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Still Alive SS Agent Abraham Bolden

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This former Kennedy Secret Service Agent is still alive and talking. Here he discusses the intentional slack in JFK's security detail and he mentions how the SS agents from the south discussed their apprehension with providing their best efforts in protecting the 35th President.

Bolden also discusses current President Donald Trump as well as Lyndon LaRouche.


Edited by Jim Harwood
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It mystifies me how Bolden can feel that the anarchic Trump has done anything for Americans comparable to what JFK did, or even LaRouche.  As if stirring xxxx up and alienating even his own people were the limits of qualification for the JFK mantle.  We might as well have Sacha Baron Cohen in the WH -- he'd be guaranteed a sequel (and birthers).

Edited by David Andrews
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I disagree David and I really didn't pay much attention to Trump or the other candidates in 2016 due to all the pessimism I've developed over the years watching the country go into the toilet.

I just think he's not one of the oligarchy's lap dogs. Look when he pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords, it just drove these population control freaks insane. These green fascist freaks.  He does have a rough bedside manner and he may not really know what he's doing but he's definitely a political wild card that may do anything including forging partnerships with Russia, China and India for world development. You know China has their OnebeltOneRoad policy that is spreading into other countries including Russia, Africa etc. and the USA should get on board.  In fact the Chinese told Trump that they would take their debt holdings owed by the United States and convert it to credit which it would lend the USA so we could rebuild our country. That offer by China is straight from Alexander Hamilton.

But getting back to the President  he might even created a development bank that issues credit for large infrastructure projects and by passing the Fed as our constitution requires. The US was intended to be based on a credit system not a monetary system where a 3rd party controls the emission or utterance of credit.  

He keeps messing with China with the tariffs but I think that his misguided way of bringing back  production to the United States. The other thing that's real different about the guy is he has a love of combat, he'll fight the media and the intelligence agencies all day long. You'd think JFK buffs would appreciate that given the media's horrendous put up job all these years regarding the Kennedy murder. 

And this guy harbors real anti drug sentiment that goes back to the death of his brother Fred. This is also a major concern with the international drug trade (See British Empire). This nation has been swimming in drugs since the killing of JFK and the advent of the sex, rock, drug counter culture. 

By the way Abraham Bolden is right. 


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Hell I have a retired cop friend who is a rabid fundy and he tells me god is going to strike Trump dead so that Pence can take his place and this will hasten the end of the world scenario where my buddy and all his "saved" friends and family float into heaven while the rest of us poor suckers that had no such "deal" with god die a miserable death. In 1997 he and his family members were distributing a VHS tape he got from Fallwell circles around Liberty College titled "The Clinton Chronicles". He handed free tapes out to the fundies. Now in both cases the Pence fabrication and the 1997 VHS tape Clinton Chronicles were British Intelligence operations designed to get rid of troublesome US Presidents.

But the point is the evangelicals are not Trump crazy, they're just crazy and they're crazy for Mike Pence. 

By the way when the aged Reverend Billy Graham died in 2017 or 2018 the local paper revealed something I had never known. Graham was close to the Queen and the British Royals and he gave sermons and service in Windsor Castle. So the Brits took this knot head North Carolina vacuum cleaner salesman and used him as a tool to brainwash millions of Americans over the years.  What did the Brits call his "brand" the Crusades, yeah perfect. 


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Speaking of knot heads, in 2008 the British Empire took one of their assets and put him in the White House. Obama the candidate first caught my attention as I watched the national news cover one of his speeches. In the audience these whacked out American teens, twenty somethings and their idiot boomer mothers were openly "weeping" and "screaming" for candidate Barrack Obama. My immediate response was to recall the very same teen aged female response to the four lads from Liverpool known as the Beatles appearing on the Ed Sullivan show approximately 12 weeks after the assassination of President Kennedy. I realized the British were selling candidate Obama in the same fashion they had sold the Beatles some 44 years earlier.

My suspicions were confirmed in 2012 when British agent of Influence Barrack Obama made a toast to his Master the Queen at a state dinner in the White House. 

Scroll to the 6:36 minute mark of this video to witness this most unbelievable action by a so called US President. And to think people are concerned with Trump but completely missed the awful eight years under Obama? Obama should have been impeached.


