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Judyth Baker writes about LBJ

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Judyth Baker wrote on Facebook today:


If you want some sordid details about Bobby Baker, LBJ, the Mob, bribes, sex and drunken Senators, you'll understand why Kennedy had to die, with so many cooperating to make sure it happened that only if you're deaf, blind and have a double-digit IQ can you call Lee Harvey Oswald Kennedy's killer. Here is much more to copy and share (it's a very long and ugly story, but it's NOT boring!) Here it is, condensed to a few minutes of reading: WHEN BOBBY BAKER (LBJ'S RIGHT-HAND MAN) WAS EXPOSED FOR CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY, AS LYNDON JOHNSON'S "FIXER", ONLY KENNEDY'S DEATH COULD STOP JOHNSON AND BOBBY BAKER FROM GOING TO JAIL (Bobby Baker would end up going to jail eventually, anyway!). To show you what was going on (is it any different today?) you must read some of Bobby Baker's statements on record:
BB: "Senator Johnson was very adept at taking care of senators and their wishes, and the bills that they wanted…”

About Senator Dirkson: BB: "Without Senator Dirksen, the [1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965] Voting Rights Act would never have passed…. So I’ll tell you, I have great admiration for him…. He never saw a $100 bill he didn’t like.”

BB on how LBJ and his cronies defeated JFK's Medicare Bill (LBJ would later take credit for it, pushing it through to gain favor with the American people): "One of the few times I did not know how the vote was going to turn out was when President Kennedy was seeking Medicare.... why Senator Jennings Randolph [D-W.Va.] voted against it. Senator [Robert] Kerr, [a Democrat from Oklahoma, and a wealthy oil magnate] had made a deal with the doctors in Oklahoma to kill Medicare. He was just adamant in his opposition to Medicare. Now, Senator Jennings Randolph was a wonderful senator … But Senator Kerr gave him $200,000 for that vote. It shows you that money can talk." (that's equal to $2M today!)

Concerning bribes to Senators from Walter Reuther of The United Autoworkers Union, through Canadian banks: BB: "Walter Reuther... had a minimum of 20 senators that would vote any way he wanted. … He bought more United States Senate seats than anybody in my life."

On how JFK's dad bought votes for his son in the Presidential election: "...recounting how Rein Vander Zee, an aide to Hubert Humphrey, had described Humphrey’s famous loss to JFK in the West Virginia Democratic presidential primary in 1960.
BB: “Vander Zee, until his dying day, said that Humphrey would have defeated Kennedy … had it not been for that massive cash old man Joe [Kennedy] bought the election with. Ryan, being an ex-FBI man, had every sheriff in each of those counties committed to voting for Humphrey. And, boy, when Election Day came, it was total news to him. They changed on Thursday before the Tuesday. Vander Zee said, ‘They wouldn’t even return my call.’’’ (Note that Bobby Baker is implying that the SHERIFFS COULD RIG THE VOTES IN WEST VIRGINIA)....

ON HOW A 'VOICE VOTE' GOT RFK HIS POSITION AS ATTORNEY GENERAL: BB: “The President had said, ‘Lyndon, I need your help,’ because Senator [Richard] Russell [D-Ga.] and the Republicans were solid against Bobby being attorney general. He had really no legal experience. Johnson said [to me], ‘If the president is defeated by my supporters, it’s a terrible, terrible, can’t do situation for me.’ He said. ‘See what you can do with our mutual friend Senator Russell, because if you get enough bourbon in him, he gets more reasonable.’ So I took him out to the secretary of the Senate’s office [THIS WAS CALLED 'THE BAR' BECAUSE SENATORS WENT THERE TO PRIVATELY GET DRUNK -jvb] and I said, ‘Your best friend loves you and he called me and he needs your help and will you please let me have a voice vote?’ And he said, most reluctantly, ‘You can have a voice vote.’ And Senator Dirksen, being a decent man, let it go through that way. But had it been a roll-call vote, Bobby Kennedy would have never been attorney general. He would have been lucky to get 40 votes."

