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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Headline In Oct. 29-30, 2022, WALL STREET JOURNAL:

Russia Is Facing a Deep Recession:

"Russia is set for the deepest recession of any large economy this year, according to new forecasts from its central bank--and economists forecast a gloomy future as the windfall from high energy prices fades, sanctions tighten and the country struggles to replace Europe as the main buyer of its oil and gas."

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David DePape, center, records Gypsy Taub being led away by police after her nude wedding outside City Hall on Dec. 19, 2013, in San Francisco. | Eric Risberg/AP Photo


"A blog featuring content authored by DePape offers a patchwork embrace of bigoted and fringe topics, including posts that feature anti-Semitic language, allege the existence of a “communist” agenda in schools and repeat many of the tropes of the online fever dream known as QAnon, which alleges without evidence that leading figures engage in pedophilia."



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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

The wealthiest right wing corporate Republicans since the 80's initiated and implemented a massive national radio propaganda machine ( Fox news is the T.V. medium counterpart ) that consisted of a cabal of 15 or 20 anger inciting radio talk personalities demonizing the Democrats and liberals to 50 million American listeners daily 24/7.

And it's been going strong now for almost 40 years!

Rush Limbaugh (The Godfather Of Rage Radio) was the revered icon of this liberal/democrat demonizing, fear and anger rousing propaganda team machine. 

Other copycat Capos have included Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Clyde Lewis, Dennis Prager, Alex Jones, etc. etc. even stints by G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North!

And throw in the huge audience late night radio talk show Coast To Coast AM with their regular airing of inflammatory liberal bashing right wing commentary by Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone and the forementioned Alex Jones.

And include national radio and TV evangelicals like Jerry Falwell, Pat Roberston, etc.  always none too subtly guiding their millions of listening folks to vote for the Republicans to save humanity from the devil worshipping liberal Democrats.

This liberal/democrat demonizing national radio public airwaves brainwashing ( enhanced by Fox TV ) has been going on for decades. It is now a generational agenda movement. In major ways these two massive audience media propaganda machines have constituted the societal conscious birth of national fear, anger and rage division.

Imo anyway.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Exactly W.

But do you notice particularly how spooky the white male obsession is with Pelosi? Probably white male hatred toward powerful women because they couldn't get laid, in this case even in a nudist colony!.

It seems like the same dynamic as the guy in Highland Park, and for some reason the liberal press is going to do their PC watering down.  Nudist hippy, makes, hemp jewelry, best man at Gay wedding. Is this LHO all over again!  And downplay the  Maga right wing big lie, wacko element, and just call him a disturbed individual, as if the current political mass dumbing down hysteria isn't happening.
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16 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Exactly W.

But do you notice particularly how spooky the white male obsession is with Pelosi? Probably white male hatred toward powerful women because they couldn't get laid, in this case even in a nudist colony!.

It seems like the same dynamic as the guy in Highland Park, and for some reason the liberal press is going to do their PC watering down.  Nudist hippy, makes, hemp jewelry, best man at Gay wedding. Is this LHO all over again!  And downplay the  Maga right wing big lie, wacko element, and just call him a disturbed individual, as if the current political mass dumbing down hysteria isn't happening.

Trump's worshipping base.

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30 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Nudist hippy, makes, hemp jewelry, best man at Gay wedding... downplay the  Maga right wing big lie, wacko element, and just call him a disturbed individual, as if the current political mass dumbing down hysteria isn't happening.

The nudist aspect is a bit of a joke; as I show above, he wasn't a nudist himself, just enjoyed hanging out with them and taking pictures of them, which implies either a kink or some other issue.

His blog leaves no doubt that he was an insane, hateful MAGA.

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18 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Exactly W.

But do you notice particularly how spooky the white male obsession is with Pelosi? Probably white male hatred toward powerful women because they couldn't get laid, in this case even in a nudist colony!.

It seems like the same dynamic as the guy in Highland Park, and for some reason the liberal press is going to do their PC watering down.  Nudist hippy, makes, hemp jewelry, best man at Gay wedding. Is this LHO all over again!  And downplay the  Maga right wing big lie, wacko element, and just call him a disturbed individual, as if the current political mass dumbing down hysteria isn't happening.

You guys sound like Lisa Pease today:

Do we have a source for the "Where's Nancy?!?" 
Funny how we both have our biases with information and groups, I thought of Juicy Smolett the NPC's were told to think MAGA based on right wing conspiracies being in the M$M segment. Lisa based on past research was reminded of MK ULTRA. I got a harty chuckle out of MAGA deep state programing hippies to attack Paul Pelosi. If it is a false flag who benefits more Donks or phants? 

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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

You guys sound like Lisa Pease today:

Do we have a source for the "Where's Nancy?!?" 

Ben, we have a source. The 911 operator heard him say it, according to the reports I read.

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6 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Ben, we have a source. The 911 operator heard him say it, according to the reports I read.

Huh? Why me? 

I am steering 100 miles clear of the horrible attack on Pelosi's husband, and I wish him a speedy recovery and the defendant a speedy and fair public trial, and let the chips fall where they may. 

I realize every topic must be politicized, and leveraged by political actors to score points. 

I lived in Berkeley for four years a very long time ago, and back then every nutcase in the country showed up, including a robust contingent of anarchists who often spouted internally inconsistent diatribes against everything. 

At first blush it seems not much has changed, but let's see what emerges in trial.  



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