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17 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

Now you are telling rubbish.

It was you who stopped replying to our evidence and replies.

I am still waiting for your answer on the finger prints on the holster and the fact that there was a gun and commie literature there with kids playing in that unlocked room and Johnson and Roberts about their denials of there ever being a gun inside that room.

It was you who walked away after being confronted about this twice. And it was you who insisted on having the debate here.

And let me add on it was you who accused me falsely in a Tx FB group of unsubstantiated drivel who could not back any of that up in that post after being asked for it.


And if you do not know who Brain Doyle is then you are playing silly games again as well, as he was kicked by Dennis M. out of the group there after he was such an annoying tr0ll.and you were right there.

Funny infantile games you play Steve Roe. Come back  when you post that evidence on the holster or keep schtumm.


Boy that holster is sure bothering you guys. Maybe you should take that up with the DPD or FBI and quit pestering me and everyone else. I’m sure the FBI has a cough cough high success rate lifting print off rough leather, right? And those 1/4” snap or rivet beveled  buttons will yield a usable print, right? But what really bothers you and ROKC is the backyard photos with Oswald wearing a holster. Isn’t that the end-game for this fantasy theory? Bart, listen you guys at ROKC are not going to fool long time researchers on both sides of the argument. Maybe you can hoodwink some Newbies, that could be your audience that will praise you guys. As exhibited here, nobody believes this theory. It’s DOA. Now you guys go back and hunt for keys, ashtrays, yourselves. And one more thought, you darn well know this was discussed before. Does June 8th ring a bell? I presented that Oswald notebook entry to you, LeDoux and Parker. Parker even commented he never saw it before and in the span of 5-10 minutes became a handwriting expert and denounced it as “fakery”. Of course this never shows up in Ed LeDoux’s essay......I wonder why? 

Edited by Steve Roe
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Roe's evidence of occupancy is rubbish.

He has almost reached circumstantial level.


So Roe,

No fingerprints from a smooth metal snap buttons of the holster... or leather as it was just too hard to even try. Roe calls smooth leather rough. He needs to stretch his own credibility thin here.

And if Roe is saying the cops knew this to be 100% true then why no other means of documenting this evidence and tie it to Oswald.

No belt to hang the holster is included.

The Warren Commission denounced their own evidence, the slip of paper, as fake.
Roe just cant accept the proof shown him.

Roe has no answer for why Oswald had numbers and did not call even when it was necessary.
Instead we are told by Ruth a story about the numbers and her calling and of course there was no Lee Oswald there, we are told. 

Roe has no key to a room for which he claims Oswald rented but can not show a single receipt or any physical evidence Oswald was the roomer or even a roomer.

My evidence trumps your flimsy phone numbers.
Direct witness statements contradict the idea the persons thought to be Oswald. Those persons were in fact other roomers. 
Phone calls investigated by the FBI support this fact.
There were no roomer witnesses of Oswald. 

The management has been caught in various conflicting statements.
Their credibility is now shot. 
The new management has too blown their own credibility based on their own statements.

So Steve has a mile to go and is mad he didnt check the map.
You are here [1964]
June 8th and Ruth's calendar bs.
Roe falls for everything but whats rubbed in his nose. 

Gee, Roe asks why its not in the essay, because that doesnt prove anything. 
Why is FR 5 5591 in the book?
What relatives did the numbers owner have,
What answer did he give for why his number is in the book twice?

What does refute Roe is the 50+ pages of evidence I presented. Roe has two trival concerns that were "addressed", no pun intended. 
Roe refutes it all by a page in a book?
No no Roe.
That is not sufficient for even a weak analysis to conclude as you have. How about a page from that Guest Register eh Roe.

He has almost reached circumstantial level.
Hint for Roe, better find something solid soon as your audience is turning on you.

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On 2/3/2020 at 6:47 PM, Steve Roe said:

Well that’s her own recollections. According to ROKC, she’s not telling the truth. Let me take this moment, since you bring up Pat Hall, this debate/conversation was already been hashed out months ago with ROKC Parker, Kamp and LeDoux on social media. All of it got erased (or did it ;)). Pat Hall was in the middle of this after ROKC called her a xxxx and her family a bunch of money grabbing opportunists. Parker, Kamp and LeDoux will never tell you about this on their endless parlour games. 

Roe is making stuff up.

