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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

John, I’d just pop him on ignore, like the rest of us. The moronic, circular reasoning, only serves to waste our time. He just wants to play the “my brainwashing mainstream media network is better than yours.” I don’t think he ever reads the books he says he is reading. He’s have different conclusions otherwise. He is a very clear example of someone very conflicted, who rather than face those conflicts head on, would rather out-source the thinking to someone else who wears his colours, because it feels more comfortable.

Perhaps the greatest sin of man is being given a brain and choosing not to use it. 

Thanks for that advice, Chris. How do you put someone on ignore?

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12 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Don't be spreading disinformation, Paul.

Don't you know there's no such place as Syria?

It would be nice to have civil, courteous conversations about the Deep State in current context. 

In general, is the Biden Administration forging a new military-foreign policy or still using the Deep State playbook? 

How do we rate William Burns, new CIA chief? 

It appears the Ukraine war is entering the long slog zone. It there a way out of this trap?  I don't see one, other than escalation or an armistice. 

The neo-libs vs. the neo-cons: Any differences? 

Microsoft's Bill Gates: Compromised by China exposure? He is talking down the Wuhan lab leak. 

Why did the US establishment aggressively censor discussions about the origins of the Wuhan lab virus? 








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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

What a pity, John.

I was hoping that you and Paul Rigby might finally explain to us how two wrongs make a right-- i.e., how Putin's war crimes in Ukraine are justified by America's war crimes during the Bush/Cheney/Neocon "War on Terror."

I have noticed during the past twenty years that some of my European acquaintances didn't seem to understand that many Americans-- roughly 50% of us-- never voted for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in 2000 or 2004.

It is true that George W. Bush's low approval rating soared after the 9/11 op, but some of us were opposed to the Bush/Cheney/Neocon "War on Terror" from the beginning.

Well, it looks like Chris has leap-frogged my response to John's post, in which I requested an explanation of how Putin's war crimes are justified by America's war crimes in the Middle East.

Most of us condemn both, (although I suspect that Mathew Koch was a Bush & Cheney "War on Terror" jingoist back in the day, as were Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News talking heads.)

Chris has also declined my request that he post a source for his claims about the Kremlin-backed insurgency in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

It looks like Chris, Ben, and John's new concept of "civil" discourse is to ignore questions and requests for explanations about their posts.

What a cop out.

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Leslie, make sure to turn Tucker Carlson on tonight to see how poorly your J6 Afterword has aged. Also it's pretty funny that you support Fascism when Democrats do😝

NATO Says It Didn't Notice Ukraine Soldier's Apparent National Socialist Symbol in Tweet


https://www.newsweek.com/nato-says-it-didnt-notice-ukraine-soldiers-apparent-National Socialist-symbol-tweet-1686523



Matthew, your apparent black and white analysis of the crisis suggests you've not studied the history.  And I'm fairly certain your assessment of my personal opinion is superficial at best.

Seven Decades of National Socialist Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret

An interview with Russ Bellant, author of Old National Socialists, the New Right, and the Republican Party, by Paul H. Rosenberg and Foreign Policy In Focus. The Nation. March 28, 2014.

‘ . . the history of the region is a history of competing villains vying against one another; and one school of villains—the National Socialists—have a long history of engagement with the United States, mostly below the radar, but occasionally exposed, as they were by Russ Bellant in his book Old National Socialists, the New Right, and the Republican Party (South End Press, 1991). Bellant's exposure of émigré National Socialist leaders from Germany's World War II allies in the 1988 Bush presidential campaign was the driving force in the announced resignation of nine individuals, two of them from Ukraine, which is why he was the logical choice to illuminate the scattered mentions of National Socialist and fascist elements among the Ukrainian nationalists, which somehow never seems to warrant further comment or explanation. Of course most Ukrainians aren’t National Socialists or fascists—all the more reason to illuminate those who would hide their true natures in the shadows…or even behind the momentary glare of the spotlight. (emphasis added)— Paul H. Rosenberg

Rosenberg asks Bellant . . . Your book discusses a central figure in the OUN, Yaroslav Stetsko, who was politically active for decades here in America. What can you tell us about his history?

