designated and selected as the patsy, or else he might have ------

Vecianna also says that Phillips was very capable but made many mistakes.


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"The Last Investigation" Fonzi pg 112

The meeting with two latins and Oswald in Dallas at Odio's apartment on 26 Sep 1963 ...

Fonzi writes what Silvia Odio says about the three men who visited her apartment ...

She said the three appeared tired, unkempt and unshaven, as if they just come from a long trip.

The ride in a  car from Laredo, TX to Dallas, TX is about 6-7 hours give or take an hour.

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39 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:


From "ourhiddenhistory.org/entry/antonio-vecianna-maurice-bishop-my-cia-contact-agent-was-david-atlee-phillips"

Here is what Antonio Vecianna said about the patsification of Oswald. In a response to Anthony Summers's question, and I paraphrase, why would Phillips allow you to see Phillips with Oswald. That is a huge mistake on Phillips's part.

Vecianna, speaking through an interpreter, says the following ... "To answer your question Mr Summers, Mr. Vecianna believes that at that moment, the end game had not been decided, and it was't until November when that happened. He was an asset. He was someone that had a relationship with Phillips, but Mr Vecianna doesn't believe at the time that Oswald had been designated and selected as the patsy, or else he might have ------

Vecianna also says that Phillips was very capable but made many mistakes.


VERY interesting, George, thanks.   So this is a vote from my dear friend and muse Antonio Veciana that Oswald is a generic tool in the tool box until very late, correct?   Only in November is this tool selected to be the patsy and die... I honestly see no reason why "they" would coronate a patsy until fairly late; mainly because it's a security risk to have a man scheduled for death months ahead of d-day.  I perceive they had a number of options and selected the best one within weeks of 22 Nov.


Edited by Jason Ward
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46 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:


"The Last Investigation" Fonzi pg 112

The meeting with two latins and Oswald in Dallas at Odio's apartment on 26 Sep 1963 ...

Fonzi writes what Silvia Odio says about the three men who visited her apartment ...

She said the three appeared tired, unkempt and unshaven, as if they just come from a long trip.

The ride in a  car from Laredo, TX to Dallas, TX is about 6-7 hours give or take an hour.

Thanks George.  Isn't the Odio incident curious on many levels?

First of all,  6 or 7 hours on the road does not a ragged, unshaven young man make, IMO.   Didn't they claim they drove in from New Orleans?   I mean if you drive all day do you look like you have been in the outback for a week or do you perhaps just seem a little tired?    Maybe they drove all the way from Mexico City?  That would be tortuous enough to render them disheveled.

Here's the big question to me, though.  Why is Oswald so blatantly making this very memorable visit?   Odio's not just making this encounter up out of thin air.   We've got pro-Castro Oswald making himself noticed in Mexico City embassies and anti-Castro Oswald hanging around with the anti-Castro Cubans in anti-Castro-Odio's apartment...all at the same time.

Regardless of what shenanigans was going on in Mexico City at the time, the real question to me is : at T-60 days to the assassination, why place Oswald with anti-Castro Cubans in such a way that there's assured testimony to this incident?   ...and whatever the explanation is for Oswald going to Odio's apartment, it must I think EXCLUDE the possibility that Oswald is the designated patsy at this point; agree or disagree?  I mean you don't want your prized, long-gesticulated commie-nutcase seen with anti-comies like Odio, right???



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1 hour ago, George Sawtelle said:


 Oswald the communist in Mexico City is not the same anti-Castro Oswald who visited Odio on 26 Sep 1963.

Someone is impersonating Oswald in Mexico while the real Oswald, the one killed by Ruby, is in Dallas visiting Odio.

Baloney.   Although somebody impersonated Oswald over the Cuba Consulate telephone to the Soviet Embassy -- the Lopez Report offers a complete account of it.  Yet Lee Harvey Oswald was also in Mexico City, and also submitting his Fake FPCC resume to the Cuban Consulate.  The Lopez Report shows you the Fake FPCC resume.   

Take a good look.

So the history shows BOTH happened -- Oswald was in Mexico City AND somebody impersonated him there (briefly).

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS 

chapt 2 pages 19 & 21

Guy Gabaldon, the casual but cruel ex-Marine, WW2 hero of Saipan, was at any instant in contact

with the principals and finanicers of the intrigue, When the name of a Fair Play for Cuba Committee

communist was broadcast throughout the rightist circuit  after the airing  of an August 1963 radio

program  from station WDSU, New Orleans, Louisiana , Lee Oswald was "selected"  by another of

our JBS associates , retired U.S. Army General E.A. Walker of Dallas Texas. The subject was then chosen by

Gabaldon as the "fall guy" in the secretive plot against Kennedy. None of us objected, and found

it humorous to frame a communist. I quietly considered it as goofy as the weird , but hazy,

arrangements to kill the President. 