Nothing of the sort ever happened, if so how does Roe know... and if it was erased how does Roe know it was?

All very telling.


Desperation is getting the better of Roe.


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2 hours ago, Ed LeDoux said:

Roe is making stuff up.

Nothing of the sort ever happened, if so how does Roe know... and if it was erased how does Roe know it was?

All very telling.


Desperation is getting the better of Roe.



Well goodie!
Ed I was hoping you would deny that it never happened  Well look, there's Casey LeDoux and Greg Parker talking about the Beckley House. And Parker makes his comments about the Notebook entry at the bottom of this post. 
Doesn't look good for you now Ed. 
You got caught telling another whopper again.
Have a nice day!
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Currently researching a facet of the JFK case that deals with the CIa safe houses in the Dallas area in 1963. Funny thing is, Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone else, rented a room in this boarding house under the name O.H. Lee.
Brian, our mutual friend says he met LHO on three occasions, Nagshead, for Illusionary Warfare Training, Wheeler AF base in Honolulu, at a radar station, and here, at 1026 N. Beckley. "Our friend" says the safe house was a separate building behind the main house, a garage/apartment if you will. He says he scratched his initials into a drain pipe there......
Also of importance are the other places named as safe houses in the Oak Cliff area, the Sportatorium, a house ran by Tammie True....others.
Does anyone have a list of Oswald's possessions from 1026 N Beckley from the FBI or from DPD?
Tommy Reynolds this was me in October at the rooming house. The room is tiny. I did ask if any of his possessions taken from the 1026 address or the Ruth Paine address had any ammunition.. on both counts the answer was no. In my opinion the chain of possession for the ammunition as well as the rifle start on 11/22/63.
Bart Kamp I have heard this.. the most important thing to me about the police arrival at 1026 N beckley on 11/22/63 is that the DPD simply asked did a Lee oswald stay here.. not a Lee Oswald or Alek Hidell. Once it is understood that Oswald supposedly rented the room under the alias O.H. Lee then this is told repeatedly to the press by wade and curry on Friday.. no mention of the Hidell alas.. why? The DPD supposedly had the Hidell alas Friday? In my opinion the police only started linking Oswald with the Hidell alas only once it was learned by them that someone with the name Hidell purchased the alleged murder rifle allegedly found on the sixth floor.
Tommy Reynolds ant we chip in but at real cost value and turn into truths safe house il contribute watch duty part of year with others Marty Eichler? S.r. Dusty Rohde?
This is what Gladys kept and sold after allowing the WC to take a copy.

Even in allowing them to copy it, she insisted she be allowed to erase some information from it that she claimed was incorrect.

From her testimony:

Mr. BALL. We will make a picture of this and give it back to you.
Mrs. JOHNSON. May I have something to erase this November 13, 15--I got that wrong, anyway. I was looking at the calendar and this, I was thinking it was November 13 that he left he left my place on a Wednesday before this assassination on Friday.
Mr. BALL. That was the last time you saw him?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yeah; the last time I saw him was on a Wednesday but my housekeeper seen him on a Friday morning right after this assassination, he came by the house hurriedly.
More nonsense. If they noted every time he was "out", there would be notations every weekend,

This is NOT noting a temporary absence. It is noting the date the occupant (Herbert Lee) moved out - that is the 13th or 15th of Nov. The dates after that have just been added on later.

The house is a museum under false pretenses.
There is also the notion that the police car out the front of the boarding house was merely beeping the car in front of it to move on. 1026Nth Beckley was VERY close to a major intersection and a set of lights. If there were say three/four cars in front of the police car, that would put it in front of Beckley. It is not inconceivable that a quick beep beep was nothing more than a signal for a slow starting car at the lights to get moving. YES that’s not a sexy explanation. But have we come to a point where we prefer the ‘sexy’ explanation is preferred rather than the mundane that closes off perceived sensational connections. My one caveat on above, is the fact that the sold patrol car having the number 107.
My website sig, so it's not as if I hide my utter disgust for bullxxxx artists - no matter where they stand on the assassination.

"Australians don't mind criminals: It's successful bullxxxx artists we despise."
Lachie Hulme
"The Cold War ran on bullxxxx."

Is that clear enough for you?
Here's a witness for you Steve. Floyd DeGraffenreid. He was a roomer and told the FBI he had seen Oswald no more than 4 or 5 times and only in the TV room.

