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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Keep in mind....

One reason to study the JFKA is the assassination itself, and another is to learn how national security state and affiliated media and public-office holders manipulate events and the "news."

Keep in mind the globalists and national security state loathed, detested and reviled Trump even before he took office.  The former acting director of the CIA penned an editorial on Trump, which ran in the NYT--even before Trump was president--defining him a national security risk. 

"Opinion | I Ran the CIA Now I'm Endorsing Hillary Clinton.

https://www.nytimes.com › Opinion › Campaign Stops

Aug 5, 2559 BE — She is well prepared to be our commander in chief. Donald Trump, in contrast, is a national security threat."


So, there you have Micheal Morell, former acting director of the CIA (the new Donk hero-agency) defining Trump as a "national security threat" when Trump had not yet won the national election.

Then the NYT-CIA ran this:

"Opinion | Trump's Dangerous Anti-CIA Crusade - The New ...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2017/01/06 › trumps-dange...

Jan 6, 2560 BE — His attacks on the agency aren't just bad for the agency. They threaten our national security."


Yes, the agency that perhaps iced JFK says Trump is the national security threat, the same CIA that committed horrors in Vietnam that are nearly unspeakable, then played a key role in promoting the Iraqistan catastrophe....says Trump is the national security threat.  

And you believe it! 

How much treasure and life was wasted with CIA leadership? How much weaker today is America, thanks to globalism? 

You guys never even wonder about this? Why do the globalists and affiliated media so loathe the populists? 

The Canadian truckers are fringe racists, who fly swastikas. There was an insurrection on 1/6. The Wuhan lab leak was a CT'er idea that had to be censored. You are a racist if you think the Wuhan lab leak happened. 

Go ahead, obsess about Trump. But you are barking up a bonsai tree in a redwood forest. 

If Trump disappears it hardly matters to me. The guy was buffoonish.

But the globalists will still be running the Donks and most of the 'Phants, taxing heavily to maintain a globalized, mobilized military, and importing as much cheap product and labor as they can.  

Partisan politics produces useful idiots. 




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10 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

It was in 2017.

Once Trump's tax cut(for the wealthy) was enacted, the exemption was eliminated thereafter.


"What Are Personal Exemptions?

Personal exemptions generally allow taxpayers to claim themselves (and possibly their spouse) on their tax returns.

Before the TCJA took effect, the personal exemption was $4,050. You could cut $4,050 off your taxable income for yourself, as well as $4,050 for your spouse, and for each of your dependents.1 A married couple with three children could subtract $20,250—$4,050 times five—from their taxable income before claiming the standard deduction for their filing status or itemizing.2

However, while the $4,050 per person is lost at least through the end of the 2025 tax year, claiming dependents can still save you tax dollars. The TCJA also more or less doubled standard deductions over what they were prior, so your tax situation might remain at least somewhat the same if you’re eligible to claim these other tax breaks."


Too complicated for me. 

Hey, I am for totally eliminating the income tax, and going to a national property tax, a national fuels tax, perhaps a national sales tax, and heavy import tariffs. 

But, my way is not on the highway....


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    Newsflash.   Time for more remedial reading.  In reality, the corporate M$M played a major role in helping Donald Trump get, improbably, elected in 2016.*  Cliff Varnell often posted that Harvard/Berman/CJR evidence here on the Education Forum during the past four years, before you joined the forum, and started posting Rupert Murdoch's daily Fox "news" disinformation. 🤥

     (BTW, do you ever study the references that the forum posts for you?  Asking for a friend.)

     I recall discussing the puzzling NYT and WaPo sabotage of Hillary Clinton during the summer and fall of 2016 on another forum.  My theory in 2016 was that the corporate M$M sabotage of Hillary was mainly about money-- income and corporate tax cuts. Corporate CEOs knew in 2016 that Hillary would not cut top income tax rates or corporate taxes, and might, possibly, raise, them as Bill Clinton did in 1993.

     If you want to understand Koch/GOP politics, follow the Benjamins.  It ain't rocket science, dude.