Two other of our anti-Castro, anti-communist associates, Lawrence John "Larry" Howard - AKA

Alonzo Escruido, and Loran Eugene "Skip" Hall - AKA Lorenzo Pacillo, were dispatched  by

Gabaldon to enlist Oswald in the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). In late September 1963

Oswald accompanied  the pair to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received

instructions and....funds from the impressive, but "phony CIA officer Gabaldon". The fate of

both Oswald and Kennedy were there , forever sealed.

Edited by Harry J.Dean
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On ‎8‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 11:44 PM, Harry J.Dean said:

Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS 

chapt 2 pages 19 & 21

 Guy Gabaldon, the casual but cruel ex-Marine, WW2 hero of Saipan, was at any instant in contact
with the principals and finanicers of the intrigue, When the name of a Fair Play for Cuba Committee
communist was broadcast throughout the rightist circuit  after the airing  of an August 1963 radio
program  from station WDSU, New Orleans, Louisiana , Lee Oswald was "selected"  by another of
our JBS associates , retired U.S. Army General E.A. Walker of Dallas Texas. The subject was then chosen by
Gabaldon as the "fall guy" in the secretive plot against Kennedy. None of us objected, and found
it humorous to frame a communist. I quietly considered it as goofy as the weird , but hazy,
arrangements to kill the President. 

Two other of our anti-Castro, anti-communist associates, Lawrence John "Larry" Howard - AKA
Alonzo Escruido, and Loran Eugene "Skip" Hall - AKA Lorenzo Pacillo, were dispatched  by
Gabaldon to enlist Oswald in the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). In late September 1963
Oswald accompanied  the pair to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received
instructions and....funds from the impressive, but "phony CIA officer Gabaldon". The fate of
both Oswald and Kennedy were there , forever sealed.

I would like to highlight Harry Dean's statement here as a brilliant account in answer to Jason's question.

Jason asks when Lee Harvey Oswald was "crystallized" into the role of Patsy in the JFK assassination. 

Harry Dean answers -- exactly August, 1963 -- when the Right-wing circuit in the USA broadcast Lee Harvey Oswald's radio and TV self-identification as an officer in the hated FPCC.

I have long found Harry Dean's first-hand witness of the events leading up to the JFK assassination to be compelling and true. 

I accept this statement as historical.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Harry Dean is one of the last living eye-witnesses of the JFK conspiracy.

His claims merit scholarly attention, rather than stand-up comic routines.

--Paul Trejo

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On 8/19/2017 at 10:44 PM, Harry J.Dean said:

Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS 

chapt 2 pages 19 & 21

Guy Gabaldon, the casual but cruel ex-Marine, WW2 hero of Saipan, was at any instant in contact

with the principals and finanicers of the intrigue, When the name of a Fair Play for Cuba Committee

communist was broadcast throughout the rightist circuit  after the airing  of an August 1963 radio

program  from station WDSU, New Orleans, Louisiana , Lee Oswald was "selected"  by another of

our JBS associates , retired U.S. Army General E.A. Walker of Dallas Texas. The subject was then chosen by

Gabaldon as the "fall guy" in the secretive plot against Kennedy. None of us objected, and found

it humorous to frame a communist. I quietly considered it as goofy as the weird , but hazy,

arrangements to kill the President. 

Two other of our anti-Castro, anti-communist associates, Lawrence John "Larry" Howard - AKA

Alonzo Escruido, and Loran Eugene "Skip" Hall - AKA Lorenzo Pacillo, were dispatched  by

Gabaldon to enlist Oswald in the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). In late September 1963

Oswald accompanied  the pair to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received

instructions and....funds from the impressive, but "phony CIA officer Gabaldon". The fate of

both Oswald and Kennedy were there , forever sealed.


Harry Dean, thank you very very much.   In my what you have to say is more valuable than any of us who came later and are mere students or commentators.   Is it  your belief that Oswald has no CIA connection until the fall of 63?


kind regards


Jason Ward

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40 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:
  18 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


I accept this statement as historical.



40 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

It's eyewitness testimony.   Compared to those who rely on conspiracy books it is as fact is to speculation.



Like James Files? Or dozens of other confessors?


Paul Trejo is selective in the tidbits of bunk that he drops around the forum. He clearly does not expand beyond his selected bunk-pile. He never comes across anything interesting that does not sequuze through his die in the way that he prefers.

Edited by Michael Clark
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5 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

It's eyewitness testimony.   Compared to those who rely on conspiracy books it is as fact is to speculation.



Since I'm talking about Harry Dean, it's not testimony in the legal sense.

He was never a WC or HSCA witness.

One must listen to Harry personally to see his sincerely and authenticity.

Also, he has this one opinion (about LDS) that is only his guess and I reject it.

But I believe his claims about Loran Hall and Larry Howard and Gabby Gabaldon and about.the JBS and Minutemen in SoCal because they passed two levels of my own fact.checking.

Harry Dean was certainly involved in the JFK plot, I say.  The only other living witnesses who might be closer would be Bernie Weissman and Larrie Schmidt, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo 

Edited by Paul Trejo
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