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This is Clyde Tolson with Ronnie Adkins Jr. Sr told little Ronnie to call him Uncle Clyde. Ronnie Adkins Sr. was a Memphis city leader, head of the Dixie Mafia and KKK there and friends with Marcello friend Frank Lomberto.
Uncle Clyde would bring paper sacks full of cash to Adkins Sr....for what???
May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'APPENDIXJ Photographs of Clyde Tolson with Members and Frie of the Adkins Family'
Brian Goodyear posted this on Facebook yesterday
Edited by Douglas Caddy
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33 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Musk is from South Africa and likely couldn't care less about the damage he does to the U.S.

Looks like our establishment democrats are upset that their power is being challenged. Why is Musk doing this, well because your woke marxist brain virus infected Elon's son who he became Trans and cut off all contact and changed his name. Now Elon wants to destroy your cult and I don't blame him. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Elon Musk is a creep...

Musk's Fauci tweet angers medical Twitter


December 12, 2022

Those are my Pronouns also, just like CoVid 19.. Trump derangement syndrome has a variant and it's called (EDS) Elon Derangement Syndrome. 



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Covid Vaccines Saved More Than 3 Million Lives in U.S.

Two Years COVID Vaccines Prevented Millions Hospitalizations Deaths | Commonwealth Fund

December 13, 2022 

“The Covid-19 vaccines have kept more than 18.5 million people in the US out of the hospital and saved more than 3.2 million lives, a new study says – and that estimate is most likely a conservative one,” CNN reports.

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1 minute ago, Kathy Beckett said:

This is just kooky that you actually think  the dems did this. I assume Elon's kid has a mind and he thinks for himself. 

Did  the thought ever occur to you that it could be a physical thing?And that there may be a reason that he cut off communication with Elon==say maybe Elon himself?  You do not know what his home life was like but are so quick to blame the dems.

Kathey, are Republicans and Conservatives pushing LGBTQ+ propaganda to children? 

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While we are on the topic, I doubt this is being reported in the left media, the definition of a Woman has been changed. 



Cambridge Dictionary changes definition of ‘man’ and ‘woman’

Cambridge Dictionary is being criticized by conservatives on social media for altering the definitions of the words “man” and “woman” to include people who identify as a gender other than their biological sex. 

The definition of woman, which previously represented the longstanding view on sex, now states that a woman is “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”

Similarly, a man is now defined as “an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”

This change was met with pushback from many, who argued that redefining society’s categorization of gender and sex is harmful and inaccurate. 

“Cambridge Dictionary just dropped a new definition of ‘woman’,” Christopher Rufo, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, tweeted. 

Rufo also pointed out that the dictionary used the pronoun “they” to describe the subject rather than “she”. 

Transgender The Cambridge Dictionary changed the definitions of “man” and “woman” to include transgender people.  via REUTERS

“Notice that the dictionary writers say ‘*they* may have been.’ They couldn’t bring themselves to write ‘she may have been,’ because they know they’re lying. That’s the tell,” he tweeted.

“Ceding linguistic territory to the radical Left. What could go wrong?” conservative commentator Rita Panahi wrote.

Daily Caller writer Mary Rooke wrote, “F-ing traitors to the truth. Cambridge Dictionary is only the latest. If we don’t stop them from erasing women our civilization is [not going to make it].”

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How many Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine?



US intelligence officials this week gave a “conservative” estimate that more than 7,000 Russian soldiers had been killed in fighting in Ukraine

Ukrainian officials on Monday evening estimated that more than 15,000 Russian soldiers have been killed,



75,930 Russian Soldiers Have Died In Ukraine War



The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense claimed 57,200 enemy casualties by September 26.



Russian soldier claims 80,000 Moscow troops died in Ukraine

Putin stepped in it.

Steve Thomas

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Speaking of definitions, can we help Mathew Koch and others from the MAGA-verse define, "woke?"

I think John Pavlovitz has an accurate definition here.


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3 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

This is just kooky that you actually think  the dems did this. I assume Elon's kid has a mind and he thinks for himself. 

Did  the thought ever occur to you that it could be a physical thing?And that there may be a reason that he cut off communication with Elon==say maybe Elon himself?  You do not know what his home life was like but are so quick to blame the dems.

Matthew's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

For example, his creative spelling, i.e. "cognitive dissidents"

The vast, vast amount of MAGA behavior can be traced to the blight of ignorance, or bigotry, and often both.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Matthew's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

For example, his creative spelling, i.e. "cognitive dissidents"

The vast, vast amount of MAGA behavior can be traced to the blight of ignorance, or bigotry, and often both.

Matt, I guess double entendres are harder to get when you are the butt of the joke.

The Woke Left are cognitive dissidents who don't care what the truth is, they just care that their political adversaries are destroyed. Difference between me and that is that I love my enemy and just want them to stoping be stupid and quit trying to destroy traditional society.

The term Woke for those who don't know was a hip hop term for being a Awake to the fact that there is an Illuminati that does stuff like 911, JFK assassination, faking the moon landing and running the hip hop industry and killing rappers who get out of line. This term was then rebranded by college marxist leftists into meaning social justice.

Back in the day PC Fascism was kinda a joke but that is what Woke Leftists are PC Fascists that tend to be racist. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Covid Vaccines Saved More Than 3 Million Lives in U.S.

Two Years COVID Vaccines Prevented Millions Hospitalizations Deaths | Commonwealth Fund

December 13, 2022 

“The Covid-19 vaccines have kept more than 18.5 million people in the US out of the hospital and saved more than 3.2 million lives, a new study says – and that estimate is most likely a conservative one,” CNN reports.

The infallible covid science of "post hoc ergo propter hoc".

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