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St. John Hunt's letter to Caroline Kennedy

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[St. John Hunt posted this on Facebook today]

I wrote this letter last year and re wrote it this year. Last year, I mailed it to Caroline Kennedy to the embassy in Japan, and I'm sure it never reached her. Those of you who remember this will understand my frustration. This year, a member of the Kennedy family has reached out to me and now is in possession of the letter. I can't tell you how hopeful I am that Caroline just might finally read the letter. It will take a huge weight off my shoulders.

... 11/2017


It is with the deepest respect and honesty that I reach out to you. I feel a great deal of sorrow for actions involving my father which may have led to the death of your father.

In 1963 my father, E Howard Hunt, as a CIA officer, had knowledge of plans to eliminate your father, President John F Kennedy. I know this because my father confessed this to me shortly before he died. It is a burden I will always carry.

I cannot imagine the loss you experienced at such a young age. In the ensuing years you have carried yourself with great dignity and grace in the face of public speculation about your father's death. No one has ever, to my knowledge, offered any kind of apology for this horrible and unforgivable crime. It seems an insignificant gesture to apologize, but that is all I am able to do. I can empathize with your loss because my mother Dorothy was killed (in 1972) under very curious circumstances after threatening to “blow the White House out of the water.”

So for what it's worth, I am deeply regretful for my father's role, whatever it may have been, in the death of your father. I am so sorry that history has been cruel to your family in ways most of us won't even understand. In spite of it all, you have chosen not to be hateful and for that alone, I respect and admire you. From the bottom of my heart, I offer this sincere apology and hope that you find it comforting that someone cares enough about you and what you’ve lost to come forward and say “I’m sorry.”

Sincerely, Saint John Hunt

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and what exactly is the provenance of this supposed 'letter?'

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6 hours ago, Glenn Nall said:

and what exactly is the provenance of this supposed 'letter?'

Glenn, I might be misunderstanding your question but St. John Hunt wrote on his own FB page that he wrote this letter. So, St. John IS the provenance.

Edited by Michael Clark
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you might be misunderstand my question. or you might not.

'provenence' refers to a known history of something, and not to someone's attestation of it.

as much as many of us want to believe the words of the Hunts, it's not as easy as all that, is it.


edit: something posted on Facebook, having been proven to be the fodder of all things liberal, hardly makes it original or trustworthy.

Edited by Glenn Nall
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9 minutes ago, Glenn Nall said:

you might be misunderstand my question. or you might not.

'provenence' refers to a known history of something, and not to someone's attestation of it.

as much as many of of want to believe the words of the Hunts, it's not as easy as all that, is it.


edit: something posted on Facebook, having been proven to be the fodder of all things liberal, hardly makes it original or trustworthy.

It was posted by St. John Hunt on his Facebook home page:   https://www.facebook.com/stjohn.hunt?fref=search

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4 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

It was posted by St. John Hunt on his Facebook home page:   https://www.facebook.com/stjohn.hunt?fref=search

Yes, I see the Facebook posting. i'm (justifiably) curious about the actuality of the letter itself, and not of the Facebook post.

AS i said, there are many of us who really want to believe the words of Howard Hunt but are reticent to, considering his profession...

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Don't we all agree the near end-of-life "Big Event"JFK assassination confession statement tape by E. Howard Hunt is real?

The main questions regards this LBJ implicating tape however are how much of it was true, the hows and whys and real intent of it's creation and how much of it was edited and whether E. Howard Hunt was coerced or led on or in any other way manipulated in the taping of this.

Regards intent, did E.Howard Hunt purposely come up with this "I was a bench warmer" in the larger operation story (whether false or true) hoping that it's publication might bring in a good amount of money to his son St. John and other children after he died? Money that he did not have otherwise?

Money was always a big issue with E.H.Hunt. He often publicly and bitterly claimed during and after Watergate that he was always in arrears.  And I assume Hunt never got much financial security relief the rest of his life?

E.Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy died suspiciously in that horrific Chicago plane crash and reportedly with $250,000 in cash in her possession. I would like to ask St. John Hunt if he ever heard his father express that he ( E. Howard Hunt ) felt that his wife Dorothy's death was no accident?

