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JFKA Forum Journals of the Plague Year?

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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

As the Plague Rages.  Ignore it.  Forget it.  It's nothing. It's almost past.  Numbers are going down

Well maybe not. 7 day new cases are up.  Still, over 50,000 new cases a day?

I've seen frat's and sisters not masking or distancing, setting the example for the fish, recruiting them.  Already on campus.


     I wonder if your family doc could recommend that you take a medical leave of absence from work this semester.

     It sounds very risky for the faculty, especially if the students are not wearing masks or social distancing.

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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I wonder if your family doc could recommend that you take a medical leave of absence from work this semester.

     It sounds very risky for the faculty, especially if the students are not wearing masks or social distancing.

My doctor wrote on facebook two months ago that the only way covid will go away is with herd immunity.  Back then it was supposedly around 70%, now I read "they" say it's about 20%.  I've read a (very) little about it but don't have faith it will just go away at that point.  I  had my annual wellness check with him over the phone a couple of weeks ago.  They don't even draw blood at the office, I was sent to a strip shopping center office that does nothing but that (maybe drug tests too?).  No blood pressure check.  I mentioned being worried because numbers are still going up.  He said we're about to hit herd immunity...

Faculty, staff and students will be required to mask inside all buildings and at outside gatherings.  I spent the afternoon putting up signs outside lab doors stating number of students allowed in each (50% in general) and another sign saying face covering required.  Further, I had to tape "this seat not available" signs to the lab benches at every other station alternating every other row so no one faces another.  Faculty can tell a student to leave if they refuse or even cancel the class that day because of it.  They will attend normal 2 day a week classes/labs once a week in person.  I can pretty much stay in my office most of the time.  I have boxes stacked in the guest chair.  I still worry but I'm trying to reach the "rule of 80" regarding retirement which for me happens at the end of October.  Schools over at Thanksgiving this year.  At least they've postponed football until the spring.  If I stay until January 31st I get credit for another year, 2.3% on my retirement income.  If I'm alive.  I've got enough vacation (5 weeks)  plus sick days (2 weeks) to not have to work in January after students come back.  If I can isolate in my office, stay out of the halls when they are going to or leaving class, the first week or two I may come to the mountains for a week finally.  I've planned that out with very little contact with others involved.  Sight seeing in the car, maybe a little fishing or a short hike or two.

What worries me the most is freshmen socializing in the dorms.  And, the frat rats and sorority sisters I mentioned in an earlier post half masked side by side and face to face recruiting the masked freshmen being led around by masked student workers during these four two day get to know campus visits.  I mentioned this to an Instructor friend who got his Masters here and was hired on.  He said all this doesn't stop the parties Ron.  They can still go buy beer and go to an off campus house, I know, we used to do it.  I went to one rush week frat party at UTA for maybe thirty minutes.  It was asshole to elbow squeezing by people.  Everybody was drunk.  A guy pissing out a second floor window when we left (I guess all the bathrooms were full).   Makes me think of Animal House.  Or Jimmy Buffett's Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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42 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

My doctor wrote on facebook two months ago that the only way covid will go away is with herd immunity.  Back then it was supposedly around 70%, now I read "they" say it's about 20%.  I've read a (very) little about it but don't have faith it will just go away at that point.  I  had my annual wellness check with him over the phone a couple of weeks ago.  They don't even draw blood at the office, I was sent to a strip shopping center office that does nothing but that (maybe drug tests too?).  No blood pressure check.  I mentioned being worried because numbers are still going up.  He said we're about to hit herd immunity...

Faculty, staff and students will be required to mask inside all buildings and at outside gatherings.  I spent the afternoon putting up signs outside lab doors stating number of students allowed in each (50% in general) and another sign saying face covering required.  Further, I had to tape "this seat not available" signs to the lab benches at every other station alternating every other row so no one faces another.  Faculty can tell a student to leave if they refuse or even cancel the class that day because of it.  They will attend normal 2 day a week classes/labs once a week in person.  I can pretty much stay in my office most of the time.  I have boxes stacked in the guest chair.  I still worry but I'm trying to reach the "rule of 80" regarding retirement which for me happens at the end of October.  Schools over at Thanksgiving this year.  At least they've postponed football until the spring.  If I stay until January 31st I get credit for another year, 2.3% on my retirement income.  If I'm alive.  I've got enough vacation (5 weeks)  plus sick days (2 weeks) to not have to work in January after students come back.  If I can isolate in my office, stay out of the halls when they are going to or leaving class, the first week or two I may come to the mountains for a week finally.  I've planned that out with very little contact with others involved.  Sight seeing in the car, maybe a little fishing or a short hike or two.

