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Veciana, Oswald in Dallas

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Lots of info to digest.

SJ 1849 OA was Felix ZABALA Mas. Zabala was one of the co- founders of Alpha 66 and a close friend of Antonio Veciana. Veciana would room with Zabala in San Juan. Zabala had a brother and sister that were living in Cuba and he would often communicate with them. Zabala was also one of the unnamed parties in the attempted assassination of Castro in Venezuela in 1971. Veciana did not give up his name to the HSCA. Zabala said that Veciana mentioned that the 1971 plot was directed by “Bishop” thus giving early credence to the name.

Zabala appears to have been playing an early double game against Cuban Intelligence along with Veciana before the FBI got their claws in him and ran him as an asset. This became known as OCELOT or Operation OCELOT. I’m not sure if the primary goal here was to get the real story on whether Manolo Ray was a Cuban asset or to use Ray as a double by the FBI against CUIS. I’m wondering if the “General” mentioned in the below doc is General Fabian Escalante from Cuban Intelligence.



Of great interest is that Zabala had 5 pictures of Veciana’s that he had in his possession and that he was going to loan to the FBI for analysis. The pictures were of Veciana in Dallas at an Alpha 66 meeting, most likely the Harlendale address, approximately one month prior to the assassination. This is the address where Oswald was allegedly seen. Two of the photos show a man that looks like Oswald in the first row wearing a brown jacket, dark brown pants, white socks and sun glasses.



Additional docs:


Docs on Manolo Ray:





Rolando Martinez of Watergate fame. Looks like DGI killed the wrong Felix Rodriguez


Veciana and Zabala




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2 hours ago, David Boylan said:

Of great interest is that Zabala had 5 pictures of Veciana’s that he had in his possession and that he was going to loan to the FBI for analysis. The pictures were of Veciana in Dallas at an Alpha 66 meeting, most likely the Harlendale address, approximately one month prior to the assassination. This is the address where Oswald was allegedly seen. Two of the photos show a man that looks like Oswald in the first row wearing a brown jacket, dark brown pants, white socks and sun glasses.




Thank you. Your info is very interesting. The only thing I might ask a question about, is the house Harlandale. The docs you provided talk about a man "in the first row".

The meetings at the house on Harlandale were pretty small. I'm not sure the attendees would be arranged in "rows".

Take a look at this interview that Harold Weisberg had with Colonel and Mrs. Castorr. Look at p. 1 and then again on pp 21 - about 23 or so.

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/C Disk/Castorr L Robert Colonel/Item 23.pdf


Could this be the meeting in question?

Or is it the meeting that Edwin Walker was questioned about in his WC testimony.

General WALKER. Well, there is a student directorate group, which I remember they call themselves, and that is the way they identified themselves. I attended a meeting sometime and listened to some speakers.
Mr. LIEBELER. They came from Miami?
General WALKER. I believe they came from Miami.
Mr. LIEBELER. And you contributed $5 to the organization that night?
General WALKER. I believe I did.
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see Lee Harvey Oswald at that meeting?
General WALKER. No; I did not.


Steve Thomas




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My thoughts also on the size of the room where Veciana spoke. 

Amazing all the people that listened to the tape (page 23-24 of your doc).

Bunker Hunt, Gen Walker, Lt. George Butler, Marcella Insua (Odio's cousin) at Joe Grennen's house.

The speaker had a brown belt. :-) The only anti-Castro person  I know of that had a brown belt was Paulino Sierra.

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Pardon the interruption....

Has anyone SEEN these photos?   Links to these photos?



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2 hours ago, David Boylan said:


My thoughts also on the size of the room where Veciana spoke. 

Amazing all the people that listened to the tape (page 23-24 of your doc).

Bunker Hunt, Gen Walker, Lt. George Butler, Marcella Insua (Odio's cousin) at Joe Grennen's house.

The speaker had a brown belt. :-) The only anti-Castro person  I know of that had a brown belt was Paulino Sierra.



Commission Document 205 - FBI Report of 23 Dec 1963 re: Oswald


page 647


Sarah Castillo interviewed by the FBI. The meeting was held on Sunday, October 13, 1963 at 8:00 PM.


I've read, and I could probably track it down for you if you need it; that there were two meetings that day - one in the afternoon for Spanish speaking persons, and one in the evening for English speaking persons.


Steve Thomas

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  • 2 months later...

According to some LHO might have been athis Dallas A66 meeting, I don't see him.

Here are two pix, thanks to Malcolm Blunt.

Answers on a postcard please.....



Edited by Bart Kamp
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These two photos are certainly of the "daytime" Spanish speaking meeting.

Notice the daylight through the windows? 

Did Sylvia Odio attend this meeting?

Left of center I see a woman sitting about 3 or 4 rows back with her head turned to the left who resembles Sylvia Odio in facial looks, skin tone, hair style, age etc. Very attractive.

In the second photo she is also visible but mostly blocked by persons in front of her.

It's also interesting to me that the crowd in these photos seems to be made up entirely of Euro or white Cubans with maybe a couple of Mullato. But I don't see one Afro-Cuban.

These white Cubans obviously represented the wealthy class tossed out by Castro.





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14 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

These two photos are certainly of the "daytime" Spanish speaking meeting.

Notice the daylight through the windows?



I'm not so sure now that the meeting I was thinking of, is the same Alpha 66 meeting that Malcolm Blunt referenced, and for which Bart Kamp provided two photos.

The Sylvia Odio/Sarah Castillo meeting was DRE. The meeting in question here was Alpha 66. I think I was wrong to confuse the two meetings. Does anyone know when this Alpha 66 meeting was supposed to have taken place? Wasn't Veciana supposed to have been in Dallas in early September? The DRE meetings were in October.


Steve Thomas

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I literally have looked at thousands of images of Oswald (as many of us have) and to me, the man standing as he is that I've highlighted "looks" to stand and present himself as Oswald did...

Seems he usually had his arms bent, many times hands in pockets, head tilted to the left somewhat.

The large image is from the top one (middle top of image at about 11:00))... inset at the right is from the bottom... with a couple of Oz to compare...


Edited by David Josephs
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On 6/21/2018 at 5:20 PM, Bart Kamp said:

According to some LHO might have been athis Dallas A66 meeting, I don't see him.

Here are two pix, thanks to Malcolm Blunt.

Answers on a postcard please.....



Linda Giovanna Zambanini got busy and made some interesting finds. 

Annie Odio...





And there is a possible ID for John Thomas Masen.

In the top photo, front row w empty chairs next to him and looking straight into the camera with his hands together in front of him.





Edited by Bart Kamp
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That's him in the second picture, front row, second from the left.  White socks, Brown Jacket, arms crossed and funky sun glasses.  The guy next to him looks like the lawyer he never had, ready to defend him.  The guy next to him looks kind of like Garrison (seriously, on this last part, I know it's not him but it looks kind of like him).

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Some great leads guys. Isn’t Annie still alive and well? Someone should ask her if so. I will say the guy I’m front, brown jacket, white socks, etc., is far from LHO lol. Nice potential find there Joseph’s. Would be so nice to have clearer images and corroboration. Who took these photos guys?

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