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A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease

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You would think RFK's family might have sued different entities regards the grossly negligent security failingly provided for RFK.

Nazi leaning Thane Eugene Cesar ... OMG...now there's a qualified candidate for an assignment like RFK's security in a super tight place like the pantry.

Cesar should have never been given any assignments more challenging than a MacDonald's evening parking lot patrol.

The L.A. police department back then was heavily RFK hating on racial grounds.

I heard a tape once of an Ambassador Hotel employee ( a woman manager of some sort)  calling in the first reporting of the shooting in their hotel to the police that evening.

The woman reported the shooting and then mentioned to this L.A.P.D. dispatcher that RFK was staying at the hotel.

This gruff sounding dispatcher ( male ) immediately responded to the caller's mention of RFK with this comment ..."BIG DEAL" ... in the most disparaging tone one could imagine.

It was sickening to hear this years later knowing that at least this L.A.P.D. employee could be so coldly unsympathetic to such a horrific and tragic crime against RFK.

Listened to you again on the Dave Emory show out of Cupertino, CA. Jim Di.

Twice this week.


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This picture combined with Larry's (LAPD) diagrams, and, the front view/7th street view when you click on images in the first picture help with orientation, I think.  Main entrance off of Wilshire Blvd., then the Cocoanut Grove on the right as you enter(?), on into lobby with the Embassy Room to the right behind it(?), and the Ambassador room behind/below it?



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On 12/28/2018 at 5:03 PM, Gene Kelly said:

s actually quite sad, almost depressing, to understand what happened to RFK and our country in June 1968.  I had just graduated from high school, and there was great hope that Bobby would lead the country out of the mess that was Vietnam, widespread racial tensions and questionable politicians.  He seemed a candidate of the people (all people) and someone who had moral courage and would put the country on the right path.  What a loss ... and then we got Ricard Nixon for the next 6 years.  It breaks my heart to read about what happened to him, and how brazen and brash the plotters were, including the coverup and intimidation for years to come.  

Many of my age and era lost faith in politics, government, and the ability to effect change.  Not sure the country ever quite recovered. 

Gene, I thought of this passage when I came across a sentence recently that expressed the notion that there was a glorious week of hope between the March 31 announcement of LBJ not running and the murder of MLK. Watching Johnson give that speech is still vivid in my mind; I ran upstairs at our home in Monmouth County NJ yelling "Bobby Kennedy will be the next president! Bobby Kennedy will be the next president!" A week later, further violence and 8 weeks later, the end of hope.

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"He opposed the growing power of the National Rifle Association, and proposed warning labels for cigarette packages at a time when Big Tobacco could make or break political careers."  Pg. 476.  

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In that vein, here is a priceless story.

When RFK was hitting up corporations for money for his Bed Stuy restoration project, he called this one business executive and asked for some big bucks.

They guy said, words to the effect:  Senator, if I went into my board room this afternoon and said we are making a six figure donation to renovating the Bedford Stuyvesant area because Bobby Kennedy asked me to, they would have me committed.


True story.  Can't you just hear RFK chuckling after that?

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I found another set of pictures and post cards.  If you scroll down about 2/3 - 3/4 there is a picture of JFK eating breakfast there in September 1960.  Then down a few more is one of Ted campaigning for Bobby there on May 7 1968.  One of Juan Romero kneeling next to RFK in the pantry.  A good one of an empty Embassy  Ballroom.

One of the latter pictures notes the place lost a lot if it's allure for locals after RFK's assassination.


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I finally finished this Magnum Opus.  I read it slowly, trying to absorb the overwhelming evidence that Sirhan did not shoot Robert Francis Kennedy, or anyone else for that matter.  It is a big book physically, almost 6" X 9" pages, 500 of them, not in large print, one diagram, less than half a dozen charts or graphs.  No fluff or BS.  I feel like I've been run over by a Mack Truck.  As RFK Jr. told Sirhan personally, face to face, he, Sirhan is as much of a victim as RFK Jr's father was.  He didn't do what he did do willingly, knowingly or intentionally.  He was used.

I have to conclude personally that:

One.  Robert Maheu (Once CIA, Always CIA) would not have executed the operation without the approval, if not instruction of the man ultimately in charge of Black Ops at the time, James Jesus Angleton.

Two.  They had to have been planning the operation well before RFK announced his candidacy, anticipating the possibility.  Even though some of the operatives, like Sirhan, were generic.  Trained, or programed, on part for any operation that came up where they might be needed.

Three.  Nixon knew.  No he didn't orchestrate it, or ask that it be done.  But he knew it was done not for him, but to keep RFK, or any Kennedy from ending the war in Vietnam, and re-opening the investigation into his brother JFK's death among other things.  Don Nixon at breakfast on June 6, 1968 in Las Vegas to Robert Maheu:  "they embraced, Nixon said "Well, that xxxxx is dead".  And Maheu said "Well, it looks like your brother is in now".  "Maheu joked that they should be calling Don Nixon "Mr. Vice President now".

Four.  Just a comment.  I never knew Thane Eugene Cesar was employed by Howard Hughes via Robert Maheu (did Hughes even know) or the CIA as a contract agent.

