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Was Bill Shelley Oswald's CIA minder in the TSBD? Was he also at the New Orleans Trade Mart?

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The resemblance between the man next to Oswald in New Orleans and Shelley in Dallas is uncanny.

This would be a rich facial study project to present to experts in the field of facial recognition technology.

I was visiting a friend last night who just had to show me his latest feature on his new I phone.

It was a facial recognition one.

He had done some study on how advanced

and accurate this technology has become. It's available to anyone now.

I wonder when someone is going to use this to compare facial pictures of people like Shelly and Joseph Milteer to see whether controversial ones match.

Could some one use this recognition on the photos of Shelley in Dallas and compare it to the picture of the men around Oswald in New Orleans as shown in this thread?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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For some reason, Google Photos several times has sent my Google phone two different pictures of "Lee Harvey Oswald" and asked me if they were the same person.  I haven't answered yet.  The same Google bot often sends me matching pictures of family members and asks if they are the same person.  It never seems to make a mistake.

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Jim, could you possibly use this app to compare the N.O. Oswald leaflet holding man who looks like Shelley to one or two of the pics of Shelley in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963?

I don't even own an I-phone.

I haven't asked my friend with this app to do so as I don't share my JFK interests with close friends.   None of whom share this interest.

To them if I did bring this up it would be the equivalent of asking them about UFO's.



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11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Jim, could you possibly use this app to compare the N.O. Oswald leaflet holding man who looks like Shelley to one or two of the pics of Shelley in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963?

I don't even own an I-phone.

I haven't asked my friend with this app to do so as I don't share my JFK interests with close friends.   None of whom share this interest.

To them if I did bring this up it would be the equivalent of asking them about UFO's.



Do you know the name of the iPhone app?

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:

What do you folks think, Bill Shelley? It is listed under unidentifiable photos on the Cuban Exile website.

#86 on this page https://cuban-exile.com/doc_226-250/doc0244.html



Well, it's a Fort Worth, TX, arrest photo, presumably after the assassination, or the day before, or that weekend, so that might tend to let Shelley off.  Check the back threads, I think Fort Worth arrests have been discussed.

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On 7/15/2019 at 6:04 PM, David Andrews said:

Well, it's a Fort Worth, TX, arrest photo, presumably after the assassination, or the day before, or that weekend, so that might tend to let Shelley off.  Check the back threads, I think Fort Worth arrests have been discussed.

You are right David. Duke Lane covered it pretty thoroughly in his article "The Cowtown Connection". I don't believe there is any connection between the two arrested men (Donald Wayne House and Kenneth Wilson) and the JFK assassination. Duke explained it all in his article long ago. They were picked up, interrogated, and released within 90 minutes in Fort Worth. They didn't have anything to do with anything, and Robert Morrow's assertion that the pictured man was David Atlee Phillips was nonsense.

Here is the link to Dixie Dea's 2005 thread on this forum:


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  • 4 years later...

Well I can't really add anything here, except that in my opinion the guy standing in the background of the image with Oswald handing out leaflets is totally the guy in the 22nd November photos. He's one of those people who looks 50 years old all their life. 

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On 5/11/2019 at 8:25 PM, John Butler said:


I am glad I am not the only one out in La La Land suggesting there is something up with Danny Arce.  He is difficult to place in Dealey Plaza exactly by his testimonies.  Altgens 6 shows him talking on a hand held radio in front to the Dal-Tex.  He was a communications co-conspirator.  This Martin Blank has posted some great info.

BTW, as far as patsies go don't leave out Chauncey Holt.

Do we know how long he kept working for the TSBD post 11/22 ?


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8 hours ago, Marcus Fuller said:

Well I can't really add anything here, except that in my opinion the guy standing in the background of the image with Oswald handing out leaflets is totally the guy in the 22nd November photos. He's one of those people who looks 50 years old all their life. 

MF: "He's one of those people who looks 50 years old all their life." 

Ha !

Humorous yet sometimes true observation MF.

I totally agree.

Shelley's extremely bony facial structure is so uniquely different than most people  ( check out pictures of a late age English actor Peter Cushing and Nikola Tesla ) that when you see someone with a matching one it's quite a bit easier to believe it could be the same person with rational logic.

And when you see their facial photos side-by-side and with a matching hair style, color and cut, matching suit, shirt and tie style and fit, same ears, same pale facial skin tone to boot...Viola!

And remember, the New Orleans Oswald leaflet passing photo with the Shelley look-a-like man in the group was taken just 4 months before 11,22,1963.

The two different location facial photos show both men looking the same age.

39 years old? 38?

And here we go again with another improbably intriguing Oswald connected  coincidence. Shelley just happens to be Oswald's immediate supervisor at the TXSBD?

Shelley was questioned by the Warren Commission.

You really should read his testimony.

It wasn't long. And it was incredibly narrow in it's scope of questioning.

Shelley is "not" asked so many important questions.

One is how he felt when the DPD ordered him to be driven to their headquarters to be interviewed. Did he think they had suspicions about him? What all did the DPD ask him and talk about?

