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This is why in the upcoming Oliver Stone documentary,  we have four authorities in the field commenting on Kennedy's dispute with the Power Elite.

Richard Mahoney

Robert Rakove

Philip Muehlenbeck

Aaron Good

You will learn a lot from them



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A definite milestone book in the field.

And we discuss it in the film and equate it to Eisenhower's Farewell Address.

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I know it's Wiki...but their brief summary does inform and inspire one enough to want to read this book.

The Power Elite is a 1956 book by sociologist C. Wright Mills, in which Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those entities.
Author‎: ‎C. Wright Mills
Publisher‎: ‎Oxford University Press
Publication date‎: ‎April 19, 1956



Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I know it's Wiki...but their brief summary does inform and inspire one enough to want to read this book.

The Power Elite is a 1956 book by sociologist C. Wright Mills, in which Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those entities.
Author‎: ‎C. Wright Mills
Publisher‎: ‎Oxford University Press
Publication date‎: ‎April 19, 1956



         Speaking of the "Power Elite," has anyone else noticed that the corporate media moguls -- including Sulzberger and Bezos-- have been smearing Bernie Sanders bigly this week--- after completely blacking out any media coverage of Bernie's two presidential campaigns during the past FIVE years?  😬

         These are the same guys who ran weekly headline stories-- based on anonymous FBI "leaks"-- about Hillary's Emails from July to November of 2016.

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22 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

         Speaking of the "Power Elite," has anyone else noticed that the corporate media moguls -- including Sulzberger and Bezos-- have been smearing Bernie Sanders bigly this week--- after completely blacking out any media coverage of Bernie's two presidential campaigns during the past FIVE years?  😬

         These are the same guys who ran weekly headline stories-- based on anonymous FBI "leaks"-- about Hillary's Emails from July to November of 2016.

All I know about Bezos is that back sometime in the 90s when I first got on the Internet and learned about online trading, I thought about buying some Amazon stock (being a book lover).

If I had bought that stock back then, today I might could be a member of the Power Elite.


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This is one of the best threads I’ve seen in the year or so I’ve been reading this site.  Many here are opposed to the existence of the Deep State/Nutwork, and the overwhelming power they possess.  In my case, I’ve spent my whole life studying the subject of who runs the world, and how do they do it.  The conclusions I’ve drawn will make a person sick.


As the OP quotes, “who controls the present controls the past…,” and that’s true.   You have to go back over the last 500 years and see what really happened, and who’s behind everything.  it’s shocking.  You can’t understand today until you relearn the past few centuries.


No one is going to change anything, but life is much easier knowing how the world works, you can sit back and relax as we're all nothing more than slaves.  You can even use your new found knowledge of ‘the plan’ to make money in the options market.   This is the closest you’ll ever get to inside financial information.


I wish I joined the nutwork as a child instead of debating the JFK assassination, i can't believe how stupid I was, as it was a waste of time arguing with David von Pein types, and since the 90’s with him.  Your opponents are secret/private society types whose job is to keep you locked into the WC report, which is a fruitless endeavor.


I downloaded “Power Elite”, and skimmed through it, there’s nothing in there that’s not known, just the one percent that works for the nutwork.   I have a real book for you, and you’ll need about 3 more to get you started.   Believe me, you’ll understand all the assassinations, JFK, the Cold War, WW2, and look at the world in a different way.


But first you have to relearn the past.  I’m trying to help you, I really am.   I struggle each day as a lurker reading comments about Trump, Obama, Clintons, Bush, etc, them being nothing but actors/puppets, and they’re all against you because they’re all working for the nutwork.  Obama and his teleprompter should be proof of a higher power.



“Rulers of Evil” by Tupper Saussy.


If you haven’t seen this, then I have a belated holiday gift for you.   J Edgar Hoover received this award two days before the release of the Warren Commission report.   So what did Johnnie and Clyde do in 1963-4 that would merit this award??   hmmm??   The Sword of Loyola  is the highest award the Society of Jesus bestows on a Knight of Malta.



Please don't start flaming, I'm a 50-year scholar in this area.

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C Wright Mills' The Power Elite is not new today.  But understand that back in the fifties, when it was published--when people were watching Ozzie and Harriet--it was a landmark work.  We will argue in the film that the guy who helped write Eisenhower's Farewell Address likely read it.  And that is perhaps where some of the ideas in the speech came from.

The work of C. Wright Mills was really remarkable for its time.  He based a lot of his scholarship on  another great sociologist Max Weber who, along with Durkheim, is usally given credit for founding the field of sociology.

Mills was one of the first to call out the Power Elite for what he called their Crackpot Realism, and said the intellectual class had pretty much been silenced by their awesome power. He demonstrated how democracy had been all but sidelined by them, because their influence was manifest in both political parties.  He also showed how the American Power Elite was unique in its thorough infiltration of the military, the corporate world and politics.  And since America was the leading economic power at the time, it was also unique in its reach and scope.

Mills had a powerful force in the field and is usually recognized as the finest sociologist of his era. In my opinion, he had a strong influence on Donald Gibson, and Gibson's work is invaluable in the JFK field.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Well written comment, Jim.   OK, I opened the book again, and started reading, but a little slower this time.   He does say in Chapter 1 that there’s a level of ‘advisors and consultants’ above his Elite.


He mentions quite frequently, social class warfare, rich and poor, Brooks Brothers, thereby revealing his roots in sociology, and not history.


It’s true so far what he writes, but I’m more interested in who’s at the top.  So who’s controlling the Power Elite?


The influence of the Catholic Church was out in the open back in the ’50’s.   You had Bishop Fulton J Sheen with his 30 million weekly audience, and he could fill Yankee Stadium.


This Eisenhower Campaign commercial is fascinating to me.   At the end, you have the Society of Jesus logo, and more importantly you have the statue on top of the Capital Building superimposed on the logo.    Scrub the timeline over to :50.  Who is that on top of the Capital Building???  Now that’s where the ‘power’ is, and firmly planted on the top above Congress.


So here's a photo of the S  J logo to compare with the end of the video.   The other photo is the logo of the Smithsonian.  They would never do this today.


It pains me to read this site when some distraction like Trump, and his impeachment is being discussed.   Why waste your time?   It’s too messy to take out a President JFK or Nixon style.  Today, the removal is built into the job.   If Trump starts thinking he’s President, he’ll be taken out by the $400 million in phony loans that he has out there.  Also, maybe a clip from Epstein Island.   If Obama had stepped off the reservation, they had the phony birth certificate, and again, gone in 48 hours.  So some of what you’re studying and writing about is just a distraction.


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Some of it is a distraction?

I would say most of it is.

One of Mills' chief themes is the illusion that was  American democracy.

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Speaking of sociology and the illusion I think it started in earnest with World War I when Wilson created the Committee On Public Information as an alternative to censorship.  To rally support for entering the war.  From that came one of the biggest influencers of the twentieth century, Edward Bernays.  He once wrote "Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government."



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