(QUOTES ABOVE ARE FROM http://www.politico.com/…/sex-in-the-senate-bobby-baker-099…)

Honest researcher Jerome Corsi wrote more about BB'S & LBJ'S shady dealings in Nov. 2013:


"Baker and his wife, Dorothy, had five children at the time, ages 10 to 1, with the youngest named Lyndon Baines Johnson."

"Serve-U Corporation had links to Texas oil millionaire Clint Murchison, as well as ties to mobsters Sam Giancana and Meyer Lansky. The company derived most of its earnings from vending machines placed in aerospace companies dependent on the government for contract work.

Baker also was engulfed in a sex scandal involving the Quorum Club, a private club on Capitol Hill he created.

The club was run out of the Carroll Arms Hotel near the Senate office buildings on Capitol Hill. It provided call girls to prominent lobbyists and influential members of Congress. Baker was positioned centrally, advancing his career politically and financially by trading on sex and power."

[Bobby Baker and Sen George Smathers lured JFK there for primal pleasures, making sure they got him into a position where Kennedy could get blackmailed. Kennedy was vulnerable on this front because the massive doses of steroids he took for Addison's Disease made him impotent. Unscrupulous doctors then loaded his system with overdoses of testosterone. JFK's sex drive then became almost insatiable. As someone trained in the medical sciences, I recognize the stresses on JFK, and give him some slack for his behavior --and also note that LBJ and half the Senate, after all, were also sleeping around !-- especially since JFK, wearing a back brace, was in such chronic pain that most of his actual physical pleasure in life was rare. JFK and Jackie did not become truly close due to his infidelities (and Jackie reciprocated, having some affairs herself!) until after the death of their premature baby, Patrick. They then were seen kissing and holding hands in public for the first time, etc... Note that none of the above had any bearing on Kennedy's love for his country and for the American people. That love was firm and genuine. He truly gave up his life for attempting to break up the CIA, destroy organized crime, and for trying to rein in the military-industrial complex and its warrior mentality. --JVB)

JEROME CORSI also wrote:

"The Baker scandal broke wide open with a Life magazine cover story published Nov. 8, 1963, hitting the newsstands just three weeks before JFK’s death.

The Life issue featured a front-page photograph of a laughing Baker in a costume at an unspecified Washington masquerade party with his mask lifted to show his face. A yellow banner across the cover of the magazine proclaimed: “Capital Buzzes Over Stories of Misconduct in High Places: The Bobby Baker Bombshell.”

The article featured “German call girl” Elly Rometsch, an East German beauty who was a Communist Party member before fleeing to the United States with her parents.

“Last week, a Senate committee was investigating Bobby Baker,” the featured article read. “He had quietly resigned after a former vending-machine associate sued him, charging use of Baker’s influence in placing machines in defense plants.”

The second page of the article featured a full-page photograph of a smiling LBJ with his arms around Baker’s shoulder.

The caption under the photo noted Baker was “an indispensable confident” of Johnson. Baker was described as “a messenger, a pleader of causes, a fund-raiser and a source of intelligence.”

A two-page spread featured a picture of scantily clad waitresses sitting on bar stools, waiting to greet guests during the opening of the Carousel Hotel in Ocean City, Md., in 1962.

The article pointed out that in addition to his interest in the vending-machine business, Baker was half owner of the Carousel as well as having business interests in a law firm, a travel agency, an insurance agency and a Howard Johnson motel.

Noting that Baker had just resigned from the Senate under fire, Life asked how his $19,612 annual salary had enabled his family to move into the $124,500 Washington home he bought a short walk from LBJ’s residence in Washington...

Targeting LBJ

"The Life probe expanded during the week of Nov. 11, 1963...[with a big article about how] LBJ had used his public office to enhance his private wealth.
... LBJ had managed to accumulate millions in personal net worth [though] he had been on the public payroll ever since he got out of college...
The Life magazine issue dated Nov. 22, 1963, that hit the newsstands on Nov. 18, 1963... contained a second article on the Baker scandal.

