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General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald and Dallas Officials

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19 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

...Forget motive.  Look at method...

This is a wild west circus stunt perhaps one missed shot away from failure - that happened to succeed....and covered up professionally by those not active in the murder...   

The people who shot Kennedy have the same childish understanding of public perception as those who printed the anti JFK flyers and anti-JFK newspaper ad in that morning's Dallas Morning News...

BTW, I too am very suspicious of DPD Capt. Westbrook - his Warren Commission testimony is examined in detail earlier in this thread.  He's perjured himself and obviously a conspirator, IMO...


2. DPD Capt Westbrook's story doesn't add up and suggests the police are the operations crew of the assassination, IMO.

2 - Dr Jerry Rose, The Third Decade, Vol 4, Iss 3.  March 1988.


Regarding DPD Captain William Westbrook -- I appreciate this snippet from Dr. Jerry Rose which identifies DPD officers Baggett and Hawkins as his chauffeurs.    Great work by Rose there.

Yes -- Captain Westbrook's WC testimony is so messed up that one might suspect that he didn't care if people could figure out his motives or not -- he was almost bragging .

I perceive this same attitude in General Walker's WC testimony.   I saw the same attitude in General Walker's Mississippi Grand Jury testimony  of January, 1963.   Walker practically beamed with pride in describing his leadership among the student rioters at Ole Miss in September 1962 -- basically bragging in a muted manner (though hundreds were wounded and two were killed).

So -- we agree with Doug Campbell that DPD Captain Westbrook is a prime suspect.   Let's go further.   What was Westbrook's role?

It seems to me that Westbrook did basically nothing at the TSBD, so his testimony that he was even there is suspect.   His main role seems to be to ensure that Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) was killed in the streets in Oak Cliff.   That murder, in my opinion, seems well-planned.  Here are the steps that I see -- half of this is from WC testimony, and half of this is my speculation that attempts to connect the dots of various WC witnesses.

1.  LHO didn't shoot JFK; however, LHO knew the people who did.   LHO had to get out of the TSBD as soon as possible.

2.  LHO met an accomplice in a car outside the TSBD a few minutes after the JFK shooting, who drove him to his Oak Cliff rooming house.

3.  LHO saw his rooming house supervisor, Earlene Roberts, around 12:45 pm, and he quickly got a jacket and collected his pistol.   

4.  While LHO was at his rooming house, a DPD police car came by with two policemen, and hocked the horn, twice, and then drove away, says Earlene Roberts.   

*** In my opinion, these two police were JD Tippit and Roscoe White.  The honk was a signal for LHO to meet these officers down the road apiece.

5.  LHO went outside to the local bus stop in view of Earlene Roberts.  After a minute, he walked toward that police car waiting down the road apiece.   He got into the car.   

***  LHO had no idea that Tippit and White had planned to shoot LHO in the streets.  After all, LHO was already very well framed in New Orleans.

6.  Tippit, White and LHO drove around Oak Cliff, arguing over something, and the argument turned into a fight.   LHO got out of the car and kept walking. 

7.  Tippit and White drove up to LHO on East Tenth Street, near Patton, and  LHO stood by the passenger window to continue the argument.

8.  When JD Tippit exited the driver's side and pulled his weapon, both LHO and  Roscoe White shot JD TIppit dead.

9.   At about 1:15pm, a citizen used the car radio to call in the murder of Officer JD Tippit.

10.   Captain Westbrook and his two chauffeurs (Baggett and Hawkins) had been waiting for a call to confirm that LHO was shot dead.  Tippit's death was a shock to them.

11.  Westbrook, Bagget and Hawkins immediately drove to Oak Cliff, along with at least five other DPD police cars.

12.  Most of the DPD policemen who sped to the Tippit murder scene were not part of the JFK/LHO plot.   

*** So, Westbrook, who had agreed to kill LHO soon after JFK was killed had a new problem.   How could the DPD plotters kill LHO in sight of all DPD police who were not part of the plot?

*** Obviously, they could not.  They had to settle for an arrest and a Plan B.

13.   Once LHO was under arrest at the Dallas City Jail, a seat-of-your-pants plan to frame LHO quickly was hatched by Westbrook, Curry and their minions in the plot.

