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There is certainly speculation that the U.S. lured Soleimani to the negotiating table as a trap so they could kill him.   I am reading that Israel is wanting to distance itself from what Trump did but that is all smoke and mirrors in my opinion.   Thrice before Israel had sought out the U.S.  for permission to assassinate Soleimani, and the U.S. had resisted such requests. 


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It seems obvious that the U.S. strategy was to distract the Iranian people from their protests against the Iranian regime. Since Trump has said we're not looking for regime change in Iran, he clearly wanted the Iranian people to get behind their regime 100 percent. Mission accomplished. The man is a genius.





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In one fell swoop Trump managed to totally undermine growing protests inside Iraq about Iranian influence and gut the populist movement against the hardliners in Iran....all with the targeted killing of one hardliner who will be immediately replaced. 

No reason to step up and acknowledge the large scale failure of targeting killings to date, its seems so simple and somehow satisfying.  And makes great political theater.  Sort of like torture to get intelligence.  It almost never works but clearly some people find  satisfying as well . 


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On 1/6/2020 at 3:02 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

I am now much more interested in him rather than that guy they killed a month ago who looked, from his beard like he had run out of "Just for Men". It must be tough getting everything you need in exile!


Maybe we can send them Sean Connery to play Soleimani, and everything will be all better.

Meanwhile, another scene we've seen before:


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He does look like Sean, though Sean is a little old to gain the necessary weight for the part.

Now the death in the stampede is up to 70! I 'hear it's because they all want to touch the coffin? Are we supposed to be comforted and take body counts however we can get them now? 

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Trump's Madman theory.  The Nixonian resemblance was on my mind, but as Nixon found out, the Madman strategy doesn't fly in a complex world with better communications than Machiavelli's.  At least we don't have to put up with Roger Stone cheering him on:


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Just reading an article about of all people Tucker Carlson being incredulous.  Saying in effect this was a huge mistake.  In the same article, Steve Bannon: "Why is it necessary to kill this guy and to kill him now and exacerbate the military issues, …". 

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53 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

It seems already the Iranians don't accept the definition of Somebody.

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JFK won the popular vote by the narrowest margin in history, percentage wise at the time by 100,000 votes.  Nixon won more states, JFK won more key electoral college states.  He held very high popularity and approval ratings when he died.  He would likely have been re-elected.  

The current president won key electoral states.  But lost the popular vote to billary by I believe the final total was 300,000 plus.  We didn't elect him.  The system did.

He's never gotten out of the high 30's - low 40's approval range, for good reason imho.   

With That And the Impeachment  noose hanging over his head he really had no choice.  War.  No matter the cost in lives and lives affected, on all sides.  He did this to disrupt the impeachment proceedings and rally his base and the military itself for his re-election.  I can only pray it backfires, without the potential violence I fear.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Just reading an article about of all people Tucker Carlson being incredulous.  Saying in effect this was a huge mistake.  In the same article, Steve Bannon: "Why is it necessary to kill this guy and to kill him now and exacerbate the military issues, …". 

Good points, but it doesn’t excuse the white nationalism. Screw them both.

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My guess /hope is that he wants to again save his political neck and will back off tomorrow. Nobody wants to go to war with Iran. The majority will see it as a stupid, senseless act, but his base will applaud that we took out a real bad guy and didn't have to give up any of our guys to do it.

Ron, Hillary Clinton beat Trump by a lot more.  Almost 3 million votes.

JFK vs. Nixon in 1960, was the closest popular vote election in U.S, history, To give you some idea. For every 342 people who voted for JFK, 341 voted for Nixon!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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