I'm not on twitter, where she asks for comments to be placed.  Thank You Lisa Pease.  You are a True American Patriot for telling the Truth.  Thank You.

Read the book.  Tell me different.


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What about the most important part of the book?


My introduction!?

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I finally finished this Magnum Opus.  I read it slowly, trying to absorb the overwhelming evidence that Sirhan did not shoot Robert Francis Kennedy, or anyone else for that matter.  It is a big book physically, almost 6" X 9" pages, 500 of them, not in large print, one diagram, less than half a dozen charts or graphs.  No fluff or BS.  I feel like I've been run over by a Mack Truck.  As RFK Jr. told Sirhan personally, face to face, he, Sirhan is as much of a victim as RFK Jr's father was.  He didn't do what he did do willingly, knowingly or intentionally.  He was used.

I have to conclude personally that:

One.  Robert Maheu (Once CIA, Always CIA) would not have executed the operation without the approval, if not instruction of the man ultimately in charge of Black Ops at the time, James Jesus Angleton.

Two.  They had to have been planning the operation well before RFK announced his candidacy, anticipating the possibility.  Even though some of the operatives, like Sirhan, were generic.  Trained, or programed, on part for any operation that came up where they might be needed.

Three.  Nixon knew.  No he didn't orchestrate it, or ask that it be done.  But he knew it was done not for him, but to keep RFK, or any Kennedy from ending the war in Vietnam, and re-opening the investigation into his brother JFK's death among other things.  Don Nixon at breakfast on June 6, 1968 in Las Vegas to Robert Maheu:  "they embraced, Nixon said "Well, that xxxxx is dead".  And Maheu said "Well, it looks like your brother is in now".  "Maheu joked that they should be calling Don Nixon "Mr. Vice President now".

Four.  Just a comment.  I never knew Thane Eugene Cesar was employed by Howard Hughes via Robert Maheu (did Hughes even know) or the CIA as a contract agent.

I'm not on twitter, where she asks for comments to be placed.  Thank You Lisa Pease.  You are a True American Patriot for telling the Truth.  Thank You.

Read the book.  Tell me different.


Since I still can't get edit to work at the moment...  I forgot to add for all those who do use twitter, #FreeSirhan.

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18 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


What about the most important part of the book?


My introduction!?

Well Jim, I did mention in an earlier post that Lisa said in the Forward that you had you had I believe "proofed the first draft(?).  Wasn't it closer to a thousand pages at that point?

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No, not quite that long. 

But it was well over 600 pages. 

But I did actually write an intro that is billed on the cover.

Had to go through it three times until Lisa approved the last version.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On ‎12‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 8:37 AM, Micah Mileto said:

You have got to be kidding me. Michael Wayne may have been foiled by accidentally running in to a large decorative MIRROR?


Today I learned God exists and he is laughing his ass off. 

A mirror, or tackled by an ACE security guard, and/or a patron in the area alerted by a yell about "stop him, he's getting away".  Maybe diverted by the mirror, enabling him to be tackled?   Unlike the man seen hurdling couches in the lobby in his haste to get away. 

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No, no.

As I recall it, Wayne was one of the very few people running AWAY from the scene.

One or two witnesses thought this was suspicious.  And they thought they saw a piece of a metallic object wrapped in a poster he was carrying so someone yell to stop that man.

Someone tackled him and he was then arrested by security  guard.

To say the least, Michael Wayne is a very suspicious character.

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This is neat.  The late Bob Parry's site, Consortium News, ran a year end poll of the best articles they published for 2018.

My negative review of Chris Matthews biography finished in the Top Ten.  

After you read it,  I think you understand why they killed RFK.


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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 1:52 PM, Larry Hancock said:

Ron,  I think you will find some diagrams in this that might be useful as a reference on floorplans:




Larry, I just finished reading your six part essay.  Excellent, and I'd say complimentary to Ms. Pease's book.  One thing in it I don't remember mentioned in her book, as thorough, deep and long as it is was Schulman's statement to in his LAPD interview regarding other shooters.  In response to a statement of his "No, there were no other shooters there".  "I though I saw em'".  "Nope, you didn't".

You go into Rathke a lot deeper than she does.  I'm sure she has her reasons not doing so, one likely being 500 pages is extensive, going much over that would be exhaustive.  Both of your works on Jeery Owen are once again complimentary and together flesh out and increase suspicion regarding his role in proceedings.  I also don't remember her mentioning that in late 67 Sirhan dropped out of sight for three months after he quit the race track in Corona, per the LAPD investigation.

One of the most eye opening moments for me in her book were the statements of Dr. Daniel P Brown, PhD.  Made in I believe 2011, after your 2008 work.  In his hypnosis of Sirhan he found on a particular cue, word, Sirhan would go into "range mode".   That he would instantly go into position firing at a target at a shooting range.  Under hypnosis he told Dr. Brown this is what happened 6/5/68.  A bar down stairs, following a pretty woman , after likely being drugged at the bar to be in the fully proper state of mind (see scopolamine/MKULTRA).  Following her (back) to the pantry/ kitchen for coffee with her.  Then he partially "wakes up" after the second shot being knocked down onto the table.

You both chose the term for a chapter topic near the end.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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