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Backyard Photo Observation

Tony Krome

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Warren Commission testimony of Marina Oswald, 1964



Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, Lee had a small room where he spent a great deal of time, where he read---where he kept his things, and that is where the rifle was.
Mr. RANKIN. Was it out in the room at that time, as distinguished from in a closet in the room?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, it was open, out in the open. At first I think---I saw some package up on the top shelf, and I think that that was the rifle. But I didn't know. And apparently later he assembled it and had it in the room.
Mr. RANKIN. When you saw the rifle assembled in the room, did it have the scope on it?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, it did not have a scope on it.


Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall seeing the rifle when the telescopic lens was on it?
Mrs. OSWALD. I hadn't paid any attention initially.
I know a rifle was a rifle. I didn't know whether or not it had a telescope attached to it. But the first time I remember seeing it was in New Orleans, where I recognized the telescope. But probably the telescope was on before. I simply hadn't paid attention.
I hope you understand. When I saw it, I thought that all rifles have that.


She recognized the scope, even though the rifle didn't have a scope on it, and she hadn't paid any attention whether it did or not.


Makes sense to me.


Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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26 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

She recognized the scope, even though the rifle didn't have a scope on it, and she hadn't paid any attention whether it did or not.

They may have showed her too many photos in the coaching room

no scope;


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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:






Didn't the rifle come without a scope? I mean, the scope was optional over and above the price for the rifle itself.

WC testimony of Dial Ryder



Mr. LIEBELER. Where are you employed, Mr. Ryder?
Mr. RYDER. Irving Sports Shop.
Mr. LIEBELER. Where is that?
Mr. RYDER. 221 East Irving Boulevard, Irving, Tex.


“Oh, I told him I had a ticket with the name Oswald, no date, no address, just for drilling and tapping and boresighting--no address, or name: he didn't say he'd like to see the ticket and was looking at the pictures, then I seen the gun. Of course, from the picture I told him as far as I could remember I told him I hadn't mounted that scope, you know.”

The rifle need drilled and tapped to accomodate the scope.

WC testimony of Edith Whitworth during Marina Oswald's testimony of Marina Oswald July 24, 1964.


Mrs. WHITWORTH. The store was known as the Furniture Mart. The name was clearly on it, and it was located at 149 East Irving Boulevard.

“...previously testified that sometime in early November 1963, they saw Marina and the two children and Lee Oswald in a furniture store located on East Irving Boulevard in Irving, Tex.

Mrs. Whitworth told the WC that Lee Oswald came in the furniture store looking for a gunsmith shop and he had a part for a gun that was 15-18” long and 2-3” in diameter. It was wrapped in brown paper.

The two stores were located only a block apart - in Irving - not in Oak Cliif, Dallas, where Neely St. is..


Steve Thomas

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They dropped a bunch of stuff from the script, like the fitting of the scope and the Sports Drome practice sessions.

So maybe they decided to add the scope to the backyard mock-up to frame up and pre-date the Walker deal.

So the coupon which shows no scope ordered makes sense

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2 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

They dropped a bunch of stuff from the script, like the fitting of the scope and the Sports Drome practice sessions.

So maybe they decided to add the scope to the backyard mock-up to frame up and pre-date the Walker deal.

So the coupon which shows no scope ordered makes sense



Oswald said they added his face to someone else's body. I think the body came equipped with a rifle. *smile*

I don't have the magazine ad in front of me, but I think if you add up the optional add-ons (like the scope), you come up with more than what Oswald supposedly paid. ($29.45 I think).

Ryder said the rifle had to be drilled and tapped. That means it didn't come with a scope mounted on it.

I've never seen any evidence that Oswald ordered and had a scope mounted in the week or week and a half between the time Oswald would have received the rifle he supposedly ordered on March 12th and when the pictures were taken.

Of course, at one point, Marina said she first saw the rifle in January, so that really doesn't get you anywhere either.


Steve Thomas

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Couple of simple points remain:

  1. The FBI nor the USPS reported the shipment and receipt of this rifle contemporaneously...  it only appears after Nov 22
  2. The manner in which SA DOLAN claims to find the records at Kleins is impossible given the evidence...  The FBI had not yet located "C2766" on any documentation related to Kleins by Sunday afternoon...  when the FBI left on Saturday, the took the microfilm and that is now gone to history

    And even by the 24th, the third attempt at documenting the finding of this rifle shipment...  only says that Crescent received this rifle in a box of 10 sent from Italy...  There WAS NO FURTHER REVIEW and there is no other evidence which puts C2766 on any order to Klein...  So the FBI simply took the microfilm, copied it, returned it to Waldman, and subsequently lost it from the archives...  all that's left is the original box.... and 2 conflicting reports about taking AND NOT TAKING the film... (see docs at bottom of this post talking about the copying by DOLAN...  which would not be possible if the FBI left the film with Waldman)
  3. The rifle with which DAY leaves the TSBD is not CE139.  CE139 had specific markings photographed by the WC..  I enhanced these marking from the WCE's and compared them to an extremely high resolution image of Day and the rifle... 

