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Trump: JFK files to be released

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the way I read that article is that Trump left himself some room to change his mind. The Washington Post article also cites Shenon and Stone. What is it with these reporters and editors that ensures they never talk to the dozens of credible researchers? Why Shenon and Stone?

i think Trump is negotiating.

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As emotionally unfit for the presidency as I believe he is, I do think that Trump was always interested in the JFK event and was of the mind that it was the result of a conspiracy.

Trump was 17 on 11,22,1963 and probably an admirer of JFK and like all of us close to his age ( I was 12 ) extremely shocked and highly suspicious after seeing Jack Ruby whack Oswald live on national television, right in the Dallas PD  building.

Who knows what agency pressure Trump may or may not experience regards anything he may say or do concerning the JFK event and files, but I would assume he has been advised not to go into the matter too much publicly. 

During the 2016 presidential primaries, Trump made many comments about Raphael Cruz's father ( Raphael Cruz Sr.) perhaps being in photos with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans for reasons I assume were to hurt Cruz Jr.'s primary candidacy.  I believe however, there are some interesting questions about Raphael Cruz Sr. regards New Orleans and Oswald.

If you read Raphael Cruz Sr.'s Wiki bio, you will see that he was very politically involved in anti-Castro activities, giving talks to groups in the Austin, Texas area about this specific political situation. You then read that he did indeed move to New Orleans right after his Austin residency ( 1962 or early 1963 ) with his wife and he was there during Oswald's 1963 NO activity period.

But there is a huge black hole in this Wiki bio ( not one word ) about anything Cruz Sr. may have done in New Orleans, different from his stated and reported political activism in Texas right before and up to his NO move.

One can reasonably assume that Cruz Sr. didn't just stop his fervor political interests when he moved to NO ( hot headed anti-Castro central ) despite Wiki's total blackout of any mention of this.

You can be sure that politically active Cruz Sr. ( born the same year as Oswald )  knew Carlos Bringuer and he must have known about Oswald and Oswald's political activities especially the fight between Bringuer and Oswald as this event was so widely reported in the NO newspapers, radio and even on television news broadcasts.

To me, Cruz Sr.'s high energy political involvement in his early twenties and proven presence in New Orleans while Oswald was there raises many intriguing questions about Cruz Sr.'s true political connections and activities there during that time and it the black out of any mention of this in any of his bio's.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Here's the WaPo version, it's a little longer.


"every word in every document, as the law requires."  At least Shennon got that part right.  I'll believe it after Thursday, after time to review what does come out.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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President Trump is making the correct decision.

I hope nothing changes.

I do know from several associates that this is a big issue right now.

So, it will be interesting to see what the documents contain.

I am, however, sick of the Sabato and friends articles.  These guys change their tune every week it seems depending on who is interviewing them, politico, etc.

It would be nice if other reputable people would be interviewed.

That brings me to the big question, if Judyth Baker is legit, has she provided any insight on anything relevant that she personally knows about Oswald, which is not public info elsewhere, which will be confirmed in the document release?  Now is the time for her to spill that info if she has not already, if she is legit that is.


Edited by Cory Santos
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This is starting to get some real traction in the MSM.

The CBS evening News did a two minute story on it and so do MSN.  There's was longer, and they brought on Posner unfortunately. Who I wager has not read one document.

I am still waiting for someone to talk about how one of the docs reveals that the NY Times did not buy the WR anymore in 1967 and was going to launch its own secret inquiry.  The CIA found out about it, and guess what?  No NY Times inquiry.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Dulles got together with Sulzberger and killed that baby in the crib.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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33 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

If anyone wants to read up on the subject take your pick here:


I recommend this one from page 2:


One quote from the second link has continued to make me frown and shake my every time I read it.  "When Harvey's CIA colleague John Witten was asked by investigators why Harvey might have told his  wife to destroy his papers after his death Witten replied "He was to young to have assassinated Mc Kinley or Lincoln".  If that's not a leading answer from an insider I don't know what is.  

Phillips, promoted afterwards.  King of the HSCA tap dancers, from smoking two cigarettes at once to walking out when the heat got too hot for him and never suffering any consequences.  To admitting to his brother on his death bed he was in Dallas on 11/22/63.  He goes so much deeper, Veciana, Mexico City...

Morales.  "We got that Son of a Bitch didn't We?" is pretty self incriminating.  Dying shortly after saying that from getting then sick and having a heart attack with "security" controlling even family access to his hospital room makes me want to see whatever the files Might have left in them.

Joannides.  I've never read it put this way exactly but if he was paymaster for the DRE, and it's interactions with Oswald in the summer of 63  in New Orleans I cant comprehend him Not working hand in hand with Phillips.  He lived in Florida that summer and worked out of JMWAVE but maintained a residence in New Orleans?  Then they give him a secret award and bring him back out of retirement as undercover liaison with the HSCA???  Not hiding anything there huh?

3000 pages left.  Will 2000 of them be heavily redacted or illegible?  If any of them are released at all.  Or just another publicity stunt by that wrestler in chief, the master of the deal. 

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I'll add the identity of QJWIN, which I would think would include material on Harvey.

according to an article in Politico, Trump is likely to block the release of some documents. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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But Paul that was before his tweet, right?

The MSM is now reporting that they will all be released.

So the pressure will be on for him to do that.

BTW, this is the most publicity this case has had since 2013.

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

One quote from the second link has continued to make me frown and shake my every time I read it.  "When Harvey's CIA colleague John Witten was asked by investigators why Harvey might have told his  wife to destroy his papers after his death Witten replied "He was to young to have assassinated Mc Kinley or Lincoln".  If that's not a leading answer from an insider I don't know what is.  

Phillips, promoted afterwards.  King of the HSCA tap dancers, from smoking two cigarettes at once to walking out when the heat got too hot for him and never suffering any consequences.  To admitting to his brother on his death bed he was in Dallas on 11/22/63.  He goes so much deeper, Veciana, Mexico City...

Morales.  "We got that Son of a Bitch didn't We?" is pretty self incriminating.  Dying shortly after saying that from getting then sick and having a heart attack with "security" controlling even family access to his hospital room makes me want to see whatever the files Might have left in them.

Joannides.  I've never read it put this way exactly but if he was paymaster for the DRE, and it's interactions with Oswald in the summer of 63  in New Orleans I cant comprehend him Not working hand in hand with Phillips.  He lived in Florida that summer and worked out of JMWAVE but maintained a residence in New Orleans?  Then they give him a secret award and bring him back out of retirement as undercover liaison with the HSCA???  Not hiding anything there huh?

3000 pages left.  Will 2000 of them be heavily redacted or illegible?  If any of them are released at all.  Or just another publicity stunt by that wrestler in chief, the master of the deal. 

I neglected to mention Hunt.  E. Howard, not Harrison Lafayette of Dallas, extreme right wing,  richest man in the world in 63 as some confuse them occasionally.  

Howard, of Watergate fame ties back to 63 in that Angleton and Helms agreed to use him in a limited hangout if needed in a memo signed by them in 66.

Then there's the whole Liberty Lobby thing with Mark Lane.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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19 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I'll add the identity of QJWIN, which I would think would include material on Harvey.

according to an article in Politico, Trump is likely to block the release of some documents. 

Paul, might you have a link to the article?  Blocking release of any documents disturbs me. 

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42 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I just googled - I'm somewhat technologically challenged Ron. 'Trump likely to block release of some JFK files' will get you there.

Politico had this story on the 20th, before Trump tweeted,


Then, it changed its tune,


Probably due to the sources politico is utilizing, Shenon etc.



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