14.  Most urgent of all was that LHO would not see legal counsel, and would be held at Dallas City Jail beyond normal limits, until he was murdered there.

15.   Whoever was secretly counseling LHO -- somebody from the Radical Right in Dallas -- possibly Roscoe White -- convinced LHO to call Attorney John Abt in New York.

***  LHO never heard of John Abt before, and John Abt never heard of LHO before.  Yet Abt's name appears as a villain in JBS literature, so the "Abt ruse" was almost certainly a JBS subplot.

*** As long as LHO remained convinced that Attorney John Abt was poised to "come and give him legal assistance," LHO would not demand any further legal counsel.

16.  DPD Chief Curry and Captain Westbrook pressured the policemen in their plot to call in favors on an emergency basis, to find some underworld stooge to kill LHO for them.

17.   DPD officers contacted Jack Ruby, and called in their favor.

18.  After Jack Ruby killed LHO on 11/24/1963, Captain Westbrook's role in the JFK Assassination was finally over -- LHO was dead, as he had committed.

So, Jason, there's a plausible sketch of Westbrook's role in the JFK Assassination, in my reading.   I don't see Westbrook as the "mastermind" of the JFK plot, although admittedly, as the street supervisor of the death of the Patsy, his role was substantial.   Yet, in my reading, Westbrook ultimately needed the help of Chief Curry to bail him out of the snafu that JD Tippit was shot in the streets of Dallas on 11/22/1963 -- instead of LHO.   So, he had a secondary role, and he didn't do it very smoothly.   That's my reading.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Thanks a ton Jason (also for your compliment, I truly appreciate it and certainly try to keep a level rational mind when it comes to this complex study),  and Paul for your responses for sure . I’m definitely going to read them a few good times and it helps me with more clarity as to the many angles this murder has. 

Paul I’ve listened to the audios with you as a guest and they were a good listen. Doug, (and I would encourage anyone to check out his DPD/Army Intelligence audio) honestly engages in what he calls “Wild and reckless speculation” and it’s great when he does just as a way to let his mind wander in a fun and intelligent way provided it’s stated as speculation as he always does with his listeners. He theorizes a scenario where Army Intelligence was deeply involved and recruited Walker. He certainly isn’t alone. Simpich believes that Westbrook was, in his exact words “in on the assassination” at least according to his great audios with Alan Dale. 

We know what Westbrook’s official role was, and it also seems that it isn’t officially known who approached Walker with that false story re: LHO/Kennedy’s. He simply theorized that it may have been Army Intelligence and specifically, Westbrook who may have told Walker personally. He goes into a bit more detail in the audios (the Walker/Westbrook bit is from #86 if I’m not mistaken):

The Dallas Action #86: “Army Intelligence And The D.P.D”


The Dallas Action #89: “Dallas Police Captain William R. Westbrook”


Edited by B. A. Copeland
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4 hours ago, B. A. Copeland said:

Thanks a ton Jason (also for your compliment, I truly appreciate it and certainly try to keep a level rational mind when it comes to this complex study),  and Paul for your responses for sure . I’m definitely going to read them a few good times and it helps me with more clarity as to the many angles this murder has. 

Paul I’ve listened to the audios with you as a guest and they were a good listen. Doug, (and I would encourage anyone to check out his DPD/Army Intelligence audio) honestly engages in what he calls “Wild and reckless speculation” and it’s great when he does just as a way to let the wander in a fun and intelligent way provided it’s stated as speculation as he always does with his listeners. He theorizes a scenario where Army Intelligence was deeply involved and recruited Walker. He certainly isn’t alone. Simpich believes that Westbrook was, in his exact words “in on the assassination” at least according to his great audios with Alan Dale. 

