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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Ben thgis is the
1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

David A-

There seems to be a lot in the M$M intended to make Americans afraid and divided. 

Be afraid of domestic subversives and foreign enemies. 

The Biden-DHS says that, regarding your home, workplace or house of worship:


(Well, OK, the Bidenites have trouble speaking proper English, but let that go. Trump was worse.)


BTW, sandbags are excellent and cheap in protecting you, your home or business, and to "mitigate the use of explosives." 

Friends, pile up the sandbags! 

Ben , You've circulated this now 3 times. None of us citizens weigh through this government crap, or take it very seriously..This is what I meant  when I said earlier that people from other countries can't filter out the "noise" from American life  outside of an isolated, agitated  bloke from Thailand, who could know?

You're the one most alarmed.  I'm wondering how many more posts you're going to obsess about the deer virus. I'm almost hoping it happens, and get it over with , so we don't have to hear about it anymore.  Now is that sick?


heh heh heh!

Hey I didn't start it!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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15 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Ben , You've circulated this now 3 times. None of us citizens weigh through this government crap, or take it very seriously..This is what I meant  when I said earlier that people from other countries can't filter out the "noise" from American life  outside of an isolated, agitated  bloke from Thailand, who could know?

You're the one most alarmed.  I'm wondering how many more posts you're going to obsess about the deer virus. I'm almost hoping it happens , so we don't have to hear about it anymore.  Now is that sick?


heh heh heh!

Hey I didn't start it!


Kirk, I think we're concerned about the people who will read it, and believe it and act on it.

Things were more civil before the Civil War, and look what happened...

Edited by David Andrews
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On 2/13/2022 at 2:39 PM, Richard Price said:

Matt, that is my opinion as well.  To me, the real question is, if you charge him, can you even get close to convicting him.  With so many willing to do anything, say anything and ignore anything for him.  Can you get 12 jurors who will truly be looking at the actual facts as opposed to his set of artificial facts.  I'm not sold on that.  He only needs one (1) corrupt (ed) person on that jury and he will use whatever amount of money is necessary to find/buy that person.  He and his lawyers are quite adept at finding the weak link in any chain.  He has been charged before, and even convicted and ordered to pay restitution.  He ignores the punishment because, for him there are no teeth in the enforcement.  He will simply spin the story, start a new con and use the law and lawyers to prolong his ventures.  I think we have reached the end of our exercise in being a democratic republic in either event.  If a prosecution fails to convict, the message = there is no penalty.  If no prosecution is made, the same message = there is no penalty.  We are in a catch-22.  Once almost half your population doesn't understand/comprehend truth or the extent to which this republic and the rule of law has been stressed and stretched, the odds of finding 12 good men and true are infinitesimal.

Yes, Richard and Matt, they do discuss that in the broadcast. The matter of trust.

This is a crossroads..
We're really seeing with Trump what the powerful can expect to get away with. And after the New York investigation we'll see how the tax system is rigged for the wealthy to not pay tax. But we do already know that, with Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, (he finally chose to pay some tax after selling stock) and many others. They're some politicians like Sanders and Warren who are talking bad about them but no ones going after them. The IRS cites limited agents and resources as reason for going after the middle class this year! The system is rotten to the core, the powerful will never hold each other responsible, and the mass of people just can't get interested about it. Trump could be a poster boy for how evil  and corrupt the system is but a 40% of the people either don't see it or are willing to forgive it.
r/PoliticalHumor - To Siberia they all should go!


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Bianca Gracia, a candidate for a Texas Senate seat, recently warned pastors that if they don't vote for her, they'll be held accountable by God because he "appointed" her for the State Senate position.
On Wednesday, Gracia told Christopher McDonald, host of The McFiles, that she told "some pastors" during a recent conversation that she'll only win if the "church shows up." If Christians don't rally around her, she said she told the pastors that they'll be held "accountable" because God "appointed and assigned" her the position.

Qualifications? Who needs qualifications when you've got that going for you?

PS: Please send me all your money to PO Box...

I was assigned, don't you know.

Steve Thomas

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Trump supporters invoke Beelzebub to argue against Michigan GOP's plan to count ballots: report

by Bob Brigham February 15, 2022


“"Conspiracy theories peddled by some Michigan Republicans and allies of former President Donald Trump about voting machines in 2020 have come home to roost," the Detroit Free Press reported Tuesday. "For years, the party has used voting tabulators to count the ballots at its conventions. GOP leaders advocated for the continued use of tabulating machines. But Republicans who champion debunked theories about voting machines — fantastical claims of vote switching, counting half of a vote or hacked tabulators — want the ballots counted by hand this time. The party is compromising: they’ll use tabulators, but a newly created 27-person audit committee will review the results by hand immediately after the machine count."

One group opposed to the plan invoked Satan.

"Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections — one of many groups pushing for a so-called "forensic audit" of the 2020 election — has blasted the GOP plan. 'Grassroots groups would sooner stare into the glowering, red eyes of Beelzebub than to allow a Dominion, ESS, or Hart tabulator to run its lecherous paws over their sacred ballots,' reads a recent email from the group, referring to companies that manufacture ballot tabulators targeted by Republican election conspiracies," the newspaper reported.”


Lecherous paws of Beezebub?

Oh, dear God.

Steve Thomas

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17 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I'm more worried about politicians authorizing Americans to kill each other.

Like Gym Jordan, for instance?  🤥

Congressman echoes Trump’s claim that Clinton aides deserved to die

Jim Jordan’s statement on Fox News is another example of violent rhetoric entering the Republican mainstream, analysts say

February 14, 2022

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Jim Jordan is one of the Congressman most likely to see the inside of a jail cell, IMO.


Jordan is a major sociopath, and a major Trump enabler in the House.

You probably saw the recent story about Jordan's 10 minute phone call with Trump on January 6th, which he allegedly couldn't remember-- just as he couldn't remember any sexual abuse in the gym at Ohio State... 🤥

jim jordan Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Like Gym Jordan, for instance?  🤥

Congressman echoes Trump’s claim that Clinton aides deserved to die

Jim Jordan’s statement on Fox News is another example of violent rhetoric entering the Republican mainstream, analysts say

February 14, 2022


Get a protest song ready for everybody's funeral:


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From Newsweek, hitherto sort of CIA-lib mouthpiece-- 

Is the Durham Filing the Smoking Gun That Undoes Hillary Clinton?

Perhaps the Clintons, who are smart and extremely well-connected (think establishment globalists), managed to weaponize part of the Deep State against a rival pol.  They used cut outs, and possibly lawyers, who have attorney-client privilege, to effect the bogus Trump-Russia narrative. 
Well, that would not be the first time the Deep State helped to torpedo a political candidate or office holder. 
(This does not mean Trump is a nice guy, or that the Koch brothers are saintly. It only means the Clintons weaponized the Deep State against a political rival. I would hope people in the JFKA would be interested in the ongoing role of the Deep State in politics--whether or not it goes against the Donks or the 'Phants.)
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