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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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8 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

God Help my fellow Americans!

Is Ted Cruz once again abandoning ship and jetting to the beaches of Can Cun Mexico to escape the cold?


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


   Yesterday was the second coldest day in the recorded history of Denver-- a low of -24 F and a high of -6 F.

    Mercifully, we had very little wind.

    Chicago is reportedly experiencing 40 to 50 mph winds with wind chill temps of -35 to -40 F today.


It's been 0 degrees all day in So. IN with 20mph winds. The wind chill is -22 F.

Overnight, it's supposed to warm up to 5 degrees.


Steve Thomas


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HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — "A Connecticut judge on Thursday denied Infowars host Alex Jones’ motion seeking a new trial and the overturning of a jury verdict requiring him to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.

The ruling found the motion was not supported “by any evidence or case law.”

In October the jury decided that he must pay victims’ families $965 million in compensatory damages, and a judge later added on another $473 million in punitive damages."


Steve Thomas

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Why Is Elon Musk Lighting Billions of Dollars on Fire? - The Atlantic

The opening paragraph:

Maybe you have not had the best year. But take some consolation from the fact that you did not YOLO yourself into overpaying for an unprofitable social-media platform, publicly try to wriggle out of the deal, get lawyered into ponying up, liquidate billions of dollars of stock in a down market to do so, take over a company you did not really want, shitpost your way into a revenue crisis, quit paying your bills, antagonize your super-users, wink-wink at National Socialists, and decimate your staff, all the while damaging your other, more lucrative businesses. Or at least probably not, unless you are Elon Musk.

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Page 268 of the final report documents how Trump White House official Vince Haley sent a message to Trump White House enforcer Johnny McEntee arguing that no fraud was necessary for Republican-led state legislatures to overturn the will of their states' voters.

Rather, Haley proposed, they could simply object to certifying the election results if it prevented "socialism" from overtaking the American republic.

Specifically, Haley told McEntee that "“[w]e should baldly assert” that GOP legislatures “have the constitutional right to substitute their judgment for a certified majority of their constituents” if they believe it would block the threat of socialism.

McEntee, for his part, was enthusiastic about the idea.

"Yes!” he replied. “Let’s find the contact info for all these people now."

Steve Thomas

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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ivanka had 300 let's say memory lapses over J-6, still hasn't talked to Jared about it?

Jan. 6 committee releases 46 more interview transcripts from probe (msn.com)

Clearly coordinated mass obstruction.

Scores of Trump inner circle all saying " I don't remember" "I don't recall" " I plead the 5th" cumulatively 1,000's of times?

They all had amnesia for the exact same fear shocking historical event time period?

You would not ( could not ) forget "everything" you said and did on a day when a massive attack is taking place on our Capital building full of our entire Congree and you are in physical or at least verbal contact with the President of the United States....could you?

Of course not.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Here is the real reason Trump will go down in flames in 2024

by Sophia A. McClennen, Salon December 23, 2022


“Trump isn't just a loser, which is bad enough. He's a boring loser, which is why his political career resembles a third-season Netflix series heading for cancellation.”

Steve Thomas

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In 2021, Matt Taibbi in a Rogan  interview praises Seymour Hersch who was most popular investigative journalist of his day for an incident where the CIA  approached Hersch to leak files of information to the public of their catching an Israeli spy. Taibbi praises Hersch because Hersh said because he didn't find it, he couldn't accept it, and Taibbi says "Once you start getting handed things, once you cross that line , you've lost, they have you!"..
Then a year later Taibbi accepts files from a billionaire and becomes a conduit to us, declining to disclose what  the conditions of the employment were and for how much.
He's later questioned about this Twitter Files  situation by Krystal Ball, and starts squirming and says in essence, "well you do trust me?". When somebody says that, it's time to run! We don't have to accept any interpretation he says. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said it would be best to just release all the files to the public.
 But keep in mind, they are "selected" files! and the irony here is Taibbi is concerned about certain government  influence on the moderation of content but declines to tell us about the Trump Government's influence or communication with Twitter!, but does disclose Candidate Biden.
So now we have Matt Taibbi determining what's good for us to see in the Twitter files!
Taibbi's first proclamations start segment  start at 3:10. Hypocrisy at 9:41.
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18 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

What a bizarre moment in history this all will someday be viewed as.

Matt ... Someday?

Right now!

Bizaare is one aspect, but the appropriate fuller truth description is hugely criminal and damaging. 

Just look at what Trump has been and is right now involved in regards the most serious, high crime legal investigations, charges and other major areas of suspected criminal and constitution violating activities.

Mar a Lago.

January 6th. insurrection, coup attempt.

New York tax cheating investigations and charges both business and personal. One already with a conviction of guilty.

Reportedly dozens of past shady business dealings with shady characters in his business life career.

The Georgia election manipulation, intimidation and coercion attempt probe.

The fake electors probe.

The E. Jean Carroll rape charge.

Missing inaugural funds scandal.

Suspected Emoluments Clause violations. Money laundering through exaggerated charges personal business funding by Saudis and many others.

Huge trove of donation monies ( over 100 million!) still unspent and not used for the reasons he told the givers in his begging campaign for such.

January 6th committee witness intimidation and tampering regards Cassidy Hutchison, etc. by a Trump lawyer.

Trump's tearing up and flushing down toilets official government documents.

Trump having his deceased ex-wife buried on one of his golf courses for tax break reasons. Same with placing some goats there.

Trump physically grappling with his SS driver in a rage over the driver refusing his demand to be driven to the Capital building on January 6th, 2021.

The willful destruction of government property ( paid for by tax payers ) in throwing ketchup and a plate at a wall, smashing the plate and incurring unnecessary White House employee man hours cleaning it up.

Sued by hundreds over his Trump University scam and settling out of court to the tune of millions plus court costs.

Hillary Clinton was blasted about Benghazi ( one scandal ) and she willingly and bravely went on national TV to answer 8 hours of angry toned loaded questions about her role by a worked up Republican biased committee. No cowardly hiding behind the 5th amendment claims.

Bill Clinton was impeached and had to face a grand jury over his Monica Lewinsky BJ in the Oval Office affair. Again, one charge.

Nixon had Watergate.

But Trump?

A guy who lost both Presidential elections via the popular vote by millions?

Was impeached "twice?"

Who is charged with more criminal doings than any President in our history and who has been caught in more lies than any President by a factor of thousands?

"I never had sex with Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal."

"I never authorized any payments to them."

"I like to grab em by the Pu$$y."

Trump is and always will be encased in a presidential historical legacy world so beyond any other past presidents regards personal character failures it's new to unimaginable degrees territory.

Way beyond simply "bizaare." 

Criminal, mentally unbalanced, dangerous, divisive, truly circus side show stuff.

A biographical story that will never be able to be adequately told and covered in just one film or book alone.

To do this there would have to be an entire Trump Presidential library built separately than a traditional one.

Maybe one with an amusement park ride and interactive exhibit theme?

Come on folks, step right up...hit the wall target with a plate of catchup and win a MAGA bear.

Spin the wheel of scams and win a Trump digital card?

Hey kid...come on...test your grip strength on the GEBTP stick!

Pop Corn here...get your orange colored Trump pop corn here.

Sorry for being so cynical here.

However, this is exactly what Trump's horrible legacy has saddled our societal conscious with imo.








Edited by Joe Bauer
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