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28 minutes ago, John Cotter said:


Are you so brainwashed and blinded by jingoistic Russophobic propaganda that your cognitive faculties are seriously impaired? This is a common and indeed pervasive phenomenon in times of war and social upheaval. It’s known as psychic contagion.

Carl Jung used the term “psychic epidemic”:


This "psychic contagion" phenomena applies perfectly to the Trump support base.

They have been brainwashed and blinded into believing Trump's 10,000 times repeated delusional lie that the 2020 election was rigged. 

And that the violent January 6th, 2021 Capital building attack which injured hundreds and even resulted in deaths...and Trump's purposeful 3 and 1/2 hour delay in sending help and telling his mob to stop...was no big deal.

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38 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Matt, I know it’s a waste of time trying to engage in rational discourse with you because, among other things, you constantly ignore and misrepresent what your opponents say.

I’m just stepping in here to illustrate that point by saying that in Chris’s post immediately preceding your reply, he stated that he was against Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting conflict there. And yet in your reply you asked him to decry specific actions by Putin.

Are you so brainwashed and blinded by jingoistic Russophobic propaganda that your cognitive faculties are seriously impaired? This is a common and indeed pervasive phenomenon in times of war and social upheaval. It’s known as psychic contagion.


Tulsi Gabbard cites people like acting like Matt Allison in this thread as to why she has now left the Democratic Party, lol  



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8 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

This "psychic contagion" phenomena applies perfectly to the Trump support base.

They have been brainwashed and blinded into believing Trump's 10,000 times repeated delusional lie that the 2020 election was rigged. 

And that the violent January 6th, 2021 Capital building attack which injured hundreds and even resulted in deaths...and Trump's purposeful 3 and 1/2 hour delay in sending help and telling his mob to stop...was no big deal.

Hi Joe, 


There are people in this thread that activeltly believe that Putin hacked the 2016 election even though that has been Debunked. SO, what's the problem if people have an opinion different than you and Liz Cheney? There has never been an election that had hundred of thousands of votes come in creating an F curve (how symbolic for the Brandon administration!) in the middle of the night https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9647421250

People war gamed the election and by just a coincidence what they predicted happened: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/06/election-2020-war-games-trump-vs-biden-race-show-risk-chaos/5526553002/

After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were "alarming:" In an election taking place amid a pandemic, a recession and rising political polarization, the group found a substantial risk of legal battles, a contested outcome, violent street clashes and even a constitutional impasse.

"We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November's elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape," the Transition Integrity Project, which organized the "war games," said in a report this week.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

The Secret history of the Shadow campaign that saved the 2020 is about how using the emergency powers created by the Pandemic people around the country changed the election rules of the country. 

When it comes to the second part of your rhetorical queston about Jan 6
Explain Ray Epps? Because to people like me the FBI looks like the Federal Bureau of Insurrection and you gotta prove to me that Trump wasn't going to the stage set up at the Supreme Court that Alex Jones and those people were going to. And that the original plan was to get a mob of people to surround the capital and start chanting making the politicians inside look really bad if they didn't throw out the electors from the states with the F curves. 
Now we have people who appear to glow breaking the line leading people like sheep into an unlocked building.
Thus stopping the chance of a recount and another Trump Presidency. 


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Hi Joe, 


There are people in this thread that activeltly believe that Putin hacked the 2016 election even though that has been Debunked. SO, what's the problem if people have an opinion different than you and Liz Cheney? There has never been an election that had hundred of thousands of votes come in creating an F curve (how symbolic for the Brandon administration!) in the middle of the night https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9647421250

People war gamed the election and by just a coincidence what they predicted happened: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/06/election-2020-war-games-trump-vs-biden-race-show-risk-chaos/5526553002/

After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were "alarming:" In an election taking place amid a pandemic, a recession and rising political polarization, the group found a substantial risk of legal battles, a contested outcome, violent street clashes and even a constitutional impasse.

"We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November's elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape," the Transition Integrity Project, which organized the "war games," said in a report this week.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

The Secret history of the Shadow campaign that saved the 2020 is about how using the emergency powers created by the Pandemic people around the country changed the election rules of the country. 

When it comes to the second part of your rhetorical queston about Jan 6
Explain Ray Epps? Because to people like me the FBI looks like the Federal Bureau of Insurrection and you gotta prove to me that Trump wasn't going to the stage set up at the Supreme Court that Alex Jones and those people were going to. And that the original plan was to get a mob of people to surround the capital and start chanting making the politicians inside look really bad if they didn't throw out the electors from the states with the F curves. 
Now we have people who appear to glow breaking the line leading people like sheep into an unlocked building.
Thus stopping the chance of a recount and another Trump Presidency. 


Been denied, not debunked.

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1 hour ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Been denied, not debunked.

Geez...  Mathew Koch, obviously, lives in the delusional Fox MAGA-verse.  

Apparently, Mathew hasn't ever studied the long-delayed report on Russian election interference in 2016 by the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee.

Does Mathew also still not realize that Trump floated pardons to Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone during Robert Mueller's Russiagate investigation, to stonewall Mueller's investigation of their 2016 contacts with Kremlin assets?

As for Putin's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, I have two basic questions for Mathew, John, Chris, Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, and the Putin apologists.

1)   How do you define war crimes?

2)  Has Putin committed war crimes in Ukraine?

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Protest is somewhat allowed in Western nations, but less so in Russia.

What counts is Ukrainian sentiment. 

Putin has bombed Ukrainian cities. Ukrainian soldiers have died, and some civilians. 

The Ukrainians are motivated, earnest, dogged, accurately believe they are defending homeland. 