Russ Bellant:  Yaroslav Stetsko was the number-two leader of the OUN during World War II and thereafter. In 1959, Stepan Bandera, who was head of the OUN, was killed, and that’s when Stetsko assumed the leadership. Stetsko was the guy who actually marched into Lvov with the German army on June 30, 1941. The OUN issued a proclamation at that time under his name praising and calling for glory to the German leader Adolf Hitler and how they’re going to march arm in arm for Ukraine and so forth. After the war, he was part of the key leadership that got picked up by the Americans.

https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/seven-decades-National Socialist-collaboration-americas-dirty-little-ukraine-secret/?fbclid=IwAR2PMgyqipYVYxEhuovzyOiclE-rxQCkK8QKq-yAv5CGpNG1uwWFBVUTnOQ"Seven Decades of National Socialist Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret"

Further to the relevance of Bellant’s 1991 revelations in context of the current Ukraine – Russia crisis, and the long-overlooked implications of Ukraine fascists and N-a-z-i sympathizers in the shadows of the assassination of President Kennedy, the following excerpt from Coup in Dallas . . .  

' . . . [Sy] Hersh observes that [Clark] Mollenhoff, who had covered labor corruption during the 1950s, had been an enthusiastic supporter of Bobby Kennedy’s work as general counsel of the Senate Rackets Committee. Writes Hersh, “The two men had grown apart—the specifics of their dispute could not be learned for this book—and the increasingly conservative [emphasis added] Mollenhoff begun to write extensively, and critically, of the Kennedy administration’s decision in late 1962 to bypass Boeing and award the TFX contract to General Dynamics. Writes Hersh, Mollenhoff’s reporting “was taken most seriously by Bobby Kennedy.”


Indeed, reporter [Clark] Mollenhoff’s conservative leaning was apparent in public settings when in October of 1962 he participated on a panel, “Washington Cover-Up” at Georgetown University alongside the president of the Ukraine Congress Committee of America (UCCA) and Georgetown economics professor Lev Dobriansky, evidenced in a photo in The Ukraine Weekly. In ensuing years, Mollenhoff was not shy about his commitment to anti-communism. A brief mention in an article dated Saturday, April 20, 1974, in The Ukraine Weekly, under the headline, “Anti-communist League Holds 7th Conference In Washington,” provides a window into his public support of the World Anti-communist League (WACL). 


Hosted in D.C. by the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), the conference boasted some twenty-five speakers, representing both free nations and countries under Communist suppression, including autocrat General Anastazio Somoza of Nicaragua and the Hon. Yaroslav Stetsko, former Prime Minister of Ukraine and head of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) since its inception as well as leader of the Organization of Ukranian Nationalists (OUN). The US affiliate of the Stetsko’s ABN, The American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations is infamous among Kennedy researchers for its leading member, Spas Raikin who traveled from Ohio to Hoboken, NJ to meet Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian wife Marina as they arrived from the USSR. 

Among the US speakers at the 1974 WACL conference were prominent Republicans including future congressman John McCain, conservative journalist William F. Buckley, and Prof. Dobriansky. The lengthy article in The Ukraine Weekly continues to describe the events, “The first reception, hosted by three members of the American press, John Chamberlain, King Features Syndicate columnist, Robert Hurleigh, Mutual Broadcasting System columnist, and Clark Mollenhoff, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and Washington Bureau Chief of the "Des Moines Register and Star," was held at the National Press Club.”


Of interest to researchers in pursuit of significant domestic and foreign intrigues in the decades following the assassination implicating yet another web of ideologically aligned forces, at the time of the 1974 WACL conference, the Cowles Communication / Des Moines Register board included Ret. General George Olmsted, close friend to Rear Admiral Arleigh Burke who resigned from the navy before President Kennedy had served a full year as president. Olmsted was the force behind the financial empire that within the decade would be caught up in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal. Later in this investigation, the network of WACL and Stetsko’s ABN, tied to the assassination of Ukranian Stepan Bandera—who led the OUN said to be most closely aligned with Mussolini’s fascism before his assassination, and their affiliation with General Charles Willoughby who is named frequently by Lafitte—will assume greater significance . . .'


It should be noted that Mollenhoff was responsible for advancing the rumors of John Kennedy’s liaisons with East German femme fatale Ellen Rometsch. 



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10 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Matthew, your apparent black and white analysis of the crisis suggests you've not studied the history.  And I'm fairly certain your assessment of my personal opinion is superficial at best.

Seven Decades of National Socialist Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret

An interview with Russ Bellant, author of Old National Socialists, the New Right, and the Republican Party, by Paul H. Rosenberg and Foreign Policy In Focus. The Nation. March 28, 2014.