We know what Westbrook’s role was, and it seems that it isn’t officially known who approached Walker with that false story re: LHO/Kennedy’s. He simply theorized that it may have been Army Intelligence and specifically, Westbrook who may have told Walker personally. He goes into a bit more detail in the audios (the Walker/Westbrook bit is from #86 if I’m not mistaken):

The Dallas Action #86: “Army Intelligence And The D.P.D”


The Dallas Action #89: “Dallas Police Captain William R. Westbrook”


I listened to the podcasts. Mr. Campbell has come to the same conclusion I have about the reserve Army Intelligence units, and he’s speculated nicely. One problem I have, which I am unable to resolve and about which I’ve contacted several researchers, is the dearth of evidence on Jack Crichton and the 488th military intelligence detachment and the DPD connections to it. But I’m sure it existed for two reasons - Crichton’s oral history, and  colonel Frank M Brandstetter’s autobiographical ‘Brandy: Portrait of an Intelligence Officer’. Many DPD members were reportedly attached to that unit, including Westbrook, Lumpkin, and Gannaway. But these reports apparently come from contemporary news articles with no documentation. I want to make clear to you that I believe the reports to be true, and find the lack of proof to be suspicious. Steve Thomas, on this board, in his thread on the ‘Colonels’ has looked at this, as have many others. 

Youre postng these links on this thread dominated by Mr. Trejo and Ward, who do their best to ignore me. Our main difference of opinion, one they seem unable to tolerate, is that I think the ground game in Dallas, with the DPD and Walker’s group, is only part of the story. I can see that Doug Campbell agrees. Campbell’s alternative view (to Trejo’s) of the Walker assassination attempt is very interesting. He suspects Captain William Westbrook may have enlisted General Walker in the plot by going to his house shortly after the attempted assassination of Walker and informing him that the Police had arrested Lee Harvey Oswald that night and released him on orders from the Kennedy Justice Department. As I’m sure you are aware, there is no written evidence that DPD had Oswald in custody, or that Walker knew who had taken a potshot at him prior to Nov 22, 1963. But Campbell suggests we take Walker at his word after that, since he repeated that story for the rest of his life. 

I keep asking Trejo and Ward to examine the military intelligence angle, and they keep ignoring me. I’ll be interested to see how they respond to your latest post.

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19 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

What was Westbrook's role?

For one thing, he's a secondary player as far as official and most conspiracy theories go, which is to his advantage.  He gets less attention.   

Maybe Westbrook's less obvious role is a deliberate part of the plan?  - - - based on the fact that while all the action at DPD headquarters was around Capt Fritz and Oswald, Westbrook is inexplicably in the decidedly less interesting HR office.  Even more inexplicably, "Oswald's pistol" is processed in this HR office, along with the usual comedic chain-of-evidence routine and inconsistent testimony that is typical of Dallas police officers on this the most important day of their career.

{PS - I have some catching up to do.  I've been busy at work and with the family, but there are a lot of points posted over the last week that deserve a response}

6 hours ago, B. A. Copeland said:

Thanks a ton Jason

Thanks for looking at evidence and asking pertinent questions.   Your serious input is appreciated.



>>>In memory of all the people who died for America - this is their Memorial Day <<<



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2 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

For one thing, he's a secondary player as far as official and most conspiracy theories go, which is to his advantage.  He gets less attention.   

Maybe Westbrook's less obvious role is a deliberate part of the plan?  - - - based on the fact that while all the action at DPD headquarters was around Capt Fritz and Oswald, Westbrook is inexplicably in the decidedly less interesting HR office.  Even more inexplicably, "Oswald's pistol" is processed in this HR office, along with the usual comedic chain-of-evidence routine and inconsistent testimony that is typical of Dallas police officers on this the most important day of their career.

{PS - I have some catching up to do.  I've been busy at work and with the family, but there are a lot of points posted over the last week that deserve a response}

Thanks for looking at evidence and asking pertinent questions.   Your serious input is appreciated.



>>>In memory of all the people who died for America - this is their Memorial Day <<<



Jason/Paul T.,

Thanks for all of your continual researching and analyzing of the radical right angle. As I've mentioned before, it's an angle I'm interested and open to, and am learning a lot. 

I've been disengaged from the forum lately, being occupied with other matters, and haven't been able to read a lot of what you've been posting. I'm trying to go back and catch up here and there, but am woefully in the weeds.

Thanks for the memorial day reference, as my father, who passed away 3yrs ago., was Vietnam Vet and career military guy.

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In Memory of our Fallen on this Memorial Day, 2018.

My dad and three uncles served in WW2, in the Navy, in the Pacific theater, and one uncle died in uniform.    I'm very proud of all of them.