If E.H. Hunt believed this, then could his taped confession have been a payback to those people who he thought were responsible for his wife's death, with E.H.Hunt believing that our nation's main stream media would go bananas with this story?

They never did however, and I was always suspicious at how the main stream media barely reported the Hunt tape story.

I thought that E.Howard Hunt's famous status in highest political media story doings for so many years should have warranted much more national media reportage and editorial discussion and commentary.  The story received almost no national media and editorial coverage. It was instead relegated to the front page of the "National Enquirer" along with UFO abduction stories.

So, what do we make of St John Hunt? 

I've tried to put myself in his shoes in his growing up years in the E.Howard Hunt and Dorothy Hunt household. I can only guess what that must have been like but as he got older, St.John Hunt must have become aware that his parents were leading very unusual lives with many secrets. And by the time he helped his dad destroy documents and toss things into a local river, one can imagine St. John himself perhaps being unusually challenged in forming his own sense of morality and personal identity.

Son of a famous political intrigue secret agent provocateur and an agency employed mother who he feels was murdered.  Godson to William F. Buckley.

I tend to believe St. John Hunt generally. He certainly was in one of the closest personal relationship positions one can be to possibly overhear or even be told by his parents at least a few important secrets about highest political intrigue things.

And if what his father stated in his end-of-life JFK assassination confession tape is true, then the failure of our fourth estate to acknowledge, investigate and report such an earth shaking story on a scale it deserved, might be the biggest story of all.

That of a total evicerating of our last and most important constitutional democracy protection institution. Without this, our democracy is gone.

Is St. John Hunt's letter to Caroline Kennedy a sincere expression of true guilt regards his father's professed participation in Caroline's father's death? Was it worthy of being sent regards giving Caroline Kennedy anything of meaning and need on her part?

I am personally just not sure.

Questions for Doug Caddy.

I watched the video of William F. Buckley interviewing E. Howard Hunt on May 12, 1974.

Could you comment on this interview?  Your take on Hunt's comments and Buckley's questions to him? Did Hunt lie in any part of this interview in your opinion?

Hunt specifically named a New York city policeman in an answer to some question posed to him by Buckley. Do you recognize this officers name? Was he known to your NYPD officer Rothstein? Why would Hunt even mention this NYPD officer?

Were you the attorney that Hunt often mentioned he was in arrears with?

Was Hunt as stressed about money in the time you interacted with him as he stated in this interview?

In your opinion, was the back and forth communications of Hunt with the White House and Nixon after his Watergate arrest a blackmail effort on Hunt's part? To get more money?

When Hunt mentioned "other" covert activities he performed for the Nixon administration Buckley asked Hunt about one  "West Coast" operation. But honestly Doug, don't you believe that Hunt and his team carried out so many other covert and illegal domestic operations well beyond that one?

And that if these other operations were revealed in their entirety our whole standard historical view of Nixon and others in the top rungs of power, money and position during that time and their corruption would be even worse than it already is? 

One of abuse of our constitution beyond anything we could imagine?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Some good questions to ask Doug at the end, Joe.

When I first read the interview and saw the video tape, what struck me was how little St. John seemed to know about the business of his Father. (Particularly in view of some of stories later about his complicity with his Father in certain acts) Hunt's LBJ did it theory was ultimately Hunt's speculation and it really left more questions unanswered than it answered. If I had the opportunity to get that once in a lifetime interview , I would have left no stone unturned. He never seemed to entertain the possibility that his Father might be covering for Dulles/ or the agency. I had a short correspondence with him a while back. I briefly mentioned Dulles and the agency to him. Later on, presumably after he had been on a number of media shows, his concepts have increasingly inculcated the Agency than just the LBJ did it theory.

I also was wondering at the time why the MSM didn't run with story? St. John said 60 minutes were going to do a segment than later mysteriously backed out. Is it because the MSM got word from on high not to run the story?, or did they research it and find the story wasn't credible or simply didn't find enough information that they wanted to go out on a limb and say that a former POTUS actually killed his predecessor to fulfill his titanic ambition to be President.