What worries me the most is freshmen socializing in the dorms.  And, the frat rats and sorority sisters I mentioned in an earlier post half masked side by side and face to face recruiting the masked freshmen being led around by masked student workers during these four two day get to know campus visits.  I mentioned this to an Instructor friend who got his Masters here and was hired on.  He said all this doesn't stop the parties Ron.  They can still go buy beer and go to an off campus house, I know, we used to do it.  I went to one rush week frat party at UTA for maybe thirty minutes.  It was asshole to elbow squeezing by people.  Everybody was drunk.  A guy pissing out a second floor window when we left (I guess all the bathrooms were full).   Makes me think of Animal House.  Or Jimmy Buffett's Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw.


I can't recall whether anyone here mentioned the recent Israeli study showing that low Vitamin D levels were correlated with susceptibility to COVID infections and death.

If you're not already taking Vitamin D,  you should consider taking Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 1,000-2,000 IU daily, which you can buy at most drug and grocery stores.

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33 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I can't recall whether anyone here mentioned the recent Israeli study showing that low Vitamin D levels were correlated with susceptibility to COVID infections and death.

If you're not already taking Vitamin D,  you should consider taking Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 1,000-2,000 IU daily, which you can buy at most drug and grocery stores.

Doc did ask if I was still taking D3.  Also zinc, 100% DV in the multivitamin plus even more VC than the 200% in it.  In relation to the virus.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I worry about my daughter.  She's a high school teacher in the outer suburbs of Dallas, a few miles from the Cowboy's training facility.  Teachers will mask, not required of students.  She must accommodate however many show up for in person classes.  I'm Praying it doesn't end up like Canton Georgia.


Which makes me remember this from last week.


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Colorado news: Hey William, How about  that Q anon  candidate, Gun toting bar owner,Lauren Boebert (Lorena Bobbit????). Ouch!  She seems like a real whack job! She's from the other side of the divide right? I've been to Grand Junction.


and Kanye entering the Colorado primary to rob votes from Biden?


Doug mentioned this, and I checked into it. I didn't realize that Gabbard had actually said she was not running for another Congressional term back in October 2019. She decided it was the Presidency or nothing! Oh well!

So her Congressional career made it about as far as Sonny Bono, except Sonny  1) was a great fundraiser for the Republican Party and 2) Sonny had a highway named after him!

heh heh



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I worry about my daughter.  She's a high school teacher in the outer suburbs of Dallas, a few miles from the Cowboy's training facility.  Teachers will mask, not required of students.  She must accommodate however many show up for in person classes.  I'm Praying it doesn't end up like Canton Georgia.


Which makes me remember this from last week.


Cherokee county now with two shut down high schools. , 1200 quarantined.


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10 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Colorado news: Hey William, How about  that Q anon  candidate, Gun toting bar owner,Lauren Boebert (Lorena Bobbit????). Ouch!  She seems like a real whack job! She's from the other side of the divide right? I've been to Grand Junction.


and Kanye entering the Colorado primary to rob votes from Biden?


Doug mentioned this, and I checked into it. I didn't realize that Gabbard had actually said she was not running for another Congressional term back in October 2019. She decided it was the Presidency or nothing! Oh well!

So her Congressional career made it about as far as Sonny Bono, except Sonny  1) was a great fundraiser for the Republican Party and 2) Sonny had a highway named after him!

heh heh




      The "Western slope" on the other side of the Continental Divide here in Colorado is a completely different planet than the "Front Range" -- Denver, Boulder, etc.-- along the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains.

      One possible explanation is that the "Western slope" was once located on an entirely different continent, before the tectonic plates collided to form the Rocky Mountains.

      I don't know if the native hominids over on the Western slope "continent" are marsupials or unusually hairy, but they do own guns, and they tend to vote Republican.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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How about this brutal repression in Belarus! People being  gassed, thrown in jail and shot at after protesting an election that assured this 25 year reigning  Lukashenko would continue his control. Belarus has been an unquestioning lackey of Putin and  Russia ever since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Maybe Vlad could help, and say "Hey come on man, You've been in power now and rigged elections for over 20 years!  Don't you think its time to maybe step down?"

Think that could happen?



Re: Tulsi, Maybe now Tulsi would have plenty of time to pursue that lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. That was a real turning point in her campaign!

That was really bad!




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Plague Wise.  School's started back in some areas, and "a startling surge of cases in teens and children".  Unfortunately, not all that startling.


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Bernie Sanders has proposed a 60% windfall tax on  the stay-at-home   companies that have profited greatly during the covid crisis, from March 16th to August 3rd. Bezos has profited 74.9 billion in this period, Elon Musk 42.5 billion and Mark Zuckerberg.16.2 billion.


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