    The bogus Trump/Fox narrative about Trump being a victim of the Deep State only emerged in the right wing media in 2017 as part of the cover up of Trump's ties to Putin-- Spygate, Obamagate, Nunes Memo, etc.

* https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/election_coverage_2020_trump.php  

* https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2019-10/embarrassing-epilogue-medias-obsession-hillary-clintons-emails

Edited by W. Niederhut
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38 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Newsflash.   Time for more remedial reading.  In reality, the corporate M$M played a major role in helping Donald Trump get, improbably, elected in 2016.*  Cliff Varnell often posted that Harvard/Berman/CJR evidence here on the Education Forum during the past four years, before you joined the forum, and started posting Rupert Murdoch's daily Fox "news" disinformation. 🤥

     (BTW, do you ever study the references that the forum posts for you?  Asking for a friend.)

     I recall discussing the puzzling NYT and WaPo sabotage of Hillary Clinton during the summer and fall of 2016 on another forum.  My theory in 2016 was that the corporate M$M sabotage of Hillary was mainly about money-- income and corporate tax cuts. Corporate CEOs knew in 2016 that Hillary would not cut top income tax rates or corporate taxes, and might, possibly, raise, them as Bill Clinton did in 1993.

     If you want to understand Koch/GOP politics, follow the Benjamins.  It ain't rocket science, dude.

    The bogus Trump/Fox narrative about Trump being a victim of the Deep State only emerged in the right wing media in 2017 as part of the cover up of Trump's ties to Putin-- Spygate, Obamagate, Nunes Memo, etc.

* https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/election_coverage_2020_trump.php  

* https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2019-10/embarrassing-epilogue-medias-obsession-hillary-clintons-emails


I prefer not to ask people's political affiliations, just like their religions, or sexual preferences.

But are you a registered Democrat, are you a member of the Democratic Party and have you contributed money to the Democratic Party? 

You seem to apply a heavily partisan slant to everything....

Trump is out. Do you think Biden will challenge the CIA in the way the Trump did?  Why or why not? 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I prefer not to ask people's political affiliations, just like their religions, or sexual preferences.

But are you a registered Democrat, are you a member of the Democratic Party and have you contributed money to the Democratic Party? 

You seem to apply a heavily partisan slant to everything....

Trump is out. Do you think Biden will challenge the CIA in the way the Trump did?  Why or why not? 

I'm not W or from Colorado which I love but . . .  I like Ray Wylie Hubbard . . . 


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"The H5N1 bird flu virus could change into a form able to spread rapidly between humans, scientists have warned. Researchers have identified five genetic changes that could allow the virus to start a deadly pandemic."Jun 21, 2555 BE

Bird flu 'could mutate to cause deadly human pandemic' - BBC


CHICAGO, Feb 9 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian flu in an Indiana turkey flock on Wednesday, the nation's first case in a commercial poultry operation since 2020.


So...bird flu could become highly pathogenic and mutate, so as to infect and kill humans. Flocks being culled. 

Regarding minks, 17 million were culled in Denmark, on fears C19 would mutate and feed back into humans. 

But C19 found in deer, pigs, cats and dogs. Scientists are concerned C19 could mutate in animal host populations, become highly pathogenic, and feed back into humans. 

The Biden-DHS on Feb. 7  said you should be prepared for terrorist explosions.


 I am putting sandbags around my house.

Should we euthanize all the deer in Colorado? 



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20 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I prefer not to ask people's political affiliations, just like their religions, or sexual preferences.

But are you a registered Democrat, are you a member of the Democratic Party and have you contributed money to the Democratic Party? 

You seem to apply a heavily partisan slant to everything....

Trump is out. Do you think Biden will challenge the CIA in the way the Trump did?  Why or why not? 


     As I mentioned earlier on this thread, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 primaries.  On the "Political Compass" rating scale, I score slightly left of center.  


       I have donated money to progressive Democrats during the past 50 years, including Jerry Brown in '76, Gary Hart in '84, and Bernie Sanders since 2016.  I also like Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke, and AOC.  I have also donated money to environmental activists, and was a member of Ralph Nader's Rhode Island Public Interest Research Group (RIPIRG) in college in the 70s.