‘ . . the history of the region is a history of competing villains vying against one another; and one school of villains—the National Socialists—have a long history of engagement with the United States, mostly below the radar, but occasionally exposed, as they were by Russ Bellant in his book Old National Socialists, the New Right, and the Republican Party (South End Press, 1991). Bellant's exposure of émigré National Socialist leaders from Germany's World War II allies in the 1988 Bush presidential campaign was the driving force in the announced resignation of nine individuals, two of them from Ukraine, which is why he was the logical choice to illuminate the scattered mentions of National Socialist and fascist elements among the Ukrainian nationalists, which somehow never seems to warrant further comment or explanation. Of course most Ukrainians aren’t National Socialists or fascists—all the more reason to illuminate those who would hide their true natures in the shadows…or even behind the momentary glare of the spotlight. (emphasis added)— Paul H. Rosenberg

Rosenberg asks Bellant . . . Your book discusses a central figure in the OUN, Yaroslav Stetsko, who was politically active for decades here in America. What can you tell us about his history?

Russ Bellant:  Yaroslav Stetsko was the number-two leader of the OUN during World War II and thereafter. In 1959, Stepan Bandera, who was head of the OUN, was killed, and that’s when Stetsko assumed the leadership. Stetsko was the guy who actually marched into Lvov with the German army on June 30, 1941. The OUN issued a proclamation at that time under his name praising and calling for glory to the German leader Adolf Hitler and how they’re going to march arm in arm for Ukraine and so forth. After the war, he was part of the key leadership that got picked up by the Americans.

https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/seven-decades-National Socialist-collaboration-americas-dirty-little-ukraine-secret/?fbclid=IwAR2PMgyqipYVYxEhuovzyOiclE-rxQCkK8QKq-yAv5CGpNG1uwWFBVUTnOQ"Seven Decades of National Socialist Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret"

Further to the relevance of Bellant’s 1991 revelations in context of the current Ukraine – Russia crisis, and the long-overlooked implications of Ukraine fascists and N-a-z-i sympathizers in the shadows of the assassination of President Kennedy, the following excerpt from Coup in Dallas . . .  

' . . . [Sy] Hersh observes that [Clark] Mollenhoff, who had covered labor corruption during the 1950s, had been an enthusiastic supporter of Bobby Kennedy’s work as general counsel of the Senate Rackets Committee. Writes Hersh, “The two men had grown apart—the specifics of their dispute could not be learned for this book—and the increasingly conservative [emphasis added] Mollenhoff begun to write extensively, and critically, of the Kennedy administration’s decision in late 1962 to bypass Boeing and award the TFX contract to General Dynamics. Writes Hersh, Mollenhoff’s reporting “was taken most seriously by Bobby Kennedy.”


Indeed, reporter [Clark] Mollenhoff’s conservative leaning was apparent in public settings when in October of 1962 he participated on a panel, “Washington Cover-Up” at Georgetown University alongside the president of the Ukraine Congress Committee of America (UCCA) and Georgetown economics professor Lev Dobriansky, evidenced in a photo in The Ukraine Weekly. In ensuing years, Mollenhoff was not shy about his commitment to anti-communism. A brief mention in an article dated Saturday, April 20, 1974, in The Ukraine Weekly, under the headline, “Anti-communist League Holds 7th Conference In Washington,” provides a window into his public support of the World Anti-communist League (WACL). 


Hosted in D.C. by the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), the conference boasted some twenty-five speakers, representing both free nations and countries under Communist suppression, including autocrat General Anastazio Somoza of Nicaragua and the Hon. Yaroslav Stetsko, former Prime Minister of Ukraine and head of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) since its inception as well as leader of the Organization of Ukranian Nationalists (OUN). The US affiliate of the Stetsko’s ABN, The American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations is infamous among Kennedy researchers for its leading member, Spas Raikin who traveled from Ohio to Hoboken, NJ to meet Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian wife Marina as they arrived from the USSR. 

Among the US speakers at the 1974 WACL conference were prominent Republicans including future congressman John McCain, conservative journalist William F. Buckley, and Prof. Dobriansky. The lengthy article in The Ukraine Weekly continues to describe the events, “The first reception, hosted by three members of the American press, John Chamberlain, King Features Syndicate columnist, Robert Hurleigh, Mutual Broadcasting System columnist, and Clark Mollenhoff, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and Washington Bureau Chief of the "Des Moines Register and Star," was held at the National Press Club.”


Of interest to researchers in pursuit of significant domestic and foreign intrigues in the decades following the assassination implicating yet another web of ideologically aligned forces, at the time of the 1974 WACL conference, the Cowles Communication / Des Moines Register board included Ret. General George Olmsted, close friend to Rear Admiral Arleigh Burke who resigned from the navy before President Kennedy had served a full year as president. Olmsted was the force behind the financial empire that within the decade would be caught up in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal. Later in this investigation, the network of WACL and Stetsko’s ABN, tied to the assassination of Ukranian Stepan Bandera—who led the OUN said to be most closely aligned with Mussolini’s fascism before his assassination, and their affiliation with General Charles Willoughby who is named frequently by Lafitte—will assume greater significance . . .'


