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Marina Oswald interview with Oprah Winfrey

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Does anyone have a recording of the 1996 Oprah interview with Marina?  I can't find it anywhere.

All I can seem to find are transcripts online, like this one:



Thank you.

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I can't find it at all.

Did it really happen?

If it did, why has it been buried as it seems to be?

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On 5/26/2019 at 1:55 PM, Joe Bauer said:

I can't find it at all.

Did it really happen?

If it did, why has it been buried as it seems to be?


Marina says Lee hit her, that he claimed to have shot at Walker, that he didn't shoot at Kennedy.  Mary LaFontanne and John Elrod flog their book, Judge Tunheim calls for document releases.

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Did Marina have any clue about her husband Lee's extreme political beliefs ( including any hint of an inclination toward violence ) at any time when she and Lee were in Russia?

Did Lee ever talk crazy at all during that time as he did after she and Lee moved back to America where he admitted taking a pot shot at Walker, wanting her to help him hijack a plane and struggling with her when she noticed he was taking a hand gun to the Nixon visit to Dallas?

Or how about Oswald's acquisition of a rifle and pistol here and taking target practice and provocative pictures of himself holding these weapons and copies of Communist party publications?

Then there is Oswald's provocative political activity in New Orleans which ended up in a sidewalk brawl where he was arrested and jailed and ended up being interviewed on the radio there as some type of commie? 

Did Lee's political actions in New Orleans shock Marina in their unnecessary risks and with Lee putting more time into this "no pay" endeavor than working for pay and helping with her and her baby's immediate needs?

Did Oswald show this extreme political activist yet family neglecting behavior at any time in Russia?

And what nut case picks the hottest hot bed of hot headed Castro hating Cubans ( New Orleans ) to hand out leaflets on downtown NO public streets promoting pro-Cuba relations !?

Oswald knew New Orleans was a dangerous den of anti-Castro fanaticism because of the huge number of raging angry Cubans that had been thrown out by Castro living there.

Oswald's pro-Cuba leaflet project in downtown New Orleans in August of 1963 made about as much sense as handing out "Join The Marines" buttons on the U.C. Berkeley campus in the late 60's and early 70's.

The only sensible explanation for Oswald's pro-Cuba leaflet event in a city like New Orleans in August 1963 seems to have been to provoke a confrontational  event...for whatever reasons. But most likely to get Oswald's name in the media as a pro-Castro nut?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • 1 month later...

Just when I thought I had seen every interview worth seeing, bam. Watching this and learning that Marina's experience was similar to our own has been enlightening. I also caught her mention that she didn't understand the language, but knew "something had happened in the motorcade" and when her host (Mrs Paine) arrived home right after that - before the police came to the house asking if Lee had a rifle - she learned that JFK was dead and that the shots had come....from... the building where Lee works! ....Way ahead of everyone else, the crowd watching saw JFK's head go backwards - Mrs Paine had located the source of the shooting within... minutes?..hours? I read the LaFontaine book but thought some of that had been debunked; I'll spend some time reviewing threads, maybe even look through the book again, but Marina's narrative rang true to me.

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Am just about to view the Marina Oswald interview with Oprah but can't right at this minute.

Wondering though if anyone ever asked Marina whether Lee showed any of the extremely angry, cynical and even aggressively violent side of him that we see in his behavior more and more after bringing Marina and baby June back here to the states? 

Things like his obsession with his rifle and pistol ( cleaning at night by himself ) looking at gun magazines on his work breaks at O'Reilly Coffee and even wanting to take tough guy trophy pictures of himself holding these? Was Lee a gun nut in Russia?

And his talk of dealing with fascists after admitting to Marina he took a shot at Walker. His talk of hijacking a plane to get to Cuba. Lee's impractical non-family helping trip to Mexico City ( when he could have used the funds for this to help with food costs at the Paines ) and then there is Lee's reported hitting of Marina.

If not, does Marina ever publicly speculate as to what she thought had changed Lee's behavior to such extremes ( murderous talk and plane hijacking ) here versus Russia and was she shocked at how different and perhaps more passive Lee was in Russia?

Lee Oswald's aggressive talk, actions and behavior in New Orleans and in Dallas the last year of his life were so extreme and provocative (  public enticing political activity resulting in a physical street confrontation and arrest, murder attempts-Walker, hijacking plane talk etc.) it indicated a man literally losing it to the point of not realizing how crazy aggressive he was becoming and how risky this was in stressing and even ruining the lives of his wife and especially his two children, which we have been told he truly cared about, perhaps even more than his love for Marina.

It was all an evolution of behavior change to such a desperate, risky and even suicidal degree ( not just for Lee but his children too ) you can't help but wonder about the explanation for it's genesis especially since the ones we have been told seem so illogical and inadequate.

I would like to have asked Lee Harvey Oswald ... why would you put your children ( whom you apparently loved so much ) at such risk and disadvantage just as they are beginning their lives by becoming so aggressively political versus trying to help with their basic needs?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Hasn't Marina's opinion changed even more since 1996?  I thought she'd come to believe the government was involved and they were using Lee.

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She was a little more forward with tom Brokaw in 1993.  He was pushing Posner.  She wasn't buying. No, No, No.  I know I've been used, I know people have betrayed me, … people from the government who lied to me.  Watch Larry Howard of the old JFK Assassination research center tell Brokaw to get his facts straight then walk out.


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Thanks for the link, Ron!  I really admire her for her spirit on television.  I respect how she says she wants the American people to know the truth, that this isn't just her journey to find out what really happened.  And I wish two things -- 

-- One - some interviewer would allow Mrs. Porter to simply finish her train of thought.  So many times, she's trying to say something, and they just rush in there to get their talking point into the clip.  I get that there are time constraints for live broadcasts, but perhaps an interviewer could be found who simply lets her tell her story.

-- Two - I wish she'd write a book now, because I daresay it would be far different from the book she wrote with Priscilla Johnson McMillan.  While Mrs. Porter's past won't change any, I wonder if her descriptions of those critical periods and the aftermath might change if she's free to say what she believes and thinks.  

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The Oprah interview does not contain a single word about the other murder that Lee Oswald committed on 11/22/63---the Tippit murder. That's kind of ridiculous, IMO. (Although I suppose Marina has become convinced that Lee was completely innocent of that murder too.)

More Marina Interviews:



Edited by David Von Pein
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18 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

The Oprah interview does not contain a single word about the other murder that Lee Oswald committed on 11/22/63---the Tippit murder. That's kind of ridiculous, IMO. (Although I suppose Marina has become convinced that Lee was completely innocent of that murder too.)

More Marina Interviews:



David -


I was trying to access some of your material earlier today, and nothing would come up for me.  It could all be on my end, but I was wondering if it had anything to do with the outages that Facebook and others also suffered today?

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