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Here's video of Kyle Rittenhouse running away after shooting a protestor, falling in the street, and then pointing his gun at a protestor who seems to be trying to apprehend him.  From the pavement, he shoots two more protesters, which is edited out except for gunshot sounds.


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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Mr. Wheeler - please cease and desist. That you can’t muster one word of condemnation for the youth who opened fire on protestors speaks volumes. Your historical posts are interesting, and I’ve responded favorably to them in the past as you know. But your callous comments when people are dying need to be condemned, so let me be the first to call you out. 

I tried to note out the callous part a few months back regarding people dying to no avail.

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10 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I've got to think that 99.9% of all black people do not like it when a bunch of white kids come into their neighborhood, burn a bunch of businesses,

  • smash people with skateboards,
  • throw fire-bombs, and point guns at anyone who gets in their way, 
  • all under the banner of "Black Lives Matter."

Way to go DNC/MSM. Not only have you scared the crap out of the white suburban voter, you have pissed off the black urban vote in one fell swoop.

Not a winning strategy.



What makes you think these gentlemen aren’t chaos agents of the right or  the feds? I realize nobody’s ever tried that before, of course.

Edited by Andrew Prutsok
Bad phone typing
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11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


You missed the point entirely, as usual, and then proceeded to create a straw man counter-argument.

As a general rule, I tend to avoid engaging in debates with you for this very reason.

My above comment isn't about the racial composition of crowds of BLM and George Floyd protesters.

It's about Trump's history of inciting racial conflict and white supremacist violence in the U.S. since 2015-- so-called "stochastic terrorism," an old Nazi trick.

The data is overwhelming.  Study the stats on the incidence of white supremacist hate crimes in the U.S. -- against Latinos, blacks, and other ethnic minorities-- since Trump began to publicly denigrate Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks in 2015.

And explain to us why Trump told NFL owners that attacking Colin Kaepernick and the BLM protesters, "Lifts me."

I'll wait.



     I usually let you hijack threads and deflect from debates here, but I'm calling you out on this one. 

    The thesis of my (above) post on this thread is critically important for the U.S. right now--

1) That Donald Trump has deliberately engaged in a political strategy of inciting race-based conflict and the denigration of minorities and immigrants in order to promote himself politically.

2) That Trump's racial demagoguery has played a critical role in inciting the statistically observed epidemic of right wing violence against minorities, immigrants, and "liberals" in the U.S. since 2015 (e.g., the El Paso Massacre.)

     Now, do me (us) the courtesy of responding to my request (above) about Trump's comments to the NFL owners (which were publicized by Dallas Cowboy's owner Jerry Jones during Kaepernick's law suit against the NFL.)

     If you want to pointedly disagree with someone's arguments here, you should, at the very least, be accountable for responding to their clarifications and questions.

      That's basic civility, good manners.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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13 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

"Cease and desist." Really Paul? I was was drinking milk with my Oreos when I read that and it almost came out of my nose.

Here you are, on the JFK Forum, seemingly cognizant a conspiracy killed JFK. You seem to have an appreciation for other "non-official" narratives surrounding historical events. I don't think you believe the official 9/11 story for example.

Nevertheless, despite your awareness of the Mainstream Media's precedence to manipulate the public and protect the powerful you choose to still swallow their current concocted narrative, even with the real-time availability of evidence, news, video, and non-MSM accounts to the contrary.

You keep swallowing the blue pill. You would rather exist in a dream-state where every worldly assumption you had about good and evil confirms your political preference. You are not in the minority Paul, you are part of the majority. However, unlike the purple haired 19 year old girl throwing bags of dog doo at Portland Cops, you know that the MSM always shapes a narrative, that it takes real money and power to obfuscate the search for JFK's killers for 57 years; that the Mark Zaids of the world exist, and other Mark Zaids of the world exist and that most will never be detected.

So, how organic are the riots now? We're they ever entirely organic since the day they started?

NPR said a militia person shot three last night in Kenosha.

Am I supposed to take NPR at its word? I guess I'm a callous cynic, but if I wasn't, the alternative is to walk around clueless, like a purple haired girl with a bag of dog doo, or purposefully intellectually dishonest, so as to protect my life's worth of world views from the stark realization that I was wrong.

I don't know what happened in Kenosha. At this point though, if NPR is going to insist on describing the 17 year old as a wannabee militia man, and the people he shot as innocent protesters, then I would be as intellectually dishonest as you in not suspecting he was protecting his own life, and the people he shot were going to kill him.

Good for the kid. How's that for callousness? You can lay the blame with NPR though. You can also lay the blame on NPR the next time some 20 year Antifa kid loses his face to a 12 gauge because he broke the wrong store window, or was part of a group that stopped the wrong car out of a lack appreciation for the drivers unwillingness to put up with this xxxx any longer.