Here is what Earlene said: Mr. BALL. Did he watch television?
Mrs. ROBERTS. No---in a way---but all he did ever watch the television was if someone in the other rooms had it on, maybe he would come and stand at the back of the couch---not over 5 minutes and go to his room and shut the door and never say a word.

So... he never sat and watched and never stayed over 5 minutes.

But here is what Gladys said:

Mrs. JOHNSON. No, sir; that man never talked; that was the only peculiarity about him. He would never speak. If we would speak to him and some of the men renters he would speak to the housekeeper and I every time we would speak and we would speak to him just most every time we would meet him and, of course, he would speak after we would speak, but he would come in and watch television maybe 30, 40 minutes at a time and never speak to a man.
Mr. BALL. He would watch television sometimes?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir; watch television, with the other men renters and he wouldn't speak to them, Maybe they would speak to him but he wouldn't speak.

So which was it? Not sitting down and staying no more than 5 minutes, or sitting down and watching with others for 30 or 40 minutes? XXXXX just never get their stories straight.

The sole reason Floyd was located and interviewed was that he himself had been mistaken for Oswald. Someone reported to the FBI that they had seen Oswald go out for beers with an employee at the Enco gas station across the road. In that circumstance, it is not surprising Floyd wuld remember the "real" Oswald - otherwise he may himself, end up implicated somehow.

But Floyd does give one piece of interesting info. The day he went for drinks with the Enco employee, he had raced over to the boarding house, raced in and quickly grabbed one of his own clean shirts for the Enco employee to wear... which Mrs Roberts may have assumed he was putting on on his way out..

Floyd (who don't forget was mistaken for Oswald by one other) was the shirt-changer - not Oswald - and it may have been on a different day.
Again, grasping at straws--maybe a different guy, maybe a different day.....
Another bit on the interview with Leon Lee by Russo

So... according to Lee (who didn't recall anything about Oswald in Dec 1963) 30 years later recalled how Mrs Roberts had told him "how interesting" it was that another Mr Lee had moved in.

Yet None of them -- Roberts, or the Johnson's thought to share this interesting fact with any of the authorities.... yeah right.
Here's more XXXXX to be added to ROKC "Cecil B. DeMille's" cast of thousands epic "Oswald never lived at the Beckley rooming house”. Deputies Harry Weatherford and J.L Oxford, of course Ruth Paine, Sheriff Bill Decker, Alan Sweatt and Clint Lewis. I post evidence, ROKC says it's not evidence. Go figure......
I love it, Anything Martin can't explain, is pushed aside as inexplicable and therefore unimportant. THe only important thing is keeping the WC /DPD/FBI myths about Oswald alive and well -- even if they make no sense when held up to the light.

Prime example: Whaley's passenger gets let out way past the boarding house and is described as a drunk by Whaley.

Rather than the common sense approach that the guy was indeed a drunk, and he got let off exactly where he lived, the classic CT approach is to turn this into Oswald using "spycraft" to fool anyone following him. Meanwhile the flip side of your idiotic coin - the Lone Nutters - will claim it is evidence that Oswald was in a panic about anyone seeing where he really lived.

The simple truth just gets lost in the propaganda of one side and the fantasies of the other.
Getting hard to follow the discussion here on Oswald at Beckley, inner threads, etc. So here's some evidence that ROKC will never show you. The Beckley Rooming House telephone number in Oswald's notebook. Sit back and enjoy the excuses coming forth on this piece of evidence. Document 1.
Oswald's Notebook entry
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Deeper and deeper...…..
I agree. Your delusions are getting deeper. By the same token, credit due. You finally found something of which I was not aware, or if I was, I;d long forgotten.

Too bad the writing is not Oswald's. Too neat. Different :9"s and different "H"

What we see here, and in the FBI list of books, are examples of what the intel community itself, calls "backstopping" - putting things in official records to support official stories - especially in regard to false places of residence. and employment of agents and assets so their cover is not blown.
The very same methods of course, can also easily be used to help frame someone.
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Watching season 2 of the Confession Tapes. Cops using manufactured evidence (including finding a car similar to the suspects and photographing it near the murder season and then claiming it was the suspects car and the photo was taken by a freakin satellite around the time of the murder.

There is no low that some cops won't stoop to.

But no way that Oswald was framed by the man who provably and knowingly sent innocent men to the electric chair.