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14 hours ago, B. A. Copeland said:

Thanks a ton Jason (also for your compliment, I truly appreciate it and certainly try to keep a level rational mind when it comes to this complex study),  and Paul for your responses for sure . I’m definitely going to read them a few good times and it helps me with more clarity as to the many angles this murder has. 

Paul I’ve listened to the audios with you as a guest and they were a good listen. Doug, (and I would encourage anyone to check out his DPD/Army Intelligence audio) honestly engages in what he calls “Wild and reckless speculation” and it’s great when he does just as a way to let the wander in a fun and intelligent way provided it’s stated as speculation as he always does with his listeners. He theorizes a scenario where Army Intelligence was deeply involved and recruited Walker. He certainly isn’t alone. Simpich believes that Westbrook was, in his exact words “in on the assassination” at least according to his great audios with Alan Dale. 

We know what Westbrook’s role was, and it seems that it isn’t officially known who approached Walker with that false story re: LHO/Kennedy’s. He simply theorized that it may have been Army Intelligence and specifically, Westbrook who may have told Walker personally. He goes into a bit more detail in the audios (the Walker/Westbrook bit is from #86 if I’m not mistaken):

The Dallas Action #86: “Army Intelligence And The D.P.D”


The Dallas Action #89: “Dallas Police Captain William R. Westbrook”


Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. " more fearful information from Birch Society founder Robert Welch, stating that,

" in the course of the awakening of America....there was a rapidly rising identification of the polices of the Kennedy Administration with the

plans of the Communists."

President Kennedy stated, " the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office." Kennedy was describing  the

severe threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work.

Welch wrote " unless we can have enough of an awakening in this country, and enough of a rebellion against the appeasement policies of our

government outside, and it's communizing  policies inside America, the Communists are going to succeed.

"... we are opposing a conspiracy...our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made.

...for unless we can eventually, and in time, reverse by political action, the gradual surrender of the United States to communism , the ultimate

alternative of  ( reversal by military uprising is fearful to contemplate).

...the result of our failure in this fight most positively will be concentration camps, or worse, and soon...we must all stick together or we will all

surely hang separately.

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23 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Thanks for looking at evidence and asking pertinent questions.   Your serious input is appreciated.


Thank you guys for the responses, this is great for study. Jason you're very welcome. Definitely just a student but I'll gladly add whatever I come across in the pertinent threads. I appreciate and am humbled by your response.


14 hours ago, Harry J.Dean said:

Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. " more fearful information from Birch Society founder Robert Welch, stating that,

" in the course of the awakening of America....there was a rapidly rising identification of the polices of the Kennedy Administration with the

plans of the Communists."

President Kennedy stated, " the very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office." Kennedy was describing  the

severe threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work.

Welch wrote " unless we can have enough of an awakening in this country, and enough of a rebellion against the appeasement policies of our

government outside, and it's communizing  policies inside America, the Communists are going to succeed.

"... we are opposing a conspiracy...our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made.

...for unless we can eventually, and in time, reverse by political action, the gradual surrender of the United States to communism , the ultimate

alternative of  ( reversal by military uprising is fearful to contemplate).

...the result of our failure in this fight most positively will be concentration camps, or worse, and soon...we must all stick together or we will all

surely hang separately.

Thanks a ton Harry. That is fascinating quotation and more insight as to how much they (Birchers and I'm sure many far/right wingers) saw the JFK administration as a dire threat.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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I work on projects for Rex Bradford at the Mary Ferrell Foundation and I hope everyone will just browse through the huge collection - you'll be very surprised at what you find just by random searches.  In case anyone is looking for more primary source material on this subject, there is a wealth of General Walker information here:

https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Featured_Walker_Documents.html?search=general walker



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Did you ever get Chris Craven's thesis on Walker and the radical right? I got it last year on interlibrary loan based on Paul's recommendation, and found it informative.

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On 5/28/2018 at 11:53 PM, Harry J.Dean said:

Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS.

More fearful information from Birch Society founder Robert Welch, stating that,

"In the course of the awakening of America....there was a rapidly rising identification of the polices of the Kennedy Administration with the plans of the Communists."

President Kennedy stated,

"The very system of government is in dire peril and may not survive my term in office."

