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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     There's good news and bad news this week.

     The good news is that you have a new fan from the MAGA-verse who thinks you're "the voice of reason." 😬

     You and Mathew Koch are no longer alone.

     The bad news is that your fixed delusion about Trump being a victim of the Deep State has taken another major hit.




Are you suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop...was a "Russian disinformation" event? 

But you do raise a serious question. By all accounts the Biden laptop is real, and the story of Biden leaving it for repair and then forgetting about it, checks out. Hunter Biden at that time was in a colorful stage of his life. 

OK, so the Biden laptop and its contents are indisputably real---yet, if for two years the only accurate news sources about the Biden laptop are Russian sources and alt-r media ---what does that tell you about the American M$M? 

No doubt, RT is a Moscow prop---but if they tell the truth about the Biden laptop, and the US M$M tells baldfaced lies about the laptop...then what? 

True, eventually, even the US M$M had to recant, and abjectly assent to the authenticity of the Biden laptop, which was rather obvious from the start to anyone with their thinking caps on. 

It sure looks like the entire Biden family was grifting heavily after Joe Biden left the Veep spot, even a little before (Hunter siphoning a mil or so out of Ukraine when Dad was veep).

I don't think Joe Biden thought he would be in the public eye again, so he was working the system, like most other former public office holders (Democrat Jimmy Carter appears to be the exception, maybe the lone exception). 

The US M$M in recent decades has become increasingly Mockingbirded, no?  You disagree? 

That does not make RT admirable, nor does it make Trump a nice guy.

But reader beware. A lot of canards are passed off as sacrosanct. What is treated as sacrosanct today becomes a falsehood tomorrow. 

The Wuhan lab leak story is still mind-boggling. 

IMHO, a partisan lens for deciphering the news...is worse than useless. 

Also, why such animosity in your commentary? Public discourse about the Deep State, shadow government, the national security state is interesting...and much more interesting when conversations are not befouled by personal invective. 





Edited by Benjamin Cole
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8 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The GOP continues to run right over the cliff's edge. Bold strategy for 2024 here lol




Your concerns are justified. 

OTOH, the establishments in both parties have completely failed in their oversight duties regarding the intel state. A lifetime has passed since the Church Committee. 

John Kiriakou says the new Church Committee II will suffer from partisanship and CIA plants. 

So, no JFKA investigation, and heavily partisan investigations into FBI abuses (probably nothing into the CIA). 

You know what is sad? This is our best hope, however feeble, at more light on the JFKA in the near future. 

The establishment Donks and 'Phants won't touch the topic. And the WaPo offloaded Jeff Morley long ago. 

Some people like Thomas Massie, the 'Phant from Kentucky. Let's see what happens. 

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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So, no JFKA investigation, and heavily partisan investigations into FBI abuses (probably nothing into the CIA). 

Ben- there was never going to be another investigation into the JFKA. There just wasn't. We were fortunate to get the ARRB back in the 90s. A gift really. 

The way forward is litigation, and that is what we all hope happens with the recent suit by the Mary Ferrell Foundation.

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One of those leftist liberal things JFK might have supported.  Clean air to breathe.

 an astonishing 44% of all carbon stored in national forests across the United States. 

Biden Reinstates Logging Ban In America’s Largest National Forest (msn.com)

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- there was never going to be another investigation into the JFKA. There just wasn't. We were fortunate to get the ARRB back in the 90s. A gift really. 

The way forward is litigation, and that is what we all hope happens with the recent suit by the Mary Ferrell Foundation.


You may be right, although lawyer Schnapf, who is closer to the situation than you or me, is holding out some hope. 

One small ray of light: The new right-wingers in the 'Phants are not connected to the establishment. They are loose cannons on deck, and do not hold intel agencies in reverence. 

As we have seen, Tucker Carlson has signaled his support for a drive to investigate the JFKA. 

Again, this does not make me an alt-r enthusiast. I wish the Donks had done this somewhere in the last 40 years. They never did, and instead the Donks came to worship and collude with the intel agencies---like the establishment 'Phants. 

So that's where we are. Slim pickings to none. 

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An interesting and forgotten story from The Hill. 

Fusion GPS and Steele worked for Deripaska? That's what it says. The same guy who corrupted the FBI'er McGonigal. 

There are "links" and "ties" among them all. 


In September 2015, senior Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr and some FBI agents met in New York with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to seek the Russian billionaire’s help on organized crime investigations. The meeting was facilitated — though not attended — by British intelligence operative Christopher Steele.

In 2012, Steele’s private firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, was hired as a subcontractor by a law firm working for Deripaska, who then headed Russia’s largest aluminum company. Steele’s firm was asked to do research to help the law firm defend a lawsuit filed against Deripaska by a business rival.

By 2015, Steele’s work had left him friendly with one of Deripaska’s lawyers, according to my sources. And when Ohr, then the associate deputy attorney general and a longtime acquaintance of Steele, sought help getting to meet Deripaska, Steele obliged.

Deripaska, who frequently has appeared alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin at high-profile meetings, never really dealt with Steele, but he followed his lawyer’s recommendations and met with Ohr, my sources say.

By that time, Deripaska already had proven himself helpful to the FBI. As I’ve written previously, based on numerous U.S. sources, he cooperated with the bureau from 2009 to 2011 and spent more than $25 million of his own money on an FBI-supervised operation to try to rescue retired FBI agent Robert Levinson, who was captured in Iran while working as a CIA contractor.

