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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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8 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I've seen a few old school lefties come to there senses. When they do, and in particular if they have some level of celebrity, they are probably the most effective at red-pilling the blue masses.

Remember when John Stewart questioned the origin of the Chyna virus a few months ago?

Bill Maher has been short-circuiting the automatons for a few months now on issues ranging from tranny's ruining female sports to the excess vaccine deaths.

Jimmy Dore escaped from the Libtard plantation more than two years ago. 

The two biggest influencers in my sphere got involved because they were Bernie backers and they did not like it when the DNC railroaded his 2016 nomination run.

In fact, one of these guys I know did a lot of volunteer work for Obama in 2012, like driving VIPs around. He was (still is) a semi-retired lawyer who still considers himself a Lefty in the old-hippy sense (he is a musician too) who would have laughed at the idea of ever voting "R" ten years ago.

The list of "old" Leftys or just Leftys ("old" to me implies old enough to have participated in the 1960s movements) is pretty substantial and growing.

Aside from Stewart, Maher and Dore, (the comic contingent) you have Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Naomi Wolf, and Bari Weiss (journalists) off the top of my head. 

In the world of academics and activism, Eric, and to a greater extent, his younger brother Brett Weinstein have become fully Red Pilled. Brett Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist who was a devout lefty of "the academy" until his name was dragged through the mud and career destroyed for daring to bow to insane levels of wokeness at Evergreen College. (I never miss his Darkhorse Podcast; on much of which he talks about non-political issues, like how rattlesnakes evolved rattles, or why humans have a high affinity for hot saunas but a low affinity for freezing water. In fact, I learned just yesterday that the average humans physiological capacity to hold their breath is four times long than their ability to hold their breath, to side track.)

The absolute king of Red Pilled lefties is Robert F. Kennedy Jr..

As the last relevant Kennedy, his absolute destruction of Dr. Fauci has no doubt caused a level of cognitive dissonance among covid cultists their brains have started to bleed. (Alternatively, the vax has caused their brains to bleed, but I'm sure you get the point.) 

I think Jim Dieugenio said here, or on some other forum that RFK Jrs. book about Fauci looked like a worthwhile read. It was like he just discovered RFK Jr. had issues with Fauci with the publication of the book. Meanwhile, RFK Jr. had been criss-crossing the planet for the previous 18-moinths warning about Fauci and the Covid cults duplicity and eventually put it in book form.

In large part, I agree with the host of highly intelligent observers you cite here.

Here is the the key point: the Matt Taibbis. Glenn Greenwalds, and Brett Weinstein are truth-seekers, and skeptics. 

It is necessary to be skeptical---not cynical, or hateful---in evaluating any Administration, and especially the role of the globalist Deep State.

The role of M$M in "debunking" the Wuhan lab leak, and then censoring alternative viewpoints....a case study. 

I have no antipathy to Joe Biden or rank-and-file Donks, or Trumpers, or 'Phants. Or Trump for that matter. 

I am skeptical of the motives of the two major parties, and the role globalist money plays in US policymaking. 

On a practical immediate level, we have seen both the Trump family and Biden family accept millions of dollars from foreign interests. It may be legal grifting, but is hardly comforting. 

The upshot: President Biden, representative of the US public, fist-bumps MBS. 

Trump might have done the same thing. 

This is exemplary US foreign-policy in action: A fist-bump for MBS.  

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Wisconsin Special Counsel Finds ‘Widespread Election Fraud’ In 2020 Nursing Homes

We could do this all day. No need, so I won't. It all worked out in the end.

Huh?  You're using Michael Gableman as a reference, Rob? 

Geez... You really know how to pick 'em... 🤥

As I said above, I'm talking about actual voter fraud, not the ubiquitous Republican disinformation on the subject.


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Egads. Even the Donk-Deep State mouthpiece Daily Beast is savaging Joe Biden....

How Biden’s Naïve Saudi Trip Could Cost Him the Midterms


Biden made the humiliating pilgrimage to Jeddah desperate for concessions that would isolate Putin and reduce gas prices back home. He came home with nothing.

A. Craig Copetas



I don't think the American public votes on this issue, so the Daily Beast may be engaging in hyperbole.

But the optics of the MBS fist-bump are so ugly even the Daily Beasters are putting on their adult diapers.  

One has to ask: Did Biden agree to the fist-bump in advance...or was he unaware of what he was doing, and who he was fist-bumping? 

Oddly enough...about the only other American on the planet who would fist-bump MBS would be Trump, and that is only a maybe....

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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9 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Don't forget Sasquatch. I bet you've got some "legitimate" Bigfoot content for us as well.

Don't diss BigFoot!

Remember what they said about UFOs....

(In truth, I doubt BigFoot. Although my Uncle Jerry has been missing for a couple decades, and might be responsible for some recent sightings....) 

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14 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


Or, as I like to call them, the military tech that keeps us safe from Putin or China nuking us.

Doesn't this go back to WWII German technology we appropriated after the war?

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"This viscous animal who has poisoned our Democracy".  "This is not a Republican Party anymore.  It's a cult".

90 years old, a Wyoming senator for 18 years.  Liz Cheney needs his support.

Trump 'Vicious Animal' Who 'Poisoned Democracy': Ex-GOP Sen. Alan Simpson (msn.com)

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55 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Doesn't this go back to WWII German technology we appropriated after the war?

That's definitely how I think it all started, Ron. The Germans were working on some really sophisticated stuff and when we got it out of there it stayed classified. That eventually led to Skunkworks, and on and on...

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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Egads. Even the Donk-Deep State mouthpiece Daily Beast is savaging Joe Biden....

