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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


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  • W. Niederhut


  • Steve Thomas


18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


A War With China Would Reach Deep Into American Society--The New York Times

A war with China? And Russia? And a US civil war too? 



13 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- I am surprised you haven't noticed the interesting timing of China considering getting closer to Russia, then followed by the U.S. Dept of Energy saying a China lab leak was possibly the reason for C19.



Yeah Ben, so for once you took off your conspiracy thinking cap , and didn't realize you might be being played by this "Low confidence" report! Sounds like you fell for it pretty hard. Are we going to be hearing a week now of nothing but Civil War, during a War with China and Russia?
And what about that Chris Matthews, (disciples of Jordan Peterson!) Moe and Curly tag team yesterday?
To use a football analogy , that was like a double hand off, double fumble in one play!
Yes, Matthew,  while I might understand that you and Chris greatly identify with LHO as a tragic, misunderstood figure.
You ended up playing right into taking Lance's bait and making his deliberate denigration of LHO your shriekable moment!
But what's worse, is that it had absolutely zero to do with Chris silly, characteristically powerless assertion that all government employees  be it Federal,. state, country or city would all be brutally repressed for believing JFK's death was a conspiracy, so they don't dare even consider it! I know not only does that  not exist in the U.S., but probably not in the UK as well. In fact in the U.S. it's quite the opposite. We now have elected officials to high office who make reference to "Jewish space lasers", and get politically rewarded for it, as well as a number of other outrageous assertions!
But for both of you to act like you actually had a defensible point to stand on in all  that obfuscation shows a real intellectual dishonesty, and damages you further than any point that you could have made. You don't get that back easily.
And stop your shrieking and squealing to me!, Lance will think whatever he wants and none of your outrage and tattling about it will do anything!
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4 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


Yeah Ben, so for once you took off your conspiracy thinking cap , and didn't realize you might be being played by this "Low confidence" report! Sounds like you fell for it pretty hard. Are we going to be hearing a week now of nothing but Civil War, during a War with China and Russia?
And what about that Chris Matthews, (disciples of Jordan Peterson!) Moe and Curly tag team yesterday?
To use a football analogy , that was like a double hand off, double fumble in one play!
Yes, Matthew,  while I might understand that you and Chris greatly identify with LHO as a tragic, misunderstood figure.
You ended up playing right into taking Lance's bait and making his deliberate denigration of LHO your shriekable moment!
But what's worse, is that it had absolutely zero to do with Chris silly, characteristically powerless assertion that all government employees  be it Federal,. state, country or city would all be brutally repressed for believing JFK's death was a conspiracy, so they don't dare even consider it! I know not only does that  not exist in the U.S., but probably not in the UK as well. In fact in the U.S. it's quite the opposite. We now have elected officials to high office who make reference to "Jewish space lasers", and get politically rewarded for it, as well as a number of other outrageous assertions!
But for both of you to act like you actually had a defensible point to stand on in all  that obfuscation shows a real intellectual dishonesty, and damages you further than any point that you could have made. You don't get that back easily.
And stop your shrieking and squealing to me!, Lance will think whatever he wants and none of your outrage and tattling about it will do anything!


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I get it, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

I know, the kiddies just want to know me more and more, and are driven to their research!

But as I say I can't quell those social media induced feelings of desolation when I'm not  here.

So I'm not legally responsible.



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While still heavily redacted, the documents ordered unsealed by Judge Beryl Howell on Friday leave little doubt that Rep. Scott Perry has committed sedition and will ultimately be headed to prison for his crimes surrounding the attempted overthrow of the United States in January 2021.


https://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/sites/dcd/files/Redacted December 28%2C 2022 Memorandum Opinion%2C ECF No 43.pdf

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


This is a remarkable presentation by Tucker Carlson about the Chinese lab leak story, Fauci's complicity in it, Trump calling it out and the "liberal-left" mainstream establishment and media colluding in lockstep to suppress the truth.

And still Carlson will be vilified by these same entities as being merely a "right-wing" partisan propagandist and the like.

Is it any wonder that the USA and the west - which has been promoting the carnage and destruction in Ukraine for the sake of "democracy" - has been called an "empire of lies"?

Edited by John Cotter
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I would like to see the text messages from Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Donald Trump, Jr. to the Head of Antifa, asking him or her to call off the January 6th insurrectionists.

I would like to the text messages from Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Donald Trump, Jr to Director of the FBI asking him to call off his FBI agent provocareurs..

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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7 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

This is a remarkable presentation by Tucker Carlson about the Chinese lab leak story, Fauci's complicity in it, Trump calling it out and the "liberal-left" mainstream establishment and media colluding in lockstep to suppress the truth.

And still Carlson will be vilified by these same entities as being merely a "right-wing" partisan propagandist and the like.

Is it any wonder that the USA and the west - which has been promoting the carnage and destruction in Ukraine for the sake of "democracy" - has been called an "empire of lies"?


There is something very fishy about the aggressive censorship of the Wuhan lab leak story. 

It sure looks like US globalist elites and multinationals, with huge financial exposure to China, suppressed the story, with the assistance of Donk allies. The usual useful idiots in M$M agreed, as (without any logic) it was posited that only right-wingers suspected a Wuhan leak. 

On Ukraine, we disagree, but hey, that is why this is a forum, and not a monologue. 


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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Is it any wonder that the USA and the west - which has been promoting the carnage and destruction in Ukraine for the sake of "democracy" - has been called an "empire of lies"?

Забавно, что вы, как предполагается, ирландец, но при этом называете все, что находится за пределами России-матушки, «Западом».

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The White House on Monday downplayed and would not confirm a report that the Department of Energy determined a lab leak was the most likely cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying there is no government consensus yet about what caused the outbreak.

“The intelligence community and the rest of the government is still looking at this,” John Kirby, a White House national security spokesperson, said at a press briefing.--The Hill 

The Biden Administration as Beijing quislings? 

The US establishment? 


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