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The President claimed Americans are flushing their toilets “10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once” 




White House staff blame President Donald Trump for blocking a toilet that was often found packed with wads of printed paper, according to a new book.


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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


----seems like the personal exemption is phased out---but for upper-income taxpayers....

It was in 2017.

Once Trump's tax cut(for the wealthy) was enacted, the exemption was eliminated thereafter.


"What Are Personal Exemptions?

Personal exemptions generally allow taxpayers to claim themselves (and possibly their spouse) on their tax returns.

Before the TCJA took effect, the personal exemption was $4,050. You could cut $4,050 off your taxable income for yourself, as well as $4,050 for your spouse, and for each of your dependents.1 A married couple with three children could subtract $20,250—$4,050 times five—from their taxable income before claiming the standard deduction for their filing status or itemizing.2

However, while the $4,050 per person is lost at least through the end of the 2025 tax year, claiming dependents can still save you tax dollars. The TCJA also more or less doubled standard deductions over what they were prior, so your tax situation might remain at least somewhat the same if you’re eligible to claim these other tax breaks."


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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

One of the oddities of the Trump tax cuts was the large increase---doubling---in the personal standard deduction, a meaningful cut for the middle class. 


Earth to Ben... 🤥

Benefits of GOP-Trump Framework Tilted Toward the Richest Taxpayers in Each  State – ITEP


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Trump law breaking reveal number 1,476 ...


House oversight panel chairwoman Carolyn Maloney on Thursday said she was "deeply concerned" the records were not promptly turned over to the National Archives when Trump's term ended in January 2021 "and that they appear to have been removed from the White House in violation of the Presidential Records Act."

Maloney said she was also concerned by recent media reports that Trump "repeatedly attempted to destroy presidential records, which could constitute additional serious violations" of the law, which requires the preservation of written communications related to the president's official duties.

Separately, a report on Thursday said that White House staff periodically found documents clogging Trump's toilet in the White House during his tenure.

"Staff in the White House would periodically find the toilet clogged" and would then find "wads of clumped up, wet printed paper ... either notes or some other piece of paper that they believe he had thrown down the toilet," in his bathroom, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman told CNN, citing reporting in her forthcoming book and adding it was unclear what types of documents were found.

In a statement, Trump acknowledged the boxes of records were transported to the Archives after "discussions" he called "collaborative" and said he had been told he "was under no obligation" to hand over any White House materials, though he did not say who gave him that directive.

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58 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

America. You gotta love it.

It's the only country in the world where being a Roto-Rooter man requires Top Secret Security clearance.

Steve Thomas


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Maybe big man Trump just needed extra toilet paper so he grabbed whatever documents he could for this?

LBJ used to leave his bathroom door open while still conversing with some of his Oval Office visitors. They could hear his ... doings?   Egads!

And don't forget Dallas FBI agent James Hosty following his boss's orders and dumping Oswald file papers down their toilets as well, right after Ruby whacked LHO.



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