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Need single bullet theory diagram

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I am just finishing up a new book on the jfk assassination. It's a non-conspiracy book, and I need

a good diagram that I can legally use to illustrate the single bullet theory and a tumbling bullet.

Can anybody help?

Fred Litwin

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Didn't like the rebuttal I posted?

You want to argue FOR the Silly Bullet Theory and get help here?


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Coming here and asking for non-conspiracy help was your first mistake...

Standing firm on such an ignorant and unwarranted POV is mistake #2...

No doubt your book will be mistake #3



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But David, I thought Dale Meyers Proved, Scientifically, with computer analysis the simple single bullet theory...(no, that's not me you hear laughing through your computer, I'm choking down the laughs and trying to keep a straight face).

On a more serious note, lest we forget, it was not Just a single bullet.  But a Pristine, Magical, Single Bullet.

Maybe Fred can find a medium to conjure up the spirits of Arlen Specter for support.  And that of Gerald Ford to move the back wound up.



Edited by Ron Bulman
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Hey Ron,

As you elude...Myers has been shown for the fraud he presented.... He had help making changes to the positions of items in his simulation to allow for the SBT to be possible...

If "Fred" was interested and had just the basic knowledge of the case - as he preps to write this book - he wouldn't know to present such ignorance here of all places....  he'd know to contact Myers or any of the others who cling to the fantasy that our government don't do such things...

Here's the best of all...

To connect the rear and front wounds the angle is 11 degrees UP...



and is the one and only reason FORD changed the location for RYBERG....  the shirt don't lie...



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David Von Pein in 2003:  the defects in JFK's shirt and jacket were both elevated 2 inches, so the bullet holes aligned with T1.

David Von Pein in 2014:  the defects in JFK's shirt and jacket weren't elevated much at all, so the bullet holes aligned with T1.

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These twin single bullet threads somehow make me think of Roy Kellerman.  The Secret Service Agent riding shotgun in front of JFK.  The one who did absolutely nothing to protect him. 

A single bullet hit JFK in the back of the neck, though the wound was in his back, went out the front of his neck, in spite of Malcom Perry the experienced ER surgeon saying 3 times the afternoon of 11/22/63 this was an entry wound, but no said the relatively inexperienced unqualified autopsy "experts" controlled in their efforts, it was and exit wound.  Next the bullet changed direction in mid air, unless JFK was contorted into a impossible position not seen in the Zapruder film or others.  So it could enter Connally's arm pit, traverse the outside of a rib and exit his right nipple.  On it's way to breaking his arm/shattering his wrist to then exit to land in his thigh.  Finally loosing velocity enough to later fall out on "his" stretcher.  But leaving more of itself behind in John Connally and the shards extracted from him than is missing from the Magical, Pristine Bullet which is CE 399 in the National Archives.

The single bullet was preceded by the shot that missed.  The one that hit the curb and 'wounded' James Tague.  The one the Warren Omission tried to ignore until he came forward then they couldn't.

Then there was the shot that from the back, sixth floor, some say, by somebody, that sent JFK's head back and to the left.

Roy Kellerman said something important the Warren Omission actually allowed to  be included in their report in spite of his not reacting.  There was a "flurry" of shots.  If one shot missed, a bolt action rifle was ejected/reloaded,  then done so again, it doesn't qualify as a flurry.  

A flurry implies more than two shots impacting.  Flurry would be three or more whizzing by at a minimum.  Maybe four or more from different directions?

Two shots by a lone nut "no one could ever put in that window, with that gun in his hands" - DPD Chief Curry "

The "single" bullet, a single lone nut shooter.  How can anyone believe this if they study the issue?




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On 6/26/2018 at 11:14 PM, Ron Bulman said:

The "single" bullet, a single lone nut shooter. How can anyone believe this if they study the issue? 

Because the evidence clearly indicates that a "lone nut shooter" (Oswald) committed the crime with Carcano Rifle C2766.

And the evidence certainly indicates the high probability that three shots were fired by that lone nut shooter, with two of those bullets striking the two victims.

And I've never been able to figure out how the anti-SBT CTers manage to reasonably reconcile their theory that has a separate bullet hitting John Connally in his back, even though JFK is situated directly between the shooter and the wounded portion of Connally's upper right back. And then (per CTers) this separate, unimpeded bullet apparently somehow starts to tumble while in flight, having hit nothing during its flight to Governor Connally's back, causing an elongated wound.

Given all the conditions, circumstances, and the victims' positions in the car during the shooting, plus the total lack of ANY non-C2766 bullets or fragments in this murder case, it's virtually impossible for the SBT to not be true.



Edited by David Von Pein
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18 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Because the evidence clearly indicates that a "lone nut shooter" (Oswald) committed the crime with Carcano Rifle C2766.

And the evidence certainly indicates the high probability that three shots were fired by that lone nut shooter, with two of those bullets striking the two victims.

And I've never been able to figure out how the anti-SBT CTers manage to reasonably reconcile their theory that has a separate bullet hitting John Connally in his back, even though JFK is situated directly between the shooter and Connally. And, this separate, unimpeded bullet somehow starts to tumble while in flight, having hit nothing during its flight to Governor Connally's back, causing an elogated wound.

Given all the conditions, circumstances, and the victims' positions in the car during the shooting, plus the total lack of ANY non-C2766 bullets or fragments in this murder case, it's virtually impossible for the SBT to not be true.



You forgot to add the part on your SBT blog about how the Discovery Channel bullet experiment was garbage.



Edited by Micah Mileto
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