People who don't hold the LBJ-Did -It theory maybe should be thankful that the MSM viewed the story with the same skepticism they do. As making such an allegation that later would prove not to hold up to scrutiny would set the JFK conspiracy movement even further back. A lot of media skepticism is because of the lack of focus, countervailing theories, quack theories, and no big break in the case, and potentially having a huge hoax theory that the VP arranged the murder of the sitting President would send it back irrevocably. Having said that, I know those who believe in that theory, think that drawing light to the theory may have been the big break they needed to blow the whole story open.

Central to Hunt's theory, is that LBJ had a profound ambition. I've thought about this a bit, as there is definitely another side to LBJ that no one sees, even apart if you believe that he had his own hit man  in Malcolm Wallace. How ambitious was LBJ really? There is one fact that I've never heard anyone say here. And that is, LBJ never really campaigned for President in 1960, he never ran in one primary. He entered in July after all the primaries hoping to get a draft on a potential  second ballot.

Personally I thought that Cord Meyer being the linchpin tying LBJ to the Assassination, was just the kind of  juicy spy novel connection Hunt, being a spy novelist might make. That coupled with the fact, that I had never heard of Cord Meyer being considered in any JFK conspiracy theory prior to that, made me even more skeptical of his LBJ did it connection.

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Joe and Kirk: I am in the midst of writing the final two chapters of my autobiography that has been delayed because of some exceptionally valuable information that has come my way only recently. For that reason I shall not be able to answer the questions posed above for a week or so until I finish my manuscript. -- Doug

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OK - but my memory is that Cord Meyer was previously researched here as an Angleton associate, and that any LBJ connection discussed originated from the Hunt remarks exclusively.  John Simkin's interest was the Mary Pinchot Meyer killing, and research departed tangentially from Cord's and Mary's known associates.  Some of this, I think (though my chronology may be off) was brought on by Simkin corresponding with Peter Janney, who was researching his forthcoming book on MPM.

Again relying on my memory, discussion of the Meyers on the Forum preceded the Hunt confession, and wasn't prompted by the confession.  At the time, I wondered if Hunt had been told that there was renewed interest in the Mary Pinchot Meyer case, and then snatched the trendy name of Cord Meyer out of the internet.

Edited by David Andrews
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Obviously LBJ and Meyer couldn't have done anything themselves regards something this big and unprecedented ( even thought it up ) without the approval and creative planning and involvement of the highest power people ( above them both ) who we all know.

The LBJ and Meyer did it story doesn't make sense without this larger context.

LBJ likely knew about the assassination ahead of time and been instructed as to what to do when it came  down.

And Hunt's loyalty and that of his usual accomplices was not to LBJ and Meyer. If Hunt and his team were involved as he claimed...they sure weren't taking orders from LBJ and Meyer and Hoover.

I do see a narrowed primary blame deflection to LBJ and Meyer by Hunt. Away from you know who.

Was that ole covert rascal Hunt being deceptive and loyal to his brotherhood as ever until his last breath? Quite probably based on his long career history.

And again, maybe Hunt was trying to get two birds in the hand with his LBJ/Meyer did it recollection.

Maybe he thought that the big media guys would pay his son big bucks for the rights to this Earth shaking inside story. Giving his son and other children some extra financial means he otherwise was unable to provide for them?

Another thought regards LBJ.  LBJ basically lost it in his final days. And not from simple dementia.

To assign him a personal psychiatrist and guard LBJ from public contact says to me that LBJ was suffering a kind of monumental guilt driven mental breakdown.

To such a degree that with a little bourbon he might just start raving to whoever was close by...all the super corrupt, even murderous things he was involved in.  My guess is this is the true story line with LBJ  in the end.

Look at David Morales in his final boozed up days...telling his friends ( bragging ) how we/they took care of that SOB Kennedy and his brother Bobby.

End of life boozed up lips often tell tales.

Wonder if Johnny Roselli loving Bill Harvey ever said anything while knocking down some hard shots in his final days and hours?





Edited by Joe Bauer
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