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What are the reservations about Bolden?

I know some people do have reservations about him like Larry Hancock I think.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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If Bolden's story is true and he was falsely accused and railroaded into prison, my God...what a story!

I would think that many influential movers in the film industry who have committed to producing A List films that correct and enhance the official historical record regards African-American men and women of achievement and courage would be all over Bolden's life experience, especially if he was imprisoned falsely.

I'm thinking Spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Will Packer, Reuben Cannon, Ice Cube even Oprah.

Do our top research members here believe Bolden?

Or do they believe that he actually committed the crimes he was accused of and found guilty of and punished for?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

If Bolden's story is true and he was falsely accused and railroaded into prison, my God...what a story!

I would think that many influential movers in the film industry who have committed to producing A List films that correct and enhance the official historical record regards African-American men and women of achievement and courage would be all over Bolden's life experience, especially if he was imprisoned falsely.

I'm thinking Spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Will Packer, Reuben Cannon, Ice Cube even Oprah.

Do our top research members here believe Bolden?

Or do they believe that he actually committed the crimes he was accused of and found guilty of and punished for?


Joe, Bolden was set up.  The only way he was convicted was because of the lies of a criminal doing so at the behest of the law.  He later admitted perjury yet the judge wouldn't take it into consideration.  he still had to serve out his time.

BTW, if Trump's not a lap dog for the oligarchy I don't know who is.  He gave them the tax breaks they wanted And the judges they wanted.

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Joe, Bolden was set up.  The only way he was convicted was because of the lies of a criminal doing so at the behest of the law.  He later admitted perjury yet the judge wouldn't take it into consideration.  he still had to serve out his time.

BTW, if Trump's not a lap dog for the oligarchy I don't know who is.  He gave them the tax breaks they wanted And the judges they wanted.

Ron: If Trump was a planned candidate as you suggest then why and who continue to try and abort him?  Are you saying the media with it's constant drumbeat of slanders is not in league with the oligarchy? The media is the oligarchy. Are you saying the Justice Department with Bruce Orh collaborating with British MI6 agent Christopher Steele does not cause a raised eyebrow? (Did British intelligence collaborate with US Justice Department writing that first fake dossier known as the Warren Report?) Are you saying the behavior of the FBI toward the President seems legal and normal to you? The same FBI that failed to keep President Kennedy alive and later failed to conduct even the slightest investigation into his murder? Then thanks to the FBI's poor job we had other tragic assassinations in the 1960's. 

If you look at this Get Trump operation you see the hand of the British Empire everywhere. Even the British Ambassador to the United States was caught red handed sending intelligence reports on the President back to the Queen witch. He was forced to leave his job and go back home. Back in JFK's day you had the nasty David Ormsby Gore as the British Ambassador to the US. He was even a Kennedy in law. After Kennedy was murdered this clown from England introduced the Beatles to all the muckity mucks in Washington DC. he hadn't a care in the world that his in law , good friend and President of the United States had just been murdered in the most brutal fashion and under the most peculiar conditions imaginable. Later Gore would become known as Lord Harlech and he was a pied piper for the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton et.al the British cultural warriors sent to the United States to spread drugs among our youth population. 

Even the late Mark Lane was working under the auspices of Lord Bertrand Russell, Hugh Trevor Roper of Arnold Toynbee three high level assets of British Intelligence. Mark Lane wrote his book Rush to Judgement while in London!  Even Lord Bertrand Russell admitted he received an "advance copy" of the Warren Report (prior to it's release)  when he penned his first salvo against the Warren Commission (really the US Govt) "16 Questions". 

I know of only one power on this planet that ever attacked the United States militarily and they did it three times and that is the British Empire. Not Russia, not China, but the British Empire replete with their phoney "Special Relationship". 

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Bart,  I just read the letter by Bolden and the newspaper article and the official response to Bolden's charges.

Thanks for posting these items and so quickly.

That's one of the great things about this forum. 

Interesting relevant research fact sharing by it's senior members to educate us less informed ones.

Bart, do you have any personal speculation or conclusion opinion on the Bolden case?

