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Missing Film?

Ron Bulman

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HSCA Deputy Council Robert Tannenbaum discussed seeing a film of Oswald, David Altee Phillips and Guy Banister together at a Louisiana training camp for anti Castro Cubans with Jim DiEugenio.  I've never seen any discussion of it.  What happened to it. 

Tannenbaum said "To the best of my recollection , we found that movie somewhere in the Georgetown Library archives".   Who was digging there and were they looking for it?  If so what/who suggested they do so.  Why would it be put there in the first place?   Tannenbaum also brought in witnesses to verify those suspected of being Oswald, Phillips and Banister were in fact them.  "This was confirmed upon multiple witness viewings.  Or as he told the author, "Oh yeah, Absolutely.  They're all in the film."   "INS agent Wendell Roache stated the Ferrie took films of one of the exile training camps."  All from Destiny Betrayed pg. 116.  The part on the witnesses being brought in is sourced to "Two other witnesses to this film who were interviewed by author Joe Biles were HSCA investigator L. J. Delsa, and photo analyst Bob Groden.  Biles interviewed both in September of 2000 for his confirmation of Phillips, Oswald and Banister.  See Biles, p. 227."

I know there are at least three videos on you tube of Tannenbaum speaking for 4 1/2 hours total I've not watched.  I don't know if he's ever spoken of the film further.  Does anyone else?  Or what happened to it?


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13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:


Tannenbaum said "To the best of my recollection , we found that movie somewhere in the Georgetown Library archives".   Who was digging there and were they looking for it?  If so what/who suggested they do so.  Why would it be put there in the first place?



I always wondered about that. Even if the film itself disappeared, there should have been a record of its acquisition in the Library cataloging system, and even of its withdrawal.

Unless, of course, it had never been officially acquired by the Archives and was just stashed in the stacks somewhere.

I suppose it's too late to check on that by now.


Steve Thomas



Edited by Steve Thomas
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Didn't realize Jim was involved in the Black Op radio interview of Tannenbaum.  At a little after 1:30 Tannenbaum says the film was gone after he left when he was questioned about it.          He left the HSCA after Sprauge but they turned in their resignations together when they realized the Truth wasn't being pursued.  Blakey focused the investigation on the mafia.



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Sturgis and Lorenz are easy to identify.

To me the skinnier fellow on the far left side of the photo with the kind of geeky looking high waisted and high cuffed pants looks more like Ferrie.

Ferrie often looked poorly mismatched, rumpled and eccentrically dressed in most of the photos I have seen of him.

That man's ears, hair line,  hair style and hair color match early pictures of Ferrie ( when he had some real hair ) as well as his thin jaw face.

And this man is wearing just a white T-shirt - different than everybody else except Sturgis himself in that photo.. And Ferries clothing of choice in the Gerald Posner refuting Civil Air Patrol picture of Ferry with Oswald.

Check Ferrie images to see these similarities.

The Oswald ID is iffy imo.

Too bad that Louisiana training camp photo has disappeared.

If that were still available and passed numerous expert analysis for it's authenticity, it could blow the case wide open.

Kind of surprised Tannenbaum didn't react appropriately to it's massive importance enough to make copies and to preserve it in a most secure way.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Getting back to the topic, what happened to this important film?  It is important, it proves Phillips knew Oswald.  Tannenbaum  is reliable, he was searching for the truth.  It disappeared from the HSCA records he left?  Was there ever any record of it? 

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53 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Getting back to the topic, what happened to this important film?  It is important, it proves Phillips knew Oswald.  Tannenbaum  is reliable, he was searching for the truth.  It disappeared from the HSCA records he left?  Was there ever any record of it? 

It has been theorized that the film Tannenbaum has been talking about was the film I posted above. That's why I thought it belongs to the subject. He may have been confused over the names of the people in the film. But maybe it is a different film. I was at Georgetown Library last June. You may contact them if you are more than a commentator on the JFK assassination topic.

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I question the clip being the same thing Tannenbaum, his HSCA investigator Delsa, and HSCA Photography expert Robert Groden being the one they attest to.  They see Oswald, Phillips and Banister in it.  No mention made of Ferrie, Sturgis or Lorenz.  Tannenbaum, Delsa and Groden, I think but don't know, would be familiar with Phillips in particular given Tannenbaum also hired investigator Gaeton Fonzi who was pursuing the Phillips - Bishop lead and Phillips grilling on the stand, nervousness - lighting a cigarette while he had one going in the ashtray, then walking out in the middle of being questioned.  Of course they had seen multiple photographs of Oswald.  I don't know how hard they might have been pursuing a Bannister connection but as a result of the Garrison investigation his name and photo had to be out there as a person of interest.

After listening to the Black Op's Radio interview of Tannenbaum I have to say he seems to be a very intelligent, upstanding, dedicated, experienced investigator.  He came to the HSCA because of that.  He did not know Richard Sprague who selected him previously.  He did not apply for or seek the position.  He did not come seeking fame or fortune nor did he have a pre conceived agenda other than finding the Truth.  I don't believe he would have identified Oswald, Phillips and Banister publicly in an interview without believing the certainty of their identity.   He and Sprague resigned when they realized the focus of the HSCA had shifted from finding the Truth to another coverup.

I also agree with David Andrews that the ID of Oswald in the clip and the frames provided by the esteemed David Josephs is questionable at best.  Like he says, the hair in particular, but also the graininess, movement.  One guy does look like of like Ferrie, another like pictures I've seen of Sturgis, Lorenz I don't remember enough about other pictures enough to comment.  Again, none of these last three are mentioned by Tannenbaum in the film he saw.

I'd never heard of the author Joe Biles who interviewed Delsa and Groden to confirm their ID of Oswald, Phillips and Banister in the film they saw.  But I found him and don't guess I'll be ordering a used copy (out of print I guess but valuable) of his book at $170 bucks.  Though with only four reviews and one of them being only one star from DVP it may have some other interesting information in it.  Maybe somebodies doesn't want anyone digging too deeply further into Thornley.


Being I can't go there and explain myself in person and I'm not a real researcher I'm not sure how a e-mail to the Georgetown (Law) Library would be received, other than maybe with a laugh.  Hi, I've read HSCA Deputy Council Robert Tannenbaum said he believed a film he saw of Lee Oswald, David Phillips and Guy Banister in the late 70's was found in your library.  Can you provide any information in regards to this?  They are after all the second largest law school in the country and receive the most applications, according to Wikipedia. 

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