The police have been told to stand down. Ordinary people are arming themselves like the next Civil War is coming. They are done with idiotic mask mandates, closed businesses, and gutter punk posers smashing windows. The Antifa kids are being led to slaughter.  The DNC and MSM will try to make hay out of the blood of pasty white kids in the streets. That's the only card they have left. Buy a gun Paul. Buy bullets if you can find any for sale.


You make me laugh Robert. You assume me ignorant of media manipulation, that I cannot glean fact from fiction. Fact - guns are overwhelmingly owned by right wingers, not left. Deny that? The Kenosha kid shot 3 people and killed two. For all your words you cannot even say something like ‘if true, that is abhorrent’. Instead you obfuscate, veer the conversation into an intellectual exercise, attack the messenger. Come on Robert - show a hint of compassion.


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55 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Your thesis comes from a disingenuous place.

The best you can do is mouth the talking points of a bankrupt political party. 

Calling Trump a Racist. How novel.

My thesis comes from my own careful observations of Trump and events in the country during the past four years.

My "talking points" are entirely my own.

Now, for the third time, stop deflecting, and answer my question.

Why did Trump pressure the NFL owners to shut down the BLM protesters, and say, "This one LIFTS me?"

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Now we are seeing the criminal backgrounds of the Kenosha shooting victims.

Pretty bad stuff which some would use to dismiss or at least mitigate the 17 year old shooter's blame.

I have said many times, these BLM protests as well as other street protests are often beset with violence, perpetrated not by law abiding true believer's of these injustices and their corrections, but by vandal minded street people who are taking advantage of these police confrontation situations and carrying  them to inflamed and damaging criminal violence degrees.

This kid armed with an automatic rifle thrusts himself within feet of the often infiltrated by crazies protest crowd. Was he verbally engaged with the protesters? His carrying a big rifle is a certain trigger of tension as well.

So two of the bad characters in the crowd chase this kid down and pummel him. One using a skateboard. Another attacks this boy as well.

All three are then shot by the 17 year old.

What's wrong with this situation?  Whose right and wrong? What is the higher blame and responsibility argument?

The three that attacked the boy didn't use a gun although one was reported to have been armed with one. Their intent obviously was not to kill the boy or at least not with a certain result as with a gun.

Message to other young people in this country. Don't grab a rifle and thrust yourself into these protests...and perhaps even exchanging inflamed rhetoric with them just feet away.

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:


Because the BLM movement was hijacked by the DNC to foment a race war in the hope the violence, murder and mayhem would derail the Trump train.

Is there any other reason the DNC decided to stick with Biden?

Was there anything "Black" about the white kid shooting three other white men the other night in Kenosha?

"My thesis comes from my own careful observations of Trump and events ..."

That was just pathetic. I should trust your "careful observations" about Trump's supposed racism over Hershel Walker? Admit it, you had to suppress a vomit reflex when you typed that.

Answer my question now.

Should I trust your "careful observation" of Trump's racism over Walker's personal non-racist experiences with Trump because you are white and he is black?

Trump's racism is a matter of public record-- e.g., his Central Park Five travesty, his systemic discrimination against blacks in his New York rental properties, and his public pronouncements about "laziness" being a "trait in the blacks," Mexicans being "rapists," etc.

Trump's father, Fred, was once arrested at a KKK rally in Queens.

When Colin Kaepernick began kneeling at NFL games, Trump said, "Get that son-of-a-bitch off the field."

What's worse is that Trump explicitly viewed his attack on Kaepernick and the BLM as politically advantageous.

Hopefully, you and Herschel Walker (who played in Trump's failed USFL football league) will eventually learn the truth about Trump's strategic bigotry.

I won't hold my breath.

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Who fired first?  What was the inciting incident before Rittenhouse was chased down and attacked with the skateboard?

Rolling the whole thing back, the Kenosha PD fired on Jacob Blake first.  That was the true inciting incident.

Edited by David Andrews
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17 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

and that Serbian killed the Arch Duke.


The degrees of separation are fewer here.

The first malefactor is throwing the Molotov at a store, not at Rittenhouse.  Rittenhouse could have just run.  It wasn't his "job" to come from out of state to "protect property."

We hire police for that.  When you try to pass a counterfeit bill in Minneapolis, endangering a store, they'll kneel on your neck.

Edited by David Andrews
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Let's turn Tucker Carlson's summation inside out:

"How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?"

Substitute "protestors with weapons" for "17-year-olds with rifles."

Some people are angry for a reason, and some people are complacent for a reason.


The same Tucker Carlson diatribe contained the question, "So are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder?"  Carlson assumed that was rhetorical, but, given the circumstances of which side started shooting, mad as much sense as the Walmart shooter's claim that he did it as "a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas." 


Edited by David Andrews
For a reason.
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