Kennedy was describing  the severe threat posed by extremely powerful cooperative civil and military sedition at work.  Welch wrote,

"Unless we can have enough of an awakening in this country, and enough of a rebellion against the appeasement policies of our government outside, and it's communizing  policies inside America, the Communists are going to succeed... We are opposing a conspiracy...our determination to overthrow an entrenched tyranny is the very stuff of which revolutions are made..for unless we can eventually, and in time, reverse by political action, the gradual surrender of the United States to communism , the ultimate alternative [of reversal by military] is too fearful to contemplate... The result of our failure in this fight most positively will be concentration camps, or worse, and soon...we must all stick together or we will all surely hang separately.


Thanks for offering an excerpt from your personal manuscript/book, Crossroads (1990).   You outline here the very definite clash in 1961-1963 between the John Birch Society and US President JFK. 

As Roger De Laria noted above, the 1993 masters thesis by Chris Cravens is another great source on this period.   Cravens positively confirms your perceptions of the politics of 1961-1963.   The advantage that you have over Cravens is that you were actually there.   You were not only active politically in 1961-1963,  first with the FPCC in Chicago, and then with the John Birch Society in Southern California, but you also met Loran Hall, Larry Howard and General Walker personally in Southern California.

You saw first hand how JFK and the John Birch Society would clash head-on in the political arena.  For example, on 4/27/1961 JFK gave a speech in which he slammed the Radical Right in the USA -- famously remarking that "they even protest the fluoride in our water."   

Also, when JFK gave a speech at the Hollywood Palladium on November 18, 1961,  General Walker led a large group of protesters from a John Birch Society (JBS) meeting at the Hollywood High School gym to the Palladium, to picket JFK's presence in Southern California.

Your quotations from Robert Welch (founder of the JBS) above clarify the intense hostility of the JBS towards JFK, at a level that could be called "paranoia," except that a Cold War was raging in the USA.   Robert Welch thought of himself as a "Boston Tea Party" political figure, and his "hang separately" quip was borrowed from Ben Franklin, who wrote to his fellow Revolutionaries in 1776, "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." 

The JBS knew that they were guilty of undermining the USA -- and some of them feared actual reprisals from the FBI.   But they really did nothing wrong -- until some rogues and extremists from among their number assassinated JFK in Dallas.    There's my opinion.

Finally, Harry, I will conclude with a note to Forum readers that you are the only source of your manuscript/book, Crosstrails (1990), and that interested readers can Message you privately on this Forum.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I will continue to wait patiently for your analysis of the WC testimony of  Ex-General Edwin Walker (aka. General Walker),  I know it's a ton of work.   Please, take your time.

In your analysis of General Walker, you might be interested in my 2012 thesis for H.W. Brands about General Walker.   I cite Chris Cravens as one of my sources, but most importantly I cite the Briscoe Center for the Study of American History, and their collection of 90 boxes of the personal papers of General Walker.    Anyway, here is how all Forum readers can access my thesis (in three parts) totally free for the next four days:

A Brief History of Ex-General Edwin Walker -- Part One
Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: RG63Z
Expires: June 4, 2018

A Brief History of Ex-General Edwin Walker -- Part Two
Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: HQ39Z
Expires: June 4, 2018

A Brief History of Ex-General Edwin Walker -- Part Three
Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: CV94J
Expires: June 4, 2018

You go to the URL, you navigate to "buy" the book, but instead of entering credit card info, you enter the Coupon Code in the box provided.   Then you can download the essay freely.

'All best,

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21 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


I will continue to wait patiently for your analysis of the WC testimony of  Ex-General Edwin Walker (aka. General Walker),  I know it's a ton of work.   Please, take your time.

In your analysis of General Walker, you might be interested in my 2012 thesis for H.W. Brands about General Walker.   I cite Chris Cravens as one of my sources, but most importantly I cite the Briscoe Center for the Study of American History, and their collection of 90 boxes of the personal papers of General Walker.    Anyway, here is how all Forum readers can access my thesis (in three parts) totally free for the next four days:

A Brief History of Ex-General Edwin Walker -- Part One
Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: RG63Z
Expires: June 4, 2018

A Brief History of Ex-General Edwin Walker -- Part Two
Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: HQ39Z
Expires: June 4, 2018

A Brief History of Ex-General Edwin Walker -- Part Three
Promotional price: $0.00
Coupon Code: CV94J
Expires: June 4, 2018

You go to the URL, you navigate to "buy" the book, but instead of entering credit card info, you enter the Coupon Code in the box provided.   Then you can download the essay freely.