Also, Shelley is not asked to give a detailed timeline about his time on the 6th floor the morning of 11,22,1963 helping with a new floor installing project that had been going on for several days.

When did he first go up to the 6th floor? How long did he stay there that morning?

Did he ever once see Lee Harvey Oswald up there that morning?

Shelley recounted that a small paper bag had been found by the police not far from the snipers perch window. It had chicken bones on it.

Shelley recalled a worker named Givens was eating what Shelley recalls Givens telling him was a chicken sandwich and gives a time frame for this as 9:30 AM.

Shelley added this comment..." those colored boys was always eating chicken."

So, was 9:30 AM an official break time for the 6th floor crew to stop and eat a snack?

Shelley claimed that he went to have lunch at 10 minutes before 12:PM.

He said he usually ate in his office. But this day he went to the Elm Street main entrance on the first floor. Was this after he ate half his lunch?

 Shelley says he noticed Lee Harvey Oswald in that front entrance area standing by a wall mounted telephone. Shelley is stating this Oswald sighting at 12:PM or slightly after.

Shelley then states that he went out to stand at the top of the outside entrance staircase leading down to the Elm Street sidewalk.

He stands there until the motorcade passes by. He says he was out there with Billy Lovelady and other employees who he mentions and that were commonly accepted to be out there.

Oswald told the Dallas PD that he too was in that location ( perhaps farther back inside?) and told them of Lovelady and Shelley's presence there.

How would Oswald know of Shelley's presence on the outside steps if he wasn't near there himself? We know Oswald was in the front lobby area at 12:PM or slightly after according to Shelley's WC testimony.

So, we are to assume Oswald ran up to the 6th floor before JFK was shot at 12:30?

He only had a short window time frame to set up his perch and do the shooting.

And just minutes after the shooting Dallas motorcycle police officer officer Marion Baker and TXSBD Superintendent Roy Truly see Oswald calmly drinking a Dr. Pepper soda pop four floors down in the 2nd floor employee lunch room.

Shelley is running ( walking fast?) to and fro outside of the TXSBD building and next to the railroad area with Billy Lovelady starting just a few minutes after the shooting and is doing so for maybe 10 minutes.

He finally comes back into the chaotic TXSBD scene and is told to watch the elevator entrance.

You really have to read Shelley's entire WC testimony. It is not long.

One other suspiciously odd part of Shelley's WC testimony :

He stated that he was shown two rifles that had been brought into the company offices just 2 days before 11,22,1963.

It was inferred that some employee brought these in to show them off?

One was a 22 caliber which Shelley says he actually held.

The other was ...drum roll...a modified 30.06 German "Mauser!"

The same gun type Dallas County Sheriff constable Seymore Weitzman ( a gun buff ) first identified as the rifle first found on the 6th floor ( "Mauser" ) just one hour after the JFK shooting!?

Shelley stated than in all of his 18 years time working at the TXSBD this rifle show and tell incident right inside their offices was the first time he had ever seen rifles brought into the building like that.

Anyone ever find that facial recognition smart phone app that we mentioned in our initial thread postings? 

Would be extremely interesting to if someone could make a match of the two men seen in the above posted photos.

The Shelley in Dealey Plaza one and the Oswald New Orleans leaflet passing one.










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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

MF: "He's one of those people who looks 50 years old all their life." 

Ha !

Humorous yet sometimes true observation MF.

I totally agree.

Shelley's extremely bony facial structure is so uniquely different than most people  ( check out pictures of a late age English actor Peter Cushing and Nikola Tesla ) that when you see someone with a matching one it's quite a bit easier to believe it could be the same person with rational logic.


Yeah he's definitely got that Grand Moff Tarkin look about him. Just glad he didn't have the same effect on unemployment in Texas as Tarkin did for Alderaan! 

Its usually rare for me to be as serious as I have been on the forum. I'm going to slip up occasionally and apologise in advance :D 

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1 hour ago, Marcus Fuller said:

Yeah he's definitely got that Grand Moff Tarkin look about him. Just glad he didn't have the same effect on unemployment in Texas as Tarkin did for Alderaan! 

Its usually rare for me to be as serious as I have been on the forum. I'm going to slip up occasionally and apologise in advance :D 

MF... be serious.

Do you feel the Shelley look-a-like man in the Oswald picture is "the same" Shelley we see in Dealey Plaza?

Anyone else here on the forum believe the same?

I sure do.

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48 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

MF... be serious.

Do you feel the Shelley look-a-like man in the Oswald picture is "the same" Shelley we see in Dealey Plaza?

Anyone else here on the forum believe the same?

I sure do.

Yeah 100%. In one of the images it shows another guy with a similar hairstyle but his face is a different shape and his hairline doesn't match either. From the images I'd describe Shelly as slightly gaunt.  If the photos were taken in Texas I suppose you could argue that Shelly bumped into Oswald on his way somewhere. But if it's in New Orleans that theory isn't going to fly. 

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