Titled “The Bobby Baker Scandal: It grows and grows as Washington shudders"...this second article went in-depth, exposing Baker’s sleazy use of sex to rack up political favors and make lucrative business deals. Baker, according to the story, employed “hostesses,” who essentially were prostitutes, to escort lobbyists, legislators and businessmen...[it was] clear that everything about Baker led back to Lyndon Johnson... the U.S. Senate was “Baker’s base of operations,”... controlled by a small group of Southern senators and conservative Republicans called the “Establishment.”

At the center of the Establishment... LBJ.

CORSI: [Why we should care!] “In a very real sense the present Establishment is the personal creation of Lyndon Baines Johnson who, from the day he took over as majority leader until he went to the Vice Presidency, ruled it like an absolute monarch,”

Wheeler [the article's author]wrote: [It was now clear]... “that the Bobby Baker case was inevitably going to become the Lyndon Johnson case as well.”

But the JFK assassination derailed the Life investigation. No third article on the Bobby Baker-Lyndon Johnson scandal was ever published by the magazine. Stopped only by the JFK assassination... Life Magazine investigators could have ended LBJ’s political career.

What to do with LBJ

Kennedy's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln... insisted Kennedy wanted Johnson off the ticket, explaining JFK had implied “the ammunition to get him off was Bobby Baker.”


Ruby: "If Adlai Stevenson had been Vice-President, there never would have been the assassination of our beloved President Kennedy"

Reporter: "Would you explain it again?"

Ruby: "The answer is the man in office now" (LBJ.)

see: http://www.wnd.com/…/did-jfk-seal-his-fate-with-plan-to-du…/

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Doug, I'm really confused now. The most damning allegation is in this paragraph in the second article from Jerome Corsi. One would think Corsi wrote an article and thought it fitting to quote Judith Baker (JVB) at the end, who has no first hand experience in the matter at hand. Did you just miscopy initials? I'd review my responses and tidy up a bit.


[Bobby Baker and Sen George Smathers lured JFK there for primal pleasures, making sure they got him into a position where Kennedy could get blackmailed. Kennedy was vulnerable on this front because the massive doses of steroids he took for Addison's Disease made him impotent. Unscrupulous doctors then loaded his system with overdoses of testosterone. JFK's sex drive then became almost insatiable. As someone trained in the medical sciences, I recognize the stresses on JFK, and give him some slack for his behavior --and also note that LBJ and half the Senate, after all, were also sleeping around !-- especially since JFK, wearing a back brace, was in such chronic pain that most of his actual physical pleasure in life was rare. JFK and Jackie did not become truly close due to his infidelities (and Jackie reciprocated, having some affairs herself!) until after the death of their premature baby, Patrick. They then were seen kissing and holding hands in public for the first time, etc... Note that none of the above had any bearing on Kennedy's love for his country and for the American people. That love was firm and genuine. He truly gave up his life for attempting to break up the CIA, destroy organized crime, and for trying to rein in the military-industrial complex and its warrior mentality. --JVB)

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1 hour ago, George Sawtelle said:

Just like most CT's nothing definite. LBJ had motive but so did others ... i.e. radical right, Allen Dulles, Castro, military industrial complex, Texas oil men, etc.etc.etc. 


But this is important because no one was particularly interested in rocking the boat and assigning blame to anyone else.   So everyone in the mainstream gets onboard with the lone-nut theory, leaving only the extremes of Left and Right as outliers who challenge it.  Because Kennedys had more enemies than friends in what Trump would later call "the swamp" or what hippies would call "the Establishment," there is just no one in a position of power too interested in pursing truth and justice here.  Better to just get it behind us and move on.

Lone Nut is the easiest to sell to the American public plus it doesn't disrupt anyone's position.  When everyone is corrupt everyone agrees to blame it on the dead guy.