    Somewhat expectedly, the markings on CE139 are not on the rifle DAY has....   I claim it would be impossible NOT to see "CAL 6.5" behind the rear sight.. or any of the other markings..

    Point remains...  until the evidence related to the acquisition, packing, shipping, paying for, picking up, getting home, traveling about and storing this rifle is authenticated... which  none of it can... the whole discussion about BYPs being real is moot.





https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10408#relPageId=194&tab=page   start here and then compare to the next 2 pages...

DOLAN Takes the film - signed by DOLAN... DOLAN doesn't TAKE the film... signed by all 3 FBI SA



Edited by David Josephs
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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Couple of simple points remain:

  1. The FBI nor the USPS reported the shipment and receipt of this rifle contemporaneously...  it only appears after Nov 22
  2. The manner in which SA DOLAN claims to find the records at Kleins is impossible given the evidence...  The FBI had not yet located "C2766" on any documentation related to Kleins by Sunday afternoon...  when the FBI left on Saturday, the took the microfilm and that is now gone to history

    And even by the 24th, the third attempt at documenting the finding of this rifle shipment...  only says that Crescent received this rifle in a box of 10 sent from Italy...  There WAS NO FURTHER REVIEW and there is no other evidence which puts C2766 on any order to Klein...  So the FBI simply took the microfilm, copied it, returned it to Waldman, and subsequently lost it from the archives...  all that's left is the original box.... and 2 conflicting reports about taking AND NOT TAKING the film... (see docs at bottom of this post talking about the copying by DOLAN...  which would not be possible if the FBI left the film with Waldman)

  3. The rifle with which DAY leaves the TSBD is not CE139.  CE139 had specific markings photographed by the WC..  I enhanced these marking from the WCE's and compared them to an extremely high resolution image of Day and the rifle... 

    Somewhat expectedly, the markings on CE139 are not on the rifle DAY has....   I claim it would be impossible NOT to see "CAL 6.5" behind the rear sight.. or any of the other markings..

    Point remains...  until the evidence related to the acquisition, packing, shipping, paying for, picking up, getting home, traveling about and storing this rifle is authenticated... which  none of it can... the whole discussion about BYPs being real is moot.





https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10408#relPageId=194&tab=page   start here and then compare to the next 2 pages...

DOLAN Takes the film - signed by DOLAN... DOLAN doesn't TAKE the film... signed by all 3 FBI SA



Those pictures of the gun are groundbreaking. Has no one tried enhancing the pics like this before? I'd like to hear a LNer explain this.

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Thanks John...  nope, seems I'm the first to do this kind of thing....


https://kennedysandking.com/content/author/361-davidjosephs  -  I get a bit deeper in these articles



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3 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Thanks John...  nope, seems I'm the first to do this kind of thing....


https://kennedysandking.com/content/author/361-davidjosephs  -  I get a bit deeper in these articles



I just googled you and found them lol. I'd pe posting them on every major news sites social media pages if I were you. Force someone to respond to them and bring attention to it.

Edited by John Kozlowski
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Not sure if now would be the best time to help tear down the FBI a bit more...  the current admin seems to be doing pretty well on its own...

People aint gonna learn what they don't wanna know John, and this along with a myriad of other "inconvenient truths" doesn't bode well for human beings...

At this point the opposition simply stays in the game to exercise their right to be wrong...


the wheels on the bus go round and round.....

One last thing to keep in mind....  THIS is what Marina sees for the first time in her life....  and proceeds to take 3 or 4 perfect versions in terms of clarity and exposure

Not once would we ever here her say how strange it was to take a photo with her husband upside down.. in fact she stated she held the camera to her face like any other camera....



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15 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Not sure if now would be the best time to help tear down the FBI a bit more...  the current admin seems to be doing pretty well on its own...

People aint gonna learn what they don't wanna know John, and this along with a myriad of other "inconvenient truths" doesn't bode well for human beings...

At this point the opposition simply stays in the game to exercise their right to be wrong...


the wheels on the bus go round and round.....

One last thing to keep in mind....  THIS is what Marina sees for the first time in her life....  and proceeds to take 3 or 4 perfect versions in terms of clarity and exposure

Not once would we ever here her say how strange it was to take a photo with her husband upside down.. in fact she stated she held the camera to her face like any other camera....



Lol good point. To me that's undeniable proof that cant and shouldnt be ignored. Nobody has to read through files or a book just look at the pic. That's got to be one of if not the most concrete piece of evidence I've seen that proves a conspiracy.

Edited by John Kozlowski
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That Det BROWN is in the WHITE/STOVAL 133-C pose is proof positive that the images existed well before 11/22... OR

that 133-C was a third print/neg found and never mentioned...

In fact only 1 negative makes it thru the process and is entered as evidence...

There is simply no way Det Brown should have been aware of the 133-C pose unless he saw it prior to Nov 29, 1963.... despite it having gone missing until 1977

And, if the GHOST was just as simple as Brown explains...  why do the actual photo not fit back into the ghost cutout without skewing?

Guess we'd need to ask Roscoe and/or his buddy Mr. G....



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