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9 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Whew!  Jeff How are you? You've certainly been in the news cycle for the last couple of weeks up there in the Great White North!  I thought I saw you on TV at  the Windsor Bridge! Were you the dude with the Maga hat and the Confederate flag? We're on pins and needles. Tell me your thoughts about that Fascist Trudeau!.

heh heh                  a joke


I think Jeff might be the trucker who was wearing that "Humungus" mask in Ottawa last weekend. 🤥

(He moonlights as a freelance writer for Russia Today.)



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14 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

An “imminent Russian invasion” was part of the news cycle last spring as well. The current prediction first hit the headlines on October 30, so that’s about 110 consecutive days of “imminence” and counting  In other words it already is a staged crisis and has been for months - at least in the western press and most hysterically in the same Anglo NATO countries (USA, UK, Canada) who facilitated the 2014 coup in Ukraine which started all the trouble in the first place.

A longstanding axiom describes NATO’S purpose as keeping the Germans “in” and the Russians “out”. Much of the hype over the “imminent Russian invasion” is a contemporary expression of that axiom, and the actual target of all this is the German-Russian pipeline project known as Nordstream 2.

I’m with you on this one, to the consternation of nearly all my friends. Gulf of Tonkin type incident has been well prepared rhetorically. Biden is even saying that Putin is planning a false flag event. The US says that missiles stationed in Poland are meant to protect against Iranian missiles. A simple look at a map shows that Moscow is so much closer. NATO is the problem here, not Putin. 


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17 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Would anyone like to dive into the Ukraine situation?

my take is that the worst thing Putin could do is mount a Ukraine invasion. I’m having a kind of deja vu reaction to the news. Are we about to see a staged crisis?

I have an Aussie pal who speaks Russian and is a geopolitics buff, he has followed it all closely. He said if there is going to be a false-flag by the west, it’ll happen very soon. There has been shelling in the past 24 hours. 

The news in the UK is running some very heavy propaganda. We’re seeing a lot that is staged. 

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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m with you on this one, to the consternation of nearly all my friends. Gulf of Tonkin type incident has been well prepared rhetorically. Biden is even saying that Putin is planning a false flag event. The US says that missiles stationed in Poland are meant to protect against Iranian missiles. A simple look at a map shows that Moscow is so much closer. NATO is the problem here, not Putin. 


Paul B-

Putin strikes me as a thug. 

That said, the longstanding American tradition is to pick the losing side in any serious conflict. We did win in Grenada. 

That is bad news for the Ukrainians. 


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21 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Would anyone like to dive into the Ukraine situation?

my take is that the worst thing Putin could do is mount a Ukraine invasion. I’m having a kind of deja vu reaction to the news. Are we about to see a staged crisis?


    My take is that Putin is a very shrewd, KGB-educated, judo expert whose main objective is to preserve and expand the hegemony of the Russian empire.  He's a nationalist, with a cadre of skilled military, intelligence and propaganda experts at his beck and call (and not only in Russia.)

     And let's not forget that Putin is, basically, a dictator-- a man who has murdered or imprisoned journalists and political opposition leaders.  He is openly contemptuous of liberal, Western democracy, and he rules over a society that has never experienced it.  Russia only liberated their serfs-- the vast majority of their population-- in the 1860s.  Then their aristocrats, intelligentsia, and kulaks were all murdered or exiled by the Bolsheviks.

    It's true that NATO has been aggressively encroaching on the former Soviet empire during the past 30 years, but the notion that NATO is planning some sort of military attack on the Russian Federation is absurd, IMO.

    Nevertheless, if Putin feels threatened by NATO expansion, why not negotiate a halt to the misguided process, rather than precipitating a military occupation of Ukraine?  It's a dangerous, tragic game.

    If there is a false flag, and military attack, it will be launched by Putin.

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27 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    My take is that Putin is a very shrewd, KGB-educated, judo expert whose main objective is to preserve and expand the hegemony of the Russian empire.  He's a nationalist, with a cadre of skilled military, intelligence and propaganda experts at his beck and call (and not only in Russia.)

     And let's not forget that Putin is, basically, a dictator-- a man who has murdered or imprisoned journalists and political opposition leaders.  He is openly contemptuous of liberal, Western democracy, and he rules over a society that has never experienced it.  Russia only liberated their serfs-- the vast majority of their population-- in the 1860s.  Then their aristocrats, intelligentsia, and kulaks were all murdered or exiled by the Bolsheviks.

    It's true that NATO has been aggressively encroaching on the former Soviet empire during the past 30 years, but the notion that NATO is planning some sort of military attack on the Russian Federation is absurd, IMO.

    Nevertheless, if Putin feels threatened by NATO expansion, why not negotiate a halt to the misguided process, rather than precipitating a military occupation of Ukraine?  It's a dangerous, tragic game.

    If there is a false flag, and military attack, it will be launched by Putin.

Why not negotiate a halt to NATO expansion? Isnt that what Putin is asking for? 

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13 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Why not negotiate a halt to NATO expansion? Isnt that what Putin is asking for? 

Agreed, Paul.  That's what I meant when I wrote, "if Putin feels threatened by NATO expansion, why not negotiate a halt to the misguided process?"

I suppose that could constitute "appeasement," and Biden would be denounced as a Neville Chamberlain, but it would be worth the effort if it prevented a bloody invasion of Ukraine.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

My take is that Putin is a very shrewd, KGB-educated, judo expert whose main objective is to preserve and expand the hegemony of the Russian empire...

     And let's not forget that Putin is, basically, a dictator-- a man who has murdered or imprisoned journalists and political opposition leaders.  He is openly contemptuous of liberal, Western democracy, and he rules over a society that has never experienced it... 

Not that I would offer unsolicited advice but … if you dropped the comic-book supervillain framework then the world might seem a bit more comprehensible.

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1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

Not that I would offer unsolicited advice but … if you dropped the comic-book supervillain framework then the world might seem a bit more comprehensible.

If you have evidence that Putin isn't a former KGB, judo-proficient, journalist-killing dictator that said the end of the USSR was "the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century", I'm certainly all ears.

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8 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m with you on this one, to the consternation of nearly all my friends. Gulf of Tonkin type incident has been well prepared rhetorically. Biden is even saying that Putin is planning a false flag event. The US says that missiles stationed in Poland are meant to protect against Iranian missiles. A simple look at a map shows that Moscow is so much closer. NATO is the problem here, not Putin. 


Paul, I didn't see Jeff making any specific predictions of hostilities or war, but he alleges an economic  motive from the West.

I'm not sure what good missiles will do in Poland if you're not going to use them. Do you think they would? Maybe another chip to remove in the future. It's hard to see circumstances in the future where Nato would dare to admit Ukraine in.

Despite the escalation in rhetoric, and the anticipant verbal chess playing. I tend to think nothings going to happen. That is, the Russians won't invade , so Nato won't invade, if they were ever going to. . They seem to be playing up these hostilities that have been going on in Donbass. I suppose we'll see soon about that.


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