It should be noted that Mollenhoff was responsible for advancing the rumors of John Kennedy’s liaisons with East German femme fatale Ellen Rometsch. 




Thanks for your contribution here.

I support Ukraine, but we should be honest about the nature of Ukrainian politics, and not whitewash anything. 

I have a side question for you: In decades past, there was a very strong "anti-communist" pillar in US foreign policy. 

Today, of course, Beijing is going full-communist and Russia has evolved into a klepto-capitalist state.

But the CCP-Beijing generally gets a pass in US media, while Moscow is the bad guys. In fact the US media establishment went to great lengths to hide the origins of the Wuhan virus, and censor those who suspected a lab leak.

Today, US foreign policy is not anti-communist anymore. The US is at war with a capitalist nation (Russia) and makes nice with the CCP-Beijing.

No one anymore condemns China for being a communist nation (and becoming more so with each passing year). 

What is your analysis of the present US foreign policy? Who is driving US foreign-military policy?

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48 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Matthew, your apparent black and white analysis of the crisis suggests you've not studied the history.  And I'm fairly certain your assessment of my personal opinion is superficial at best. 

Leslie, you tried to make the case in your afterward that Donald Trump was a Fascist being run by a Jewish Fascist Roy Cohen.. I see now, that asking you to remain logically consistent with the Azov Battalion (literal Neo (N)azi's) being run by Zelensky is too much to ask! 

Maybe check the Allen thread or the Allen Dulles and the Yahtzee's for my post about Bandera, Skorzeny and Ukraine because your cope of "I don't know history" is also humorous to me.. 

"Many argue that no candidacy or presidency has embodied what historian Hobsbawm described as "the ability to get, and get was with, what lesser citizens cannot" more than that of Donald Trump. Under his watch, the rise of hatred of the other and distrust of democratic government culminated on January 6, 2021, in a violent insurrection meant to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power following the 2020 election. Students of 20th-century history, during which the rise of Mussolini's fascism gave birth the (N)azis and Hitler's Third Reich, recognized the parallels between the Weimar Republic- the fragile constitutional democracy that governed Germany before the rise of Adolf Hitler- and the threat that a weak administration of the President-elect would pose to stability and the critical repair of America's experiment in democracy" 

I've never heard anyone refer to Weimar Republic like that, are you sure you understand history? But you are also the person who says [Carolyn Hawley Davis] assumed a respectable role in her community (Director of Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut) Instead of putting into the proper context of Eugenics.. Remember how Planned Parenthood's Margarett Sanger wrote Letters to Hitler about that? 😉 

"Several weeks before Hank Albarelli suffered a health crisis that would soon take his life in June 2019, he summarized for this coauthor, I think serious consideration should be given now to doing 3-4 pages that speak generally to Fourth Reich. Rise of - revamped to these times but true National Socialistsm.." 

What is your main evidence for that? That Trump in an early speech mentioned "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep" We know that it was Il Duce, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was rescued by Hitler's favorite commando, SS Otto Skorzeny; we also know that it was Skorzeny, captured in a cordial if not flagrantly warm photo with Benito's son Romano in 1960, who served as the tactician for the plot to assassinate John Kennedy in Dallas.  



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10 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Yes indeed, Paul. The vassal state peasantry should stick to growing spuds and never forget that the finer points of doublethink, sophistry and gobbledygook are best left to the overlords and attendant grooms of the stool.

Ho!, foo foo John!   Indeed!
John often  fondly recalls his feudal past! Where a past lives reader told him he was a King, ruler over all Overlords!
Now he's fumbling trying to find the "ignore" button.
I've been  noticing you guys across the pond have been  silent about this.
I see now that that the U.K.  regrets Brexit by 55% to 34%!!
It looks like that defiant little romp in College  against Mother and Father Europe has turned into a "full spectrum debacle". Are you going to beg to come back home and get your old room back?  Any thoughts on that? .
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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Thanks for that advice, Chris. How do you put someone on ignore?

You go into your account setting and on the right side there is an ignore users button from there you just type the person's name you want to ignore, remember you will have to put W. to get him to come up. I look at the forum on my phone off line so I still see when he slanders my name and bares false witness against me like I'm a Neo Con Bush Supporter, which is why I still respond to is lunacy.. 

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12 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:


     I think we've all seen the extensive violent J6 Capitol footage-- with the possible exceptions of Mathew Koch and Benjamin Cole, who both adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 hearings last year.

     What we are witnessing on this forum is a microcosm of American society-- including a sub-population that embraces false narratives and refuses to answer questions about the damning evidence.

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