Saint Fritz! Patron Saint of Evidence Manufacturers everywhere!
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Edited by Steve Roe
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If only you decided to keep schtumm like on the previous occasions, if only!


Actually it is bothering you as it is you who cannot give an adequate answer, if at all, for months in a row. This will only lead to you yapping some more with this thread eventually getting closed.

Pestering HA! You mean confronting a denier more like.

Now you bring the backyard photos in of which it has been proven that they are fake and do not help your case much. But for the sake of it let's pretend they are real ok?





How does that holster reconcile with......drum roll please.................

THIS!!!!! Do you see the push button or the strap? I don't.


Now you have an even bigger problem Steve Roe!
How does that holster found at Beckley reconcile worn by Lee in the BYPs..... And the belt? Where is it in the inventory?
So is the BYP a fake then? Or did Oswald have two holsters for just one gun?
Or did the DPD happen to have a spare one with them while they searched the room, you know that room that had a holster hanging of the door knob that same room that had no key to lock it with, that same room the kids played in and that same room of which Roberts and Johnson said there would not be a gun around in it? The holster hanging on the door knob that your fave lawman Alexander so nonchalantly made mention of.
Perhaps it is time you have a chat with FJ James and rest your head in Von Peins lap and sob for a while.
And while you are at it explain the fact that Earlene Roberts was harassed by Dallas' finest so much. If it was such clear cut cthing why would that need to be the case?
Edited by Bart Kamp
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Steve unfortunately I cannot understand your counterargument and would enjoy it if I could read it. Your response to Ed is a crazy mashup of a facebook discussion I'm assuming? Sorry, maybe its the way this forum processes facebook discussions, etc. I'd also be very interested for anyone who espouses the lone nut theory explain Mexico City and Lee's voice not being the voice that the FBI heard.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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5 minutes ago, B. A. Copeland said:

Steve unfortunately I cannot understand your counterargument and would enjoy it if I could read it. Your response to Ed is a crazy mashup of a facebook discussion I'm assuming? Sorry, maybe its the way this forum processes facebook discussions, etc. I'd also be very interested for anyone who espouses the lone nut theory explain Mexico City and Lee's voice not being the voice that the FBI heard.

Yes make those screen shots including all the 100+ replies for context purposes, we only get to see a snippet which does not represent you, me, Greg and others that well at all.


Meanwhile Greg Parker has replied to your writings

Edited by Bart Kamp
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2 minutes ago, B. A. Copeland said:

Steve unfortunately I cannot understand your counterargument and would enjoy it if I could read it. Your response to Ed is a crazy mashup of a facebook discussion I'm assuming? Sorry, maybe its the way this forum processes facebook discussions, etc.

Yep it doesn’t copy over well, but Mr. LeDoux accused me of making up “rubbish” that this was never discussed before as Mr. Kamp also said it never happened. Clearly you can see that it did and ROKC is trying to cover their collective butts. What you can’t see in the FB post, is Pat Hall’s reply to a Greg Parker after they lambasted her. I have that as well. Now as you can see they are mad as hell in damage control mode trying to dig themselves out of yet another boneheaded blunder. 

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How am I covering when I ask you to present the whole thread in its entity and I accused you of wanting to continue the debate here. Am I lying? Nope, but you are painting an untruthful picture that's for sure.


And you are still stumbling about on the holster....do keep entertaining us.

Edited by Bart Kamp
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1 minute ago, Bart Kamp said:

How am I covering when I ask you to present the whole thread in its entity and I accused you of wanting to continue the debate here. Am I lying? Nope, but you are painting an untruthful picture that's for sure.


And you are still stumbling about on the holster....do keep entertaining us.

Bart, quit the parlor games. Both you and LeDoux denied this was never discussed before and I made it all up, huh? You said, now deal with it! 

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You are full of it Roe. Point out where I said that or shut it!

If you want to address Ed then do so, if you want to address Greg then do so but I suggest at ROKC to which we have invited you months ago already.

Stop skirting around the issues just this once and answer what I asked you about. As this is becoming really transparent and boring.

Edited by Bart Kamp
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7 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

You are full of it Roe. Point out where I said that or shut it!

If you want to address Ed then do so, if you want to address Greg then do so but I suggest at ROKC to which we have invited you months ago already.

Stop skirting around the issues just this once and answer what I asked you about. As this is becoming really transparent and boring.

You said it was rubbish, now quit running away from your buddies.

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