      I suspect that I ended up on the FBI No-Fly list after 9/11 because of my involvement in a student movement to end apartheid and free Mandela by urging my college alma mater to divest in South African stocks in the 70s.  Never figured that one out, but the Mexican police pulled me out of a long line of passengers at the Cancun Airport in January of 2002 after scanning my passport. (My wife and daughters were really frightened by that incident.)

     On macro-economic issues I'm a Keynesian, and I believe that Republican, "supply side" tax cuts for the wealthy since the 1980s (2001, 2003, 2017) have been a disaster for the American people-- a "trickle down" plutocratic scam.  Paul Krugman and Thomas Piketty are, generally, on target.

     But my posts here on the Education Forum about American history, economics, science, and current events are based on reality-- documented facts and references.

     Your attempt to dismiss them as "partisan" politics is another false narrative.

      I have often said here on the forum, long before you joined, that JFK was the last POTUS who tried to stand up to the CIA and the MIC.  I was bitterly disappointed after 2008 when Obama retained Robert Gates at the DOD and acquiesced in the phony, post-9/11 Bush/Cheney/Neocon "War on Terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen.

      You may recall that Obama and Bernie Sanders were among the few who had opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.  Are you also aware that your hero, Rupert Murdoch, and Fox News were the most ardent boosters of the Iraq War in 2003?  That Murdoch later boasted about his role in promoting the Iraq War debacle?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low.
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know.
When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said:
"Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head"



Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     As I mentioned earlier on this thread, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 primaries.  On the "Political Compass" rating scale, I score slightly left of center.  


       I have donated money to progressive Democrats during the past 50 years, including Jerry Brown in '76, Gary Hart in '84, and Bernie Sanders since 2016.  I also like Elizabeth Warren, Beto O'Rourke, and AOC.  I have also donated money to environmental activists, and was a member of Ralph Nader's Rhode Island Public Interest Research Group (RIPIRG) in college in the 70s.

      I suspect that I ended up on the FBI No-Fly list after 9/11 because of my involvement in a student movement to end apartheid and free Mandela by urging my college alma mater to divest in South African stocks in the 70s.  Never figured that one out, but the Mexican police pulled me out of a long line of passengers at the Cancun Airport in January of 2002 after scanning my passport. (My wife and daughters were really frightened by that incident.)

     On macro-economic issues I'm a Keynesian, and I believe that Republican, "supply side" tax cuts for the wealthy since the 1980s (2001, 2003, 2017) have been a disaster for the American people-- a "trickle down" plutocratic scam.  Paul Krugman and Thomas Piketty are, generally, on target.

     But my posts here on the Education Forum about American history, economics, science, and current events are based on reality-- documented facts and references.

     Your attempt to dismiss them to "partisan" politics is another false narrative.

      I have often said here on the forum, long before you joined, that JFK was the last POTUS who tried to stand up to the CIA and the MIC.  I was bitterly disappointed after 2008 when Obama retained Robert Gates at the DOD and acquiesced in the phony, post-9/11 Bush/Cheney/Neocon "War on Terror" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen.

      You may recall that Obama and Bernie Sanders were among the few who had opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.  Are you also aware that your hero, Rupert Murdoch, and Fox News were the most ardent boosters of the Iraq War in 2003?  That Murdoch later boasted about his role in promoting the Iraq War debacle?

I wish to associate myself with your perceptive comments above. It will be a close call whether our country will exist in five years but you can take heart that you did all that you could to preserve America. The nation's Founding Fathers would be proud of you and would admire your steadfastness.

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31 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I wish to associate myself with your perceptive comments above. It will be a close call whether our country will exist in five years but you can take heart that you did all that you could to preserve America. The nation's Founding Fathers would be proud of you and would admire your steadfastness.

Thank you, Mr. Caddy.

Coming from you, that means a lot to me.

At times, I tend to over react to the daily deluge of false and distorted narratives in the media nowadays. 

It makes me angry, because, in my opinion, mass propaganda and lies are destroying the fabric of our society.

Not sure what any of us can really do about the problem, other than trying to speak the truth in our small corner(s) of the universe.

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