How Biden’s Naïve Saudi Trip Could Cost Him the Midterms


Biden made the humiliating pilgrimage to Jeddah desperate for concessions that would isolate Putin and reduce gas prices back home. He came home with nothing.

A. Craig Copetas



I don't think the American public votes on this issue, so the Daily Beast may be engaging in hyperbole.

But the optics of the MBS fist-bump are so ugly even the Daily Beasters are putting on their adult diapers.  

One has to ask: Did Biden agree to the fist-bump in advance...or was he unaware of what he was doing, and who he was fist-bumping? 

Oddly enough...about the only other American on the planet who would fist-bump MBS would be Trump, and that is only a maybe....


This is what I mean by spam.

!)Fist bump story now posted by Ben, for the fifth time now, Ben?

2)Completely unoriginal, Trite, Completely stolen from ABC, CBS, NBC,FOX,CNN. actually emptily emulating  MSM! It's already everywhere.

Daily Beast: Obligatory mention of the "Deep State" and yet again emulating it by using it as a source!

3, Trying to compensate for lack of content by hyping with   HUGE LETTERS!

4. And lastly, It could be as much of a non story as Biden pulling out of Afghanistan. Do you remember that? This is a story that the MSM plays up but in reality the only staying power it has at all is among ideologues and most people are more concerned about personal things like inflation. Unfortunate as that may be.

Total effect on Mid Term Congressional Races-----Zero.

The real issue is not that Biden went to the Saudis to get better cooperation to help him lower domestic oil prices and ended up acknowledging  a despot. It's that he hasn't chosen instead to put a windfall tax on the oil companies making record profits and then reimbursing the public. That's where Biden failed. But the corporate state emerges unscathed. Rehashing the MSM hype is is just a diversion. That's the real story.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


This is what I mean by spam.

!)Fist bump story now posted by Ben, for the fifth time now, Ben?

2)Completely unoriginal, Trite, Completely stolen from ABC, CBS, NBC,FOX,CNN. actually emptily emulating  MSM! It's already everywhere.

Daily Beast: Obligatory mention of the "Deep State" and yet again emulating it by using it as a source!

3, Trying to compensate for lack of content by hyping with   HUGE LETTERS!

4. And lastly, It could be as much of a non story as Biden pulling out of Afghanistan. Do you remember that? This is a story that the MSM plays up but in reality the only staying power it has at all is among ideologues and most people are more concerned about personal things like inflation. Unfortunate as that may be.

Total effect on Mid Term Congressional Races-----Zero.

The real issue is not that Biden went to the Saudis to get better cooperation to help him lower domestic oil prices and ended up acknowledging  a despot. It's that he hasn't chosen instead to put a windfall tax on the oil companies making record profits and then reimbursing the public. That's where Biden failed. But the corporate state emerges unscathed. Rehashing the MSM hype is is just a diversion. That's the real story.


Thanks for your comments. 

I have noticed some anti-Trump comments on this forum as well.

Perhaps you can tally up the repetitious anti-Trump posts, and provide us with a report. 

I posted the Daily Beast story as an example of how the "hip left" is now willing to turn on Biden, and how the MBS fist-bump has played so poorly all across the board. I suspect the first-bump will remembered as an iconic low moment in US diplomacy.

If there is any upside to the infamous MBS fist-bump, it is that fist-bumping will now be declasse, and ebb from the public scene. 

I think you are right; few Americans will vote on the fist-bump. But more Americans will stop fist-bumping. I mean, if even the obtuse Biden fist-bumps with the murderer MBS, then the social utility of the fist-bump has dropped to zero, or even negative numbers. 

But more importantly where do you stand on BigFoot? I suppose you will join Matt in dismissing BigFoot. Have you ever dressed up in a gorilla suit and ran around the woods? 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Glenn Greenwald's perspective...you think it is true? The Donk Party wants Joe Biden out? 

"The legacy media has taken a hostile turn against President Biden in recent months between questioning his fitness and casting doubt on a re-election bid, but independent journalist Glenn Greenwald believes news organizations do not necessarily want to take him down ahead of 2024 but rather Democrats themselves. 

"The concerns about his cognitive decline emanated not from supporters of Bernie Sanders nor from supporters of Donald Trump, they came from these kinds of inside DC strategists and operatives who in 2019 were petrified that Biden would win the Democratic nomination basically by inertia—through name recognition, from having been Obama's vice president. And they were deeply worried that he was not capable of sustaining the rigors of a campaign. And they were the ones sounding the alarm in 2019 that he's not the same Joe Biden," Greenwald told Fox News in an interview last week. "And he ended up winning despite that and never had to test himself with the rigors of the campaign things to the COVID pandemic where he got to basically just speak from his basement and speak to a few friendly interviewers. So we'll never have known whether that they were right. They're the ones who are concerned about it."

"And you know, we're now three or four years later and the decline is palpable. I mean, you know, everyone who has a grandparent recognizes what's going on with Joe Biden, on top of which they're likely to get destroyed in the 2022 midterm election because he's become the single most unpopular president in post-World War Two history for a first-term midterm president. So obviously, Democrats are petrified that he's going to try and run again and clear the field," Greenwald continued.

Greenwald, who spoke last week at the libertarian FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas, accused Democrats of trying to "sabotage" Biden's ability to run again through an "endless stream of leaks" and reviving the Hunter Biden scandal that they previously dismissed during the 2020 presidential election. 

"There's clearly a concerted effort not from Republicans but from Democrats to undermine Joe Biden. And obviously, it's because they fear that he is going to try and run again," Greenwald said. 

The prominent Substack writer told Fox News that the media doesn't have a particular motive to oust Biden from the top of the Democratic ticket other than to "serve the interests of their sources," who he noted are "typically Democratic operatives" and that they and various news organizations are in the same "ecosystem" with one shared message about the president."




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