This could be a long, long war, and recent history suggests the occupiers eventually go home. 

It may be the US Deep State has tilted the war towards a long stalemate, hoping to dislodge Putin. 


I wouldn't make too much out of that protest in France. Yes, it was organized by one of the larger French unions , but it is also known to have far-left ideas (nationalization of all the industry etc). Also they have a reputation of protesting before the meeting. 

Now, they did do a lot of good stuff for the working class, absolutely, but this protest...  has more to do with money going to Nato funding i.s.o. social benefits.  The French budget is a continuous struggle and both sides will use whatever they've got to serve their purpose, there has always been a strong socialist background.


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I am really wondering what Moldova is going to do, a small country but strategically important.

The West doesn't really trust them (and perhaps they shouldn't).

This week, a significant amount of missiles heading towards civilian targets in Kiev a.o. went through Moldavian airspace (launched from the Black-Sea).  Moldova reacts  we will talk to the Russian Ambassador about it....

If Moldova closed it's airspace for those missiles it really would make a difference, but for now it is not happening (also the reason most civilian traffic is not allowed to enter Moldova airspace because of this).  

Moldova could be the gate to God knows what...



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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32 minutes ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

I wouldn't make too much out of that protest in France. Yes, it was organized by one of the larger French unions , but it is also known to have far-left ideas (nationalization of all the industry etc). Also they have a reputation of protesting before the meeting. 

Now, they did do a lot of good stuff for the working class, absolutely, but this protest...  has more to do with money going to Nato funding i.s.o. social benefits.  The French budget is a continuous struggle and both sides will use whatever they've got to serve their purpose, there has always been a strong socialist background.


Hi Jean Paul,

  I was wondering why Matthew  urged us to stop his European clip at 3:50.  For the next minute or so they mentioned the stiff energy restrictions being enacted throughout Europe, and directly tie the cause to the War in Ukraine.

Do you think this might be a stumbling to  funding the war over the winter, that people won't be willing to put up with the hardships?

It's interesting these days how the far right is using the far left for their talking points!


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Funding the war has not yet really been an issue so far, most countries are Nato and as such the cost is indirect.  So far it has mostly been surveillance  by a number of US-, Nato- and UK-Awacs (and alike) 24/7 in the air.  

But it's going to be a long winter, inflation, especially energy prices going through the roof.   A lot of small companies are stopping activities.   Employment-rate is slowly going down as well.   

But for now people simply blame the Russians, they just want the war to be over asap.

The US have been doing a MAJOR effort in this war.  I have been watching the air-surveillance for months now, very impressing !  I.m.o. a lot of people under-rate the current effort (and cost).  And I also have to say coordination with Nato seems to be excellent (in the past there have been issues when UK and/or US went solo versus Nato plans).  Anyway, the current structure seems to work. Except when Russia sends 20 missiles at once and Ukraine doesn't have the equipment it takes to take them out. 


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

This "psychic contagion" phenomena applies perfectly to the Trump support base.

They have been brainwashed and blinded into believing Trump's 10,000 times repeated delusional lie that the 2020 election was rigged. 

And that the violent January 6th, 2021 Capital building attack which injured hundreds and even resulted in deaths...and Trump's purposeful 3 and 1/2 hour delay in sending help and telling his mob to stop...was no big deal.

Politics in many countries, including the USA, seem to have taken a turn for the worse, Joe. In my own little country, Ireland, I’m tempted to stop voting in elections, things have become so nonsensical.

This decline seems to have begun long before Trump. I believe it started to happen after the fall of the Soviet Union. Western so-called democracies have been always in fact plutocracies/kleptocracies. The proof of that is in the old question, “cui bono” (who benefits)? The answer is the rich.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, with the fear of communism gone, the “Left” lost it’s leverage and the plutocrats had a free rein. The mainstream “left” parties, such as the Democrats in the USA and the Labour Party in Britain abandoned their working class supporters and, led by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair respectively, they adopted neoliberalism.

“Bread and butter” politics was replaced by identity politics and culture wars, which were used as tools by the plutocrats to divide and conquer the masses. Hence, the election of Barack Obama, whose election could, ironically, be viewed as racist, since it was based to a large extent on the colour of his skin. After all, as shown in the documentary film, Inside Job, his economic advisers were recruited from the Wall Street buccaneers who had helped “engineer” the crash.

In this situation many working class people who had been abandoned by the erstwhile mainstream “left” (the “deplorables” as Hillary Clinton called them) turned to people like Donald Trump.

Things aren’t helped by the fact that in my country at least the effect of the “education” system is to destroy children’s ability to think independently. Philosophy, including logic and ethics, isn’t on the curriculum and the arts are marginalised. It seems designed primarily to mass produce subservient wage slaves who won’t challenge the plutocracy, who are incapable of engaging in rational dialogue and who instead get sucked into idiotic culture wars.

That’s the only sense I can make of the mess we’re in.


Edited by John Cotter
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56 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hi Jean Paul,

  I was wondering why Matthew  urged us to stop his European clip at 3:50.  For the next minute or so they mentioned the stiff energy restrictions being enacted throughout Europe, and directly tie the cause to the War in Ukraine.

Do you think this might be a stumbling to  funding the war over the winter, that people won't be willing to put up with the hardships?

It's interesting these days how the far right is using the far left for their talking points!


The thing is that everybody is complaining.  Belgium’s annual inflation rate climbed to over 11 percent in September 2022,  the highest reading since  1975.   Belgian Stockexchange from 4.3 to 3.4 ( - 21 % in one year).  It's pretty much the same in most West-European countries.  After Covid we really didn't need a war.

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