U.S. officials and Levinson’s family told me that Deripaska’s efforts came close to securing Levinson’s freedom before the State Department scuttled a deal. The former agent has never been heard from again.

The 2015 meeting between Ohr, the FBI and Deripaska is captured cryptically in some of Ohr’s handwritten notes, recently turned over to Congress.

People familiar with the meeting said U.S. officials posed some investigative theories about suspected Russian organized crime and cyber espionage activity, theories that Deripaska indicated he did not believe were accurate.

The sources stressed that the 2015 meeting had nothing to do with any allegation about Russian meddling in the upcoming 2016 election but, rather, was an “outreach” about other types of suspected activity overseas that concerned U.S. officials.

A year later, Deripaska would get another visit from his FBI friends in New York. But this time the questions were about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Specifically, the agents told Deripaska they believed Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was secretly coordinating the election with Moscow.

Steele had planted that theory with the FBI. By that time the former MI6 agent was working for the American opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which had been hired by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee to find Russian dirt on Trump. Steele’s theories, of course, are contained in the so-called Steele dossier provided to the FBI.

Ohr had his own connection to Fusion, which was paying his wife, Nellie, to work on the anti-Trump research project, according to congressional testimony.

Deripaska once had a business relationship with Manafort, but it ended in lawsuits. Despite that acrimony, Deripaska told the agents in that September 2016 meeting that he thought the theory that Manafort was colluding with Russia to help Trump win the election was preposterous.



I can see what very knowledgable people, such as John Kiriakou, regards Russiagate as an elaborate hoax. A nest of vipers?


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Pfizer is corporation that the government subsidizes, sounds fascist to me.. 

Is this their new business model, mutating covid to create more JABS? 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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Curious about the Repub Wag-The-Dog exaggeration of outrage diversion from Trump crime's news regards Hunter Biden selling his artwork for incredibly high sums ( up to $500,000 ) and with the buyer's names kept from public records.

I was surprised when seeing some of Biden's art pieces for the first time.

I love them!

Are they worth the prices paid for them?  I don't know.

Biden's art is much more original, interesting and inspiring than George W. Bush's imo.

Celebrities cash in all the time with their art sales. Many people buy these simply to own something created by these famous persons.

When I worked at Doris Day's hotel in Carmel, California 20 years ago, I took a lunch break one day and walked over to a local art gallery ( Zantmans? ) a few blocks away as they were showing pieces by Jane Seymour. And Jane Seymour herself was there to meet and greet interested visitors!

I wanted to see her in person. I got in line and it took 20 minutes to reach her. When I did she smiled cautiously at me. A paunchy 53 year old guy dressed in a Jerry Lewis "Bellboy"  movie type get up. I should have removed my silly fez style bellboy cap with tassel looking back but I was kind of in a mindless mesmerized trance.

I nodded and just gazed at her in awe. She was absolutely stunningly beautiful. Just like her most glamourous Hollywood photo shoots. No need to airbrush this goddess.

The gallery staff then immediately bustled me out the entrance - rather aggressively I thought.

Seymour's work was attractive to me, like her. Very soft, feminine and serene. Mother and child on a beautiful warm sand and cool blue ocean beach. Impressionist realism imo. Others like that.

You want to see some beautiful "dream like" art, you should check out Kim Novak's work.

Heck, even I have dabbled in some sketching back in the day. 

Not DaVinci...but better than the average person imo.

In my high school art class as a freshman we had a senior student who was so talented ( even at 17!) that our art teacher just left him alone to do whatever he wanted. We used to crowd around him and just watch him work. His name was John Alvin.

Military family brat.

John Alvin was the most prolific and possibly famous movie art poster producer ever.

Check his work out. Most all of Spielberg's and George Lucas's film posters and other related art was done by Alvin.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 1/25/2023 at 9:45 AM, W. Niederhut said:


     There's good news and bad news this week.

     The good news is that you have a new fan from the MAGA-verse who thinks you're "the voice of reason." 😬

     You and Mathew Koch are no longer alone.

     The bad news is that your fixed delusion about Trump being a victim of the Deep State has taken another major hit.



I'm used to Ben and Mathew posting MAGA-verse non sequiturs to my posts here, but this one takes the proverbial cake.

Ben's response to this post about McGonigal was another lengthy rant about...uh... Hunter Biden's laptop.

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On 1/25/2023 at 8:45 AM, W. Niederhut said:

W. said: Ben,

     There's good news and bad news this week.

     The good news is that you have a new fan from the MAGA-verse who thinks you're "the voice of reason." 😬

Yes W.!
I was holding my tongue when trying to reason with Jake after his anointing "stop the certification of a free and fair election, no big deal! " Ben as a "Voice of Reason"!            heh heh
But I suppose there are many reasons.
I guess Jake was also attracted to Ben's reasoned " get tough "clamoring for an immediate  "no fly zone" in Ukraine!
Or maybe Jake has sympathy  for Anti culture, "cultural warrior" Ben, because his family fled persecution for having a Monkee record!        heh heh
But as I suspected, though Jake did crown Ben as the  "Voice of Reason", that wasn't exciting enough to make Jake come back.
heh heh




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Matt Gaetz moment of truth at Speaker election!!

George Santos needs a new campaign treasurer. He tried to hire Richard Datwyler, but Datwyler rejected him. So Santos filed his campaign finance report under Datwyler’s name anyway — and signed his name. This all happened THIS WEEK — Santos is still lying, criminally.
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