Do you feel he was railroaded?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Jim Harwood said:

Ron: If Trump was a planned candidate as you suggest then why and who continue to try and abort him?  Are you saying the media with it's constant drumbeat of slanders is not in league with the oligarchy? The media is the oligarchy. Are you saying the Justice Department with Bruce Orh collaborating with British MI6 agent Christopher Steele does not cause a raised eyebrow? (Did British intelligence collaborate with US Justice Department writing that first fake dossier known as the Warren Report?) Are you saying the behavior of the FBI toward the President seems legal and normal to you? The same FBI that failed to keep President Kennedy alive and later failed to conduct even the slightest investigation into his murder? Then thanks to the FBI's poor job we had other tragic assassinations in the 1960's. 

If you look at this Get Trump operation you see the hand of the British Empire everywhere. Even the British Ambassador to the United States was caught red handed sending intelligence reports on the President back to the Queen witch. He was forced to leave his job and go back home. Back in JFK's day you had the nasty David Ormsby Gore as the British Ambassador to the US. He was even a Kennedy in law. After Kennedy was murdered this clown from England introduced the Beatles to all the muckity mucks in Washington DC. he hadn't a care in the world that his in law , good friend and President of the United States had just been murdered in the most brutal fashion and under the most peculiar conditions imaginable. Later Gore would become known as Lord Harlech and he was a pied piper for the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton et.al the British cultural warriors sent to the United States to spread drugs among our youth population. 

Even the late Mark Lane was working under the auspices of Lord Bertrand Russell, Hugh Trevor Roper of Arnold Toynbee three high level assets of British Intelligence. Mark Lane wrote his book Rush to Judgement while in London!  Even Lord Bertrand Russell admitted he received an "advance copy" of the Warren Report (prior to it's release)  when he penned his first salvo against the Warren Commission (really the US Govt) "16 Questions". 

I know of only one power on this planet that ever attacked the United States militarily and they did it three times and that is the British Empire. Not Russia, not China, but the British Empire replete with their phoney "Special Relationship". 

More Trump hatred from the Empire. Of course Canada was host to John Wilkes Boothe (from an British acting family and referenced by Johnny Depp in a veiled threat on the life of President Trump) James Earl Ray, Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw, and David Ferrie for all you conspiracy buffs keeping track. 




Edited by Jim Harwood
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4 hours ago, Jim Harwood said:

Ron: If Trump was a planned candidate as you suggest then why and who continue to try and abort him?  Are you saying the media with it's constant drumbeat of slanders is not in league with the oligarchy?

Which is why the last 11 days of the 2016 campaign cable news was a non-stop bash Hillary festival.


The media is the oligarchy. Are you saying the Justice Department with Bruce Orh collaborating with British MI6 agent Christopher Steele does not cause a raised eyebrow?

The only mention of the Steele Dossier prior to the election was a David Corn article in Mother Jones on Oct. 31, but it didn't penetrate the news cycle because of the Clinton e-mail coverage.

 The Russia-DNC-hack story only made two  news cycles over the last five months of the campaign -- June 14/15 and July 24/25.  On Oct. 7 the Obama Administration denounced Russian interference but that story was buried by the broadcast of the Access Hollywood tape and the release of the Podesta e-mails.

The American ruling elite is not monolithic.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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45 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Which is why the last 11 days of the 2016 campaign cable news was a non-stop bash Hillary festival.

The only mention of the Steele Dossier prior to the election was a David Corn article in Mother Jones on Oct. 31, but it didn't penetrate the news cycle because of the Clinton e-mail coverage.

 The Russia-DNC-hack story only made two  news cycles over the last five months of the campaign -- June 14/15 and July 24/25.  On Oct. 7 the Obama Administration denounced Russian interference but that story was buried by the broadcast of the Access Hollywood tape and the release of the Podesta e-mails.

The American ruling elite is not monolithic.


Sorry Cliff I can segregate the last 11 days media coverage from 2016.  

Who cares if the Steele document was ever mentioned in the media, that's hardly important. What's important is the proof that British intelligence played the key role in the attempted coup against another US President. 

The American ruling elite? The only anti American Americans are called "American Tories" so named by FDR. 

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