'All best,


Thanks for the free download links. I followed what you said above have them downloaded. 

Have a good afternoon,


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On ‎5‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 1:01 AM, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

I think some of those who have the CIA running the assassination likewise incorporate some rogue Radical Right players as an admitted possibility.   The problem in all theories is in connecting an identifiable leader with the ground crew in Dallas.

In this thread we've spotted cops who are obviously part of the conspiracy.   But who are the cops in bed with, or following?   

IMO the likes of Buddy Walthers are ideologically, culturally, and of course physically closer to General Walker and the southern Radical Right than anyone in Washington or the CIA.   In many cases these cop types in Dallas distrust or sometimes despise the entire federal apparatus, CIA/FBI included.   I think it's farfetched to imagine Sheriff Decker working with east coast elites like the Dulles brothers or Bush family.

All CTs are missing a link.


Hi Jason,

I don't think I'm missing a link -- I think I'm missing final proof -- the smoking gun.  

I think we have enough proof that the Dallas cops and deputies were political motivated toward the Radical Right.   They despised Washington DC folks as the "Eastern Establishment."    They didn't like these Yankee snobs treating Texas natives like hillbillies and rednecks.

It comes down to this -- who has the Power based on the Property.   Texas in 1963 had more oil wealth than all the banks in New York city -- according to some.  So, the next US President should have been a Texan -- and the days of Eastern millionaire Presidents were ancient history.

I think we can see the Radical Right ideology -- the South versus Washington DC -- as a running theme in the WC testimony of the Dallas cops and deputies.

The only question, as you say, is about their Leader.    Was it Sheriff Bill Decker?   Was it Chief Jesse Curry?   Was it Captain Will Fritz?   Was it Captain Westbrook?   Perhaps.  Yet I see far more plausibility in the leadership of General Edwin Walker -- the de facto leader of the Radical Right in Dallas.   None of these other men were similarly extolled in Newsweek, for example:


All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:

Hi Jason,


It comes down to this -- who has the Power based on the Property.  


The only question, as you say, is about their Leader............


All best,

Dallas Mayor During JFK Assassination Was CIA Asset

Earle Cabell, Dealey Plaza

Here is the first major revelation from the historic release of previously withheld government records on the JFK Assassination: the mayor of Dallas when President John F. Kennedy was killed in that city was a CIA asset.

We were alerted to this salient fact by retired military intelligence officer and author John Newman, who is conducting a thorough analysis of the long-secret documents.

At the time of the assassination, Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell, brother of one-time Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Charles P. Cabell, had been a CIA asset since 1956.

It is worth noting that Kennedy dismissed CIA Director Allen Dulles in November 1961, and that Earle Cabell’s brother Charles left the CIA on January 31, 1962, after Kennedy forced him to resignThus, both Dulles and Charles Cabell were no longer working for the CIA on November 22, 1963, when Kennedy was killed.

Earle Cabell, who had been elected mayor of Dallas in May 1961, oversaw arrangements for Kennedy’s trip and motorcade, which took him through Dealey Plaza, a route that violated almost all standard rules for presidential safety — and where normal safeguards, such as sealing windows and placing sharpshooters, were ignored. This is of interest to researchers into the assassination, who have been collecting evidence of CIA ties to a host of individuals who figure in the events of 11/22/63 (see also WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker’s Family of Secrets for more on this topic.)

Below is Earle Cabell’s 10/17/56 CIA Secrecy Agreement, his CIA 201 file cover sheet (a “personality” file opened on actual or potential agents, assets, or informants), his 5/13/57 CIA Personality 201 File Request, and a cover sheet indicating that the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) reviewed his 201 file.

It is quite remarkable both that this document was withheld all these years under the criterion that it was “Not Believed Relevant” (NBR) to the Kennedy assassination. Judge John Tunheim, who led the JFK Assassination Records Review Board, a 1990s successor to the HSCA, recently said he now believes that many of the NBR-designated documents are indeed relevant.

This raises the question of who is determining which documents to release, what training they receive, and under what instructions they operate.




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