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Bob Dylan song about JFK assassination

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4 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

W.  Great rendition of 'IBYBT'.  True to the original.  Bobby's performances of all the 'Rough & Rowdy' songs were true to the album.  It was his usual re-arrangements of old stuff that had me struggling to catch what song he was singing until he hit the song title line, so different were his new interpretations of old stuff.  But he's been doing that for years!

Getting back 'on-topic' I was wishing for 'Murder Most Foul' to be in the set list.  Sadly, not included.

Dylan has always had an uncanny knack for remembering his lyrics, but I would be amazed if even he could remember all of the lyrics of Murder Most Foul on stage, especially at his advanced age.

Geez, I can't even remember half of the time if I took my blood pressure pill in the morning.  🤥

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On 11/2/2022 at 4:15 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Dylan has published his first book since Chronicles.

I'll probably read this, despite the negative review here at Slate.

I noticed that U2 singer/songwriter Bono has also just published a book about his songs, which I will, most definitely, read.


Bob Dylan’s Philosophy of Modern Song is by turns brilliant, nonsensical, and misogynistic. (slate.com)

November 1, 2022

The cover of The Philosophy of Modern Song.

So, this isn't about the JFK assassination, but I wanted to report that I got a hardback copy of Dylan's new book today, and read the first few chapters, listening to the song for each chapter on YouTube as I proceeded.

There's a lot of interesting Americana from the past 70+ years, with old photographs and brief, often humorous,  Dylan commentaries about the songs and artists.

"Did Elvis know what he was singing about when he sang Tutti Frutti on the Ed Sullivan Show?"

I hadn't heard some of these songs for 30, 40, 50, or 60 years-- Without a Song, (Perry Como) The Ballad of Jesse James, Money Honey, (Elvis) and Pump It Up (Elvis Costello.)

Some of these recordings are quite obscure, like parts of the commentary.

So far, it's a fun read.

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Murder Most Foul

APR 06, 2020

Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years.
This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.
Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.
Bob Dylan

Listen to “Murder Most Foul”

bobdylan.com has published the lyrics to “Murder Most Foul.”

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In the thread about David Whelan's book Mind Games I asked why Ferncliff Cemetery was not mentioned directly as the place John Lennon was cremated. It was 20 miles outside of NYC in Westchester County...I found this odd, as his book seems to be rich in information not yet discussed...

Why would it matter where John was cremated?  For one thing, most people might be tempted to think it took place in NYC, when that was not the case. For another, the distance, to me, adds yet another agonizing leg to the terrifying odyssey John's body took after the assassination.

And here, no less, is yet another one of those odd coincidences...


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This is the post that was originally on David Whelan's thread that alludes to a possible motive in the assassination of John Lennon.  If anyone wants to discuss it, let's do that here...


Edited by Pamela Brown
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