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45 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Doug, I'm really confused now. The most damning allegation is in this paragraph in the second article from Jerome Corsi. One would think Corsi wrote an article and thought it fitting to quote Judith Baker (JVB) at the end, who has no first hand experience in the matter at hand. Did you just miscopy initials? I'd review my responses and tidy up a bit.


[Bobby Baker and Sen George Smathers lured JFK there for primal pleasures, making sure they got him into a position where Kennedy could get blackmailed. Kennedy was vulnerable on this front because the massive doses of steroids he took for Addison's Disease made him impotent. Unscrupulous doctors then loaded his system with overdoses of testosterone. JFK's sex drive then became almost insatiable. As someone trained in the medical sciences, I recognize the stresses on JFK, and give him some slack for his behavior --and also note that LBJ and half the Senate, after all, were also sleeping around !-- especially since JFK, wearing a back brace, was in such chronic pain that most of his actual physical pleasure in life was rare. JFK and Jackie did not become truly close due to his infidelities (and Jackie reciprocated, having some affairs herself!) until after the death of their premature baby, Patrick. They then were seen kissing and holding hands in public for the first time, etc... Note that none of the above had any bearing on Kennedy's love for his country and for the American people. That love was firm and genuine. He truly gave up his life for attempting to break up the CIA, destroy organized crime, and for trying to rein in the military-industrial complex and its warrior mentality. --JVB)

No, I copied Judyth's posting just as she made it. I did not change or alter anything. Nothing is miscopied. It is what it was when she posted it.

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I find it hard to believe that Judyth is quoted as an expert on anything in this forum, and certainly not LBJ.  Just my 2 cents...

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4 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

I find it hard to believe that Judyth is quoted as an expert on anything in this forum, and certainly not LBJ.  Just my 2 cents...

Pamela, what do you think? I don't read much about JVB, here or anywhere. I do, however, think you are the in-house expert.

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It seems like Judy took my advice posted on this Forum and read Bobby Baker's complete Senate History Office interview and excerpted quotations from it, albeit with haphazard commentary.  I'm gratified that someone followed my recommendation, though I would have hoped for a more incisive and useful digest - like, say, by Jim DiEugenio.

I wonder what is the GS-rating of the man or lady who read and excerpted Baker's interview for Judyth?  Can I get that deal?  I could write more convincing commentary in Judy's voice.

Edited by David Andrews
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3 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

I find it hard to believe that Judyth is quoted as an expert on anything in this forum, and certainly not LBJ.  Just my 2 cents...

Agreed, Doug Ok, Apart from whether you feel Judyth Baker is at all credible. I find it strange that you're quoting a source whose merely quoting another source, without any first hand information of her own.

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13 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

Pamela, what do you think? I don't read much about JVB, here or anywhere. I do, however, think you are the in-house expert.

I don't believe anything Judyth says.  That's my starting point.  JVB has gone out of her way to try to discredit me once I ended my agreement with her to keep an open mind to what she had to say until her book came out.  She even came all the way from Turkey to my local library to hawk her books, which I found unnerving.  

As far as LBJ being involved, I think it is evident that he masterminded the cover-up. I think he knew what was going to happen beforehand, and that's why he didn't want Connally in SS100X during the Dallas motorcade.  It is my thinking that the last argument LBJ and JFK had, the night before the assassination, could have been over trying to put Yarborough in 100X instead of Connally.  There is a reference to the argument in DOAP, pp 82-83, though LBJ claimed afterward they fought over how Yarborough was being treated.   I think LBJ was being disingenuous in that recollection. That's my interpretation.

Edited by Pamela Brown
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48 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Seconded, despite JFK's trust of Smathers or his regard for GS's usefulness.  I don't think Smathers missed Kennedy one bit.

Somewhere in my reading I've somehow gotten the same feeling.  As a Florida Senator was Smathers possibly affiliated with Nixon's buddy BeBe  Rebozo, they went back to the early 50's/Cuba did they not (Nixon-Rebozo)? 

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